Slave to Sapphire

Chapter 17

The next day, Iris sat with Ezekiel on the couch in his study while they ate lunch. The fresh juice served with lunch was the perfect combination of tartness and sweetness. Iris frowned at how quickly she had gotten used to being served meals made up of quality ingredients. It was in sharp juxtaposition to the wilting food she had always consumed in Scarlet Town. Iris drained her juice and set her glass down. She needed to figure out a way to ask Ezekiel to deliver a message to Sabine for her.

Iris was still rattled by Julian’s question and before she could think it through, Iris blurted, “Why did you only give me one year of life when I was dying?”

Ezekiel didn’t seem shocked by the question, but he took his time to think before answering. “Because, that is not what is done, servants are given one year of life as part of their payment for working.”

“Maybe the way it’s done is wrong.”

“If servants were given longer than a year, what would encourage them to work hard?”

Iris sighed with exasperation. “The need for food, shelter, fulfillment, purpose,” she listed on her fingers.

“You do have a convincing argument, but this is the way it has been done for hundreds of years. The elite will never change their ways.”

“You are one of the elites, and you are at least listening to me.”

Ezekiel’s face softened and he placed a hand on Iris’ knee. “I have already told you that I will make sure you don’t run out of source. Maybe one day you will allow me to give you all that I have. If I had given you more than one year of source that night, there would be certain expectations about our relationship.”

Iris swallowed; she wasn’t ready to accept the full meaning of Ezekiel’s statement. “I do have a favor to ask of you.”


“I don’t want to return to my life in Scarlet Town, but I can’t help but think of my friend who l left behind. She must believe me dead. I was wondering if you would be willing to deliver a message to her saying that I am safe and well cared for.”

“Of course, I will deliver your message, I should be able to arrange for a carriage to take me sometime next week.”

Iris was overly conscious of the heat that emanated from Ezekiel’s hand where it rested on her knee. “Do you think you could go tonight? Now that you have agreed to it, I feel I can’t wait to have the message delivered.”

“Do you truly feel safe here with me?”

For once Iris did not have to lie to Ezekiel, “With you, it is the first time in my life that I have felt safe.” Iris had many thoughts and opinions about Ezekiel, but she knew he would never intentionally hurt her.

Ezekiel lifted his hand from her knee and cupped the side of her face rubbing his thumb across her cheek. Iris was drawn into the blue depths of his eyes, his touch making her body come alive.

Ezekiel’s voice was low when he spoke, “I know you hate what the color of your eyes signifies, but to me they are beautiful, to me they signify strength.” Ezekiel dropped his hand from her face and Iris let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Write the message and I will deliver it tonight.”

Iris rose slowly and walked to her desk. She took a clean sheet of paper and wrote a brief note letting Sabine know she was alive.

“Her name is Sabine and she works at Violet House.” There was some risk in revealing her connection to Sabine, but she trusted Ezekiel not to betray her.

Ezekiel’s forehead wrinkled when he realized the profession of Iris’ friend.

“The strength that you see in the color of my eyes is no different than the strength that is needed to survive as a prostitute in Scarlet Town.”

Ezekiel nodded, “Another good point.”

The sun had dipped below the Palace walls when Iris returned to her room. She sat down on her bed and took her splint off. Her ankle was still tender and a deep shade of purple, but the swelling had gone down significantly. She removed the splint and re-wrapped her ankle with the leather strap alone. She was then able to squeeze her foot into her boot. When she stood on the ankle it was painful, she would have to manage. Her injury complicated things. Iris thought with envy about the elites. Eternal youth was not the only benefit of having their source stones constantly filled to one hundred years, the extra source also prevented illness and allowed them to heal quickly from non-fatal injuries.

Iris re-braided her hair and tucked it beneath her shirt. She secured her dagger to her hip and threw her cloak over her shoulders. She waited for the sun to fully set before she made her way to the stables, avoiding the guards. Samson stalked beside her with a hunter’s grace.

