Skye's Arrival

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

“Where to?” Rafi asks once we officially are out of earshot of the camp.

“The Willow Mountains.” I say when we’ve left the camp.

“Are you insane?” Gerrickson demands. “There is nothing there but sand and trees.”

I roll my eyes. “And?”

He groans. “That’s a ten day ride.”

“And?” I ask, making Rafi chuckle.

“It’s ten days!” Gerrickson nearly shouts.

“Yelling about it isn’t going to make it any closer.” I sigh. “Look, I need six things to make this blade. I can get two of them there. So it’s either we do it now, or I’m going to just go alone.”

“We’ll go.” Rafi says, a little dark note in his voice. “Ger, just stop.”

“That’s twenty days. Ten to get there, ten to get back.”

“It’s either that, or I’m leaving you here.” Rafi says, finality in his voice as he urges Fidda to a quicker pace.

“Alright, what’s with your mood?” Gerrickson asks, leading the other horse and his own to keep up with us.

“What mood?”

“You’ve been a grump all morning. What is with you?”

“Arguing with Dawn didn’t exactly make it a perfect start.” Rafi answers, keeping his tone neutral.

“Okay, then what killed it before Dawn showed up?”

Rafi takes over a minute to answer, “Nothing.”

Gerrickson chuckles. “The little puff pastry?”

I roll my eyes at his name for me and Rafi remarks first. “Knock it off Ger.”

He snorts, “Come on Rafi, admit what we all know. You-“

“Shut up!” Rafi hisses.


“Shhh!” He hisses, pulling Fidda to a stop.

I hear a dark chuckling, making Rafi’s head snap towards our right. “So cute Rafi. Do you think Koan will be interested in hearing that you’re taking his lovely to the Willow Mountains?” Esmeralda steps out from the trees making me groan and the boys panic. They jump off the horses. I nearly fall off Fidda as I try to remain balanced. Sure, let’s wrap the person who is on a horse up. Nothing can go wrong there.

“What are you doing here Esmeralda?” Rafi demands. “How long have you been following us?”

“Since you’ve been in that pathetic little camp. A concealing spell Rafi? That’s a little desperate.” She clicks her tongue then spreads a knowing grin on her face. “You can’t hide secrets from me. Remember? My eyes always find the truth.”

She walks closer to him, sticking her chest out. “Now, what is it worth to you to keep this information to myself?”

“We don’t kill you.” Rafi says, placing his hand on his sword.

“How about you give me Skye?” She gives him a wink. “And I’ll give you a kiss.”

I roll my eyes while Gerrickson jumps in. “How about we kill you painlessly?”

She starts laughing, putting her ashen hand to her lips. “You don’t have the power dear. It’s so cute to think you do.”

“He may not, but I do.” Rafi says, taking a step closer.

She gives him a condescending smile. “You can’t vanquish a demon of my caliber dear. You can kill me, but that just returns me to Koan much faster.” She nods her head pointedly towards me. “Thanks for wrapping her in a neat package for me. You’ve made her completely helpless, and made my job so much easier.”

“Don’t go near her,” Gerrickson growls, drawing his sword.

“And you are?” She says, cocking her head. “You look so much like someone I once knew.”

“Gerrickson.” He gets into a defensive stance. “I hope you remember it, since it’ll be the last one you learn.”

She barks a laugh. “Bold words.” Esmeralda looks to Rafi, who appears to be angry. I feel like that’s the correct description, considering he’s stroking the pommel of his blade.

Esmeralda cackles as she charges Rafi, her scream spooking Fidda. Fidda rears, making me fall off. I huff as I hit the ground, the blanket providing some cushioning. I can hear fighting while the horses run off. I, however, am wiggling around with my feet trying to gain something solid. Why did he have to tuck the blanket in?

I try to roll, not at all trying to avoid the fight. Even if I was trying to avoid it, there is nothing I can do until I’m not swaddled. I manage to roll over, so my face is facing the dirt.

I crunch up in the middle, sticking my butt into the air. Slowly I right myself up, my knees buried deep in the dirt. I fold my legs so I can sit cross legged and try to get out of the blanket. I wish I could feel Dawn. Her temper might save me, or the very least unwrap me.

“Dawn!” I hiss while I see Rafi trying to bite Esmeralda. They’re currently on the ground, wrapped around in a way that reminds me of lovers. She’s trying to go for his throat, he’s going for hers’; while Gerrickson is currently bleeding from his head, unconscious, embedded into a tree. I wince, that has to hurt.

“What is going on?” Dawn demands, popping next to me.

I jump but settle quickly. “Esmeralda. She knows too much just to kill.” I say while she starts to free me from the stupid blanket.

“What do you need?” She asks, taking it off my shoulder, allowing the heavy weight to lift from me.

“Her heart.” I say, as I stand. “I have to give the spell in less than five seconds, so I’ll have to be next to you.”

She gives me wide eyes, “That’s dangerous and will likely kill you.” She hisses.

“It’s either that, or she goes back to Koan and tell him where I am.” I point out. “She’s too high on the chain for you to vanquish her.”

“Which is exactly why you shouldn’t,” Dawn argues. Both of us are keeping our voices low so we don’t get overheard.

“Then what is your suggestion?” I demand.

She screams in frustration as she stomps her foot. In a flash she races over to them, me right at her heels. In seconds she punches through Esmeralda’s body, grabbing her heart.

I take it as she pulls it out, Esmeralda going stiff and gasping. I squeeze her heart, making the black thing rupture and covering my hand in black blood. “Mors aufertur, interitus finitur aufer hanc vitam.”

Esmeralda screams as her neck snaps forward while her arms break. Her body starts to turn to ash, heat encompassing her. Rafi groans as he wipes Esmeralda’s ashes from him. His eyes are wide as he looks at me, his face growing pale.

“Well, that was fun,” I breathe feeling lightheaded. My legs buckle out from under me as all energy leaves my body. I’m aware of being caught, but that is the last thing I remember.

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