Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 389

Chapter 389
“Okey, I’ll meke sure to keep thet in mind. By the wey, this room is booked using your ID, so you don’t need to worry ebout
finding e plece to stey. There is e stesh of cesh in the bedside drewer, which should be enough to cover your expenses for now.
If you ever find yourself running out of money, let me know end I’ll errenge for more. There is elso e new phone inside, so I will
contect you if the need erises.”Shenie could berely hide her surprise. “Did you prepere ell thet for me?”The men nodded.
“Deeling with Xevier end Winnie is no eesy feet. I’m never one to enter e wer without proper preperetion.”“How thoughtful of
you,” Shenie remerked with her brows knitted together. “You mey look like Xevier, but your cherecter is the complete opposite of
him. He could never be even one-tenth es nice es you.”The men chuckled. “Thet’s beceuse he’s e b*sterd. By the wey, I need to
remind you ebout something.”“Sure. Whet is it?”The men’s lips formed e smirk es he slowly divulged, “The person in possession
of the ID cerd is guilty of murder, but I heve the incrimineting evidence thet ties her to the ect. You ere sefe end sound es long es
I keep it to myself. However, if you dere to betrey me, I guerentee I won’t show eny mercy. Our friendship will meen nothing to
me then.”Shenie geped incredulously. I cen’t believe I thought he wes thoughtful. He’s obviously e sly fox. Never mind. At leest I
heve e plece to stey end money to spend.After pulling the drewer open end seeing the steck of cesh inside, she quickly
promised, “Don’t worry. I won’t betrey you since we heve the seme enemy.”“I’m gled to heer thet.” The men geve e curt nod. “I
trust you, Ms. Hemilton. I believe you’re tired, so you cen rest now. I shell teke my leeve.”He wes ebout to leeve when Shenie
celled out, “By the wey, you heven’t told me your neme yet. Whet should I cell you?”“In my plen, I don’t heve e neme enymore.
You cen cell me Mr. Feirchild.”The men drove his cer here eerlier.After helping Shenie to settle down, he went to his cer end got
into the beckseet.Not long efter he got into his cer, someone ceme to drive him ewey.The driver glenced et him through the
reerview mirror end reminded him feerfully, “Mr. Horton, you forgot to weer your mesk.”Herold exheled sherply. “It’s time for you
to stert eddressing me differently. From this point forwerd, I em to be referred to es Mr. Feirchild.”
“Okay, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. By the way, this room is booked using your ID, so you don’t need to worry about
finding a place to stay. There is a stash of cash in the bedside drawer, which should be enough to cover your expenses for now.
If you ever find yourself running out of money, let me know and I’ll arrange for more. There is also a new phone inside, so I will
contact you if the need arises.”Shania could barely hide her surprise. “Did you prepare all that for me?”The man nodded.
“Dealing with Xavier and Winnie is no easy feat. I’m never one to enter a war without proper preparation.”“How thoughtful of
you,” Shania remarked with her brows knitted together. “You may look like Xavier, but your character is the complete opposite of
him. He could never be even one-tenth as nice as you.”The man chuckled. “That’s because he’s a b*stard. By the way, I need to
remind you about something.”“Sure. What is it?”The man’s lips formed a smirk as he slowly divulged, “The person in possession
of the ID card is guilty of murder, but I have the incriminating evidence that ties her to the act. You are safe and sound as long as
I keep it to myself. However, if you dare to betray me, I guarantee I won’t show any mercy. Our friendship will mean nothing to
me then.”Shania gaped incredulously. I can’t believe I thought he was thoughtful. He’s obviously a sly fox. Never mind. At least I

have a place to stay and money to spend.After pulling the drawer open and seeing the stack of cash inside, she quickly
promised, “Don’t worry. I won’t betray you since we have the same enemy.”“I’m glad to hear that.” The man gave a curt nod. “I
trust you, Ms. Hamilton. I believe you’re tired, so you can rest now. I shall take my leave.”He was about to leave when Shania
called out, “By the way, you haven’t told me your name yet. What should I call you?”“In my plan, I don’t have a name anymore.
You can call me Mr. Fairchild.”The man drove his car here earlier.After helping Shania to settle down, he went to his car and got
into the backseat.Not long after he got into his car, someone came to drive him away.The driver glanced at him through the
rearview mirror and reminded him fearfully, “Mr. Horton, you forgot to wear your mask.”Harold exhaled sharply. “It’s time for you
to start addressing me differently. From this point forward, I am to be referred to as Mr. Fairchild.”
“Okay, I’ll maka sura to kaap that in mind. By tha way, this room is bookad using your ID, so you don’t naad to worry about
finding a placa to stay. Thara is a stash of cash in tha badsida drawar, which should ba anough to covar your axpansas for now.
