SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 15


“Will you go with me?” Layla hovers over my shoulder as I finish stapling my essay. She came to the library with me, and she has been reading a book the whole time.

“Go where?” I shove my essay into my backpack as we both stand up from the table.

“To the get-together with the team.” She pops a candy into her mouth, looking at me with curiosity. She has taken my M&Ms.

“Why not? I don’t care. You asked me to come, and I said yes.”

“Love you.” Layla smiles, winding a hand around my shoulder and leaning into my ear as we leave the library together. “Grace has a date tonight.”

After the party, things between me and my best friend’s roommate got tense. Layla quickly grew tired of it and made sure Grace and I talked things out. We have been on speaking terms since then, but that’s all. We aren’t friends, but at least we aren’t enemies either.

I turn my head to look at her and ask out of politeness, “Who’s the lucky guy?”

“He’s her classmate. She’s been crushing on Kaleb for weeks.”

“Good for her.” I shrug, and Layla lets out an exasperated sigh. “What?”

“I thought you were warming up to her.”

“Look, she’s your roommate, and I get that she’s your friend. If we have to spend time together, okay. But if not, I’m definitely not going to be sad about it.” I lock eyes with my best friend as we walk close to each other. “Actually, I forgot to ask. What made you decide to stay with me?”

“Just wanted to check on you,” Layla mutters. I shake my head in disbelief, pushing her away.

When I finally told her about the bullying, she threatened to kill me if I ever hid things from her again. We’re good, as always. She will forever be my favorite, even on days when I think I hate her.

“Stop playing mother hen with me. I’m fine.” I can deal with her looking after me, but only when there is a reason. “It has been three weeks since the last party, and nothing is the same. All those stupid girls who didn’t talk to me now suddenly want to be my friend.”

“Even your roommate?” my best friend asks.

“We don’t talk about her. She doesn’t exist to me.”

Layla stares at me in silence and then just nods. If anything, she knows how much I hate Jordan. She didn’t even think to apologize for ruining my tee, but then she tried to befriend me once she heard about me dancing with Thompson. Not fucking interested.

“How are things with your classmates? Have you decided about the choir—”

“Benson, leave me alone, or I’ll go to my room and stay there instead of going to this get-together with you.” Why does she need to be so persistent? We have talked about it so many times already.

My threat works, as she raises her hands in front of her chest as if admitting defeat.

“Why do you even want to go?” I ask. “Don’t we have anything else to do?”

“Like what?” She takes my M&Ms from her pocket and pops another one into her mouth. I snatch my candies from her hand and hide them in my backpack. She pokes her tongue out at me. “Meanie.”

“How about clubbing? Bowling? A movie?” I throw out suggestions, but Layla shakes her head like a bobblehead toy. “Whatever.”

“It will be just the team and those closest to them since they have a game in two days. Usually it’s a lot of fun, and I swear to God, I need more fun in my life.” My best friend takes a deep breath. “Since I broke up with Trey, things have been weird. So I just need this. I want to unwind, you know?”

“I know.” I pat her shoulder. “Let’s go to my dorm. If we’re going out, I need to change my clothes.”

“That’s why I love you.” Layla jumps on me, hugging me tightly. I hug her back for a brief moment, and I then try to shake her off for what feels like an eternity. She finally lets me go, but only after she gives me a loud smooch on my cheek.

“Love you too, but try not to kill me next time.”

I won’t say no to having fun. It’s been a while.

I sit on the couch, sandwiched between Layla and Drake as they compete against each other in Mortal Kombat. It reminds me a lot of our childhood, and a happy smile is stretched across my lips the whole time. It’s precious, and I don’t have any regrets about agreeing to come.

“That’s how you do it, bro.” Layla jumps to her feet, looking triumphant. “Do you still want a rematch?”

Drake scoffs, extends a controller to me, and stands up from the couch. “No, thank you. I need a drink to drown my sorrows.”

“Suit yourself,” she mumbles, plopping onto the couch and glancing at me. “Wanna play?”

“Nope.” She’s competitive, just like her brother, and I don’t take losses easily. My mood is too good, and I don’t want to spoil it. I lift the controller for everyone to see. “Anyone up for a challenge?”


