Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 364

Chapter 364
As the car traveled at breakneck speed, Winnie felt excruciating pain from her injured organs.She gave Harold an indifferent
look. “Where are you heading?”Ignoring her, Harold popped his head out of the car window to look at the helicopter above their
heads. Finally, he turned around and smiled. “I’m taking you away. Do you feel excited already?”Winnie sneered. “You’ve stolen
the goods from under the terrorists’ noses. You must have found a buyer, right? Who is he? Where are you making the
exchange?”“Why are you brazenly asking me about these secret details?”“What else should I do? It’s not like we have anything
in common to talk about.”“Why not?” Harold ran his fingers across Winnie’s cheek. “As a grown man and woman, aren’t there
plenty of things for us to explore?”“You’re disgusting!” Winnie turned her face away. When her gaze finally returned to Harold, her
eyes were brimming with contempt.While irritated by the way Winnie was looking at him, he could see in her eyes a reflection of
his ugly self—one that even he was reluctant to look straight in the eyes.As rage began to overwhelm him, he felt the urge to dig
out Winnie’s beautiful eyes.Nonetheless, he kept his impulses in check. Picking up a bag and emptying the bullets inside, he
subsequently draped it over Winnie’s head.She could no longer see where they were going as the car sped down the
road.Despite that, the helicopter hovering above their heads was still well within earshot.Subsequently, their car came to an
abrupt stop after seemingly hitting something. By the time Harold removed the bag over her head, Winnie realized that it was
already dawn.She scanned the surroundings and was stunned by what she saw—a school.As the village school had worn-out
facilities, its gate swung open upon being crashed into.An elderly man who worked as a security guard was swiftly tied up by
Harold’s men.Thereafter, he closed the metal gate before firing two warning shots into the sky.Just a moment ago, a group of
young children with red scarves tied around their necks was happily playing on the school field. The sudden arrival of Harold and
his armed subordinates caused them to scatter in fear.Amidst the chaos, Harold’s men fired their guns indiscriminately.Unaware
of what was going on, the teachers began to grab the fleeing students to stop them from running.When everyone at the scene
finally stopped moving, Harold threatened all of them into entering a classroom in an orderly manner.At the same time, Winnie
staggered forward after being yanked by him.“What the hell are you doing? Why are you causing trouble in a school?”“Our car
ran out of fuel and the police are still hot on our tail, so what do you think I’m doing here? Let me tell you, compared to adults,
children are a lot easier to control. With so many here, it would be a waste if I didn’t use them!”“You heartless b*stard!” Winnie
gave Harold a death stare. “If a hostage is all you want, am I not enough?”“It seems that you hardly know me still. You were
never a hostage to me. I won’t let you go after capturing you painstakingly. I want to keep you by my side and toy with you slowly
so that you suffer a fate worse than death. Only then will vengeance be mine.”While speaking, he shoved Winnie into a
classroom filled with other students.By then, the police had arrived and quickly surrounded the classroom. Because children
were being held hostage, the police took extraordinary precautions.Soon, negotiations between both sides began.The police
agreed to all of Harold’s demands on account of the hostages but asked for time to make preparations.With that, both sides fell
into a temporary standoff.To prevent snipers from shooting through the windows, Harold’s men had barricaded them with tables

and chairs.One of the tables had an exposed nail that Winnie discreetly ground against the belt that was restraining her.Unable
to see what was behind her, she accidentally cut herself a few times while doing so.Nevertheless, her persistence was soon
rewarded when she managed to cut one of them loose.With a little use of her dexterity, she finally managed to free herself from
her restraints.Despite her newly won freedom, she pretended that nothing had happened.While Harold and his subordinates
were softly hashing out their next steps, she seized upon the opportunity to peek out through the gaps in the windows.The
outside was crawling with SWAT officers and two figures in protective clothing.She recognized one of them to be Lisanne from
the figure’s silhouette.When she couldn’t see any sign of Xavier in the crowd, she figured that James must have kept his promise
to stop him from coming.With that thought in mind, Winnie retracted her gaze.Glancing at the old clock in the room, Winnie
noticed that the deadline Harold had given the police had arrived.This time, Harold will definitely drive the car deeper into the
thick forest. Once he’s inside, it’ll be difficult for the police to capture him. His escape will allow him to harm even more people in
the future. Also, now that I’m free of my restraints, should I go along with him or use the opportunity to escape?While she was
lost in thought, Harold suddenly got to his feet, as the deadline he had given the police had arrived.After firing a shot through the
gap of the half-opened wooden door as a precaution, he continued dealing with the police.Soon, the two bulletproof cars he
requested arrived.As his subordinates grabbed a few students and herded them into the first car, he and the rest got into the
second vehicle.The shield-bearing SWAT officers guarded the classroom door once all the perpetrators had moved out of
it.Other than the students still held hostage by Harold, the entire field was cleared of people.Meanwhile, SWAT officers were
lying in ambush inside both cars. Upon grabbing the children, they quickly subdued all of Harold’s subordinates.Caught by
surprise, Harold had his wrist broken from being twisted.Even though his gun fell onto the ground, he swiftly unsheathed the
dagger at his waist.Pressing it against Winnie’s throat, he retreated into the classroom with her. Her skin began to bleed just from
the pressure of the blade alone.With Winnie held at knife-point, Harold demanded the police back off.However, Winnie threw him
a glance. “There will be no escape for you today. Exposing yourself one bit out there will end up with a bullet in your head. Stop
resisting. At least you’ll die under better circumstances.”Harold looked around and realized that he had been surrounded.He
looked down at the Alpha radioactive gas in his possession. I risked my life just to get my hands on this. There’s no way I’m
going to let the police have it even if I’m going to die today. Moreover, it will be humiliating if I’m apprehended just like that.

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