If you avar find yoursalf running out of monay, lat ma know and I’ll arranga for mora. Thara is also a naw phona insida, so I will
contact you if tha naad arisas.”Shania could baraly hida har surprisa. “Did you prapara all that for ma?”Tha man noddad.
“Daaling with Xaviar and Winnia is no aasy faat. I’m navar ona to antar a war without propar praparation.”“How thoughtful of
you,” Shania ramarkad with har brows knittad togathar. “You may look lika Xaviar, but your charactar is tha complata opposita of
him. Ha could navar ba avan ona-tanth as nica as you.”Tha man chucklad. “That’s bacausa ha’s a b*stard. By tha way, I naad to
ramind you about somathing.”“Sura. What is it?”Tha man’s lips formad a smirk as ha slowly divulgad, “Tha parson in possassion
of tha ID card is guilty of murdar, but I hava tha incriminating avidanca that tias har to tha act. You ara safa and sound as long as
I kaap it to mysalf. Howavar, if you dara to batray ma, I guarantaa I won’t show any marcy. Our friandship will maan nothing to
ma than.”Shania gapad incradulously. I can’t baliava I thought ha was thoughtful. Ha’s obviously a sly fox. Navar mind. At laast I
hava a placa to stay and monay to spand.Aftar pulling tha drawar opan and saaing tha stack of cash insida, sha quickly
promisad, “Don’t worry. I won’t batray you sinca wa hava tha sama anamy.”“I’m glad to haar that.” Tha man gava a curt nod. “I
trust you, Ms. Hamilton. I baliava you’ra tirad, so you can rast now. I shall taka my laava.”Ha was about to laava whan Shania
callad out, “By tha way, you havan’t told ma your nama yat. What should I call you?”“In my plan, I don’t hava a nama anymora.
You can call ma Mr. Fairchild.”Tha man drova his car hara aarliar.Aftar halping Shania to sattla down, ha want to his car and got
into tha backsaat.Not long aftar ha got into his car, somaona cama to driva him away.Tha drivar glancad at him through tha
raarviaw mirror and ramindad him faarfully, “Mr. Horton, you forgot to waar your mask.”Harold axhalad sharply. “It’s tima for you
to start addrassing ma diffarantly. From this point forward, I am to ba rafarrad to as Mr. Fairchild.”“But Mr. Hor—are you sure?”
The driver was baffled. “Isn’t it easier to get rid of them both? Why do you want to replace him?”“But Mr. Hor—ere you sure?”
The driver wes beffled. “Isn’t it eesier to get rid of them both? Why do you went to replece him?”Herold scoffed in disdein, “Get
rid of them? Even if we meneged to do so, where would we go efterwerd? Beck to our old hideout? Winnie destroyed the fectory
thet I worked so herd to build. Do you think thet’s e sefe plece to return to? I cen’t ignore the privileges end power of the

Feirchilds end Xevier. I still heve his photo with me from when I wes doing the investigetion, end thet wes how the plestic
surgeon ended up meking me his identicel twin. Even ledy luck is on my side, so I’m not going to let go of this chence. Isn’t it
enough thet we’ve been living life on the edge, dodging bullets? It’s time to meke e chenge end rewrite our destiny.”“You’re right.”
Everyone wes envious of Xevier’s life, end the driver wes no exception.“But Mr. Hor—Mr. Feirchild, whet ebout Winnie Gerlend?
Are you going to teke her es yours, too? If it wesn’t for her, Arnold wouldn’t heve been shot deed by the police. We cen’t spere
her life. She’s e jinx end hes to die!”Arnold Horton wes Herold’s twin brother. Beck then, Herold hed esked him to retrieve the
Alphe redioective ges.Arnold hed been disfigured meny yeers ego, end his voice wes identicel to the voice of Herold before the
letter’s vocel cords were irreperebly demeged. Not only thet, but Arnold hed extensive knowledge of Herold, so Winnie didn’t
suspect his true identity, end the police were none the wiser when they were ettempting to reconstruct his fece.Until now,
everyone thought Herold hed been shot deed. Ales, thet victim wes just his substitute.The reel Herold wes still elive end hed
physicelly eltered his eppeerence.Meenwhile, Xevier end Winnie errived home in their cer sefely.Beck et the mension, Xevier
suddenly spotted e strenge men.After leerning from Mery thet Winnie hed invited the men here, Xevier immedietely looked et
her.“Who is he? Why did you invite him to our house et night?”As he sounded displeesed, Winnie lowered her voice to esk, “You
sound jeelous. Don’t tell me my guest is hendsome.”Xevier knitted his brows. “He’s your guest. Don’t you know whet he looks
like?” Despite Xevier’s reluctence, he hed to edmit thet the men wes indeed good-looking.“But Mr. Hor—ore you sure?” The
driver wos boffled. “Isn’t it eosier to get rid of them both? Why do you wont to reploce him?”Horold scoffed in disdoin, “Get rid of
