Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 290

Chapter 290
“Of course.” Wilhelm continued to tempt Xavier since the latter seemed utterly unmoved. “I know Vivian is a straightforward
woman, so she might resent you or even be upset with you if you do this. However, as her brother, I can promise you that she
won’t retaliate. There’s nothing to worry about in that regard. You can take a look at the contract first. Let me know if there’s
anything you’d like me to change. Mr. Fairchild, may I remind you that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Not everyone is as
fortunate as you are.”With that, Wilhelm pushed the three contracts in a folder in front of him toward Xavier.Xavier narrowed his
eyes at Wilhelm to scrutinize him as he tapped the table with a deadpan expression. Still, he showed no intention of touching the
contracts.He said not a word but stared coldly at Wilhelm for over ten seconds.Wilhelm did not appreciate Xavier’s attitude
toward him, so he added with a cold face, “Sooner or later, you will change your mind. You’ll see.”Only after hearing that did
Xavier finally show some emotions. He leaned forward slightly with a smirk and continued to gaze at Wilhelm. “You seem pretty
confident, Mr. Speiser. I can’t help but wonder how much these three contacts are worth. Do you really think they’re enough to
buy me off?Wilhelm scoffed in response after listening to Xavier. “You wouldn’t be asking me such a silly question if you were
smart enough, Mr. Fairchild. Open the folder, and you’ll learn how much they’re worth.”“Oh?” Xavier casually picked up the
contracts and chuckled as he flipped open the first page. “I’ll have to take a look, then.”“Of course. Feel free to do so.” Wilhelm
gestured for Xavier to go ahead with a half-smile.Xavier nodded in response before going through the documents
carefully.Wilhelm looked over Xavier’s head at the camera in the corner as soon as the latter began paying attention to the
contracts.He raised his eyebrows provocatively at the camera, of which Winnie and Emily were on the other side.The two women
were well aware of everything that happened between Xavier and Wilhelm, as well as their conversation.Emily could not help but
get worried when Xavier began to go through the documents.“Why is Mr. Fairchild reading the contracts? Winnie, is he someone
who values money and his career a lot? Does he think they’re even more important than family?”“No, he doesn’t.” Winnie stared
at the computer screen as she casually sipped her coffee.She was confident that Wilhelm’s contracts would not be able to buy
Xavier off.However, she wondered about the authenticity of Wilhelm’s offer. “Are the contracts Wilhelm presented to Xavier real?
If Xavier were to end up signing them, would Wilhelm really live up to his promise?”Emily shook her head in response to the
question. “I’m afraid a deal that generous simply doesn’t exist in this world. If Mr. Fairchild were to choose the offer over you, I
don’t think Wilhelm would let him get away that easily. Mr. Fairchild would have to pay for his lies and greed. Don’t you
agree?”Winnie nodded before taking another sip of her coffee. “I suppose so.” If Xavier chooses to sign the contracts, Wilhelm
won’t even have to do a thing because I’ll be the first to make Xavier pay! I’ll make him wish he was never born!Staring at Xavier
on the screen, Winnie hoped he would not let her down. Otherwise, she would do everything in her power to make the man
regret ever meeting her.Meanwhile, in the conference room, Xavier quickly flipped through the three documents before slowly
tearing them to pieces right in front of Wilhelm.Then he looked straight at Wilhelm and said, “Mr. Speiser, I know you’re not
married, but I’m not sure if you have a girlfriend. In my opinion, some things like love simply can’t be measured with money. I’ve

