Slave to Sapphire

Chapter 23

That night Iris crept through the Palace Gardens. Samson stuck close to her. The gardens were quiet at night and Iris found their soundless beauty enchanting. The moonlight reflected off the surfaces of the pools and the fog created droplets on overhanging ferns, when a breeze blew through them, they would rain moisture down on Iris. The gardens were large, and Julian probably should have been more specific about their meeting place. Despite her frustration with Julian, Iris was enjoying the peacefulness of the gardens. Samson let out a quiet meow, warning her that Julian was approaching. Iris wasn’t startled when he grabbed her wrist with his calloused hand from the shadows. He tugged her wrist and then dropped it retreating back into the foliage that he had been hiding in. Iris pushed aside a large banana leaf revealing a narrow path through the plants. The path went a short way before it stopped at a small opening. The area was completely surrounded with tropical plants that reached over them forming a canopy. There was a stone bench where Iris found Julian waiting for her. Iris sat beside him.

Julian studied her before speaking. “You look better today. Thank you for meeting me here. It is too risky to always meet in the stables, and despite my amazing skills in being stealthy it was quite difficult for me to get to your rooms without being seen.”

The place Julian had chosen was perfect for secret rendezvouses, Iris could only imagine how many lovers had utilized this meeting place. Iris shook the thoughts of lovers from her mind.

“Have you arranged passage for my friends?”

“Yes, I have; I had a message delivered to Sabine. She knows to attend the hanging with Cora and wait at a specified location on the docks. Once we have Maddox, they will follow us onto the boat. What of the mines?” Julian asked.

Iris took a deep breath. “They are currently working on another level deeper in the mines. I believe they will find a large amount of source stone.”

Iris didn’t miss the eagerness in Julian’s expression as he took in the information.

“How do you plan to get me out of the Palace?”

“You won’t be able to leave the Palace via carriage. Ezekiel has required that all of the carriages including their trunks be searched when they leave the Palace the day of the hanging.”

Iris cursed, Ezekiel hadn’t completely believed her lie about not having attachments to Maddox.

“I am assuming you have another plan for getting me out.”

“You will ride with Maddox.”

“What!?!” Iris hissed, Samson was equally shocked hissing in agreement.

“When they transport Maddox from the Palace to the gallows, they will also use the opportunity to bring any dead prisoners to be disposed of off the docks. I have been informed that the merchant Horatio who was being held in the dungeons has recently succumbed to his torture. You just need to sneak into the dungeons again, hide yourself in the body bag with said dead prisoner and they will load you in the prisoner cart with Maddox.”

Iris looked at Maddox with horror until she realized that he was serious, and this was the plan for getting her out of the Palace. “Sounds simple enough”.

Julian then filled her in on the rest of the plan for rescuing Maddox, it involved an explosion and a good amount of luck.

“Ezekiel is letting me work in his study alone while he attends the trial, is there any information in particular that you need?” Iris wanted to make sure that Julian was committed to ensuring Maddox, Cora and Sabine’s escape.

Julian raised an eyebrow. “Is he now?” Julian then listed several pieces of information that he wanted Iris to copy for him.

“I should be able to get all that information without too much difficulty. I will give you everything once we are on the boat to Volos.”

Julian smiled “You still don’t trust me, do you?”

“No,” She responded.


The following morning Iris woke up early and took her time bathing in the hot baths. Today would be her last day spent with Ezekiel, the thought made her sad. Maybe in a different life if she had been born a wealthy lady into a comfortable life, she could have loved someone like Ezekiel. Iris slid under the hot water of the baths and imagined falling in love with Ezekiel and spending her life working beside him to make Orinth better. Her head broke the surface of the water and she banished all thoughts of the daydream from her mind.

When Iris entered the study, Ezekiel must have sensed something about her mood and gave her a wide smile. He was captivating when he smiled at her like that. Iris soaked up the last day working quietly in the study. She didn’t worry about secretly taking notes, she would have plenty of time tomorrow. Ezekiel suggested they take their lunch in the gardens. The conversation between them was easy and light. The warm spring day pushed Iris’ dark memories further below the surface. At the end of the day, they ate dinner together in study. Both of them feeding scraps of food from their plates to Samson. Normally Iris would head back to her room after dinner, but she hesitated. Ezekiel asked if she would like to share a glass of port with him and she agreed. They sat on the couch together sipping their port.

“Play a game with me?” Ezekiel had a playful grin on his face.