Julian was illuminated by the moonlight, his form leaning against the stables. It was another rare night when the air was free of the thick ocean fog. When Iris came into sight, Julian silently walked over to one of the Grand Ruler’s official carriages and opened the trunk that was secured to the back. Iris peered into the trunk; it was going to be a tight fit even for her. She climbed in, having to lie on her back with her knees pulled to her chest. Once she was situated, she nodded to Julian, he gave her a wink and lowered the lid. The lid closed with a soft click. The darkness in the trunk was complete and she could already feel the discomfort of her cramped position. It was stuffy in the trunk; it wasn’t completely airtight though. There was a hint of breeze coming in through the seams of the wood.

Time dragged on with a maddening slowness as she waited.

Cerise! What was Ezekiel doing? Iris must have been cramped in the trunk for at least an hour, she had lost all feeling in her legs. There was a gentle knock on the side of the trunk.

“Still alive in there?” whispered Julian.

“Barely,” she grumbled.

“He should be here soon.”

It felt like another half hour passed before she heard Ezekiel greeting Julian.

“I have the carriage readied for you, Sir.”

The carriage moved under Ezekiel’s weight as he opened the door and seated himself inside.

“Fancy seeing you here, Samson. I guess you will be joining me.”

Iris rolled her eyes at the image of Samson leaping into the carriage with Ezekiel to enjoy a ride into Scarlet Town. She held her breath as the carriage rolled into motion. The carriage paused at the gates and there was a brief exchange between Julian and the guards followed by the loud groaning of the Palace gates opening. The carriage rolled through the gates and on to the cobblestone streets of the Lavender District. Upon exiting the Palace gates a heaviness was lifted from Iris’ chest. Her heart rate picked up at the knowledge of being out of the Palace grounds, her plan was successful, so far. Her excitement faded after spending several minutes being jostled in the trunk while the carriage wheels bounced over the cobblestone streets. With each bump feeling returned to her cramped legs and she longed for the uncomfortable numbness that she had felt earlier. Was Julian purposely driving over the most uneven portions of the streets? Was this payback for knocking him on his ass the other night? Iris had to stifle a groan when the carriage hit a particularly large hole and her forehead hit the top of the trunk followed by her landing hard on her shoulder blades and tail bone. Iris could cry with relief when she felt the carriage roll into the muddy streets of Scarlet Town. The streets of Scarlet Town were in far worse condition for a carriage, and Julian planned to drop Ezekiel at the edge of Scarlet Town. An official carriage would draw too much attention.

The carriage rolled to a stop. The carriage shifted as Ezekiel stepped out of it.

“Wait for me here, I won’t belong.” Instructed Ezekiel.

A short amount of time passed, Julian’s footsteps squelched in the mud and the trunk clicked open. Iris’ body was stiff and cramped; she sat up with difficulty. The familiar smells of Scarlet Town were welcome after breathing the musty stale air in the trunk. Iris swung her legs over the edge of the trunk, the blood flow returning to her legs with the sensation of hundreds of spiders racing up them. She extended her tingling legs to the ground. When her feet hit the ground, they cramped and gave out beneath her. Julian grabbed her elbow and steadied her.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Julian’s face was cast in doubt.

Iris glared at him. “I just need a minute for the cramping in my legs to pass.”

“Well don’t take too long. Ezekiel will be headed straight towards Violet House.”

Iris jerked her elbow from Julian’s grasp, she rolled her shoulders and shook out both of her legs.

“Ezekiel doesn’t know Scarlet Town like I do; I will make it to Violet House well before he does.” With that Iris took off at a sprint. Her ankle screamed with pain; she ignored it. She wound her way through the narrow alleyways, taking a shortcut that caused her to squeeze through a place between two buildings that was so narrow she had to turn her shoulders sideways. When she reached Violet House, she paused and hid in the shadows watching the entrance. There was no sign of Ezekiel approaching and it would have been impossible for him to have reached the brothel before her. Iris recognized the bouncer at the door as a member of Exodus Gang, another man from Exodus sat out front with his feet propped up on the railing while he smoked a pipe.

