SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 2


I flip another page of the book I’m reading on my phone. I love the story, and yet now it fails to hold my attention. Layla is twenty minutes late, and it is driving me insane. I tap my fingers on my thigh, trying hard to concentrate. But I can’t, due to my lack of patience. It’s never been my best trait.

“Hey, love,” my best friend says, and I look up, meeting her gaze. Her chocolate brown eyes are on me, and she grins. I wince and do not return the smile. “Don’t sulk.”

“Easy for you to say.” I stand up, intending to hide my phone in my purse, but Layla snatches it from me.

Forbidden Love? How many times have you read this?”

“Not enough.” I grab my phone back and shove it into my purse.

“I thought your favorite was about high school?” Layla teases again, and I crack a smile.

“It still is. Just depends on my mood.”

“What’s up with your mood?” Her eyes zero in on me, and I can’t stop my mind from drifting to the night before. Clay jerking off, naked Jordan, and the asshole. “What happened when you walked into your room?”

“I spoiled their fun, according to the three of them,” I huff, my nostrils flaring. “Let’s go shopping. I sorta want to forget all that.”

“Forget all that?” Layla clasps my hand in hers, dragging me away from the tree and the campus. “After you told me who was in your room? Hell nah.”

“Who are they?” I ask, looking at my best friend. Her long blonde hair, which has been collected into two pigtails, bounces with each step. “Jordan said they are the most popular guys on campus.”

“They are.”

“Have you ever mentioned them to me?” I don’t know why I care to ask, but her short reply piques my interest.

“Yes, but only briefly. I don’t think I ever called them by name.” She shoots me a look. “I’m off-limits for them, just like they are for me. So I don’t bother.”

God no. Please tell me what I’m thinking is wrong. “Are they in Drake’s class?”

“What?” Layla looks at me like I’m crazy. “If they were, I wouldn’t care. They are from the team.”

Just my luck, I guess. “I kind of thought they were. They’re well-built…”

“How much did you see?” Layla quirks her eyebrow, and this time I burst out laughing. “It’s not funny.”

“Do you like one of them?” I ask between fits of laughter.

“Since I can’t have either of them, I actually like both,” Layla murmurs, a dreamy expression on her face. “But Thompson is another level.”

“Hello,” I sing as if I’m Adele. “I have no idea who you’re referring to.”

“Colton. Colton Thompson. He’s a heartthrob.”

“He’s an asshole, and my hand stung after I slapped him across his stupid face.” I’m so proud of myself.

My best friend halts in her tracks, looking at me with her eyes wide open. “You slapped Colton? Like really slapped him?” Her voice is high-pitched, and I frown.

“Like really, really slapped him. Not my problem he has no idea how to talk to a girl. He should have watched his mouth instead of verbally harassing me for no reason.”

“Wow.” She whistles, her eyes sparkling. “Tell me more.”

“If I tell you, will you leave me alone?”

“Yes. I promise. No other questions.”

“Fine,” I mumble, taking a deep breath. She won’t leave me alone even if she says she will. I know the bitch like the back of my hand.

I tell her everything on our way to the mall. She gasps, laughs, and swears like a sailor. She knows a lot about the asshole, based on her comments, but I don’t ask any questions. I prefer not to know anything more about him.

As we go from one store to the next, I realize my mind isn’t on shopping. I wrinkle my nose and pout anytime Layla shows me clothes or shoes. Eventually she starts scowling at me, and I don’t blame her. I’m a mood killer.

“Ava, what’s wrong with you today?” Layla asks, slumping into a chair in a café we decided to take a break in, a mug of hot cocoa in front of her.

“Just thinking.” I set my freshly brewed flat white on the table.

“About what?”

“About things.” I nibble on my bottom lip. “Should I be worried? I mean, that asshole threatened me.”

“Well, Colton has an awfully bad reputation. He has a temper, and he snaps easily.” Layla sips her cocoa, eyeing me from under her long eyelashes.

“Okay. So I probably pissed off the wrong dude.”

“You probably did.” She lets out a giggle, reaching over the table and covering my palm with hers. “But my brother won’t let him do anything to you. As soon as Colton knows you’re under Drake’s protection, he’ll back off. He respects his captain.”

