Sincerely, Your Inconvenient Wife: A Marriage of Convenience Office Romance (The Harder They Fall)

Sincerely, Your Inconvenient Wife: Chapter 22

sheets to climb into bed with me and came to a dead stop.

“What is this?”

I patted the pillows I’d piled next to me. “A pillow wall for your comfort.”

His brow crinkled as he raked his eyes over me. “You changed.”

“I had some clothes in the dresser. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

I didn’t know what I’d been thinking wearing that nightgown. A long time ago, Elena had gotten me in the habit of wearing pretty pajamas, but I should have thought before packing one for this trip. Of course Luca wouldn’t want to share a bed with me when I was wearing a silk slip. To me, it was comfortable. To him, it probably looked like I was trying to seduce him.

The sweatpants and T-shirt I had put on felt like they were strangling my legs and drowning my torso, but I could suck it up for one night. Especially after Luca had stood by my side while my mother chose to put her worst foot forward.

Luca picked up the pillows one by one and tossed them aside, then climbed into bed, rolling onto his side to face me.

“You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Saoirse. You made my dick hard.” He plucked the hem of my loose T-shirt. “This doesn’t help.”

I shifted to my side too. There was still a good amount of mattress between us. “I can take care of it for you.” Reaching out, I laid my hand on his side, just above the waistband of his sleep pants. “Do you want me to touch you? Suck you?”

He caught my hand, pulling it up to his chest. “You’re killing me.”

“I’m trying to make it better.”

“I know you are, pretty girl. And I want all those things. I want to fuck the hell out of you until we’re both sore. But there is no way I am going to do that with your father sleeping right down the hall. I need to be able to make you scream, and that is not going to happen here.”

His words made me dizzy, sending blood straight to my core. Scissoring my legs back and forth, I was all too aware of the slickness between my folds.

“Are you trying to kill me too?” I choked out.

He huffed, his head falling forward to our clasped hands. “If I have to die, I’m not going alone.” His free hand shot out, giving my butt a smack. “Go to sleep so I’m not tempted to defile you in your father’s house.”

“You can’t say filthy things to me, spank my ass, and expect me to fall asleep.”

“That is exactly what I expect, sleepy girl. You’ve had a long, tough day. I saw your tired eyes before I commented on your pajamas. You’re wrecked. It’s time for you to shut it all off and rest.”

“You’ve had a long, tough day too. Are you going to shut it all off?”

“Eventually.” He swatted my butt again. “Go to sleep.”

I grinned in the dark. “Fine. You have to let go of my hand first.”

He shoved it back at me. “Get out of here.”

Laughing softly, I flipped to my other side, giving him my back. A moment later, the blankets were pulled up to my shoulders and tucked around me. I settled down in the warm bed, smiling to myself at the sweetness of the act, the day, which had been mostly good, the house I loved, the ranch that refueled me when I visited. Soon, I was so heavy I had no choice but to fall.

Sometime in the night, I woke warmer than usual. Awareness crept over me little by little. The sound of breathing behind me. A big, hard body against my back. The arm banded firmly around my middle. Luca’s legs tangled with mine.

I knew Luca’s secret. He was a cuddler.

Closing my eyes again, I snuggled even closer and fell back into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

When I woke again, it was morning, and I was alone in bed. Light drifted from beneath the bathroom door. That and the sound of the shower running told me where Luca was.

He emerged minutes later, only wearing a pair of jeans, the top button unsnapped. My mouth went dry as I watched him stride across the room to his bag.

He stopped suddenly, turning toward the bed, and found me watching. The corners of his mouth curved.

“I woke up to my cock trying to dig a hole through my pants and yours.”

I laughed and sat up, swinging my feet to the floor. “That’s because you spent half the night cuddling me.”

His hands went to his hips, providing an erotic frame of his low-slung jeans and the V of muscle that disappeared beneath them. A few more inches and things would have gotten even more interesting.

“You don’t know that.”

Standing up to stretch, I shrugged. “I do. woke up to you holding me in your sleep.”

“That doesn’t sound like me.” He dragged his hand over his mouth. “You didn’t push my ass off the bed?”

“Why would I? I liked it.” Passing by him, I gave his shoulder a bump. “You should have woken me up with the cock problem. I wouldn’t have been offended.”

His jaw went tight. “Go take a shower. We need to get on the road.”

Luca zipped the leather jacket he’d given me up to my chin and smoothed his hands down my front before handing me my helmet. He’d been broody all morning, rushing me while keeping his distance. We said quick goodbyes to my family, and now we were about to spend four hours with our bodies pressed together.

It was going to be a rough ride.

As soon as he slung his leg over the bike, he grabbed my hands and yanked me against his back without saying a word. That one move hopelessly soaked my panties, and I groaned into his ear.

He revved the engine once, then reached behind me and slapped my ass.

Oh, yeah, he’d definitely heard that.

At least I wasn’t going to be the only one uncomfortable.

Luca started on the road, but when he reached the fork that would take us to the highway, he turned toward downtown instead. Within minutes, he was taking a sharp turn into the little travel lodge beside Joy’s Elbow Room.

Tearing off his helmet, he jabbed a finger at me. “Stay right there.”

Then he marched into the front office.

Unsure of what was happening, I took off my helmet and climbed off the motorcycle, standing beside it. Through the window of the office, I watched Luca push cash across the counter, sign a paper, then the clerk handed him a key.

The first flutters of anticipation crowded my belly.

There was only one reason he’d rent a motel room.

And I was all in.

Luca strode out of the office, his hand reaching out to me. Leaving the bike behind, I went to him, letting him guide me to room 108.

As soon as the door was unlocked, he shoved me inside, kicked it closed, and shrugged out of his jacket.

