SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 41


“Whatever you say,” I grind out as I stand up from the couch.

It’s been a month since winter break ended, and it’s almost time for my father’s stupid party. It’s definitely not something I’ve been looking forward to. I walk to the window and look out at the street.

It’s peaceful and quiet outside my apartment. A little nighttime snowfall makes it even more beautiful, reminding me of my childhood. I’m tempted to go out, especially since it might help to calm my annoyed ass down. My father chose the worst time ever to call me. Like he always does.

“Not whatever I say, Colton.” He sounds as if he’s losing his patience as well. “This party needs to be perfect.”

“Then why do you need me?”

“Because this business will be yours one day.”

“Why? Have I ever shown even the slightest interest in it?” I bark, pressing my forehead to the cool glass and closing my eyes. “Helen is a way better option. She will be—”

“She’s just my fucking employee; you’re my son. What the hell are you talking about?”

“Fine.” I barely hold myself back. “Choose Chloe. She’s your daughter.”

“Officially, she has no right to be considered my heir,” he snarls, and I clench my jaw. “Her mother signed all the papers. You know that. Everything I have is yours.”

“Should have thought about that before you knocked up your secretary.”

“My secretary that you, not so secretly, were drooling over? My secretary that you fucked too?” And here he goes again. Whenever his arguments are flimsy or weak, he tries to put the blame on me, and it never works.

“I fucked her once. It was the worst sex of my life.” I turn around and lean against the window. “I said I would come to your party. I said I would play the role of your perfect son. Leave me the fuck alone till then.”

“Who are you planning to bring?” he asks, breathing hard. Usually we continue arguing until one of us ends the call, but that’s not what I want today. Even if he pisses me off. “Rose said you asked her to add a plus-one to your name.”

“I did,” I confirm, feeling my phone ding with an incoming message. It should be from Ava, but I don’t want to check it now. I have no desire to mix my happy emotions with the ones my dad is causing.

“Who is she?”

“It doesn’t matter. You’ll meet her next week.”

“I need to know who the slut is that you’re planning to bring to my party—”

“Call her that again, and you will never see me. Am I clear?”

He’s silent, and it makes me smile even if my fingers are itching. I want to punch him in his face so bad. That man thinks he has the right to call her names, when he’s the biggest manwhore I have ever met. He’s a fucking hypocrite.

“Don’t be late. It’s important.” Then my father finally ends the call.

I stand still, mindlessly playing with my phone, throwing it up in the air a few times. He ruined my mood like he always does. Now I don’t want to do anything, and I don’t want to see anyone. I heave a sigh, push myself off of the window, and stalk to my bathroom, leaving my phone on the table in the living room. I want to take a bath, soak my body after practice and wash away the repulsion I feel toward my father. It’s sickening how much he affects me.

Once the bathtub is full, I close my eyes and lean back. The feeling is amazing, emptying my mind and helping me to relax my sore muscles. The water is hot, and my apartment is quiet. I slowly nod off. Just for a few minutes.

“Colt?” I snap my eyes open in total bewilderment and see Ava sitting on the edge of my tub. She’s wearing a red knit sweater and jeans. Her hair is collected in a high ponytail, and her cheeks are still a bit red from the cold and windy weather. Where did she come from? “Did anyone ever tell you that falling asleep in the bath is dangerous?”

“No.” I sit up straighter, coasting my eyes over her beautiful face. Since winter break, things between us have progressed a ton. She has a key to my apartment and comes over whenever she feels like it. We haven’t had a single argument; we just spend time together and enjoy each other’s company. She still says we’re not dating, but honestly? I don’t care. I know she’s mine, and I’m hers. Labels don’t mean a thing. “What are you doing here?”

“If you’d read my text, you would have known I was coming over,” she murmurs, trailing her eyes down my chest and biting her bottom lip. My horny girl is back. Not that I’m any different. I’m insatiable when it comes to her—and only her. She’s my personal addiction, sweet and spicy at the same time. An explosive cocktail, but I’ll be damned if I stay away for even a day. “Layla and I went shopping, and I wanted to show you what I bought for your father’s party.”

“You bought a dress?”

“I didn’t say I bought a dress,” she corrects me. But then she beams. She’s so cute. “Fine, it’s a dress. I love it.”

“Will you show it to me?”

“Nope. Layla took it with her to the dorms.” Ava narrows her eyes slightly. “Should have read my text.”

I watch her intensely. Then I leap forward, grab her around her waist, and pull her to me. She shrieks as her body smashes against mine and water starts spilling out of the tub. Her shocked expression is worth all the hassle of cleaning up.

