Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 8

God must hate me because looking at Mila eat is the cruelest form of torture.

Each little moan of appreciation signals an early grave for my dick. It’s as hard as stone, and just one more mewl will have it breaking off.

“How in the hell did you manage to come up with all of this?” She’s sucking on her fingers now and it takes everything in me not to reach over and make her straddle my cock.

She’s been the object of my desire for the past couple of months, and to have her here in front of me, making obscene sounds that belong in an adult film instead of her innocent mouth is just too much for me to bear.

She’s not yours. Hell, she’s barely even legal.

That knowledge alone should make my cock wilt, but instead it makes it twitch. Knowing that nothings been inside that tight little hole, and nothing ever will be if I have my way.

Now that she’s in my care, I’m not letting another man near her. Ever. She’ll be a virgin until the day she dies.

“Jason. How?” She’s staring at me as if I’ve grown a second head. And I have. It’s right between my legs, the fucker lurching with every lick of her lips.

Focus. “It’s not hard to be creative when you’re surrounded by such beauty.”

I’m staring right at her, trying to convey she’s the beauty I’m referring to. If she only knew. None of God’s creations could compare to her, because she’s the best thing he’s ever made. Bar none.

The color in her cheeks tells me she gets what I’m putting down and I’m not the least bit ashamed.

“Seriously, though. Using the chips to make tartare nachos—so good. It’s making me turn a blind eye to your using the fishing rod to catch us a large part of tonight’s dinner.”

“Hey. It was on the boat, so it technically counts.” I smirk, knowing full well that she’s enjoying the labor of my love.

Love. Shit. There’s a word I never thought I’d use.

Sure, I feel love for my family, but never have I expressed it for someone outside of it. Didn’t think it could be possible, and the ease with which it did has my stomach knotting.

“You okay? You look sort of green.” She puts down the chip and presses her fingers to her lips. “Oh, god. You don’t think the fish is bad, do you?”

At this I smile. “No, baby. It’s as fresh as it gets.” I reach across the table and grab her hand. “I was just lost in my head. But I’m glad you’re enjoying the dinner.”

Mila blushes once more, and I swear that shade of rose is my new favorite color. “It really is delicious. Using the lime from the bar is absolute genius.”

“And you haven’t had dessert yet.”

Her bright blue-green eyes light up, making me want to capture this moment forever. “Dessert?”

I bite the corner of my lip and nod. “But you have to have it on the deck with me.”

“I’m ready now.” Like an excited little girl, Mila pushes her plate away and bounces in her seat—the sight serving as a reminder of how young she really is and how wrong my thoughts have been.

She’ll be my stepdaughter soon, and everything I’ve ever thought of her will have to be shoved deep into a closet, never to resurface again.

“Mila, I’m second guessing our dessert for the night.”

She pouts, the action making my cock throb as I imagine sucking that plump bottom lip between my teeth.

“That’s not fair. You can’t just tease me with something sweet and then take it away.”

Jesus. That’s what she’s done to me every second since I first laid eyes on her. “I know, baby. But I was going to offer you cognac on the bow of the boat. And now, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea with you being so young and all.”

She snorts. “God. Don’t let that stop you. I handle drinks for a living, and it’s no secret I’ve enjoyed my fair share.”

My eyes narrow and her face heats up once more.

Mila.” Her name comes out as a warning. I know she said she doesn’t bus tables at a diner anymore, so where is she coming into contact with drinks? Thoughts of her drunk and vulnerable assault me, making my vision go red. I’m about to pry for answers when she abruptly cuts into my rage.

“Anyway.” She shakes off my stare, equal parts horror and fury, and continues as if what she’s disclosed is no big deal. “Look. All I was saying is that I’m not as innocent as you might think. A little drink won’t kill me… or you.”

She gets up, sauntering over to the bar where I’d pulled the limes from earlier, and makes herself at home. As if it’s the most natural thing in the world, she pulls out the bottle of Marancheville and pours us two healthy tumblers.