“Clothes off,” he barked.

Even with his harsh order, he carefully unzipped my jacket and slipped it off my shoulders, throwing it on top of his.

Neither of us was careful after that. Something snapped. We were a flurry of movement, tossing clothes aside, kicking off shoes, ripping away everything until we were all skin.

Luca was on me, gripping my nape to spin me away from him and latching on to my throat. He pushed me into the dresser, which was waist height, and bent me so my chest lay across the top.

The next moment, his mouth was on my pussy, eating me so hungrily I couldn’t have stopped the bone-deep cry that escaped if I’d tried.

His fingers dug into my thighs, keeping them apart as he fucked me with his tongue. He ate my pussy and ass, his lips and teeth leaving no part of me untouched. Then his fingers joined, thrusting into me deep and hard.

All I could do was grip the sides of the dresser and let him have control over me, what we did, everything. His hold was so firm and unyielding I couldn’t even grind against him. I had to take what he gave me.

Thank everything holy Luca was a giver.

He had me boneless and coming in minutes. The sounds he coaxed out of me were animalistic and completely foreign. I had never growled and whined once in my life, but it slipped from me naturally with this man plowing his tongue between my thighs.

“Please, Luca.”

His lips were on the juncture between my ass and thigh, sucking hard and nibbling softly. When he finished, he licked a line following the curve of my ass, then he rose behind me, bending over my sprawled torso to bring his mouth beside my ear.

“Please, what, pretty girl?”

I wiggled my hips against him, finally able to move, if only a little. “I need you.”

His chuckle was gritty and taunting. “You admit to needing me?”

“Yes. I do. And I want you even more.”

His forehead fell to my shoulder blade. “Fuck. You can’t say that to me if you want me to last.”

“I don’t care how long you last as long as I get to feel you inside me.”

“That’s it.” His weight lifted off me, fingers curling around my hips, yanking me into his pelvis. I spread my legs without being told, giving him all the space he needed.

One warning was all I got. The head of his cock aligned with my entrance for a fleeting beat before he slammed all the way in, knocking my hip bones into the edge of the dresser and robbing me of breath.

My head reared back, eyes flying wide, and that was when I spotted the mirrored closet facing us, giving me a perfect view of Luca’s tightly muscled body dominating mine.

And that was what he was doing. My will was his. My pleasure at his command. He held me how he wanted, thrusting into me with a force that would have been blinding if I hadn’t been so fucking enchanted by our reflection.

His teeth captured his bottom lip. His eyes were on me, on the space where we were joined. It was heady knowing that, without a doubt, the focus of his concentration was solely on me. He watched himself pump his thick cock into me over and over while I watched the effect it had on him.

“I’ve been walking around hard for you since you ruined my sheets.” He slid his palm along my spine and trailed back down to my ass, spreading me with his fingers.

“There’s only so much I can take, Saoirse. My home smells like you. Now I’m gonna ride my bike with memories of your body wrapped around mine. You’re everywhere.”

“You’re everywhere for me too,” I panted. “I think about you when I make myself come.”

“Good. If you think about anyone else, I’ll kill them.”

I grinned in delirium. This man was out of his mind. “What if they’re famous?”

He smacked my ass. “Don’t play with me. Not when I’m inside you.”

I arched my ass and moaned as he smacked me again. “But what if I really, really like sparkly vampires?”

The growl he let out was feral. “I look good in fangs.”

“You’re crazy.”

Smack. “You made me this way. Little silky nightgown. I’m never sleeping again, knowing you’re next door to me wearing that. Christ, Saoirse. You’re invading me.”

My skin was coated in perspiration, slipping and sliding over the shiny wooden top of the dresser. I scrabbled to keep hold, to find purchase, finally slamming my palms down and pushing back, meeting his thrusts.

“I feel you squeezing me, trying to get me to lose it. You’re going to get your wish if you’re not careful.”

With that, I circled my hips as well as I could in this position, tearing a groan from deep within his chest. If I thought he’d been fucking me hard before, I’d been delusional.

I’d set him off. Unleashed him. He drilled into me, slamming me into the dresser over and over. In the back of my mind, I was aware I’d be bruised and sore later, but dear god, it would be worth it.

My inner walls clamped around him, so close to the edge, I couldn’t stop my eyes from closing, losing the intoxicating reflection. Moments later, I lost Luca too.

He pulled out of me, then his fingers tangled in my hair, yanking me upright. His cock was wedged tightly between my cheeks as he rutted and grunted into my ear, louder and louder, until warmth spilled on my skin in spurts. Luca’s mouth clamped onto my shoulder, biting down on the muscle while he came and came on me.

Jerking his hips back, he slid his fingers down my crack, over my slick folds, to my throbbing clit. His fingertips circled and his tongue lapped at the sore spot he’d left on my shoulder.

That was all it took for me to find the orgasm I thought I’d lost. My head fell forward, crying his name on a long, breathy moan.

Slowly, Luca’s arms shifted to wrap around me, holding me flush with his chest. I covered one hand with mine, the other braced on the dresser, not trusting my knees to hold me up on their own.

Luca’s lips touched my temple, and he tucked his face beside mine. “I have to ask you something.”

That sounded somewhat ominous. I tipped my head back to see him. “What is it?”

“Did I say shit about being a vampire?”

“You did. Next time, I expect you to wear fangs.”

He exhaled, his head falling against mine. “Can’t do it. Next time is going to happen in about five minutes, and I’m not willing to leave this room naked in order to hunt down a pair of fangs.”

My pussy clenched. “Five minutes?”


Luca lifted me off my feet, carrying me to the shower.

He didn’t make good on his promise.

It was more like six minutes.

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