“What kind of game?” Iris’ interest was piqued.

“A card game, unless there is another kind of game you would like to play?”

Iris smacked him on the shoulder. “What card game?”

Ezekiel retrieved a deck of cards from his desk drawer and returned to the couch beside Iris. “We each draw a card and whoever’s card is higher has to answer a question.”

Iris laughed. “That’s not a very complicated game, and what if I don’t want to answer your questions?”

“If you recall I am not very good at math so I can only play the simplest card games. And you can make it a condition that you don’t have to answer any question you don’t want to.”

“Fine, let’s play.”

“I love your enthusiasm.”

They each drew a card. Ezekiel’s was higher. “What color were your eyes before?”

Iris had to think. She couldn’t remember. Her sister Anna’s eyes had been brown. Iris was pretty sure that they had the same-colored eyes. “Dark brown.”

Ezekiel drew a higher card a second time. Iris groaned. “Did you really attack one of the kitchen staff?”

Iris scoffed. “I was defending your honor.”

Ezekiel’s laugh was unrestrained. “I will take that as a yes.”

Iris snatched another card smiling when Ezekiel’s was lower. Iris thought back on her confrontation in the kitchen. “How many times have you paid for a prostitute’s services in Scarlet Town?”

“Oh Iris, I have never had to pay for sex.” Iris’ mouth fell open and she quickly closed it. The playful grin fell from Ezekiel’s face. “I do not pretend that the nights I spent out in Scarlet Town, after my mother’s death, were above reproach. But I went out to Scarlet Town in search of something.” His thoughtful gaze lingered on Iris. “I guess I was searching for meaning.”

Iris was startled by the openness and yearning in his face. She snatched up another card motioning for Ezekiel to do the same. Ezekiel’s was higher again. “This game is rigged,” Iris complained.

“It’s not my fault that you wasted your turn on a pointless question about me paying for sex.” Ezekiel took a sip of his port, the dark red drink staining his lips. Iris dropped her gaze to her own drink. “Do you miss your life in Scarlet Town?” He asked.

“Yes and no. I miss Sabine and Cora. Cora is the name of the girl who I sold the source stone for. I was initially drawn to helping her because she reminded me of my sister Anna. But Cora is nothing like her. Anna was sensitive, shy and full of compassion. Cora is bold and her wit can be cutting, but she is uncompromising in her loyalty.” Iris smiled as she spoke of Cora.

“How did you meet Sabine?”

“You will have to win again to find out.”

“For a retired criminal you are very strict about following the rules.”

They drew again, Iris picking the higher card. “Why aren’t you married?”

Ezekiel looked away for a moment. “I was engaged to be married, but it didn’t work out.”


“You will have to win again to find out.” Ezekiel taunted.

Iris rolled her eyes. “It didn’t work out is not an answer.”

“Fine, it didn’t work out because she is now happily married to my brother Jedidiah. It was one week before our wedding when I found them in a compromising position in the Palace Gardens.”

Iris almost spit out her port. “I am so sorry, Ezekiel.”

“Thank you, but I have had thirty years to come to terms with it.”

“And I thought that Imogen was the most terrible of your siblings.”

Ezekiel laughed again. “She is not that bad once you get to know her.”

“I will have to take your word for it. I met Sabine in Exodus Gang. We were both forced to join the same year. We always dreamed of opening up a shop in Lavender District. We could never agree upon what we would sell though.”

Ezekiel studied Iris; he almost didn’t believe her relaxed mood. “I know it must be hard knowing that your acquaintance is to be executed, even if you were not close to him. I am sorry you have to go through this.”

The statement reminded her of everything that brought her up to this point.

Iris looked away. “Thank you; it is difficult. I did not know the man well, but I assume his choices were not much different from mine. Yet he is the one to be executed.”

Ezekiel set his glass down and inched closer to Iris, he took her hand in his and she turned to face him. “Iris, you have to know that I will never let anything happen to you, you are safe with me. I know there is still more you aren’t telling me. When you are ready to trust me with everything, I will not turn my back on you.”

Iris’ eyes fell to his lips, his closeness was intoxicating, she lifted her eyes again to meet his gaze. “I wish I didn’t need you to be safe,” she whispered. Iris pulled away from Ezekiel and stood from the couch. “I should be leaving.”

“Tomorrow after the trial, I can meet you in the study for dinner?”

Iris nodded and left.

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