Iris ducked back into the alley way and made her way to the back of Violet House. Sabine’s window was illuminated by a flickering candle, the sight gave her a flashback of the last time she had climbed through her window. Iris clinched her fist, her nails digging into her palms. “I will make Lucious pay,” she whispered. Iris gripped the side of the building and began her climb, the muscles in her arms burning from the extra effort of climbing with her injured ankle. Her hands finally grasped Sabine’s windowsill and she hefted herself onto it. Iris paused and listened, she could hear Sabine washing herself, her customer must have just left.

Iris eased through the open window. Sabine looked up from her wash basin and covered her mouth to block her scream of shock. Sabine’s pale skin looked even paler, there were dark circles under her eyes and her soft curves had hardened. Comprehension dawned on Sabine, and she ran towards Iris. Iris did not resist when Sabine took her into a warm embrace. Iris was overcome by the comfort she felt with the familiarity of Sabine. It took all of her self-control to remove herself from Sabine’s embrace. Seeing Sabine made Iris acutely aware of the loneliness she had felt the past couple of weeks. Iris wanted nothing more than to sit on her friend’s bed and tell her everything that happened while they shared a bottle of whiskey. But her time was limited; Ezekiel could arrive at any moment.

“Sabine, I have so much to tell you,” Iris said, her voice strained with emotion.

“Cora and I thought you were dead. Where have you been?” There were tears streaming down the freckles that dusted Sabine’s cheeks.

“It’s complicated and I don’t have much time to explain. I have been working in the Grand Ruler’s Palace as a servant. Maddox is alive and he is being held prisoner in the dungeons. He is going to stand trial for the azure shipment; once they find him guilty, they plan to execute him.” Sabine sank on to the bed, stunned with everything Iris had just told her. “The trial is to take place in a week, and they are building gallows for him down by the docks. I don’t think there is any way to free him while he is in the Palace dungeons, but I plan to free him down at the docks before he is executed.”

Sabine was still at a loss for words.

“Shortly there is going to be a man who knocks at the door and delivers a message that is from me. Take the message and don’t let him know that I have come to see you.”

Sabine nodded. “Iris this is all too much, I am still coming to terms with the fact that you and Maddox are alive.”

Iris knelt before Sabine and took her hands. “Sabine, I am going to need your and Cora’s help to pull this off.” Sabine took a breath and straightened her shoulders, asking, “Okay, what else do you need from me?”

“I am working with a spy from Volos, and he will make sure you get the information you need in the coming days. I am going to figure out a way to get you, me, Cora, and Maddox out of Orinth.”

Sabine shook her head. “We can’t leave; where would we go?”

“We will go to Volos. We have no choice, Lucious double crossed me. He is the one who tipped the Inspectors off about the shipment. Once we free Maddox there will be nowhere in Orinth that is safe.”

“I always knew Lucious to be evil, but what motive would he have to cross you and lose the azure shipment?”

“There is too much to explain. Just keep away from Lucious, and don’t tell Cora anything until it’s absolutely necessary.”

“She will want to know you are alive; she has been devastated.”

“She will know soon enough; Cora has not learned to lie as you and I have.”

Sabine nodded in agreement.

“I have to go.” Sabine pulled Iris into another firm embrace. Iris inhaled her familiar smell of rosewater and soap. She gave Sabine’s red locks a gentle tug and pulled away from her. Iris thought she had said her final goodbye to Sabine the night she met Ezekiel. Saying goodbye to her friend a second time was even more difficult. Sabine gave Iris a small smile and Iris slipped out the window. Sabine slid her window shut behind Iris.

