Skye's Arrival

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Four

They fall in silence while Gerrickson works to remove the totoalin teeth from my leg. Rafi is holding my hand and hands things to Gerrickson. Even though I’m stardazed, I can feel how tense they both are. After Gerrickson has wrapped my leg, they leave me with Dawn to get me dressed.

“Skye, I know a lot is going on right now, but I want you to remember that you can call on me when you have a need. Even if it is just to talk.” She squeezes my hand and holds me up against her chest. “You’ve got some big things ahead of you sister. Just keep going until this thing is over.”

“Are you ready?” Rafi’s voice says, growing closer as I hear him walking towards us.

“She dressed. I put her in shorts so we can keep an eye on her leg. She’s in a baggy shirt for some comfort, and I pulled her hair to the side so she can see when she comes to.”

“You thought of everything,” Rafi comments, picking me up.

“It’s the only thing I can do for her lately. I couldn’t even protect her from a stupid fish.”

“A fish that shouldn’t even be up here. Normally they bite and run. This one was trying to drag her away.”

“Are you telling me, someone sent that thing after her,” Dawn demands, rage evident in her voice.

“I attacked that thing. It didn’t care that I was actively plowing my sword through its body. It kept going after her.” I feel Rafi swing up on the horse with me. “I know Alona’s skill is tracking, especially through animals.”

“So Alona isn’t far behind.” Dawn muses. “I think a surprise attack is in order. When she shows, hit the stone on Skye’s wrist three times.”

“I can do that.” Dawn touches my face. “You know, she’s never been this restful under Koan’s influence.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means it’s something to think about,” Dawn tells him then kisses my head. “She’ll be up in a few hours. Rest Skye, while you can. That was a nasty bite.”

“Okay, I can’t figure you two out,” Gerrickson starts after a few moments they have made it out of camp. “Do you like each other, or hate each other?”

“We like each other in a protective sister and protective brother way. We both tend to overreact when it comes to Skye’s safety.”

“But for very different reasons,” Rafi says almost quietly. “After what she’s been through, Dawn is trying to protect her. I understand it, and I hate it, but there isn’t anything I can do about that; other than to give both of them time.”

“I guess that’s fair,” Gerrickson says, allowing them to fall into silence. After a minute or so, Rafi starts humming, lulling me into a tranquil sleep. I don’t have the energy to fight it at the moment.

When I wake we are on the shores of a lake. The sun is rising, making the clear turquoise water appear as if it’s glowing. This is Onald Lake. Rainbow-colored flowers are floating on the surface. The sand is a beautiful peach color and I can see shells resting on the sand. Gerrickson might not believe this is a beach, but it certainly resembles one.

Rafi and Gerrickson are laid on their bedrolls, swords next to their heads. Slowly, I stand and crouch next to Rafi. I grab his sword and strap it to my waist. Silently, I kiss his cheek. After I’ve been properly weighed down, I tap on the stone in my hand.

Dawn pops up next to me, wearing something different for once. She has her hair clipped back and is wearing a black halter and shorts. She gives me a raised eyebrow. “What are you up to?”

I smile at her, amused by her caution. “I’m going to dive to get the next ingredient. Watch the boys please.”

She folds her arms, her lip twitching in an amused thought. “Rafi is going to have a fit if he wakes to find you gone.”

“I know, but if Alona really is following us, I want to get moving. Besides, Rafi won’t let me dive, and I’m the only one that knows where and how to harvest the next ingredient.”

“Which is,” she asks.

I sigh and lean in close to whisper in her ear. “Digested shale. Do you have a knife I can borrow?”

Dawn gives me an appraising eye as she reaches to her thigh. “What does that even mean,” she asks while handing me a small dagger.

“Just what I said,” I say just before taking it.

“Okay, but Rafi is going to dive down after you,” Dawn says, looking at me; still seeming a bit worried. “Maybe if I pretend to be you in your bedroll, it will stall him.”

“Here is hoping. If I’m not back in twenty, send him after me.” I kiss her cheek then wade into the water.

The water could be warmer, but it’s not freezing. I dive when it gets up to my waist. When I get to the point I need to be, marked by several broken rocks, I dive down. I hug Rafi’s sword to my chest as I dive further into the water. The fish swim past me, the majority being red sunrine. Their meat is delicate and will melt in your mouth if cooked properly. I might need to see if the boys will allow me to go fishing.

When I get to the bottom, I run my hand over the powder blue sand. My fingers trail lightly on the sand, waiting for my prey. Within minutes, a stone fish jumps out of the sand and lunges for my hand. Quickly, I pin it down before it can bite me. I flip it over, slice open its belly, and cut out its stomach. I toss the carcass to a swimming baron fish. Within seconds, it’s swallowed whole by its charcoal jaws.

I tuck the stomach and its contents into my top and swim to the surface. When my head pops out of the water there is utter chaos. I feel anger in my chest as I swim toward the distracted parties. Currently, Dawn is fighting Koan. He’s pinned her and is screaming at her, trying to demand where I am. Gerrickson is trying to pull Alona from Rafi while Heathe has Gerrickson in a headlock. It’d be comical if it wasn’t so serious.

