Sirene (Wattys 2014 Entrant)

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

“Chandler hasn’t seen Callum for almost a month.” Oceana was obviously worried. “He told me Callum disappeared in early January and since then there hasn’t been so much as a note from him.”

“Maybe he decided to move on in life.” Stephanie suggested.

Oceana shook her head. “That is not something Callum would do. He’s loyal to his core, he would never just take off.”

“Miss Alberna, Oceana, how are you?” Dr. Wilkens appeared on the scene. “How is Bible reading going with Chandler, Oceana?”

“I think I’m enjoying a lot more than he is, but we are making good progress. I have to admit, the Old Testament is a lot more violent than the New. We did read some great stories though. Dr. Wilkens, do you think Chandler will ever believe in God?”

“I don’t know. We can’t make the decision for him, that’s something he can only do.”

Oceana gave a loud, long sigh.

“Patience, Oceana, patience. It’s something I noticed you don’t have.”

Stephanie bit her lip in an attempt to suppress a smile.

“It’s a quality neither Callum nor Chandler possessed.”

“Speaking of that Callum fellow, I haven’t seen him around for a long time, has something happened to him?”

“No one seems to know.” Stephanie explained. “Oceana was just complaining to me about the fact that he’s been gone for so long.”

“I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

Oceana frowned. “I’m not good at waiting.”

“I'm afraid you have no choice. Now, I have some free time on my hands, suppose I accompany you back to the orphanage.”

“Oh that is a wonderful idea.” Oceana was delighted at the fact. Stephanie too was pleased; she had come to greatly enjoy Dr. Wilkens’ company.

“Are you learning to follow the rules, Oceana?” Dr. Wilkens asked as they walked down the slushy streets.

“I’m learning that it’s not so bad to sometimes submit to authority, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to follow all the rules. Still, even Miss Morgan says she can see an improvement in me. I don’t talk back as much as I used too and am more respectful to my elders. I still don’t like living in the asylum. Buildings don’t go well with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I love open skies and wide spaces, the city spoils everything. Some people don’t mind. Beth, for example told me she likes living in the city, but I hate it. Still, I’m learning to cope, even though Miss Grey did say I’m still too independent.”

“As long as you don’t misuse your independence, I think it’s perfectly alright for you to exercise it.”

“That’s what Stephanie said, funny how the two of you think so similarly.”

“Funny indeed.” Dr. Wilkens said and smiled at Stephanie, who blushed from his gaze and looked down.


“Don’t they just look perfect together?” Oceana dragged Beth to the window and pointed out Dr. Wilkens and Stephanie, as they left the orphanage.

“Oceana, you said you weren’t going to match make Miss Alberna.”

“I said I wasn’t going to match make her yet. Seriously, Beth, don’t you think they would make the perfect couple? I think they’ve already got some chemistry there, it’s just a matter of a few well placed words from me and they will take it from there. Are you going to help me?”


“Come on, Beth, this is a chance of a lifetime. Stephanie is far too shy and self conscience to realize that Dr. Wilkens likes her.”

“Does he?”

“I’m pretty sure he does, considering the way he always smiling at her.”

Beth thought for a moment. “It does sound like it could work. Stephanie is a good girl and from all you have told me, Dr. Wilkens is a good man.”

“Does that mean you’ll be my match making partner?”

“I guess so.”

“Excellent! Our job will be Stephanie, Chandler can handle Dr. Wilkens. Now, here’s how I think we should go about it.”


“Is something the matter with me, Doctor?” Chandler looked over at Dr. Wilkens. “You come by almost daily to check on me. Should I be getting nervous?”

“Not sure, Chandler, something doesn’t seem to be right, but I can’t quite figure out what.”

“Is it serious?”

“I don’t know, but I’m hoping to find out. Tell me, how do you feel?”

“I wouldn’t say anything was wrong with me, I certainly don’t feel any discomfort anywhere. What date is it today?”

“April 24th.”

“I’ve already been here for half a year. It went by quicker than I thought it would.”

“You’ve certainly been a model inmate.”

“I figured it would be better for me if I followed the rules. And don’t look at me like that, disobedient prisoners get more years on their heads and I don’t want to be here longer than I have to.”

Dr. Wilkens chuckled and said nothing.

“Dr. Wilkens, can I let you in on a secret?”

“I don’t know, can you?”

“In this whole prison, you are the only person I really trust, and that is something, because I don’t usually hand out my trust to people.”

Dr. Wilkens raised an eyebrow.

 “Would you be willing to hear me out?”

“I would be willing to hear you out; I don’t promise I will be willing to help you.”

“Fair enough. Oh, and I would appreciate you not telling Stephanie…Miss Alberna that is, anything of what I am about to tell you.”

“I have never been in the habit of telling the secrets of another person to someone else.”

“You are an honorable man, Dr. Wilkens.”

“I’m glad you think so. Come, my time is limited, what was it you wanted to tell me?”


What could Chandler want to tell Dr. Wilkens?

Do you think Stephanie and Dr. Wilkens would make a good pair?

votes and comments are greatly appreciated :)

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