My stomach drops, and I turn my head to look at Thompson, who’s standing behind the couch. He takes the controller from my hand and moves around the couch to sit by my side.

I instantly want to be as far as possible from this place, and from him.

“Ready to be defeated?” he taunts my best friend.

“In your dreams.” Layla smirks, focusing on the screen.

“Will you cheer me on?” Thompson asks me.

I swivel my head to see him smiling at me. “Sorry. She’s my best friend, and my loyalty to her comes first.”

“Loyalty…” He holds my gaze. “It’s a remarkably interesting thing, and every person has their own take on it. Right?”

“Probably.” What the fuck was that? Is he implying something?

“Thompson, are you going to play, or are you just going to sit here and talk to Ava?” Layla rasps, her brows furrowed together. She looks irritated.

“Talking to your friend won’t stop me from kicking your ass, Layla.” He winks at me.

He’s so fucking confusing. My head starts spinning.

The more they play, the more people gather around the couch. Some cheer for Layla, some for Thompson. All I want to do is leave. I need a moment to catch my breath because the atmosphere has started to suffocate me. Every time his hand brushes my bare leg, a horde of tingles spreads across my skin. Any time I notice him glance at me, I feel fire rekindling in my lower abdomen. It’s all too much, and I want out.

As Thompson celebrates his third win in a row, I stand up and stroll into the kitchen. I need a drink. I open the fridge, grab a beer, and close the door. Then I lean my back onto it, staring off into the distance. I don’t understand myself or what I feel, and that’s a pretty new feeling. I always know if I like someone or not, and if they like me or not. Now? I’m so baffled and not sure of anything.

“Hey, look who I found here.” Moore stops in the doorway, sweeping his gaze over my body. “How are you, Ava?”

“Good. You?”

“Not so good,” he complains, coming closer. “Do you need help with this?”

He points to my bottle, and I nod. I can open it myself, but if it will keep him from hitting on me for at least a minute, I will take it. “Thank you.”

The beer slides down my throat, cooling my insides. It’s exactly what I needed, because sitting near Thompson almost started a fire within me.

“You’re welcome, beautiful.” Moore leans in, making me grimace. He’s so sleazy. “When are you going to agree to a date with me?”

“Hudson, I think I was clear with you.” I push myself off of the fridge and take a step forward. If I expected him to move out of my way, I was wrong. He slips his hand around my waist and pulls me against his chest.

“I’m a very talented guy, Ava.” He’s drunk. His breath reeks of alcohol, and his gaze is unfocused. “One day, this pretty mouth of yours will be full of my cum.”

“Oh. So, if all you want is to fuck me, then why bother with a date?”

“Dunno.” His hand moves down, lifting the skirt of my dress and squeezing my butt. “Fucking hell, baby, you’re so hot.”

“Get off me.” I push him away, raising my voice. “Hudson.”

“Why are you so stubborn? I’m a good guy; you’re just not giving me a chance,” he whines as I try to wriggle out of his embrace.

“I think we have very different views on what being a good guy means.” I yell, finally able to break free from him. I put my bottle on the kitchen counter. “Touch me again, and you will regret it.”

My blood is boiling when I storm out of the kitchen. I’m so aggravated I don’t even look where I’m going. Not until I bump into someone, and two strong arms wrap around me to keep me from falling. I suck in a breath and relax at once. It’s Drake.

“Hey. Are you okay?” He steadies me while I stare at him in total stupefaction. “Ava?”

“Can you please talk to Moore?” I ask, my voice trembling from my anger. “Tell him to fuck off.”

“What did he do?” Drake bends his head down, gaping at me. “Did he hurt you?”

“No.” I make my voice firm. “He’s drunk and tried to hit on me. Just tell him to leave me alone. Please.”

“Sure. I will beat the living shit out of him first, and then I’ll tell him to leave you alone.” He sounds so serious, but I laugh.

“Just talk to him.” I put my palm on his cheek. “And not right now. Maybe tomorrow, when he’s sober.”

“Fine. Do you—”

“Benson. Come here.” A voice rings in the air, and Drake instantly releases me. My hand drops to my side. “You too, freshman.”