“Colton. What the hell?”

“It’s called a hustle, sweetheart,” I tease her, happy to catch her off guard. I press her to my chest. Her clothes are soaked, and her ponytail is wet. “Will you stay?”

“I don’t have any spare clothes with me. Now I have to stay,” she breathes, winding her hands around my neck. “Not that I had any other plans.”

“Good.” I inch closer and kiss her full lips. She’s wearing lip gloss, and before her I hated kissing girls who wore it. With her? I don’t think there is anything I will ever not like about her. I can’t get enough of her. Wanting more, demanding more, and she’s happy to play along. This is quite the submissive little kitten I have in my arms, and sometimes she turns into a tigress. It’s better if she doesn’t know it, but being at her mercy is my favorite thing.

“You’re sure you wanna do this?” I’ve asked her a thousand times, and she rolls her eyes.

“Yes, Colton, I wanna do this.” She pouts and looks at me from under knitted brows. “I bought this dress to make a lasting impression on your dear father and his bitch. I’m not going to back out now.”

“This dress definitely has left a lasting impression on me.” I rake my gaze over her body, wetting my lips. It’s a sleeveless light-blue dress with a low neckline, and it hugs her body like a glove. A glove I want to take off. “You’ll be the only girl I’ll have my eyes on, that’s for sure.”

“Good. I don’t want you to look at or think about anyone else.”

I burst out laughing as I press the elevator button. “You think there is space for anyone else in my head? You corrupted every brain cell I have.” I slide my hand around her waist from behind and pull her back to my side. “Can’t wait to tear this dress off you.”

“The words ‘tear’ and ‘this dress’ shouldn’t be in the same sentence, Mr. Thompson. I spent way too much money on it for you to ruin it,” she says, leaning her back against my chest. “Aren’t we already late?”

“I don’t care.”

“Colt, you said yourself that your douche of a father told you not to be late.” Her voice becomes softer. “I know this party isn’t where you want to be, so why make it even worse for you?”

“Why are you always right?” I kiss her neck, my fingers flying all over her skin, making her shiver.

“You would be surprised at how many times I have been wrong.” She glances at me over her shoulder. “Let’s go. I’ll keep you company.”

I tug her to my side, lacing our fingers together as we step inside the elevator. “Better keep me sane. The things this man does and says make me go crazy. If I don’t hold myself back, it could get really ugly.”

“Whatever you want, Colt.” Ava gives my hand a squeeze and pushes the button for the sixth floor.

Stepping into the big and spacious room, I feel a lot of eyes on Ava and me. Pleasant music plays in the background, but the murmurs and whispers grow louder. It doesn’t look like they were expecting me to show up. I’m sure my dad fed his guests some fairy tale about his son being a successful hockey player who couldn’t join his marvelous party because of his responsibilities. Maybe hockey finally came in handy for the asshole.

“Should we go meet your father?”

I scan the room, meeting his cold stare. I did as I promised. I showed up. I smirk and slowly stroll in his direction with Ava. “He probably won’t be nice. Don’t pay any attention to him or anything he says, okay?”

“Sure.” She singsongs the word, and I’m more than certain she’s not going to behave. Ava is a spitfire, and she always does what she wants. Tonight is the first time I can only hope it will end well.

As soon as I near my father, I want to get out of this place. Helen is by his side, with a flute of champagne and a predatory smile playing on her lips. Her eyes are glued to my face, and I feel uneasy. I should have told Ava the whole truth about that woman.

“Is that Helen?” Ava asks when we are only a few steps away from them. They are with my father’s partner, Mr. Kavano, talking business and making salacious jokes. Like always.

“Yeah.” I swallow the lump in my throat and square my shoulders. Please, God, give me the strength to pull this off. I don’t want Ava to see me at my worst.

“Colton? Is that you?” Mr. Kavano sees me approaching and turns to greet me, extending his palm for a handshake. “It’s so great to see you again.”

“It’s very nice to see you too, Jacob.” I shake his hand and step back as his eyes instantly land on Ava. A sparkle flashes behind his irises as he allows himself to check her out. Stupid motherfucker. He’s twice her age, and he still looks at her as if she’s his prey. “My my. What a beautiful girl you have here. Eric, your son definitely won a prize with this one.”

“Not sure she’s his girlfriend,” my dad mutters under his breath. “He barely has time for his studies; he spends all of his free time on the ice. No girl will ever replace hockey in his heart.”

