Six of Ruin (Heirs of Irenwell #1)

Chapter 24: Summer in the City

Balr was a charming port on the western coast of Bastia. The thick scent of sea salt and fish lingered in the air throughout the entire city. The city was a strange combination of evergreen leaves and mountains covered with snow, right next to the ocean.

The small, stone castle was perched in the middle of the town, surrounded by wooden houses and narrow streets. While we descended towards the Inn we would be staying in, I noticed three large ships waiting for departure in the marina.

People tried not to stare at us and I appreciated the effort. As soon as we walked past however, they whispered amongst themselves.

While the handsome werewolf and Torvald hurried ahead with wounded Danilo, Nick, Rixen and I lingered in the back, casually strolling through the streets.

“You know, Balr used to be a lot like the Bordering City.” Rixen said suddenly, glancing up at the people staring at us from their windows and balconies, murmuring in hushed tones. “Back when Orathia was the most powerful kingdom in the known world.”

“Really?” I mumbled, checking out the numerous bars along the way.

“Balr was the main port.” Nick cut in. “The city nearest to Orathia.”

“Don’t tell me you stole here too?” I chuckled.

“I was too young.” Nickeltinker shrugged. “But I heard stories that you could find anything you wanted in Balr. When Orathia fell, all the thieves moved to the Bordering City.”

Beside the interesting history, I read a fact more sinister from their words.

“This is the last human town we’ll visit on our way to Orathia, isn’t it?” I asked.

Rixen and Nickeltinker exchanged a glance.

“After this,” Nick sighed, “we’re leaving Bastia.”

“And what awaits after Bastia?” I asked, stopping in the middle of the street.

The door of the bar next to us flung open and Ace stumbled out, “Ah, wonders await after Bastia!” His green eyes were bloodshot and he barely stood on his bare feet. “I suggest you gather some trinkets to bribe Liu Raj once we reach their lake.”

His warthog, Frank, jumped around him, confusing people further and making them step away from the loud mage.

“What’s Liu Raj?” I murmured.

“A spirit.” Ace’s eyes bulged and he came closer to me. “They will take one secret from you.” He pointed his scrawny finger at my chest. “And one wish. One wish that will never be fulfilled.”

“Are you drunk?” I sniffed liquor on his breath.

“Are you drunk?” He mocked. A man glanced disapprovingly at his shouting as he walked by. “What are you looking at, you wench? Come at me!”

Rixen grunted loudly, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Not so fast, you sneaky bastardy fucker!” Ace stumbled away from me. “I smell lies and trickery.”

I chuckled, “That might be me.”

Nickeltinker wheezed, “It’s probably me. I stole this off a guy in the forest.” And he took a blade out of his pocket, small and black and eerie-looking.

Ace’s eyes widened, “Oh, you spectacular boy! Oh, I love thieves. There’s just something so fun about them, you never know what they’re going to fetch. Give it to me!”

Nickeltinker hid the blade behind his back, “What is it?”

“It’s a personal belonging, you little rascal.” Ace chuckled like a maniac. “I love personal belongings. So many possibilities, so many curses! Give it to me. Or better yet, come with me, let’s cast some spells.”

The green-skinned boy looked at the mage with distrust, “I will sell it to you.”

“Fine, fine.” Ace rubbed his palms together and already hopped away, with Nick at his heels. “What do you want in return? Some silver? I can give you Irina’s crown. A bigger cock? I can do that, too. But it might make your head bigger. Ha, ha. Get it? Turn one head bigger and the other one follows...”

His voice trailed off in the distance. The warthog ran after him.

“We have to follow them.” Rixen said immediately.

“Uh, no.” I put my hands on my hips. “I have to go take a bath.”


I simply narrowed my eyes at him and walked down the street without a word.

Rixen followed me, “Can we stalk them after you take a bath?”

I smiled, “Only if you’ll help me pick out a dress. I hear there’s a celebration tonight.”

There weren’t as many people in Balr as there were back in the Bordering City. The port seemed abandoned. Huge buildings gaped empty. A lot of the shops in the streets were closed.

Still, there was something charming about the town. Almost like the people who chose to stay behind truly loved this place.

Rixen and I walked all the way to our Inn, which even had a stable for our horses. And Fluffy. The two-story Inn was picturesque. Wooden, warm and adorned with flower pots. The rooms were simple, with a bed, bath and a closet. Anything was better than sleeping on the ground.

Fortunately, I had my own room. Unfortunately, the handsome werewolf shared the room with Danilo.