Iris had climbed more than half-way down when her injured ankle slipped on the side of the building causing her to fall to the ground. This can’t be happening again. The fall wasn’t far. She landed directly on her sprained ankle. There was no holding back the scream of anguish that was wrenched from her when she collapsed to the ground. Her scream was lost in the noise of the brothel and the bar. Iris rolled onto her side panting; tears of pain were welling up in her eyes. She looked down at her ankle and had to bite back another scream. Her ankle was bent at a ninety-degree angle with a jagged piece of bone poking through her skin. Fuck. What was she supposed to do? The pain was so extreme she could barely think, there was no way that she was going to make it back to the carriage. Julian would probably cut his losses before sneaking back out into Scarlet Town to retrieve her. Maddox would be executed, and Lucious would continue on. Her careful planning had failed once again. Why did she even try? Iris wished she had died that night she had met Ezekiel. She rolled onto her back and focused on the shard of the night sky outlined by the sagging buildings. The cold mud seeped into her cloak, she imagined herself sinking into the mud until it buried her.

Samson meowed softly and crept towards her. His tongue was rough on her cheek as he licked away her tears. He put his paws on her chest and fixed his luminous green eye on her. Iris would not give up; she would not let Maddox die and she would hold Lucious accountable. Iris growled, Samson removed his paws from her chest and sat beside her, waiting for her to take action. She was not sure why she thought to try what she did next, maybe it was the delirium of pain. She focused on the life source that filled her source stone. She closed her eyes and could sense it as if it were a separate living thing. She held the pulsing life in her mind and willed some of it to flow to her ankle. The pain in her ankle eased and then there was a searing heat as the bones in her ankle straightened and knitted together. Iris gasped and opened her eyes. Her ankle appeared normal, only the multicolored bruise remained. Iris sat up and flexed her ankle, there was no pain. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. There was a red glow in her peripheral vision. Iris glanced down to her cuff on her left arm. Her source stone glowed a dark red.

“Dreck.” She would worry about that and what she had just discovered later. She needed to get back to Julian and the carriage. Iris stood and hesitantly put weight on her ankle, still no pain. Samson rubbed his body against her leg to assure her that what had just happened was real.

Iris slinked back into the shadows of the alleyway, marveling at the ease in which she used her previously injured ankle. She decided to circle back to the front of the brothel and wait for Ezekiel to leave before she headed back to the carriage. Once she saw him leaving then she would race ahead to the carriage. She did not relish the idea of being cramped in the trunk while she waited for Ezekiel to deliver her message to Sabine and potentially dally in the bar below. She didn’t have to wait long for Ezekiel to exit Violet House. He made his way out the entrance and headed down the main street. Iris did not like the way the two members from Exodus gang eyed him as he exited. Ezekiel had disguised himself wearing simple clothes, but his clothes were still much nicer than the average person in Scarlet Town, and the way that he carried himself betrayed him further. The gang members would never guess that he was one of the Grand Ruler’s sons, they probably thought he was a wealthy merchant and an easy mark.

Iris cursed under her breath when she saw them peel away from the Brothel in pursuit of Ezekiel. Iris scaled the building that she hid by. It would be easier to avoid being seen if she followed them using the rooftops. She didn’t want to interfere until she knew Ezekiel was in danger. Ezekiel continued on his way at a brisk pace, unaware that he was being followed. Iris followed along leaping over the narrow alleys from rooftop to rooftop. She knew the roofs of Scarlet Town as well as she knew its streets and alleys. Samson stayed with her taking the lead and then circling back. Iris felt invigorated by the skill and physicality that was required to move along the rooftops. When she lived in Scarlet Town, she had found solace when she and Samson would move above the city together.

Iris drew her attention back to Ezekiel; the men were closing in on him and he sensed that something was wrong. Ezekiel halted; his stance wide as he scanned the shadows. One of the men rushed at Ezekiel. Ezekiel surprised Iris by landing a punch square in the man’s jaw. The man stumbled, but regained his balance and then swung at Ezekiel, Ezekiel ducked and avoided the punch. The man kicked and Ezekiel turned so the kick hit his thigh. Rich boy knows how to fight! thought Iris. Ezekiel then pulled a dagger from his boot and struck the man in his temple with the handle; the man fell hard to the ground.

