Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 3

I’ve just stepped out of the terminal and into the open air, but I’m second guessing everything already. Two seconds in and I’m assaulted with so much humidity. It’s a miracle my long brown hair doesn’t curl on the spot.

I’ve never been to Florida before—hell, I’ve never left my little town in Colorado—so this is all a shock to my system. It’s beautiful, I’ll give it that, though I could do without the dampness in the air. It hasn’t even been five minutes of being outside and I already feel like I could use a second shower.

“Miss Kournikova?” A tall man with broad shoulders approaches me and I flinch, realizing I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings. A big no-no.

Focusing on my caller, I let my eyes skim the tailored uniform he’s in before falling to the whiteboard in his hands. “Armando?”

Mom said she’d have security pick me up, and he definitely looks the part. Those broad shoulders are housing impressive muscle if the fabric going taut is any indication.

“Yes. I see Catherine told you I was coming.” He smiles before waving a hand toward a large SUV with tinted windows. “This way, Miss.”


He whirls around so fast I almost slam into his chest. “Yes?”

“You wouldn’t mind showing me some I.D., would you? I don’t typically make it a habit of getting into cars with strangers, and this being a new city and all, I’d feel safer knowing you are who you say you are.”

His smile goes from ear to ear as he pulls his wallet out of his back pocket, his bicep flexing and threatening to split his shirt with the movement. “Not at all, Miss.”

“Please, call me Mila.” Looking down at the open wallet, I see his driver’s license. Armando Cartagena.

“Very well, Mila. Shall we?” He tilts his head toward the Escalade again and I nod.

“Thanks for indulging me and my paranoia. I’ve seen one too many true crime stories to not ask.”

Armando chuckles as he opens the back door for me, taking my luggage in the process. “Oh, you definitely don’t have to explain to me. I have a little sister and I wouldn’t let her go anywhere without doing the same.”

I get into the back seat and sink into the rich leather, so different from the scratchy fabric of my old civic. Mom did always have a thing for luxury, and it seems her new man is very much the same.

I roll my eyes as Armando gets into the driver’s seat, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror. “Everything okay, Mila?”

“Yes.” I blow out a breath, wondering if my new friend will spill the beans on his boss. “Is my mother’s new boyfriend nice?”

Nice and wealthy rarely go hand in hand in my limited experience. The ballers at my work? Mean. My mother? Mean. My biological father? Well, he’s more indifferent than mean, but still.

“Can’t complain. He’s the best boss I’ve ever had.”

We’ll see about that.

Armando pulls away from the terminal and all I can see is palm trees for days. Wow, it really is beautiful here. My face is glued to the window, mesmerized by the scenery when we drive onto a bridge and I get my first glimpse of water, the sight alone making my jaw drop. I’ve never seen the ocean, and this is one hell of an introduction.

Rows and rows of massive beach front homes line the street we’re on, and in between each I get a glimpse of the sand and water beyond.

“Do you think we can drive by the beach before we get to our final destination?” I’m practically kissing the window when Armando’s words cut into my fog.

“We’re already here, Miss.” The SUV pulls up to a set of large white gates, the massive slabs of steel parting and exposing a circular drive. “But if you want to see the beach, then you just need to walk past the backyard. The residence holds a private entry past the swimming pool and garden.”

My mouth hangs open. I can’t help it. Just how much money does my mom’s new boyfriend have? The house I’m staring at has to be in the millions, and to be right on the water like this? Yeah, the guy is loaded.

I try to compose myself as Armando rounds the SUV and opens my door, but my mouth goes dry and all thoughts leave my body as my eyes fall on the man standing at the door.

Lord have mercy. I’ve seen Adonis himself. He must be six-three, all muscle and hard edges—topped with the thickest head of hair, he could make the CEO of Monat salivate with envy.

His massive frame fills the doorway, and even though he’s dressed in all linen, the casual nature of his clothes does nothing to hide the power and steel beneath them. It radiates from him, reaching me from over twenty feet away.

I’m still standing there, staring, when Mom’s voice slams into my bubble of lust. “Mila! You’re here, baby!”

Her term of endearment is enough to shake any remaining fog I was under. I see her now, speed walking around the adonis and heading straight for me with arms outstretched. What the fuck?

I’m so shocked at what I’m seeing I don’t have time to brace myself for the hug.


Catherine squeezes me harder, a sharp squeal emanating from her throat. “I’m so glad you’re here, sweetie!”

She finally lets me go, but moves to grab my hand, and because I’m still in a daze, I let her. She’s dragging me up the stairs and toward the man I saw earlier, and the closer we get, the finer he seems. How is he even real? I swear, not even actors with all the Photoshop in the world have anything on this man. Is he her boyfriend’s brother? Son?

“Jason, meet Mila. Mila, meet Jason.” Catherine’s hand falls to her stomach and I instantly want to vomit. “He’s the baby’s father.”

Yup. I want to vomit. I was just drooling over the man who gets it on with my mom. Nausea hits me and it takes everything in me not to gag.

“Mila. It’s nice to meet you.” Jason’s deep voice reaches me and any ailment I had leaves my body, his deep baritone enough to keep it all at bay. That is, until his hand reaches for mine and our skin makes contact.

Fire. Nothing but liquid heat burns between us. It’s so intense I quickly pull my hand away, unable to let myself feel this with him. For him.

It’s wrong.

“Jason.” I nod, trying to school my features but failing miserably if Catherine’s furrowed brows are any indication.

“Do you two know each other?” She’s looking between us, her eyes landing on mine for an answer, knowing that I can’t lie to save my life.

“Nope. Never met him before.” I roll in my lips, not trusting myself to add anything more.