Rixen gave me an hour to wash up. And when I left the small bathroom, I found him standing in the middle of my room, a dress in hand. I blushed immediately, realising I had nothing but the red robe on which was now, quite possibly, the same colour as my face.

The shadowman smirked, “Ready to stalk a mage?”

“Did you go through my stuff?” I eyed him.

“You told me to pick a dress.” Rixen handed the red silk to me.

“And you picked the skimpiest one you could find.” I sighed. “So very male of you.”

Rixen shrugged, “Since poor Fluffy had to drag your dresses across half the world, the least you can do is wear them.”

I grabbed the dress, “Care to leave?”

Rixen sat on the bed and grinned.

The dress was long enough to hide my legs, but the cleavage was way too deep. The red silk hugged my body nicely and I was even willing to risk freezing to death in order to wear it. I would never be allowed to wear it in Irenwell, Gretchen would lose her wits.

But I wasn’t in Irenwell. I was at the edge of Bastia, ready to attend a celebration held in my honour. The first one I might even enjoy.

I turned around and the robe slid off my body, leaving me in nothing but lingerie. Goddess, it felt good to be clean. The silk felt good on my skin. And the dress was gorgeous. I didn’t even mind the cuts that now decorated my arms.

I didn’t even mind Rixen staring at me.

He took in a sharp breath as the robe fell to the floor and I was suddenly aware of the cold air on my exposed skin. The lingerie hid the most private areas, of course, but having my legs and my back bare in front of Rixen filled me with both excitement and nervousness.

I put the dress on, having problems with tying the straps.

“Ready?” He asked, his voice slightly deeper than usual.

I glanced over my shoulder, “Are we leaving already, shadowman?”

He was behind me in a second, tying the straps of my dress on the small of my back. His knuckles grazed my skin and his touch cooled the rising temperature in the room.

“I know what you’re doing, Maiden of Irenwell.”

“What?” I leaned into his touch, a small smile emerging on my lips.

The change within me was seemingly instant, but I knew it boiled underneath my skin for some time now. I knew that if he said one word right now, I’d forget about the werewolf. He needed to say one word and I’d be spending the night with him instead.

But Rixen was smarter than that.

“I thought we agreed you wouldn’t try to manipulate me.” He left my side, pulling all warmth with him.

When I turned around, he was already halfway out the door, “Rixen?”

He didn’t bother to wait for me. I grunted and followed him. This damned man, playing hot and cold with me. If anyone was trying to manipulate anyone, it was him.

A loud cry caught my attention as I scurried through the hallway. The door next to me was ajar and inside, Torvald was on the floor, on his knees. He was crying.

Ugly tears streamed down his face and he hit the floor with his hands. Mumbling fell off his lips, barely comprehensible. A painful grimace gripped his features.

“No!” He shouted. “No, no, no.”

I was transfixed. I stared at the brute, unable to move or breathe. What was going on? Why was he-

The door closed in my face and I looked up at Rixen.

“Leave him be.”

“What...?” I glanced at the closed door and then back at Rixen, still hearing Torvald’s cries through the wood. “What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing, he needs time to recover.” Rixen continued down the hallway.

“Recover from what?” My voice broke as I tried to make sense of what I’d seen.

“Killing.” Rixen let out a sigh. “Just leave him alone.”

But I wasn’t about to let it go, “What does that mean? What is he? Danilo introduced him as your bodyguard and he follows you everywhere. Tell me! What are you doing to him?”

“Me?” Rixen turned around and smiled humourlessly. “I’m trying to help him. At least I hope I’m helping him.”

“Why? What’s wrong with him?”

We descended down the stairs.

“He has some sort of a curse on him.” Rixen said. “He carries each of his killings as a burden. And the weight is getting heavier. I carry some of it for him and in return, he works as my bodyguard.”

“That’s messed up.” I mumbled. “What happens if you set him free?”

“I don’t know, Irina.” Rixen pushed the door to the street open. “I think the burden gets too heavy. I think he dies.”

I did not expect the wave of sadness that flooded me, “We have to help him!”

“You can help him by letting him recover.” Rixen said. “Now, please, can we go stalk a mage?”

I followed Rixen through the empty streets, enjoying the sunshine on my skin. Perhaps there was something I could do to help Torvald. Perhaps if I actually bothered to learn some magic-

No. No, that was not something I wanted to do. The risk was too great.

So, I pushed the problem to the back of my mind and decided to pry again later, when Rixen would be in a better mood. Perhaps after a couple of glasses of wine.