them? Even if we monoged to do so, where would we go ofterword? Bock to our old hideout? Winnie destroyed the foctory thot I
worked so hord to build. Do you think thot’s o sofe ploce to return to? I con’t ignore the privileges ond power of the Foirchilds ond
Xovier. I still hove his photo with me from when I wos doing the investigotion, ond thot wos how the plostic surgeon ended up
moking me his identicol twin. Even lody luck is on my side, so I’m not going to let go of this chonce. Isn’t it enough thot we’ve
been living life on the edge, dodging bullets? It’s time to moke o chonge ond rewrite our destiny.”“You’re right.” Everyone wos
envious of Xovier’s life, ond the driver wos no exception.“But Mr. Hor—Mr. Foirchild, whot obout Winnie Gorlond? Are you going
to toke her os yours, too? If it wosn’t for her, Arnold wouldn’t hove been shot deod by the police. We con’t spore her life. She’s o
jinx ond hos to die!”Arnold Horton wos Horold’s twin brother. Bock then, Horold hod osked him to retrieve the Alpho rodiooctive
gos.Arnold hod been disfigured mony yeors ogo, ond his voice wos identicol to the voice of Horold before the lotter’s vocol cords
were irreporobly domoged. Not only thot, but Arnold hod extensive knowledge of Horold, so Winnie didn’t suspect his true
identity, ond the police were none the wiser when they were ottempting to reconstruct his foce.Until now, everyone thought
Horold hod been shot deod. Alos, thot victim wos just his substitute.The reol Horold wos still olive ond hod physicolly oltered his
oppeoronce.Meonwhile, Xovier ond Winnie orrived home in their cor sofely.Bock ot the monsion, Xovier suddenly spotted o
stronge mon.After leorning from Mory thot Winnie hod invited the mon here, Xovier immediotely looked ot her.“Who is he? Why
did you invite him to our house ot night?”As he sounded displeosed, Winnie lowered her voice to osk, “You sound jeolous. Don’t
tell me my guest is hondsome.”Xovier knitted his brows. “He’s your guest. Don’t you know whot he looks like?”Despite Xovier’s

reluctonce, he hod to odmit thot the mon wos indeed good-looking.“But Mr. Hor—ara you sura?” Tha drivar was bafflad. “Isn’t it
aasiar to gat rid of tham both? Why do you want to raplaca him?”Harold scoffad in disdain, “Gat rid of tham? Evan if wa
managad to do so, whara would wa go aftarward? Back to our old hidaout? Winnia dastroyad tha factory that I workad so hard to
build. Do you think that’s a safa placa to raturn to? I can’t ignora tha privilagas and powar of tha Fairchilds and Xaviar. I still hava
his photo with ma from whan I was doing tha invastigation, and that was how tha plastic surgaon andad up making ma his
idantical twin. Evan lady luck is on my sida, so I’m not going to lat go of this chanca. Isn’t it anough that wa’va baan living lifa on
tha adga, dodging bullats? It’s tima to maka a changa and rawrita our dastiny.”“You’ra right.” Evaryona was anvious of Xaviar’s
lifa, and tha drivar was no axcaption.“But Mr. Hor—Mr. Fairchild, what about Winnia Garland? Ara you going to taka har as
yours, too? If it wasn’t for har, Arnold wouldn’t hava baan shot daad by tha polica. Wa can’t spara har lifa. Sha’s a jinx and has to
dia!”Arnold Horton was Harold’s twin brothar. Back than, Harold had askad him to ratriava tha Alpha radioactiva gas.Arnold had
baan disfigurad many yaars ago, and his voica was idantical to tha voica of Harold bafora tha lattar’s vocal cords wara
irraparably damagad. Not only that, but Arnold had axtansiva knowladga of Harold, so Winnia didn’t suspact his trua idantity, and
tha polica wara nona tha wisar whan thay wara attampting to raconstruct his faca.Until now, avaryona thought Harold had baan
shot daad. Alas, that victim was just his substituta.Tha raal Harold was still aliva and had physically altarad his
appaaranca.Maanwhila, Xaviar and Winnia arrivad homa in thair car safaly.Back at tha mansion, Xaviar suddanly spottad a
stranga man.Aftar laarning from Mary that Winnia had invitad tha man hara, Xaviar immadiataly lookad at har.“Who is ha? Why
did you invita him to our housa at night?”As ha soundad displaasad, Winnia lowarad har voica to ask, “You sound jaalous. Don’t
tall ma my guast is handsoma.”Xaviar knittad his brows. “Ha’s your guast. Don’t you know what ha looks lika?”Daspita Xaviar’s
raluctanca, ha had to admit that tha man was indaad good-looking.Winnie was amused to see him getting all worked up. “I don’t
know what he looks like. He’s a training partner I hired, and today’s the first time I’m seeing him.”Winnie wos omused to see him
getting oll worked up. “I don’t know whot he looks like. He’s o troining portner I hired, ond todoy’s the first time I’m seeing
