Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 12

“Let go of me, Catherine.” The mother of my child is digging her nails into my forearm as I’m about to go after Mila and Armando. No way I’m letting her out of my sight when she isn’t well.

“Really, Jason? Pining after a child doesn’t suit you.” She squeezes my arm with the word child and my entire body stills.

I turn ever so slowly, my eyes narrowing into tiny slits as I stare at the woman that is trying my patience. “What the fuck are you implying, Catherine?”

“She’s barely eighteen, and you’re doting on her like she’s the one who’s pregnant with your baby instead of me.” She’s raising a brow now, and I swear it’s taking everything in me not to pop a blood vessel.

“Are you serious right now? She’s your daughter, for fuck’s sake. Show a little more empathy.” I jerk my arm out of her grasp and shift my entire body to face her. “I don’t know what you’re getting at, but Mila was having a damn panic attack and you’re over here acting as if it’s no big deal.”

She blows out a breath and rolls her eyes. “I never said I wasn’t concerned. I’m simply saying you’re acting a little above and beyond for having just met my daughter.” She purses her lips, that brow of hers raising once more. “You even called her baby girl.”

My chest tightens, and I know she’s right. I let it slip. But hell, that’s what she is. Mila is, and forever will be, my baby girl. Still, I can’t let her mother know that. Not when she’s staring at me like the cat that ate the canary.

“So what? I called you sweetheart when you fainted, and you’ve yet to grace my bed since Colorado.” Catherine’s eyes turn downcast, and I know that was a low blow, but I couldn’t help it. Not when she was threatening to expose what I truly feel for her daughter. “Truth is, you’re both mine to protect, and I’m not okay with anything happening to either of you.”

“I guess that makes sense. You’re so protective of me, I should’ve rationalized that you’d be the same with my daughter.” There’s a spark of hope back in her eyes and it threatens to crush me with guilt.

I might not love this woman, but I couldn’t bear anything happening to her and by proxy my child. If she thinks I feel the same about Mila because of their familial relationship, then so be it. I won’t correct her.

I’m about to turn back and find Mila when Catherine places her hand on my chest. “Now that that’s cleared up, can we go back to talking about my moving into your room?”

Shit. It will look terrible if I put her off once more, just to go in search of the daughter I said I felt nothing for.

“I’d rather—” Just then, my cell goes off, the loud vibration cutting into my sentence and saving me from this massively uncomfortable moment. “Hold on.”

I raise a finger as I pull my phone out of my pocket and look down at the screen.

“This is my brother. I have to take it.” And I’m not lying. Hunter never calls me. Hell, he typically goes months without contact, so this must be important.

“Of course.” Catherine drops her hand, making me feel like I can breathe again.

Damn. That’s no way to feel about the woman you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with. “Please come find me when you’re done.”

I nod, knowing that our sleeping arrangement is definitely something that needs to be discussed. I was just hoping it would be later rather than sooner.

Clicking the line open, I press my phone to my ear. “Talk to me. Everyone okay?”

I’m giving Catherine my back as I walk toward my office, needing to have this conversation in private. Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll need to be sitting down.

“Jace. We’ve got a problem.” Hunter’s gruff voice comes across the line, confirming my suspicion.

“I figured as much. What’s going on?” I’m stepping into my sanctuary and closing the door behind me as my brother lets me in on something I’d prayed would never happen.

“Austin. He’s planning on taking one more trip down south in an effort to uncover what they wanted.” He’s being vague, but I’m getting what he’s putting down.

“Dammit! Why can’t he leave well enough alone?”

“Hey, if your loved ones were being targeted and tortured, I know you’d do the same. Yes, they were involved with our pops, but it’s no secret his wife and children were the primary focus of the deception.”

I run a hand through my hair, tugging at the ends. What he’s saying makes sense, but I don’t like it. “So, what are you thinking? I’m assuming you’re calling me because you have an action plan.”

He grunts. “I’m thinking you should head down south and cut him off. Tell him you’ll deal with it since he should be focusing on his upcoming nuptials instead of dealing with difficult psychopaths.” There’s a pause, but he continues. “Just… whatever you do. Stop him from finding out.”

My stomach churns and heart beats over time. “You know?”

Hunter chuckles dryly. “Yeah. I know.”

“Did Dad tell you? I thought I was the only one. Fuck. He swore me to secrecy.”

“No. He didn’t tell me. I found out on my own—and don’t ask me how I know. I won’t say.”

I clear my throat and blink away this revelation. “Okay then. I guess I’m just grateful that you do.”

“I’ve arranged for the WRATH securities jet to pick you up tomorrow. Head down there and offer Austin assurances. Say whatever you need to. Just make sure he doesn’t come face to face with our old friend Raul.”

I’m nodding, mapping out everything I need to do to get that situated. “Alright. I’ve got this. Thank you for giving me the heads up. I couldn’t stand to see Austin get caught up in this before he finally gets to marry the girl of his dreams.”

