SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 7


“How was Trey?” I ask Layla. She called me two hours ago, suggesting we have dinner together. Since I didn’t have any plans, I agreed without hesitation.

“Energetic.” My best friend takes a sip of her soda, casting her gaze to the side.

“Energetic?” I repeat, putting my fork on my plate. “It sounds like…I don’t even know, like you’re talking about an old man who surprisingly had enough energy to fuck you.”

She shakes her head. “The sex was good. I just…I’m tired of him. That’s all.”

I push myself away from the table, leaning my back against the leather bench. “Why?”

“We’ve been seeing each other for over a year, and our relationship is stuck. Nothing changes at all. I’ve honestly started to believe I will be better on my own,” Layla tells me, wincing a little, as if from sudden pain.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. Do whatever feels right; I’ll be here for you.”

“Well, I’m not going to break up with him yet. We’ve had great moments together. So maybe if we talk, things will improve.”

“You looked really into each other last night. Maybe it’s worth trying.” I smile, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

“Speaking of last night,” Layla mutters, “Grace said Thompson kicked you out of the party.”

I always forget that people in our social circle talk, just like high school. It reminds me of a beehive. Everyone knows everything, and rumors spread faster than wildfire. That guy made a fool of me last night for everyone to see.

“He did.” I tilt my head; my hair falls into my face, and I blow it away. “I was so furious I didn’t even think about going back to the party. I just left.”

“You didn’t deserve to be kicked out. I’m sorry it happened, Ava. I honestly thought that you being friends with my brother would make Colton back off.”

Colton. He’s just… When I saw him today on my way out of Drake’s room, I wanted to disappear. Why him? It could have been anyone. Even Layla. But no, it was him, and he didn’t have anything better to do than rile me up. Again. This stupid universe is trying to collide us together any chance it gets.

“Did you find your way back to the dorm okay?” she asks, bringing me back to reality.

I feel my skin warm, and memories of her brother flood my mind. “With Drake’s help,” I murmur, seeing her jaw drop. “He saw what Thompson did, and he wanted to make sure I was okay…because I wasn’t. I got lost, and without him I probably would have wandered around campus all night.”

“Aw, poor thing.” She pats my palm, smiling at me gently. “I’m so glad Drake found you. You’re like a sister to him, so I can only imagine how pissed he was at Colt.”

I almost choke on my meatball. That’s the same bullshit I told that asshole. He’s family. Family won’t fuck me all night, making me come over and over and over. I clench my thighs together, perfectly aware how wet I am just from the memories. Fucking Drake and his miraculous tongue.

“Yeah, you two are like family to me.” I’m so going to hell for my secrets. “Drake promised to talk to him, but I’m not sure it will change anything.”

“Colton is difficult to deal with. Everyone knows that.” She glances at the clock on the wall. “But it’s my brother we’re talking about also. He hates when someone acts up, and he never hesitates to do the right thing.”

“Uh-huh.” If she continues going on and on about how great her brother is, I’ll be tempted to tell her about my time with him.

I don’t want a relationship with Drake. The guy is gorgeous, but he’s not my type. The sex is amazing though, and no one gets me off like him. So maybe, if I’m honest with her, she would be okay with us being friends with benefits? Hey, bestie, can I occasionally fuck your brother? I can’t even imagine that conversation. I better find something else to talk about. “Why did you choose this place? It’s far away from the dorm.”

“Just because,” she replies as I dig into my food. “Well, not exactly.” Layla looks at the clock again. “I’m waiting for someone.”


“The hockey team has a tradition. They always come here the day after a party…to talk about stuff. It’s a great chance to hear the gossip.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you would have said no if you’d known.” She stares at me, unbothered by my annoyed look.

“You should have asked Grace.” I push my plate away.

“I can’t ask her.” My best friend squints, wrinkling her forehead. “She’s in a whiny mood.”

“Moore sent her packing, didn’t he?” I grab my juice and take a sip. As soon as I saw him and Layla’s roommate together, I knew she had zero chances. The dude is arrogant and narcissistic. He enjoys bragging about his daddy’s money and how good in bed he is. When his eyes landed on me, I felt like a piece of meat, like an object. I hate guys like him.

“Well, yeah. He found another hookup, a girl from Drake’s class.” Layla dips her chin, leaning closer. “I’m glad Grace hasn’t slept with him. He’s an asshole, and she’s too good for him.”

“I can’t argue with that,” I add. “Thompson is an asshole too, but their energy is different. Moore is worse; I don’t even know why I think that about a guy I haven’t talked to at all.”

“His dad has money and power, and he loves flashing it in people’s faces any chance he gets.” Layla licks her lips, looking uncomfortable. “And he has zero respect for girls. He thinks we are good only for sex, nothing more.”

“He’s even more disgusting than I thought.”

“I tried talking to Grace about him, but she was stubborn, like a mule,” Layla huffs. “Colton’s family is pretty rich too, but you would never guess that.”

I open my mouth, ready to answer her, but the door of the diner opens, and a group of guys walk inside. The hockey team. I let out a harsh breath, looking away. I should have left before they came. If I leave now, it will look like I’m running away because of the asshole.

“Layla.” a voice booms, and I recognize it. It’s Clay.

“Hey, Clay.” she chimes, waving her hand. I have no idea what my best friend has in mind. “So glad to see you.”

“You too.” He comes closer and slides into the booth next to Layla. “Hey, best friend.”

“Hey.” I lock my eyes on his and see humor in them. “How was the party?”

