Sky Riders: The Rising Sun

Chapter Epilogue

Eliana smiled as she watched the black-haired toddler chasing the white wolf around the grounds of the palace. The boy’s bright amethyst eyes were alight with excitement. He looked so very much like his father. The little prince had proved to be more than a handful, but there was one, at least, who seemed to know how to control him. She would have never guessed Astrum to be the type to play with children, but he and Baem got along magically.

A pair of strong, familiar arms wrapped around her stomach, and soft lips caressed her cheek. She smiled and leaned against the broad chest behind her.

“You’re back,” she said happily.

“Yes,” Caelum answered, resting his chin on her shoulder.

“How are things in Vereor?”

“Improving,” he answered as they watched Baem leap onto Astrum’s back and ride him like a steed. “Ja’ol and the other judges seem to be gaining firmer control over the people. Everyone is responding well to the new government. It seems they’d tired of the emperors.”

Eliana turned around in his arms and smiled up at him. “Does that mean you’ll be staying in Iterum?”

Caelum’s smile was all the answer she needed. “Well, I’m certainly not going to tolerate being away from you again. And you can’t travel with in your current state, so yes. I will be staying right here.”

He gently placed his hands against her abdomen. She had not yet begun to show the burden she carried, but they could both sense it was there, and Astrum had confirmed it for them. Caelum kissed her softly and she smiled against his lips.

A heavy wind buffeted her, and Eliana looked up to see two large dragons descending from the sky. Oriens and Aelodi landed together in the open field. Baem shrieked with joy and rushed forward to hug Aelodi’s leg. Eliana could hear the dragon hum with pleasure as she nuzzled the little boy.

The black color had faded from Aelodi’s hide over the years. She now shone a deep sapphire blue, but blackness still tinted her wings and the ridge of spikes along her back. Caelum and Eliana approached Oriens, who was watching Aelodi with a small smirk.

“Hello, little one,” he said as he looked down at his Rider. He lowered his nose to touch her stomach with his snout. “And hello, little one’s little one.”

She smiled and pushed his nose playfully away. “How are things among the dragons?” she asked.

“Quite well, all things considered. Many of the wild females have agreed to allow their next batch of hatchlings to meet the humans and elves of your choice.”

Eliana nodded happily. “Perfect. Hopefully we will have a new generation of Sky Riders before long. And what about your eggs?”

Aelodi answered, “They’re doing well. They still have a long way to go before being ready to hatch. I do hope we can find someone for them to bond to. Seeing Oriens’ connection to you, Eliana… it makes me feel not quite whole without a Rider of my own. He was lucky to have found you.” She turned her blue eyes on Caelum. “I wish it had been you there when I had hatched,” she told him. “I feel that I would have liked you.”

Caelum smiled at her. “Nonetheless, you seem to be doing well.”

Aelodi nodded. “Indeed, I suppose I am.”

“We should get back to the nest,” Oriens said. “There is nothing for me to do here, since my Rider refuses to Ride me.”

“I would,” she apologized, putting her hand on her stomach, “but I can’t.”

Oriens rolled his emerald eyes. “Yes, yes. So I’ve been told.”

The two dragons lifted themselves into the sky, leaving a disappointed Baem behind. The little prince tried to chase after the dragons, and Astrum bit the back of his tunic to restrain him. Caelum put his arm around Eliana’s shoulders and she leaned against him as she watched her dragon and his mate disappear over the tops of the trees.

He took her left hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the silver ring on her finger. She looked up at him with a contented smile. They had both been flying back and forth between Vereor and Iterum since the end of the war so frequently during those first few years that it began to feel as if most of their lives were spent astride Oriens. When they’d learned she carried a child, Caelum had continued with his job as ambassador without her. Now, he was home with her again. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him.

He was smiling when he pulled away. “And how have you been?” he asked.

She made a face. “Absolutely miserable,” she muttered. “Kana won’t stop fussing over me. Any time I try to do anything, she very nearly has a heart attack.”

“Good,” he answered with a smirk. “Then she is doing just as I asked.”

She let out a short, disbelieving laugh, hitting him half-heartedly on the chest. “You put her up to all of this?”

He grabbed her fists with a laugh. “Well, I couldn’t very well allow anything to happen to my wife and unborn child while I was away, now could I?”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you.”

“Whatever do you mean?” he asked with feigned innocence.

She looked up at him with a soft smile. “You can admit it, you know.”

“Yes,” he answered gently, pressing his forehead against hers. “I am very much enjoying being able to protect you for a change.”

Eliana sighed as she kissed him again. “I am too.”

Caelum held her in his arms and she put her head to his chest, relishing in having him near her again. It was exactly where she wanted to be, and precisely where she planned to stay—right where she could hear her love’s heart beating.

Paerolia had found its long-awaited peace, and Eliana had found hers.

The End

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