“If only we were all so lucky.” Hunter’s tone comes off bitter, making me wonder if he has someone he’s set his eyes on but can’t have. Much like my predicament.

“I hear ya, brother.”

“Alright. Call me when you’re down there and keep me posted. I’ll have the SAT phone on me at all times.”

“Ten-four. Talk soon.”

I cut the line and throw my head back. In a wild turn of events, it seems I’ll be heading down to Mexico once more. Not something I’m looking forward to, given the circumstances.

Shoving the phone into my pocket, I head to the French doors leading outside. Never have I needed a stroll on the beach like I do now. With so much going on, I could sure use a dose of vitamin D and fresh air.

The strong, salty breeze envelops my senses, covering me in a cocoon of comfort that only the ocean can bring. I’ve just about returned to my natural state of Zen when I see it. Them more like it.

Mila is laughing, the light playing on her naturally glowing caramel skin, all while Armando has his arm across her shoulders, pressing her body into his in an all too familiar embrace.

Red. It’s all I see as I charge forward, determined to break whatever this is. I vowed to keep this girl safe from all men, and that includes the head of my security. I’ll gladly fire his ass if he’s stepped out of line, and the closer I get, the more it seems that he has.

This realization is making my blood molten, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

“Armando!” His name comes out in a growl. It’s a miracle it sounds like English at all.

Instantly, he drops his hold on Mila, but the rage does nothing to subside.

“Sir. Is everything okay?” He’s staring at me with such concern it makes me take a step back and ask… is it?

“Oh my god. Is Catherine okay? The baby?!” Mila is shrieking next to Armando, her face going pale.

It’s enough of a sight to shake me out of my temporary jealousy fueled insanity.

“Yes. They’re fine. Everything is fine.” If you don’t count my losing my shit whenever another man touches you.

I don’t say that last bit because I don’t need to be institutionalized. Not yet anyway. At the rate I’m going, I’ll be landing there soon.

“Did you need something, Sir?” Armando is looking at me, and if I really were to assess his gaze, I’d know I’ve been caught. Not much slips past him, and I have a feeling he’s already suspected I have feelings for the girl to his left.

“Yes. I need to talk to Mila, and then later, at some point, we’ll need to have a conversation.” I plan on fully detailing just how off-limits Mila is to him, in case my actions now weren’t clear enough.

With the way I’m staring at him and positioning my body between the two, I might as well be pissing a circle around the girl.

“Understood. I’ll head back to the house. See you soon.” And without fanfare, my right-hand man leaves me alone with my biggest temptation.

A beat of silence passes as both Mila and I stare at Armando’s retreating frame, neither of us willing to break into this awkward moment.

“So, is everything really okay?” Mila looks up at me with her big eyes that threaten to make me fall even deeper.

“Yes.” I need to come up with something, anything, just so it doesn’t seem like I was being a possessive caveman. In my defense, I do need to talk to Mila, but it definitely could’ve waited until tonight. “I’ll be leaving for business tomorrow afternoon.” Something akin to panic crosses Mila’s eyes and I can’t help but feel the need to soothe her worries. “But I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay. Is that everything?” Her eyes are narrowing, and I swear it’s as if she’s looking into my soul.

“No. We’ll be taking a family trip back to Colorado within the next two weeks. I wanted you to know so you could prepare.”

“Back to Colorado? Is that where you’re from?”

That’s right. I forget that despite this mounting attraction and sense of belonging, we really know little about each other.

“My brother owns a ranch out there, and one of my other brothers is taking it over. He’s the reason for the trip since he’s getting married and can’t do it without his favorite kin.” I smirk, knowing full-well that he’s closest to Matt, but I’m not admitting that.

“Oh, wow! It must be beautiful.” A melancholy look floats across her face and it takes everything in me not to pull her into an embrace. “But as much as I’d like to go back home, I don’t think I’ll be able to join you.”

Something pinches in my chest, and I don’t fucking like it. “Oh? And why is that?”

I’m raising a brow, waiting for her to tell me what can be so important that she needs to be kept from my side, especially on such an important occasion.

She’s rolling in her lips now, and her pace back to the house slows. “Uh, well. I have some business to handle and I don’t know exactly where it’ll take me.”

My skin prickles and I have a sneaking suspicion I know what business she’s talking about. “And what does this business entail?”

Mila’s face flushes red and I know I’ve hit the nail on the head. Over my dead-fucking-body.

“It’s personal and I’d rather not say.”

“Whatever business this is, it can wait. You’re not staying here by yourself. I won’t allow it.”

She scoffs. “You won’t allow it?”

“That’s right. And I want you to tell me about this business you’re needing to handle. Being that you’re under my roof, you’re my responsibility and I want to make sure it isn’t anything that’s going to get you into trouble.”

Oh, I’ve done it now. The little spitfire looks like she’s about to spout plumes of smoke from the top of her head, and as she opens her mouth to speak, I know I’m in for one hell of an earful.

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