“Pretty good.” Clay smiles while all the other guys sit in the farthest corner. They move tables and chairs so they can all fit. No one says a word about their actions. “Woke up with my cock hidden in a very warm mouth.”

“Ew.” Layla yelps, hitting his forearm. “Talking about your hookups isn’t allowed here. Go back to your friends if you want to brag.”

“I’m just trying to convince Ava to change her mind.”

“Telling me about the girls you fucked definitely won’t change my mind.” I shake my head and dig into my purse. I take my packet of M&Ms and put it on the table. It’s my favorite flavor, with peanuts, but I also love the milk chocolate ones. Nothing beats a classic, in my eyes. I plop one candy into my mouth and meet Clay’s amused gaze. “What?”

“Colt.” he bellows, and my brows instantly pinch together. “Come over for a sec.”

I hear footsteps and brace myself for another round of bickering. Not that I don’t like it, but he gets under my skin too easily.

“What?” he asks while I concentrate on Clay. “Hey, Layla.”

“Hey, Colt. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” His answer is curt, even if he tries to sound nice. “What do you want, Rodgers? Aren’t you going to sit with us?”

“Soon.” Clay’s face lights up with a lopsided grin. “We still need to wait for Benson and Moore. There’s no harm in spending a few minutes in pleasant company.”

“Questionable,” I mutter under my breath, and Layla chortles.

“Aw, sweetie, you break my heart.” Clay presses a hand to his chest. He’s kind of adorable.

“Rodgers, why am I here?” the asshole demands, irritation rising in his voice.

“Here.” Clay reaches over to my M&Ms, snatches the pack, and extends it to his friend. “Aren’t these your favorite?”

I cast a glance to the side, watching as Thompson furrows his brow and takes my packet into his palm, staring at it as if it’s a precious treasure. He looks like a kid, suddenly so happy and cheerful as he dumps almost all of the candies into his other palm. I open my mouth and close it again, like a damn fish out of water. The audacity.

“Hey. Those are mine.” I shriek.

He meets my eyes, a stupid smirk on his lips. “Not anymore.” With that, he turns around and goes back to his friends.

What the actual fuck?

“What was that?” Layla’s voice is full of amusement as her gaze stays glued to Colton.

“Thompson loves M&Ms,” Clay explains, looking between us. “A cabinet in his apartment is packed with them. He’s more into the ones with milk chocolate, but he likes the peanut ones too. The classic.”

Just like me. I chew on the inside of my bottom lip, uncertain what to make of this.

My best friend tsks. “Why didn’t I know that?”

“Because you’re not his friend,” Clay says just as the door opens. I meet Drake’s eyes instantly. He looks surprised for a second, but then he just breaks into a coy grin. Someone is definitely happy to see me. “Oh, your brother is here.” Clay stands up, looking down at Layla and me. “See you later, ladies.”

He strolls away, and Drake takes his place near our table. Hudson Moore walks past him, but then stops and joins Layla’s brother. His eyes travel down from my face to my chest, and a smug smile tugs on his lips. Yet he keeps silent, not saying a word.

“Hey,” Drake greets us, his hands hidden in his pockets. I nod and continue to observe him. “What are you two up to?”

“Hey hey,” Layla singsongs, looking mischievous. “Just had dinner. You?”

“As if I’m going to believe that.” He laughs heartily. “Wanted to hear the fresh gossip?”

“Maybe,” she confirms sweetly, shifting her gaze to Moore. She sees him staring at me and frowns. “Um…hey, Hudson.”

“Hey, Layla.” His voice is low. “Can you introduce me to your friend? I didn’t have a chance to meet her last night because your roommate kept me busy—”

“I’m Ava, and I’m not interested,” I deadpan.

Fury flickers in his eyes, and he quickly covers it with a pretentious laugh. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”

I tap a finger on my bottom lip. “Still no.”

His face contorts in anger. He reminds me of Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies: platinum blond with blue eyes, but, unlike Tom Felton, he’s not attractive at all.

“Moore, if she says no, she means no,” Drake exclaims, his gaze heavy. “Go away.”

“Whatever.” He storms over to the guys from the team.

Thank you, I mouth to Drake, and he smiles at me warmly. “Did you sleep well?”

His eyes go wide, and a blush creeps onto his cheeks. Isn’t he the cutest? “Yeah, as soon as you left my bed, I finally got to sleep comfortably.”

“What do you mean she left your bed?” Layla is loud, causing everyone to look at us.

Drake and his choice of words. Dammit.

“I spent the night in his room. I saw my roommate leaving the house with some guy, and I had no desire to listen to her having sex. So, he let me use his bed, while he slept on his beanbag chair. Your brother is a gentleman.” I lend him a hand, because he’s obviously going to drown us.

“Oh…” she mumbles, looking between us while I flash her my biggest smile. There is no way in hell I’m going to tell her about my hookup with her brother. “I’m sure it wasn’t comfortable.” Her gaze softens. “But I’m grateful. You took care of my best friend when she needed it. It means the world to me.”

“Don’t mention it.” He shrugs, licking his lips. Does he have a boner? The bulge in his groin becomes more visible. Drake, you motherfucker. “I gotta go. See you later.”

“Bye,” I say, feeling relief wash over me. He almost exposed us.

“Bye.” Layla isn’t looking at him anymore. Her eyes are focused on the hockey team. It looks like we’re not going to be leaving anytime soon. “Drake?”

“What?” her brother shouts from the table he is already sitting at.

“Any chance you can give us a ride back to the dorms?”


I rap my fingers on my thigh and lean back into the booth. I have no clue what she’s planning, but it looks like we are stuck here.

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