Skye's Arrival

Chapter Chapter Eight

I wake in an empty room. Well empty of people. There are several sharp knives in front of me, designed for sacrificial purposes. They’re placed on a stone table covered in runes. I’m sitting in a chair while I hear people arguing. Judging by the sun in the sky, it’s after lunch time. Koan missed his usual appointment to sedate me.

I listen to the words being said, “That would be lethal and incredibly detrimental. You can’t remove the Celestial Demon from Ms. Loval if she’s unwilling. It would harm her and possibly kill her.” I stiffen when I recognize that voice. Priest Alexander. He practices both Celestial and Demon Law; and will follow whoever pays more. When did he get here? I can feel Dawn trembling inside of me, and I’m unclear as to why. She won’t speak with me.

“What do you mean?” Koan demands. “The texts I studied shows that if a ranking demon and a celestial combine their blood, they can remove a Celestial Demon.”

“Yes, but you have a Celestial Demon that is older than the Demon King and Celestial King combined. Dawnsterella is her full mortal name and was created to kill Celestial Soldiers that had committed egregious acts; and usually has driven her victims mad and killed in half a decade. There is no other Celestial Demon stronger, and more dangerous, than Dawn.

“She’s so old, she’s developed her own mind and personality outside of her own design; which is likely why the Celestial King placed her inside Skyeliera of the Head Rank Celestial Soldiers. He knew Dawn would give the girl the time she deserved; especially since there are still Celestial Priests appealing her crime on her behalf. Believe me when I tell you, if you remove that particular Celestial Demon from Skye’s body unwillingly, it will hurt Skye and will likely be fatal.”

Dawn and I both flinch at that. I get a daring idea at that point. All of his plans are the same goal; to remove Dawn from my body. If I’m to twist Koan’s plan, I need a celestial and a demon; to which I am both. Dawn sits up, surprised by my idea. Why didn’t we think of it before? Probably because we were both resigned to our fates.

I take a sharp blade and cut into my wrist. Dawn shifts into control and cuts my other wrist. I switch back and speak low, Dawn following in my mind. “Ligare et removere, ligare ad sanguienem meum.” Red runes scry on my arms as I nearly bite through my lip to hold in my anguished scream. Dawn is screaming in pain in my mind. A crimson stone begins to form on the back of my hand, while small and delicate gold and silver chains form a fingerless glove on my right hand, connecting to my wrist, as well as centering from the stone.

My body slouches as I take a deep breath, relief spreading through me, as my body becomes lighter. I can feel Dawn adapting to her own changes, relief washing through her.

“So what do we do?” Koan asks, defeat evident in his voice.

“Well, you can either try to force Dawn out by appealing to the Celestial King, or have your father remove Dawn himself.”

Koan swears as I stand, taking the bloody blade in my hand. I’m wearing a red silk dress that spreads down to my feet. Silver chains delicately hold it in place over my breasts, leaving my back bare. My feet are wrapped in silk, with a hard sole pressed to my feet to protect them. The red silk wrap extends to my thighs, giving me some cover from the large dress slit up my thighs.

I shudder as I picture being placed in this. My hair is held in a loose bun and tied with delicate braids. My hair frames my face, but I suspect the hairstyle is to give easier access to my neck, not for looks.

I grab another one of the knives in case I need to fight, and slowly walk to the window; careful not to make a sound. Once to the window, I’m pleased to see we’re at ground level. I open the window silently and jump out of the room. I start walking quickly, trying not to drag attention to myself.

After getting outside the palace gates I quicken my pace, trying hard to avoid any form of attention. If I start running, that will definitely mark me as suspicious, especially since I’m dressed this way. I need to get a change of clothes, but I suspect it won’t be anytime soon. I’m honestly confused to how I got this far without seeing any of the demons Koan has surrounding him.

Dawn flashes an image from the last thing I remember before this. It’s of her decimating his army, so that does explain some of it, but not all of it. I make a mental note for her to tell me more after we’ve reached safety.