The fuck? I have a fucking name, asshole. I lock eyes with Thompson, and I don’t like what I see. He’s seething, even if he is trying to force a smile onto his face. This guy is terrible at pretending.

Pursing my lips, I follow Drake to the couch. Some people sit on the floor, some linger on chairs. I slump onto the couch near Layla.

“What’s up?” Drake asks, hiding his hands in his pockets.

“Your sister suggested we play Truth or Dare.” Clay is almost bursting with excitement. “We all agreed.”

“Are you implying I don’t have a choice?” Drake laughs, leaning his back against the wall.

“You don’t,” a girl giggles. She’s dating someone from the team, but I have no idea who. I wasn’t listening when Layla was talking about her.

“Bring it on then.” My best friend laughs, while I feel uneasy. Not because I don’t like this game, but because Thompson’s gaze is glued to me.

Layla starts and asks Clay about the most embarrassing thing he has ever done. His story is long and hilarious, and the room erupts with laughter once he finally stops talking. The guy fucked a coach’s daughter in high school and was almost caught leaving her house at night.

The game rolls on, and I feel at ease. I think there are perks to all these people being friends since even their dares don’t sound nasty. It’s like no one wants to embarrass each other.

“Freshman, truth or dare?”

I hold myself back from mimicking him. “Dare.”

“I dare you to kiss the last guy you had sex with,” he says calmly, enjoying my shocked state.

“Colton, that dare is stupid,” Layla chimes, and I feel a pang in my chest. “How do you expect her to do that? Do you want her to go back home to kiss someone?”

“Why?” He takes a swig of his beer. “The last guy she had sex with is here, in this room.”

I clench my jaw hard, not daring to look at Drake for even a second. People are watching me, waiting for me to make a decision.

“So if I give you the same dare,” my best friend grits through her teeth, “will you go find the girl you hooked up with last?”

I stare in front of me, unblinking. Thoughts are swirling in my mind, making my head spin. He saw me leave with Drake and assumed we fucked. Not surprising, as he already suspected it after the first party. He’s challenging me because he’s jealous.

What a fucking idiot.

“Kiss the guy I had sex with, you said?” I slowly stand up from the couch, holding Thompson’s gaze. He nods, narrowing his eyes. I’m sure he thinks I will chicken out—and he’s so wrong.

Heading to Drake, I stop right in front of him. He looks calm, and it helps me to make my decision. I rise onto my tiptoes, put my hand on the back of his head, and pull his face toward me for a kiss. His hands slide down my sides as he slips his tongue into my mouth. Drake doesn’t hold himself back, but I don’t feel anything anymore. I become conscious of the sounds that surround us. People whistle, clap, and cheer, and I pull away.

Slowly turning around, I meet Thompson’s eyes. “I hope you’re happy.” With that, I storm out of the room, down the hallway, and straight to the front door. There is only one thought in my mind as I leave this place: I don’t like Colton Thompson. I fucking hate him.

“Mason, get your stupid ass back here.” Layla yells.

I continue strolling aimlessly down the street. I don’t want to talk to her, and I definitely don’t want her to make a scene. I need to take the time to learn my way around this town and campus. Being lost is becoming exhausting.


I take a deep breath and halt in my tracks, not turning around, just waiting for Layla to catch up to me. Why the hell did I go along with his dare? It’s not like he was holding me at gunpoint or anything. I could have said no and left the freaking house, but I didn’t. I went and kissed Drake, right in front of everyone. Revealing to my best friend that I slept with her brother.

I’m the dumbest idiot on Earth.

Layla walks around and stops in front of me. “When did it happen? And how the fuck does Thompson know and I don’t?”

“He’s had the idea for a while.” I lower my eyes to my feet.

“What? Can you be more specific?”

“After I stormed away from Grace at the party, I bumped into Thompson, and he tried to calm me down. Drake saw us and thought he made me cry. We talked things through, and then your brother took me to the bathroom. Thompson believes we fucked in there.” My voice is just above a whisper and incredibly monotonous.

Layla blinks and opens her mouth, but no sounds follow. Then she clears her throat. “Is he right?”

“No.” I hug myself tightly. “He saw your brother and me leaving together and assumed it was to fuck. But in reality we ended up watching The Witcher till morning, and then I went to have breakfast with you. That time, we only watched TV.”