“So, are you coming or what?” She peers over her shoulder as she waits by the stairs that lead us out.

I’m shaking my head as I get out of my seat, already knowing this’ll lead us nowhere good. I shouldn’t be enabling her. Yes, she’s done it before, but it’s never been under my care.

With two large strides, I’m by her side, reaching for the glasses and placing them back on the bar. “No, little girl. You might’ve been able to do whatever you wanted before, but not on my watch.” I pull two fresh waters out of the fridge and hand her one. “I know you’re not used to having an authority figure. That much is clear. But now you do. I’m your daddy, and part of that is watching out for you, making decisions that might not seem like the most fun, but are the best for you in the long run.”

Her brows raise, and her nose does that adorable scrunching thing. “Are you worried I’d tell? Because I wouldn’t. It could be our little secret.”

Fuck. Why does that have my head filling with visions of railing her hard against the deck, and keeping it our little secret?

I close my eyes and take a centering breath, needing to shove those filthy thoughts out of my head. “No, baby. As much as I want to make you happy, I just don’t want us doing something that could get you into trouble.”

And if I’m being honest, myself too. Not legally. I couldn’t give two fucks about that, for her or myself. I know I’d get her out of any bind if needed.

No. It’s the thought of being around her while intoxicated and having lowered my inhibitions with alcohol. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. There’s something between us, and it’s clear she feels it too.

It’s up to me to protect us from it because I’m already hanging on by a thread. Add alcohol into the mix and I’d be sure to pounce on that virgin pussy and make it mine.

Like a petulant child, Mila’s eyes narrow before finally snatching the water out of my hand. “Fine. But you owe me dessert. And I get an extra round of truth or dare.”

As she turns and walks up the stairs and onto the deck, I can’t help but stare, those juicy cheeks of hers peeking out from under her shorts drawing me in like two round bullseyes begging to be bit.

Blowing out a deep sigh, I make my way behind her, willing my cock to stand down.

Whatever her questions are, I hope they’re not about the constant bulge in my pants—something that’s become the norm around her.

As soon as we’re topside, I guide us toward the bow and gesture her to sit.

“Wow. The sky. You can count every star.” Mila is looking toward the heavens, enjoying the very reason I brought her out here.

“Yes. It’s one of my favorite things of being on the water and away from the city lights. There’s a sense of—”

“Peace.” She finishes my sentence and my heart hitches.

“Yes, peace. There’s a bar on that island right there. But it doesn’t operate during the week, so it’s pretty much just us and the owners who live on the other side.”

Mila’s eyes go wide as she focuses back on me, the only light illuminating us being that of the moon and the stars above.

“It’s unbelievable how detached from the world you can feel when Miami is such a short boat ride away.”

I nod, smiling down at her. “Yes. That’s why this is one of my favorite escapes. Few people know of the older couple who own this little piece of land. Makes for a great getaway when life is too hectic.”

“Is it hectic? Your life?” She’s looking at me with so much concern it fills me with warmth. How could this perfect creature worry about me when she just met me?

“More than I care to share, baby girl.” I suck in a breath and look away for fear of spilling everything right on this deck.

“You can always share with me. No judgment. Ever.”

That has me looking back toward Mila. This girl keeps surprising me at every turn. What started as nothing but sheer carnal lust is quickly turning into an appreciation of so much more, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing. Not when I owe her mother and my unborn child what I do.

“I appreciate it, I really do, but the last thing I want to do is weigh you down with all of my thoughts. For now, let’s keep it light and fun. Yeah?”

Mila narrows her eyes, but the wind blows strands of dark brown hair across her face and takes her indecision with it. “Fine, where were we?”

“It’s my turn. Truth or dare?”

She nibbles on her bottom lip as her eyes dance with life. “Dare.”