About mid-town is when I hear screaming. It’s not caused by fear, or agony, but of rage. I know that voice, and it belongs to Koan. That I’m certain of, and the hair standing on my arms agrees. I was about to take another step when something comes crashing into the building across from me. I turn away and cover my face from flying shrapnel and debris, as people scream. After the rubble has stopped flying everywhere, I start running, using the cloud of dust created for cover. I wedge myself between two crates and a large basket of fruit. There is no way I can run out of the city in time, but I can try to hide.

When the dust settles, I see something I didn’t expect to see. It’s four men, one being demon and one that’s not quite mortal, but he’s not demon or celestial. The other two are mortal, covered in blood and bruises; one old and one young. They’re standing in a crater, well the demon one is not; he’s fallen and laying on the ground. The strange one is using a magic shield to protect them, keeping them safe from the blow they must have received to get them here. That must have been what hit the building. It also explains why I was able to escape without seeing any guards.

“How many of these things are there?” The demon growls, getting to his feet.

The man lowers his shield as he chuckles. “Not sure, but your plan to get out without being seen failed miserably. Any other bright ideas?”

“Run,” The demon says, picking up the old man. “There are at least five high ranking demons in that palace. We’ll lose before we draw a breath.”

They do not have time to so much as move an inch before I hear maniacal laughing. “Look who decided to join us? It’s Rafi.” I stiffen and so does Dawn. We look up to see his shaggy trademark silver hair and ice eyes. His pale skin is covered in blood, and his clothes ripped. What is he doing here?

“I thought you were ignoring my call brother. I never thought I’d see you serving a mortal.” When we look a little to the left we can see Koan walking this way. “What did you do with my girl?” Koan demands from Rafi, rage in his eyes.

Rafi glances at the man then gives him a confused look. “What girl?”

“Skye, you nimrod. What did you do with her?” Koan demands.

Now Rafi is truly confused, looking at his brother as if he’s genuinely insane. “Skye died, Koan. You know this.”

“No, she didn’t. She was sentenced here, on this plane, with a Celestial Demon inside of her. I was trying to remove it when you stole her from me.” Koan yells that last part as his body starts changing into his full demonic self.

“He’s delusional, and we’re dead,” Rafi gasps, grabbing his chest. Rafi may be able to defy his brother’s orders, but Koan is by far the strongest. If Koan changes into his full demonic self, he only has to picture the violence he wishes onto his victim to kill them.

Well, I don’t think I can let Koan kill two mortals who are clearly terrified. Also, considering my disappearance wasn’t their fault, I don’t think they should be punished for it. Dawn is in agreement with me, but she’s also on the fence about letting Koan know I’m in such close proximity to him.

When Rafi and his companion fall to their knees, it forces my answer. I quietly stand and throw my spare blade, the blade landing in Koan’s heart. “Morte,” I shout, green runes scrying on my arms as all of their heads snap in my direction. Koan screams my name in agony as his body vanishes, raising goosebumps across my body. He might actually kill me for that one.

“That’s not going to hold him for long,” I yell at them as I start running, breaking their sheerly stunned state. In his full demonic state, Koan can be revived in about ten minutes.

“Skye!” Rafi yells after me, trying to catch up to me.

“Bye Rafi!” I yell behind me, still not breaking my stride. I quicken my pace as I go through the town that is already on high alert. Since not drawing attention is no longer an option, I’m not too concerned by their stares.

After a few hours later, I manage to hitch a ride from a family moving to a different settlement. I used the guise that I was heading to attend a party when my carriage was attacked. Considering the way I am dressed; it was a believable story.

After I reach their village, I thank them and tell them I’m going to talk to the local guards for help. They accept my answer and watch as I walk to the guard station. After they’ve looked away I go to the back of the station and find their horses. Most of them were friendly towards me, but there is a silver mare that seemed drawn to me the most. She kept lifting my jeweled hand with her nose and make me rub her nose.

“Do you want to come with me?” I ask her gently, not willing to take her if she’s happy here.

In response, she steps back and jumps over the corral’s fence. Without hesitation I climb onto her back and usher her towards my destination. I allow Dawn to flow her senses through me, guiding me towards our target. We really should have thought of this plan earlier. I also have another entirely different goal, but since this is on the way it’s a beautiful perk.

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