Sinful Love

Chapter CHAPTER 15

“ I’m sorry... I kissed her neck... I’m really sorry” Orion said with fear dripping in every word and his voice is trembling. Zaden
escalated to another level of anger in a snap and threw him across the room, hitting hard on the wall. He walked over, grabbed
his neck and start squeezing it, making him suffocate for his breath. Everyone around him tried to stop him, even Grandpa Kai
was ignored. Something else is possessing him, the thought of another men kissing her was revolting and the view of Orion
turning blue in his hands was the cure. Selena heard the loud thud downstairs and she took control of her anger, rushed
downstairs to see Zaden chocking Orion and he is turning blue. She stormed to Zaden. Her father worried, tried to stop her but
Grandpa Kai stretched his hand as barrier. To Grandpa Kai, she is the cause of the conflict, and she is the fix too.
“Zaden!!!” she exclaimed while grabbing his arms but his hearing is deafened by his anger.
“Zaden...listen to me” she kneeled in front of him, between Orion and him. He didn’t seem to budge. She turned to look at Orion
who is in immense suffering at the moment. She grabbed Zaden’s wrist with both hers and hitting him, tried to pull him away. The
skin to skin contact made him return to reality. He let loose a little but not completely. She turned to Zaden again, her eye is now
back to light grey and tears rolled down them as she begged him
“Zaden please...let him go” she cupped his chin. He isn’t budging. She has to do something. With quick thinking, she took a
deep breath and her inner voice took over
‘You are calming down for me... you can’t refuse it... I need you to calm down now.... You are nothing but a small boy in my
hands...calm out’
She was caressing her thumb over his cheeks while still had his face in her palm. Zaden slowly let go of Orion. Seeing she has
situation under control, Grandpa Kai gestured everyone to leave the room and they obeyed. The 3 of them need space to
resolve this. Selena turned around to face Orion. She gently slapped his face trying to bring him back as he coughed and gasped
for air. Zaden has kneeled down now, he wrapped his arms around Selena’s waist and pulled her to sit on his lap as she yelped
out of surprise. Zaden’s anger subsided but his possessiveness and guilt of not being there for her took over.
“Just be mine...and only mine” he whispered to her ears. He then buried his face in the crook of her neck. Her butt clenched, her
eyes squeezed shut at his movement and she swallowed her saliva. The ticklish sensation his soft yet firm lips spread through
her skin was unbearable. As much as she wants to pull away, she also wants him to calm down and if this is what it needs to
tranquilize him momentarily, then why not. She gathered all her strength to fight the ticklish sensation creeping through the veins
in her neck and focused on Orion. She slapped his face gently a few more times but couldn’t find her voice. He shook his head to
consciousness and the next minute, he hugged Selena from the front, laying his head on her shoulder

“I am sorry...I really don’t know what got into me...I’m sorry, sorry, sor...” he started rambling
“Shu...just breath...” she had her hand over the back of his head and another hand stuck in his hug. To make her suffering
worse, Zaden started swirling circles on her neck with his nose. She opened her eye and mouth wide but nothing came out as
her breath got stuck in the hollow of her throat. The natural sweet, exotic scent of her, exaggerated due to sweat from basketball
game earlier and it is a tranquilizer for him, everything around became blank. He could only feel her, her smell engulfing him
thoroughly. To aid her suffering Orion started moving. He kissed her shoulder with every word he uttered
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry...” his moustache brushed against her skin sending another wave of tickle. He slowly moved to her jawline,
still planting his kisses. Selena’s breath is picking up its pace, trying to provide enough oxygen to her body in coping with her
current awkward situation. Zaden moved his hand into her shirt, grabbing her waist gently with his palms. She gasped. Orion
moved to her collarbone, sucking and nibbling, moving his head to sync his torture. Now, it has gone from mere ticklish to
something else, pleasure, the kind she had never experienced before. Her breath trembled and she dropped her head back on
Zaden’s shoulder. This is bad and dangerous for a virgin. She has to control 3 of them now, and it’s getting harder and harder
with herself control at stake. She grabbed hard on Orion’s hair as she bite down her lips, her whole body is trembling and she let
out a moan which triggered Zaden to come out with his tongue, wondering as it wishes from her neck to the back of her ears and
her earlobe.
“No...” she mumbled low and struggled to take control of the situation by pushing away Orion’s shoulder but he pushed her hand
to the side and hugged it, just like her other hand. In other words, her hands are tied between his hug. Like it or not, she is stuck
between 2 wolfs. Wolfs are possessive over their mate but she is not mate to any of them but she figured they will have some
sort of possessiveness towards a woman in their embrace. So far, she had subconsciously zoned them out from each other.
They are in their own world with her in both but how long can she keep up when she is losing control of herself.
Orion took it too far when he kissed her lips, making her moan even more. She can feel a sensation building up at the bottom of
her tummy, mixed with anxiety in her heart and a thousand electric sparks through her vein. Both the boys enjoyed her moan,
they are enjoying her and their hard manhood is rubbing her thigh and butt. Orion tried to get into her mouth as he ran his tongue
along her teeth but she is not letting him. He grabbed her lower lips with his teeth and sucked on it a little bit harder before trying
to enter his tongue again, as if he is begging to be let in. Selena let out a tiny whim from the pleasure and she can’t take it
anymore. The pressure that has been building in her lower stomach released like a snapped rubber band, making her wet down
her legs. The smell of her arousal slapped both Orion and Zaden in their faces. Realizing what just happen, Zaden moved back
in shock, effectively dropping her on her butt and releasing her from Orion. They both stumbled back, landing on their butt. All 3

of them are breathing heavily right now, with Selena being the heaviest. She had the back of her palm over her mouth as she still
is trembling
“Ok, next time, I don’t care if you guys rip each other apart” she said sternly with a glare before standing up and storming to her
That night, it was raining. Selena, Orion and Zaden, lay on their bed, in different room but despite the perfect whether to sleep,
they couldn’t. Even though Selena and Zaden would prefer to sleep on the couch, they forced themselves to stay in

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