“They have to be here somewhere.” Rixen mumbled.

“How would you even know?” I glanced around, appreciating all the tiny shops along the way. “Oh, look, an herbal shop. We have to stop, a dwarf kicked me out of the one in the Bordering City-”

As I stepped into the colourful shop, I almost bumped into Nick.

His eyes widened as he noticed me, “Hi! Hello! Ace, look who’s here!”

Rixen appeared by my side, “What are you two doing here?”

“Buying flowers.” Nick chuckled. “Right, Ace? Ace?”

The old mage stumbled into view, “Oh, yes, I love me some tulips.” He looked over us. “And what are you two doing here?”

“Buying birth control.” I put my hand on my hip.

Rixen took in a deep, frustrated breath, but I simply smiled sweetly at Nick’s and Ace’s confusion.

“Let’s get out of here.” Ace pulled Nick out of the door.

“You forgot your tulips!” Rixen said.

“Didn’t like them!” The mage ran barefoot down the street, the floran at his heel.

I smiled at Rixen, “I think they were lying.”

“Birth control?” The shadowman sighed. “Really?”

“What? What do you do in an herbal shop?”

Rixen and I stared at each other for a long moment before he shook his head and walked into the shop, “Let’s see why they were snooping around.”

Scents of herbs and flowers assaulted my nostrils in an intense, slightly uncomfortable way. Colours assaulted my sight, but I distinguished a couple of useful plants. I might as well buy some birth control; I was low on Fae silphium.

Walls were completely covered in plants and flowers. They hung from the ceiling. They covered the doors.

No one in charge of the shop was present.

Rixen pushed the moss-covered door open. I peeked through, finding a grinning, dark-skinned woman sitting in front of a table, black cards resting in front of her. She was tall and lean and her eyes were dark and large. She was beautiful, though. Sort of exotic.

“A Gyorg seer!” I exclaimed, proud of the fact I learned something.

Rixen eyed me, “Thanks, Princess. Now we know.”

“Hello!” I waved to the seer. “One of yours tricked me in the Bordering City.”

The woman smiled, “Do you wish to know your future?”

“Actually,” Rixen cut in, “Did you talk to an old fellow? Barefoot, seemingly drunk?”

The seer arched her eyebrow, the mysterious smile on her lips unfaltering, “You wish to know whether I spoke to the mage? Very well, I did.”

“Care to share?” I grinned.

“You’re looking for answers in the wrong places.” The woman said. “But, I might be willing to share what I know for a price.”

“Fucking gypsies.” Rixen murmured under his breath.


“What?” The shadowman squinted. “Quick, Irina, give her your crown, she might reveal the secrets of all her customers!”

“Irenwell crown isn’t going to cut it.” The woman said. “I hope you have more to offer.”

I thought for a second, remembering my encounter with another seer in the Bordering City. Danilo freaked out when I talked to her, but I simply thought she was scamming me.

“A kiss.” I said. “You can take my kiss and store it into a jar.”

Rixen glanced at me with interest.

“Very well.” The seer said. “Lean over here and kiss this piece of paper.” She spread her hand, revealing a tiny piece of black paper on her palm.

“So medical.” I murmured and planted a small kiss on her palm, feeling an ashy taste on my lips.

“The mage did not ask to know his future.” The seer said, putting the piece of paper in a jar. “He wanted me to send a message, which I gladly did.”

“To whom?” Rixen asked.

The seer smiled mysteriously, “To the place I get my information from, aether.”

Rixen and I looked at each other.

“What was the message?” Rixen asked.

The woman chuckled, “Beware of the pixies.”


“Excuse me?”

She shrugged, “That’s all he said. Thank you for the kiss, you may leave now.”

“Wait, wait!” I stopped her. “Do you have Fae silphium?”

Rixen and I stumbled out of the herbal shop after I got some birth control, just in case Nick and Ace waited for proof outside.

“Beware of the pixies? What the hell does that mean?” Rixen almost kicked the trashcan in front of the shop. “I swear they try so hard to be mysterious they end up confusing themselves. Why would she send that message into the aether?”

“What’s aether?” I asked.

“It’s a space between space, something only certain species, mages and witches, and apparently some seers, have access to.” Rixen explained. “Come on, let’s figure this out.”

“Rixen.” I called him. “We only have one night in Balr and we’re stuck with this mage for the entire summer. Can we drink now and snoop later?”

Under the high summer sun, his eyes looked like molten gold, “Sure, let’s drink.”

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