The second man advanced from the shadows and grabbed the dagger from Ezekiel’s hand. The second man was a more skilled fighter. They exchanged blows, with Ezekiel only landing one or two. Soon the man had backed Ezekiel against the building that Iris was perched on. The man had his forearm pinned against Ezekiel’s throat, his other hand reaching for a dagger. There wasn’t much time until the man gutted Ezekiel with his knife and then searched his corpse for valuables. If she wanted to save him, she would have to act now and deal with repercussions of sneaking out of the Palace.

Iris jumped from the roof and tucked into a roll landing behind them. She stood and pulled her dagger. Lunging forward she slid the dagger between the man’s ribs penetrating his lung. She pulled the dagger out, her hand wet with warm blood. The man coughed, painting Ezekiel’s face with bright red blood. Iris stabbed the man a second time in the lower back, angling the blade so it would pierce his kidney. When she slid out her dagger the man dropped to the ground. His corpse lay on the ground between Iris and a stunned Ezekiel. Ezekiel’s blood-spattered face was one of shock and fear as he took Iris in.

Iris whirled around at the sound of Samson growling. The first man Ezekiel had knocked out was standing his right hand raised, his dagger hurtling through the air towards Iris’ head. Time slowed; Samson used his powerful haunches to launch himself into the air in front of Iris. The dagger landed with a meaty thud into Samson’s side, Samson snarled and fell to the ground. He landed on all four feet but collapsed with a yowling sound. The man rushed at Iris; her dagger was still clutched in her blood-soaked hand. Iris threw herself at him and buried her dagger deep into his eye so that it sunk into his brain. She pulled her dagger out and hot blood sprayed across her and she landed a kick to his stomach so that his corpse fell away from her.

Iris spun to face Ezekiel, the red blood on his face starkly contrasted with his pale skin. He hadn’t moved; he was frozen in a state of shock from the horror that had just happened. Iris grabbed his shoulders forcing him to look at her.

“Go back to the carriage now!” Ezekiel dumbly stared back at her. Now was not the time for this. Iris slapped him across the face. “Go now, we won’t be alone for long, and you aren’t going to like the company.”

Ezekiel turned in the direction of the carriage.

“Run! I will meet you there.”

Ezekiel hesitated and looked at Iris; there was fear in his eyes, but it was for her and not of her.

“I will be fine, I promise, I will be right behind you.”

Ezekiel nodded and took off in a run. Iris frantically started scanning the street for Samson. He had managed to drag himself a short way from where he had landed, leaving a trail of dark blood. Iris rushed over to him falling hard on her knees beside him. The dagger was still stuck in his soft belly. His breathing was labored, when Iris rested a hand on his side, he weakly lifted his head so his one eye could take her in. Samson was only able to produce a frail meow, before his head fell back down to the ground. A wail broke from Iris’ chest as Samson’s heart struggled to beat beneath her hands. Iris couldn’t stop the sobs that raked through her body, she cried for Samson as she had not let herself cry for her family. She couldn’t lose Samson; he was her last connection to Anna and he was the only being who truly saw all of Iris and all she had done and accepted her. Samson’s death would cause the wall that held back all her grief to crumble. It would be her undoing.

Iris pulled the dagger from Samson’s side and closed her eyes searching for what life remained in her source stone. She couldn’t find it. Iris breathed deeply, swallowing her cries of sorrow and pushed her mind harder. She felt the faintest flicker of life source brush against her senses. She took hold of what remained of her life source and willed it into Samson. His breathing evened and his heart beat more strongly beneath her hands. Iris felt lightheaded and she sank down, leaning back on her heels. She had done it. Samson lifted his head, stared at her intensely with his green eye. She moved her hand to scratch his face and he licked her fingers with his coarse tongue. Iris looked down at her source stone afraid of what she would see. The stone was almost clear with a faint red glow. She looked back at Samson, he was struggling to stand. She had saved him from his fatal wound, but he would still need time to recover.

Iris stood and picked up Samson slinging his limp but living body over her shoulders. “Here we go again Samson.” Iris took off at a sprint towards the carriage. Ezekiel better have made it back to the carriage.

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