“Depends on the girl,” I blurt out, and I notice my father’s eyes grow round. I definitely didn’t plan to say that out loud in front of everyone. “Ava is my friend. We aren’t dating.”

“Such a pity,” Helen purrs, still smiling like the Cheshire cat. “You always needed love and affection; it’s sad you can’t find it with girls your age. Or younger.”

“He’s perfectly fine without a stranger telling him what to do or how to feel.” Helen’s smile fades as soon as Ava’s words leave her mouth. Then she focuses on my father. “I’m Ava. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Thompson. I’ve heard so many things about you…” She holds his gaze, and a big, radiant smile illuminates her face.

“I bet,” he says lazily, but his eyes are betraying him. He’s surprised by Ava’s behavior and her choice of words. Totally defiant and forward. Her presence at his party intrigues him, because he knows I would have never asked her to join me if she didn’t mean something to me. “It’s nice to meet you, Ava.”

“Someone lacks manners, and—” Helen hisses, but my father interrupts her by handing her his empty glass. What a nice way to point out her place in his life: a servant.

“Thank you, Helen. You can go and relax,” he growls, and she turns around and saunters away from us. She doesn’t try to argue with him or stand up for herself. She accepted his decision immediately when he told her he wasn’t going to acknowledge her daughter as his and asked her to sign a carefully prepared agreement. With one signature, she left Chloe without the right to any of my father’s money unless he gives her some himself. She gets child support, but she definitely could have gotten more. “So, Ava, tell me about yourself. My son has never brought anyone with him. That makes you the exception.”

“Because I am.” She grins at my dad, and I see his right eye twitch. Oh man, I’m going to enjoy this party way more than I thought. Bringing Ava with me was the best decision ever.

The more time passes, the more at ease I feel. Ava and I are inseparable, talking to guests, trying new food. With how often I notice my father’s eyes on us, I know he’s watching. The smile on his face creeps me out. I hate seeing him so pleased with himself when I know what happened to Mom because of him. He ruined her life, and he continues to live as if nothing happened. It shouldn’t be like that.

“Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” Ava murmurs in my ear, and I nod as I continue talking to Mr. Nichols. He’s one of my father’s oldest partners, and he’s a smart guy. I enjoy talking to him; he makes everything more interesting. Debating with him about oil prices and how they affect the world’s economy is always a challenge. He knows so much, and he isn’t afraid to share his knowledge. I have often wondered how he could be partners with my dad, and I honestly still question it. It’s hard to find two people more different than they are.

“Your girlfriend is gorgeous, Colton,” he tells me with a smile once Ava has left us. He looks excited, like a kid, and I break into a lopsided grin myself. My girl is gorgeous.

“She’s perfect,” I confirm, hiding my hands in my pockets. My palms have suddenly started sweating. I deliberately don’t correct him. I keep it to myself that she’s not my girlfriend because his words are like music to my ears. I want her to be mine, for everyone to know. I want to be with her in the open.

We talk some more, until I realize Ava has been gone for an awfully long time. “I need to get going, Mr. Nichols.”

“Of course.”

We shake hands, and I walk away from him, hoping to find her right away. It’s the first time since my mom’s car crash that I’ve stayed this long at one of my father’s parties. And I’ve even enjoyed myself. All because she was with me, and now I don’t want anything except her in my arms. She’s my lifebuoy, and I’m drowning without her.

I take another step forward, and Ava blocks my path. The first thing I notice is her eyes. Their color is deep and stormy, not even a hint of her playful mood. She’s trying not to show it, but by how her chest rises and falls rapidly, I know she’s angry. I frown, my brows pinching together. What happened in the bathroom?

“I was looking for you.”

“And I was looking for you,” I echo and extend my hand to her. The slightest hesitation flickers behind her eyes, but she still lets me take her hand in mine. Even if it’s limp. Her mind is elsewhere, and if I’ve learned anything about her already, I know I can’t do anything to make her open up if she doesn’t want to. “Ready to go back to the room?”

“Yes.” She smiles, but it’s fake. What the fuck happened to my girl while she was gone? “Do we need to say goodbye to your father?”

“No.” I whirl around, dragging her away with me. “He should be happy I agreed to come at all. He doesn’t deserve a proper goodbye.”

When she doesn’t say a word in return, a cold sweat breaks out all over my body. I only hope she will talk to me, because if not, I’ll have no idea how to fix whatever happened. Discovering the truth about Egypt’s pyramids sounds easier than cracking Ava.

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