“I’m not a little girl in distress,” I protest loudly, making my best friend laugh even more.

“You’re a badass bitch who can stand up for herself. That’s true.” She points her finger at me. “Unfortunately, to make Colton back off, you’ll need something more than that.”

“How can you even like him?”

“Have you seen the guy?” Layla leans back in her chair, looking at me like she doesn’t recognize me.

“I did. He’s kinda hot, I guess.”

Kinda? Girl, what happened to you while I was in college?”

“Nothing.” I hesitate. Over time, I have learned that some things are better kept to myself. She won’t be happy with me if she finds out. She will probably be furious and won’t talk to me for a day or two. Maybe a week. Or a month.

“Ava.” She smacks my palm, bringing me back to my senses.

“Sorry. What are our plans for tonight?”

“Don’t tell me you forgot.” Layla groans, shaking her head in disbelief.

“About what?”

“About the party. Why else would we need to go shopping?”

“Dunno. Maybe you wanted new stuff.”

She told me about this party a week ago. It’s not that I don’t like parties, it just slipped my mind for some reason. Well, maybe I do need something new.

“Let me guess,” Layla sighs. “Now you need something to wear?”


“I should have reminded you about the party from the beginning. It could have saved me a few hours of shopping.” My best friend’s eyes roam over my face. “Ready to shake your ass?”

“Ready to drink and maybe hook up with someone,” I state, and she raises her eyebrows.

“Your first hookup in college. Hella proud of you, baby.” My smile fades away. She’s only one year older than me, and she acts as if she is my mom.

“Hold your horses, lady. I’m not going to fuck the first guy I meet.”

“Guys from the team will be there. Drake said we can hang out with them.” I glance at her as she saunters out of the café. After yesterday, I’m not sure I want to spend time with her brother and his teammates. “These guys are awesome. They are elite. So if you are with them, it means you’re cool. Your roomie will be happy to have you as a friend when she sees you at the party.”

“I don’t need friends like her,” I snarl, baring my teeth.

“What’s her name again?”

“Jordan Patterson.”

“Well, Jordan Patterson made a lasting impression on you.” Layla shakes with laughter, draping a hand over my shoulder. I try to push her away, but it’s no use. I’m a bit thinner than her, and I’m shorter, even at five foot five. She has no problem holding me in her tight grip, cackling at my attempts to free myself. Suddenly, she pushes me away, and I almost fall flat on my face.

“Layla.” I yelp, and she runs into the first shop on her left. I’m so not doing this with her. I trudge further, but a few seconds later, I hear her footsteps. She falls into step with me, glancing at me over and over.


“You’re in a strange mood, and I can’t place my finger on why.”

“I’m moody,” I bite back. “Is there anything I should know about tonight? What do people wear to these parties? Are there any rules, like on Wednesdays we wear pink, or some shit like that?”

“God, who knew I missed you so much?” Layla snorts, making me scrunch my nose. “It’s just a college party. Nothing fancy. You don’t need to be prim and proper. You need to be wild, like you always are.”

“Fine.” I nod and bolt into the shop we’ve been standing outside of.

After I quickly find something I want to wear and try it on, I amble out of the dressing room and head to the cashier. My phone buzzes, and I dig into my purse, looking for it. I see my dad’s face on the screen. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, sweetie.” My dad’s voice is deep. He raised me on his own after my mom died when I was six. He’s been working his ass off at the fire station to earn more money for us. And even with the extra hours, he is the best father in the world. “How are you?”

“I’m fine…ugh, I’m fine.” I struggle trying to take my wallet out of my purse.

“Ava?” my father says. “Is everything alright? What are you doing? Where are you?”

“I’m shopping with Layla.”

“Already buying new clothes?” he chuckles.

“More or less. There is an occasion.”

“Which is?” Dad asks, and I hear the sounds of a busy street. He’s probably out running errands before the baseball game starts tonight.

“My first college party.” I speak softly as I pay for my clothes.

“Do you remember what I told you about these parties?” Dad is pretty strict, but he always explains why he needs to say no to some of my whims. He envelops me in his care and love, being my friend and my wise adviser. Always.