I grin so wide my cheeks hurt. I’m a fucking bastard for what I’m about to demand, but I need to know what had her turning several shades of red in a matter of seconds. “You got a text message on our way to the marina.”

She’d been looking up at the stars, but the mention of her phone has her eyes trained back on mine, something akin to panic racing behind the jewel like orbs. “Yes? But that’s not a dare, that’s a statement.”

“I dare you to read it to me.”

All color drains from her face and I now more than ever need to know what’s on that phone. Did someone outbid me? Fuck if I’ll let them.


“What is it, baby girl? Backing out of our dare?” I flick the tip of my tongue to the edge of my mouth and watch her pupils dilate. Lord help us. I think she might be as attracted to me as I am to her.

“No.” She clears her throat as she rises. “I just have to get my phone. It’s in my bag.”

“Hmm.” I give her a soft smile as I try hard—okay, maybe not that hard—to avoid staring at her ass. “Okay. I’ll be right here—”

I’m still looking at her behind when suddenly she’s dropping like a sack of potatoes, her head hitting the metal railing.

“Shit, baby!” I’m off my feet and at her side in two seconds, but it’s two seconds too slow. I should’ve helped her up. Should’ve helped her in. It’s clear this is her first time on a boat. She’s probably not used to the rocking and bobbing on the water. “Talk to me, Mila. Tell me you’re okay.”

I’m patting her down, assessing her body for injury when she groans. “I’m okay. Probably going to have a nasty knot, though.”

She’s rubbing at the side of her head and I’m wondering if I need to get on the dinghy and get us out of here. To where? I have no fucking clue.

My mind is a blur when Mila brings her hands to my face, instantly calming the storm inside. “I’m okay, Jason. Seriously. There’s no reason to freak out.”

I scoff at that. “Freak out? I never freak out.” It’s true. At least it was. I’ve been the laid-back brother, but I’m quickly finding out that she’s changed that. “I just want to make sure your mother doesn’t kill me for maiming her little girl.”

“Ha—ow!” She started to laugh, but then quickly grabbed her head.

“That’s it. I’m getting us out of here.” I pick Mila up and throw her over my shoulder, but she kicks her legs.

“Oh my god, stop!” She’s laughing. Laughing at the fact that I’m worried out of my mind for her. “Stop! I promise I’m okay. Besides, where are you going to take me?”

“I’ll take you to the island. I’m sure they have a boat we can take out and get back to the mainland with.”

I’m about to lower her when she struggles against me, the action making her slide down along my front and letting me feel every inch of her delectable body. Yes. She was sent to torture me for my transgressions.

“There’s no need for that, Jason. I promise. We can wait until morning if you still feel the need to get me checked out, but I swear it’s just a little bump. Nothing more.”

I’m staring into her eyes, trying to assess if she’s telling the truth or just putting on a brave face.

‘I don’t lie. Ever.’ Her words from earlier come to mind and I know I can believe her. It’s like a strong pull in my gut letting me know that she would never lie to me. Not when it really matters.

“Fine. But I don’t like it, and you’re taking it easy for the rest of the night.”

“Yes, Daddy. Whatever you say.” She’s smiling, clueless to the effect those words are having on my body.

“You’re laughing now, but you won’t be when I’m waking you every few hours just to make sure you don’t go comatose on me.”

Mila giggles. “You’re overreacting. It’s just a bump, not a full-on concussion.”

I’m shaking my head and directing her inside the cabin. “How would you know? You wouldn’t let me get you checked out by a professional.”

“I know because I know my body. Every twinge, tingle, and flutter. I know it well and what it all means.”

Her eyes flit to mine and my chest tightens as I will those tingles and flutters to be mine. God, what I’d give to own every single one.

And as she ducks inside, I know right then and there that there is no hope of killing whatever this is I feel for this girl.

She’s embedded herself into my being, and no amount of distance or restraint will ever douse the flames that only light for her—my baby girl.

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