And Jason saves me from having to do that, but to my horror, he does it by placing his hand on my lower back and ushering me inside. “Armando, I’ll take Mila’s luggage.”

As if in a trance, I let his free hand take the handle of my suitcase. All the while the other remains pressed to my back, never once dropping from its perch as he walks us inside.

I never let a man put his hands on me, but Jason? It’s as if I’ve never heard of the word no.

“You don’t have to do that, Jason. I can show her to her room.” Mom’s shrill voice sounds off behind us and I can’t bear to turn and look. The shame of how much I’m enjoying her man’s touch is too much for me to face.

“We can both take her. It’s not like I’d let you pick up her luggage in your condition.” He never once turns toward Catherine while he speaks. In fact, he bristled beside me with every syllable. Interesting. Does he resent her for her weakened state? Well, that’s a jerk thing to feel.

I quickly add it to an invisible tally, anything that’ll make me dislike Jason. Not because I want to hate him, but because I need to absolve myself of the sinful thoughts I’ve already had.

I may not like my mother very much, but there are lines that not even I will cross. And fantasizing about a man who’s going to be my stepfather is one of them. Catherine might not have a ring on her finger yet, but knowing her, it’s only a matter of time—and how awkward would that be? Yeah, no thanks.

We reach the top of the stairs and my steps halt. There’s a massive picturesque window right across the landing and the view is nothing short of breathtaking.

“It’s so beautiful.” I’ve only seen the ocean through video or photos, but none of it does it justice. The sky is shining down onto the crystal-clear water of the surf, but the waves do nothing to hide the azure of the shoreline.

“If you like that, then you’ll love your room.” Jason finally drops his hand and I instantly feel the loss.

How could his touch affect me so much when I’ve just met him? I’m not left any time to ponder because my mother is quickly inserting herself between us.

“Jason, I didn’t know you were putting her in the Ivy.”

Mom’s boyfriend rolls his eyes as he walks into the room Catherine so aptly named after the vine. The walls are all in a deep green, contrasted with the dark blue jewel tones of the furniture and velvet bedding. It would be over the top in any other situation, but the way it’s balanced with the minimalism of the room makes it chic and elegant instead of gaudy and pretentious.

“Did you decorate this room, Mom?”

Catherine blushes as she wraps an arm around Jason’s waist, the contact making him visibly bristle. “Oh, no. Jason had his designer put this together. He’s been so protective, not wanting me to lift a finger if I don’t have to. Isn’t he the best?”

My brows reach toward my hairline. I highly doubt she wants my opinion of her beau. Something tells me she’ll have a problem with my lusting after his Greek physique and protective ways.

I’ve never had that before—someone looking out for me—and the thought of this man taking charge is making me ache in all the naughty places.

Jason clears his throat, and it’s then I realize I’ve been staring at him, not giving my mom an answer. “Right. Well, I bet you’re tired from your trip.” He walks over to the bed and lays my luggage on top of the plush comforter. “But before we let you rest, why don’t you push this?”

He pulls a remote from the bedside table and hands it to me, our fingers brushing and sending another violent tingle through me. God, what is it with this man?

Needing the distraction, I push the button and a soft whirring sound has me turning. The deep green curtains part, seemingly gliding on a mechanical tract and exposing the room to the beauty just outside the window. Floor to ceiling windows open onto a balcony overlooking a strip of beach.

“Oh my god. Does this open up?” Holy hell. It’s stunning.

I’m walking up to the panel of glass when Jason comes up beside me and pushes another button on the remote I’m still holding, making the entire window slide to the left and converting the room into an instant outdoor space.

“Does that answer your question?” Jason is smirking down at me while I’m just standing there with my mouth hanging open.

“Yes. It definitely does.” I’m blinking up at him, still in a daze, when Catherine steps out onto the balcony and points toward the right.

“Best part is we’re all connected! That’s Jason’s room, and then mine is next to his.” She points to the wall of windows next to mine. That’s weird. They don’t share a room? “We have an adjoining door and eventually my room will turn into the nursery.”

Her eyes widen at that last bit as if she can’t contain her excitement, making me wonder if my mom did in fact become baby crazy since I last saw her.

Just then, Jason coughs before turning back toward my room. “My number is on your bedside table, Mila. Call me or Armando if you need to leave the property. If you ladies will excuse me, I have some work to get to.”

I’m staring at his back when Catherine waves him off, blocking my view. “Don’t worry about us, Jason. We’ve got some catching up to do!”

It takes everything in me not to cackle at my mother’s words. She’s really playing up the mothering role, isn’t she? The door clicks and the charade doesn’t end there. She’s apparently committed to becoming my new BFF, plopping herself on the bed as I start to unpack.

“So, tell me all about this college you’re planning on attending.”

I raise a brow, my hands stopping mid air with a swimsuit I’d bought just for this trip. “You really want to know?”

“Of course I do, Mila.” She’s looking at me like I’m crazy, and maybe I am. Maybe I’m being a little too jaded and she really wants to mend our relationship.

“Okay. It’s for the best design school in the nation. It’s a miracle I’m able to swing—”

I’m about to open up and let her in on how I’m planning on paying for it when her cell phone goes off and she holds up a finger.

“One minute, baby. This is work.” She gets up and walks over to the blue chase, answering her phone and getting lost in her conversation before I can even put my heart back in my chest.

I should’ve known better. Work always comes first with her. Why did I think this would be any different? I’m here to help her with that after all.

With a deep sigh, I resign myself to playing her pawn. She wants to parade me in front of Jason? Fine. I don’t care as long as I get to be there for the peanut she’s bringing into this world. With a mother like her, they’ll need all the love they can get, and I definitely plan on showering them with it.

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