“That time…” Layla trails off. “Ava, how many times, exactly, did you and Drake have sex?”


“Two?” And she’s back to yelling. Amazing. “When?”

“First time happened last year, when he came home after his team lost a game. We were drinking and got carried away. Next one was after the first party, when Thompson kicked me out and Drake ran after me to make sure I was fine.”

“He sure did,” my best friend hisses, her eyes emitting fire. I almost feel like she is burning holes in me. I keep quiet, not knowing what to expect. I have thought about this happening a thousand times, and it never ends well in my mind. Is she going to stop being my friend? “You know that you’re a stupid cow?”

“I do,” I blabber. My vision blurs with tears. “I should have told you, but…it doesn’t mean a thing. To either of us, and I was sure you weren’t going to like it—”

“Do you even know how many times I fantasized about you and Drake together? About you becoming my sister-in-law?” I blink in total stupefaction. It’s exactly what her brother told me she would say. What the actual fuck? “You just went and ruined all of that.”

“Ruined? I didn’t ruin anything, Layla. Your brother and I are friends. Friends with benefits when we want, but no more than that. I don’t even like him in that way.” I argue. “He’s a great guy, and you’re perfectly aware of what I do to guys like him.”

Layla looks around nervously. Suddenly, she sighs and takes a step closer, wrapping me in her arms. “You’re a dumb bitch, but I fucking love you.”

“I love you too.” I wind my hands around her waist and hide my face in her hair.

“You could have said no to Thompson,” she whispers in my ear, and for some extremely weird reason, I giggle. “Ava, I’m serious.”

“He was hinting that he knew about me sleeping with Drake from the moment he saw me leaving your brother’s room after the first party. I honestly just wanted him to leave me alone; that’s the only reason why I did it.” I hug her tight.

“He’s an ass. Don’t pay attention to him anymore.” Layla runs her hands up and down my back, reassuring me and giving me the warmth I crave.

“I hate him, and I probably have never felt like that about anyone.”

“Not even Skylar Hayes from high school?” she asks jokingly. “Did Thompson top your hatred for our queen B?”

“Almost.” I lean away, my eyes roaming over my best friend’s face. A gentle smile plays on her lips, and her gaze is tender. “You aren’t angry with me?”

“I’m not angry with you.” She averts her gaze, inhales deeply, and peers at me. “But please stop. Whatever is going on between Drake and you, it needs to stop. Because if it keeps happening, he might fall in love. Do you want to be the reason for Drake’s broken heart?”

“No,” I mutter, suddenly feeling uneasy. Heartbroken Drake is the worst version of him I have ever seen. And me being the reason? I’d need to drop out of college or go study abroad for him to move on. Not on my agenda for sure. “I was already thinking we shouldn’t do it anymore after last time.”

“Thank you, Ava.” Layla kisses my cheek and steps back.

“Thank you for being such an amazing friend.” I drape a hand over her shoulders as we resume our walk. “The way you decided to defend me is precious. Even if I didn’t deserve it.”

“Colton shouldn’t have outed you like that. It was extremely wrong, and he deserves to be called out,” she says. “He should have gone and kissed his last hookup, whoever it was, if he thought that dare was fair.”

“Yeah.” I force myself to smile, but I yawn instead. “Let’s go back to the dorms? I want to go to bed.”

“It’s a fifteen-minute walk from here.”


“What are you going to do about Thompson?”

I pinch my eyebrows together. “Why are you asking me that?”

Her gaze sweeps over my face, and a lopsided grin forms on her lips. “Maybe you’re going to plot some revenge.”

“No. I just don’t want to see him for the foreseeable future.” I exclaim harshly. “Until his ass graduates and leaves.”

“Didn’t know we live in a fantasy,” Layla sneers. “Where are my fucking dragons when I need them?”

“They are still eggs, Daenerys. Have patience,” I say between fits of laughter. We continue chatting, bickering, and even singing on our way to the dorm. I feel finally at ease when I step into the building, and it’s all because of my best friend. I pushed every little memory or thought I had circulating in my head to the farthest corner and locked it there. Thompson belongs in that darkness. For good.

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