“Of course.” I take the bag in my hand. A satisfied smile plays on my lips. “No means no. Don’t take drinks from people I don’t know—”

“Don’t drink at all,” Dad corrects, and I look up at the ceiling. He’s perfectly aware I won’t listen. I never do. But I know my limits, and I don’t get wasted. Ever.


“I’m serious,” Dad barks, making my brows knit together. I walk up to Layla and slap her ass since she’s standing with her back to me. She twirls around, glaring, then instantly relaxes as soon as she sees it’s me. “Promise me, Ava.”

I don’t like doing this, but it’s my first party. I want to be the one who decides whether I drink or not, so I cross my fingers. “I promise.”

Dad exhales sharply. “Did you cross your fingers?”

“Yeah,” I reply honestly. If there is one thing I won’t do, it’s lie to my dad. He hates liars.

“Just promise me you won’t get into any shit, okay?”

“I promise.” And this time, I don’t cross my fingers. I smile. “I love you, Dad.”

“Love you too, Ava.” His words fill my heart with happiness. “Call me later, before you go to the party, okay?”

“Sure. Talk to you soon.”

“Talk to you soon,” he says back and hangs up. As soon as I slip my phone into my purse, I turn to my best friend, feeling her gaze on me.

“What did you buy?” Layla tries to peek into my bag, but I hide it from her. “Ava.”

“You’ll see it tonight.” When I stick my tongue out at her, my piercing hits my teeth. “Um…what time?”

“Come to my room at eight? We can get ready together.” She winks. “I’ll do your makeup. You can do my hair. How about it?”

“Only your hair?” I ask innocently, aware that I’ll need to help Grace, Layla’s roommate, too.

“Grace is lovely.” Layla nudges me in my ribs with her elbow.

“I haven’t said a bad word about her. I simply want to know what I’m signing up for.”

“We’ll be going to the party with Grace. She sort of has the hots for Hudson Moore, so she’s definitely going.”

“Last time you said she had the hots for Drake.”

“She did,” Layla replies, sounding annoyed. “You know my brother. He’s too fussy, and he always chooses wrong when it comes to girls. The good ones who like him, he isn’t interested in. He focuses on the girls who aren’t right for him, but he’s still hoping to find love. I’ve told him a thousand times already. He looks in the wrong direction.”

“Maybe it’s for the best? It could have been awkward if something happened between them, right? Like, can you imagine stepping into your room and seeing your brother’s ass, or him going down on her?”

“I’m going to vomit.” Layla grimaces as she pretends to gag. “I want to scratch my eyes out, Ava. And nothing even happened between them, you stupid cow.”

“I love you too, bestie.” That’s how we always are, laughing, crying, talking, or sitting in silence. It’s never a dull moment with her.

We chat more about the party and gossip about our hometown. Now I’m in particularly good spirits, and I don’t want to leave Layla’s side, but I have to. She has an assignment she needs to finish before we go to the party. So I suck it up and go back to my room.

Opening the door, I stroll inside and notice Jordan on her bed, listening to music. I wanted to help her, but she brushed me off. Now? I have no desire to do anything for her.

I change my clothes, climb in bed with my phone, and open my book. I did my homework yesterday, so I have a few hours to kill by reading one of my favorite stories. But now I’ll be hot and bothered after reading about Jax and Paige. Maybe it would be better to read something else? I don’t want to jump the bones of just any guy at the party. I’m picky, and I don’t like everyone.

Experience is a bitch, and mine was too hard on me.

I stare at the ceiling for a few moments as Jordan’s music fills the room. It’s Halsey, and I actually love her. Looks like this girl has something in common with me, after all.

I shake my head, dive down to the floor, and take my AirPods from my backpack. I decide to watch You. Penn Badgley is too handsome for his own good, and his voice… God, his voice is something else. I have never heard anything sexier—the asshole’s voice sounds just like his.

I jolt upright on my bed. Realization washes over me, and I fall back, laughing silently. His voice. I found it sexy because it reminds me of one of my favorite actors. Phew. It’s safe to say I don’t find the asshole attractive. It was just his voice, and I would hate for that to change.

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