Sinful Love

Chapter CHAPTER 58

Bright morning, sky scattered with birds, cool weather and the greenery in front doesn't seem to cheer them up. The whole
Samrat Kingdom is solemn at the loss of a great man, Ozrain Samrat. His coffin made out of rosewood and the top cover made
out of glass, is now filled with roses, a token of love from his loyal pack members. An ocean of black has flooded the Samrat's
cemetery. His coffin lowered bit by bit into the pre-dug hole, making Selena sob even more into Zaden's chest as Zaden
caressed the back of her head with his thumb, attempting to calm her down. In the short period she had known Ozrain, her
grandfather had exhibited enormous love towards her. She intended to return them but fate had a different plan. Her hands are
shaky and she is completely worn out from the continues crying, relying on Zaden's grip to prevent her from slipping limply to the
ground. His final respect went on smooth, with no interruption. Orion wanted to throw Aira's body into the sea as well but Selena
refused to.
“She did nothing wrong other than loving her mate. She might have taken it a bit too far, but can we blame her for that? I wish to
treat her, at least as a human, which is a part of her too. We can bury her, far from papa, please...” Selena pleads to Maximus
and they agreed, moved by her courtesy. None attended her burial, further away at the edge of the cemetery. Graveyard workers
did all necessary for her.
They stood there, gazing at the now covered hole, for God knows how long. Zaden later carried Selena to the cabin, she doesn't
want to go back to the mansion. He then put her down to sleep on their bed. Zaden sat on her side, at the edge of bed, running
his fingers along her hair in hope to make her sleep. Instead, she kept her gaze on Zaden's face. Both of them didn't show any
emotions. Ozrain's last memory kept flashing in her mind. Zaden was also there when he drank up a full glass of raw prune juice.
What if Zaden had taken a sip of that juice? Or if Ozrain wasn't there and Zaden drank it on behalf of her? The thought terrifies
her, visible trembling her body.
“Are you sure you want your mate?” she asked low, almost to a whisper. Zaden frowned at her sudden doubt.
“Where does this come from?” he replied with a question. She slowly sat up, too week at the moment.
“You were right. This Samrat shit is complicated. Ever since I came, none of you had peace of mind. Looking after me has been
your full-time job. I don't want anything happening to you. I will understand if you don't want me....” Selena frowned, face painted
with concern for the whole pack. Zaden withdraw his hands from her and placed his elbows on his knees, clasping his hand as
he bends down a bit. He is clearly angry at the moment but he didn't show any to her. She is patiently waiting for his words or
any gesture and she would be happy to leave, right now.
“Zaden...I'm serious...” she gently grabbed his upper arm and he snatched his arms away from her

‘Get in here, now!!!’ his cold voice echoed in the leader's pack mind and they rushed in.
“What happened?” Makeala asked.
“Bambi here says she should leave because she is a pain in the ass for us and it has been our full-time job taking care of her.
Now, she had said this before and I discussed with all of you whether we should keep or lose her” Zaden turned his head to
Selena, eye-piercing through hers in anger. Her breathing ragged knowing that she had stirred him. Not only Zaden but the
whole pack is upset now, glaring at her. She dropped her head.
“Now, she knows what my decision would be. I am waiting for my pack's decision” Zaden added with a cold tone, eyes still
staring at Selena
“Are you crazy? What is there to decide?” Orion answered first and instant.
“You are our Luna!!! How can you even suggest this?” Sitka
“Yes, you are a pain in the ass but you are our pain special pain in the ass. No way I am giving that up, even for the whole
world.” Xavier. Makeala sat next to Zaden, facing Selena
“We take care of you not because we have to, but because we want to. Oh, about leaving us...over my dead body” Makeala was
super angry at her.
“Over our dead body, all of us” Orion again. Selena raised her eye to see all of their faces, they are serious and genuine before
pinning back to Zaden. His burning glare is still on her.
“Not even a minute for them to decide this time” Selena slowly lowered her eye to her lap, feeling guilty. There was a moment of
silence. Zaden suddenly grabbed her cheeks between his fingers and pulled her, harshly towards him, forcing her to look up at
his eye. The rest gasped as Makeala held Zaden's arm in panic.
“Don't you even dream about leaving me. I will hunt you down and drag you back to Mount Manuka. And yes, that is a warning.
You understand that, baby girl?” A drop of sweat trailed down his temple to his clenched jaw as a vein decided to turn blue and
bulge on his temple. She nodded with a frown and Zaden let go of her. He stood up and walked out of the room
“Make her understand” he said low at Orion before passing by him. Tears started rolling down Selena's eyes.
“I don't want to see anyone getting hurt because of me, not anymore. First my mom and now Ozrain...” She sobbed and Makeala
hugged her head, pulling her to lean on her shoulder