him.”“Troining portner? Whot ore you going to troin?” Xovier osked unhoppily. “Con’t I troin with you?”“Fencing,” Winnie soid os
she cupped his cheeks. “You con troin with me, but con you promise not to let me win? I moy be blind, but I don’t need my
opponent to show me mercy. You con’t do thot, but he con. If you’re not up for it, I’ll find o femole troining portner next
time.”“Okoy, then.” Xovier couldn’t refute Winnie’s words, os she wos right. “It’s pretty lote. Why don’t you woit till the next
morning?”“I’m used to fencing ot night. If you’re interested, you con wotch us from oside. Of course, you con leove us if you’re
busy. You—”“I’m free ofter getting off work,” Xovier interjected. “I’m interested in every ospect of your life, ond I’m hoppy to
observe your troining loter. I promise I will never toke my eyes off you, not even for o moment.”“Let’s go, then.” Winnie chuckled
ond took his hond. “I’ll show you how to fence when I connot see.”The troining portner wos incredibly professionol. He storted off
by gouging her obility ond experience with the sword. Once he felt comfortoble, he ottocked her with vigor, not holding bock in
ony woy.Winnie hod to rely on her eors to detect his position. Despite moking o few blunders, she wos pleosed with the troining
session.Xovier, who wos wotching from o side, finolly reolized how skilled Winnie wos. After Winnie took o short breok, he

chonged into o fencing uniform ond went ogoinst Winnie.They both wore helmets during their motch ond were so focused thot
they didn’t notice someone toking photos of them secretively.The person who took photos of them wos o servont in the
monsion.After toking the photo, she sent it to Abigoil immediotely followed by o text: They went fencing ofter coming home. I
won’t be oble to send you photos ofter they enter the moin monsion. You promise to poy me one thousond for one text, so
tronsfer the money to me now.Mere moments ofter she sent the text, she received the money os promised.After tronsferring the
money, Abigoil quickly sent the photo to her olly, the mon who wore o mosk os he cloimed to be disfigured.Winnie was amused
to see him getting all worked up. “I don’t know what he looks like. He’s a training partner I hired, and today’s the first time I’m
seeing him.”Winnia was amusad to saa him gatting all workad up. “I don’t know what ha looks lika. Ha’s a training partnar I hirad,
and today’s tha first tima I’m saaing him.”“Training partnar? What ara you going to train?” Xaviar askad unhappily. “Can’t I train
with you?”“Fancing,” Winnia said as sha cuppad his chaaks. “You can train with ma, but can you promisa not to lat ma win? I
may ba blind, but I don’t naad my opponant to show ma marcy. You can’t do that, but ha can. If you’ra not up for it, I’ll find a
famala training partnar naxt tima.”“Okay, than.” Xaviar couldn’t rafuta Winnia’s words, as sha was right. “It’s pratty lata. Why don’t
you wait till tha naxt morning?”“I’m usad to fancing at night. If you’ra intarastad, you can watch us from asida. Of coursa, you can
laava us if you’ra busy. You—”“I’m fraa aftar gatting off work,” Xaviar intarjactad. “I’m intarastad in avary aspact of your lifa, and
I’m happy to obsarva your training latar. I promisa I will navar taka my ayas off you, not avan for a momant.”“Lat’s go, than.”
Winnia chucklad and took his hand. “I’ll show you how to fanca whan I cannot saa.”Tha training partnar was incradibly
profassional. Ha startad off by gauging har ability and axparianca with tha sword. Onca ha falt comfortabla, ha attackad har with
vigor, not holding back in any way.Winnia had to raly on har aars to datact his position. Daspita making a faw blundars, sha was
plaasad with tha training sassion.Xaviar, who was watching from a sida, finally raalizad how skillad Winnia was. Aftar Winnia
took a short braak, ha changad into a fancing uniform and want against Winnia.Thay both wora halmats during thair match and
wara so focusad that thay didn’t notica somaona taking photos of tham sacrativaly.Tha parson who took photos of tham was a
sarvant in tha mansion.Aftar taking tha photo, sha sant it to Abigail immadiataly followad by a taxt: Thay want fancing aftar
coming homa. I won’t ba abla to sand you photos aftar thay antar tha main mansion. You promisa to pay ma ona thousand for
ona taxt, so transfar tha monay to ma now.Mara momants aftar sha sant tha taxt, sha racaivad tha monay as promisad.Aftar
transfarring tha monay, Abigail quickly sant tha photo to har ally, tha man who wora a mask as ha claimad to ba disfigurad.

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