I emerge from the water and throw my blade into the back of Heathe’s head. “Morte,” I yell, announcing my presence while I draw Rafi’s sword. Koan’s head snaps up, his eyes landing on me as I walk over to him. Not even sparing him a glance, I stab the sword into his back. “Morte,” I say as he reaches for me.

“Dawn,” I say when she’s free.

“On it,” she growls, launching to her feet and running straight for Alona. I toss her the sword. I pull Gerrickson off of Alona and kick her elbow, breaking her stance. Quickly, I yank her hair and flip her on her back. Dawn doesn’t hesitate and slams the blade into Alona’s heart.

I follow the blade and grab Alona’s beating heart in her chest. Dawn touches my arm and speaks with me. “Mors aufertur, interitus finitur aufer hanc vitam.”

We both lose strength, but she falls into me, making me lose balance as we fall into Alona’s disappearing form; while she’s screaming in extreme agony.

A dark laugh comes to my right, making me look up. A man with pale skin and long greasy black hair is stepping out of the trees and into view. He’s hugely muscular and is just under seven feet tall. Adam. “There is the Skye I know.”

“Get away from her,” Rafi yells, getting to his feet.

Adams doesn’t even look at him. “Are you coming with me the easy way or the hard way?” He asks, stepping towards me.

I maintain my composure as I look at him. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Okay, I know I’m not going to win a physical fight with him. Even when I was fully healed, and before all of this, he’d kick my ass every time. Now that he’s motivated, and I’m like this, I barely will last a few seconds.

Adam smirks, “It’s cute that you think you have a choice. As long as Koan wants you, I will fulfill his wish. Even if you smell like his brother.” He cocks his head. “Why do you reek of Rafiale’s venom?”

I get to my feet. “Because a totoalin lost its teeth in my leg.”

Adam grins, “So you’re still weaker than anticipated. Your body couldn’t push the teeth out.”

“Don’t rub it in,” I tell him; grabbing Rafi’s sword.

Adam takes another step toward me. Rafi grabs Gerrickson’s sword and runs to attack him. Without even blinking, Adam shifts his arm into a sword and stabs it into Rafi’s chest. “Morte,” he says, making Rafi disappear.

My heart stops, but I maintain my composure. I hold out my hand, stopping Gerrickson. Adam looks at Dawn at my feet, taking his eyes off me. I twitch my hand slightly, signaling for Gerrickson to take a few steps forward. I return my hand to its original position.

Adam gives me a hard look. “How is Dawn outside your body?”

“Dawn is still a part of me,” I answer; knowing full well Adam can spot a lie before I can think of it.

“Then how is she outside of you?” He demands, anger starting to show on his face.

Dawn stands at that point. I’m a little worried. Usually, she’s the first one up. “I’m still a part of her.”

Adam glares at us, perplexion seen, but mostly frustration. “How did you do this Skyeliera?”

“Who said it was her,” Gerrickson says, quickly deflecting the attention off of us momentarily.

Adam doesn’t even spare him a glance. “Because Skye’s talent extends further than anything your mortal brain can conjure up.”

I honestly think that’s the first time Adam has complimented me. Sort of. Dawn steps in front of me and starts walking toward him. “And she’s worth more than what your pathetic master deserves.”

Adam’s eyes begin to glow at that point. “She’s exactly what he deserves. There is no one else held in his caliber.”

“Do you agree with what he’s doing?” Dawn demands.

“I don’t care what he does. He’s my charge, and she’s his wife.”

“Ex-wife,” Dawn and I bark.

“Not in his mind, and that’s what I care about.” Adam picks up his pace, making Dawn run at him. She manages to land one punch before his responding one sends her into the lake.

“Dawn,” I yell, refusing to take my eyes off Adam.

Adam smirks. “You’re starting to piss me off, Skye. Now come along, or I’m going going to drag you the whole way by your hair.”

“I’d like to see you try,” I cry, racing towards Adam. I toss the sword to Gerrickson when I’m a foot from him. I kick low as I duck, connecting with Adam’s knee. I take a quick step around Adam, but he grabs me by my throat and pins me to the ground.

Adam glares at me. “How did you separate you and Dawn?”

“She’s still a part of me,” I spit out. Adam cries out in agony, loosening his hold on my throat. “Morte,” I yell, kicking him off me.

I don’t even wait for Adam to fall before I’m up. “Dawn!” I cry out, running towards the lake. I can see her fighting to keep her head up, but she hasn’t gone under. Without hesitation, I dive into the water and go to her.

“Kick with me,” I tell her quickly as I wrap one arm around her waist, keeping her head above water.

After a few minutes of struggling, I manage to get her to shore. Gerrickson helps me drag her out of the water. I set her down and we both collapse on the wet sand. Dawn is coughing up water while I hold her hand. She turns to look at me, smiles, and then closes her eyes.

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