“Maybe because you are worth dying for, sweety...shu... Zaden is just upset, don't mind him...” Selena sobbed in Makeala's
shoulder and the other felt crushed. They too joined Selena on her bed.
About 30 minutes later, Zaden walked into the room again. Makeala nudged her head and the others shuffled to stand up from
the bed. They slowly walked out from there, one after one while Zaden stood at the door, staring at the floor, arms crossed his
chest. Orion, to be the last one, grabbed Zaden's shoulder with a pursed lip, assuring him that everything is fine and walked
away from there. Zaden closed the door behind him. His broad shoulder, 6.2'' height and tough body would intimidate anyone, so
did Selena. He paced, still with a serious look on his face and slide into the bed, next to Selena. He lay there, face to Selena but
his eyes are closed, pretending to be asleep. Selena, who at first choose to stay clear out of his way, couldn't help stealing
glances at him.
“Sleep” a low voice came from him, which felt like a hallucination to her, since his lips just twitched. It can be a hallucination. She
slides down into the duvet and lowered herself to lay on the bed. She kept staring at him and he kept ignoring her. It feels weird
sleeping apart from him. She wanted to touch him but worry that he might still be mad at her. She finally mustered up some
courage. It's Zaden, what can he do except for maybe scolding her, right? After venting out, he would pamper her, anyways. She
lowered her duvet to her hip and raised her black silk shirt, till it hit her bra line. She then stretched her hand, grabbing his,
spontaneously bringing it to lay on her stomach. Zaden's eye snapped open, sober as the daylight.
“You haven't snuggled to my tummy in days. The baby misses you...” she whispered to him. His stomach churned due to
butterfly flutter. She was a virgin girl in all aspects, doesn't know how to say she misses him.
“And you don't?” he replied low too. She bit her lips and looked away from him, maybe she had chosen the wrong words to divert
him. He gazed at her, frowning slightly before grabbing her waist and pulling her to him. He then tangled his fingers into her hair
and pushed her head up. A soft kiss on her lips. He never fails to enchant her with his kiss, leaving her zoned out from reality,
every single time. He let go and looked into her eyes.
“I'm sorry I snapped at you...” he said
“No, no. I'm sorry for touching your weak spot...” she whispered with regret
“Yes, you got that right. You are my week spot. No matter what happens, don't ever think about leaving me behind...” his tone
surged a sorrow into Selena.
“I...I won't...even if you chase me away...” they both giggled and he leaned down for another kiss, deeper than before. He let go
when they were both short of breath. He couldn't wait for her to regain her composure and kissed her cheeks, forehead, chin,

nose, practically everywhere. It was not just skin to skin, he sucked gingerly, leaving a trace of wetness along the way. He trailed
off to her neck, still laying thousands of kisses along the slender length. Welcoming his touch, Selena ran her fingers up the back
of his hair and another hand holding his upper arm. She exhaled with a low moan.
“They made up!!! They made up!!! ” a voice from outside the door made them snapped their heads to the door. It was definitely
Makeala. She has been eavesdropping the whole time. They chuckled lightly. Zaden looked at the woman in his hands, who had
just lost a family member. Her eyes were still slightly swollen and red, with tear stains tracing down her cheeks. He aborted his
intention of making love to her.
“You need sleep, badly...” he said and Selena puzzled at his sudden change of action.
“No inky pinky? Why?” he grinned at the new nickname they came up with for sex.
“You have cheated death twice in the past 24 hours. 5 times in the past 15 days. I would recommend you to sleep at least for 5
days, not taking count Makeala's opinion” Zaden said, stirring her confusion even more. After some mental calculation, she
opened her mouth
“5 times? How?” she asked
“Well, first Goya at the camping event, then Goya again when we baited her. We thought Ozrain going to kill you, he didn't. Then
we came here and faced Epsilon. Then came the sparing ground where you escaped despite not killing anyone out of your own
will. Aira poisoned you but Ozrain took it on your behalf and she attempted again on the cliff but Ozrain killed her...” he finally
finished and stared Selena's priceless expression
“Good observation, I have to say...” she said
“So, Elisa skipped 5 generations to be born with 5 perfect elements, cheat death 5 times before killing the fifth Samrat King!!!” he
wanted to see her expression one more time and so, gave out another one of his observations.
“How on earth...” Selena said, earning a kiss on the lips from him. He let go to snuggle her stomach, listening to the now active
tiny heartbeat.
“Your daughter is going to keep us up all night after being born...” he said with a smirk
“Son...” Selena said.

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