already gone through the contracts, and I must say that they are very enticing for a businessman. However, Mr. Speiser, I have
the resources, the connections, the ingenuity, and the time to continue my journey as a businessman. It’s true that I’d attain
success much quicker if I were to take the deal, but I’d much rather work my up with my own two hands, even if it takes me five
years, ten years, twenty years, or even more. Like the relationship between Winnie and me, some things just don’t happen
overnight; they take time and effort. I have to say, Mr. Speiser, not only did you insult me, but you also insulted the love and trust
Winnie had placed in me. I won’t tell her what happened today; I’ll pretend as if none of this happened.”With that, Xavier pushed
his chair away and rose to his feet. “I still look forward to the day when I greet you, Winnie’s brother, as her husband. Sorry, but
I’ll have to take my leave now.”Wilhelm said not a word but clenched his pen so hard that his knuckles turned pale.After Xavier
turned around and left, the cap of Wilhelm’s pen popped out like bullets from a gun.On the other side, Emily could not help but
nod approvingly at the screen. “This Mr. Fairchild is not half bad after all. Not only does he respect the relationship you two have,
but he’s also a very sensible businessman. To tell you the truth, Winnie”—Emily fluttered her eyelashes at Winnie—“I believe
Wilhelm’s three contracts are flawed. Mr. Fairchild knew he would face a great loss if he were to take a shortcut like that to attain
success. Still, he showed himself to be a dependable man who’s not easily swayed by promises of quick success.”“Of course,”
voiced Winnie with pride in her eyes. “After all, he’s the man I’ve chosen for myself. I’d never settle for someone lesser.”“You’re
right to think like that. The fact that I chose to marry your grandfather all those years ago shows that I, too, have a good eye for
men.”Emily and Winnie began chatting casually, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became more relaxed.However, that
was quickly interrupted by Wilhelm, who stormed in with a grim face.Emily immediately lowered her voice when she saw how
upset Wilhelm was.“I think he’s angry, and if I have to guess, it’s because of the contracts. Besides Mr. Fairchild, nobody has
ever dared to tear his documents in front of him like that,” whispered Emily to Winnie.After glancing at Wilhelm, Winnie
responded to Emily in a volume that she was sure only her grandmother could hear. “Wilhelm’s always been so proud. It’s time
someone humbles him.”“My goodness! I think he gets enough humbling from you. If your husband’s anything like you, Wilhelm
will lose it!” stated Emily with a chuckle.Even though Wilhelm could not clearly hear what Winnie and Emily were saying, he was
sure that they were talking about him.With displeasure written all over his face, Wilhelm sat down across Winnie. “How do you
like the result of your little test, my dear brother? As I said, Xavier doesn’t have an ulterior motive for being with me. You may find
this hard to believe, but he fell for the broke, innocent woman I pretended to be at the beginning. Then he fell for the real me.
None of that has anything to do with my identity as a Speiser,” said Winnie while leaning back in her chair.Wilhelm knew Winnie
was right since the same thing happened to him.He, too, doted on the innocent and warm woman Winnie had pretended to be,
and as time went by, he learned to love the real her.Although Wilhelm believed what Winnie said, it did not mean that his test for
Xavier was over.He reached out to tap Winnie’s phone on the table and ordered with an uncompromising attitude, “Send Xavier
a message.”“What kind of message?” asked Winnie, furrowing her eyebrows.“Send him your condominium address and have
him meet you there,” replied Wilhelm.From Wilhelm’s tone, Winnie could tell that he was not finished, so she knitted her
eyebrows even tighter. “And then what? I can go home afterward?”“Of course not. You’re going to tell him that you’re home, but

you won’t actually be there.”“But why? Why do I have to lie to him like that?”“Because I’ve only tempted him with money. Who’s
to say he’ll be just as adamant when tempted by beautiful women? I have to continue with my tests.”“Do you really think that’s
necessary, Wilhelm?” inquired Winnie somewhat helplessly. “With his status, he can get almost any woman he wants in
Chanaea. If you don’t mind me saying, I think this test of yours is pretty dumb. As Xavier said just now, not only are you insulting
him, but you’re also insulting me.”“Winnie!” Wilhelm’s face darkened. “That’s such a harsh word; I’m not trying to insult you. As I
said, this is just a test. You saw it yourself. He’s been nothing but courteous from the moment he entered the room; he spoke
with carefully chosen words.”Emily agreed with Wilhelm, so she decided to persuade Winnie. “Why not? It’s a great thing that
you and Xavier trust each other, but I don’t see how Wilhelm’s test will do any harm. Even those applying to be sanitation
workers have to go through interviews and tests. We live in a world where trials and tests are almost unavoidable, so don’t worry
yourself too much.”Winnie did not want to go along with what Wilhelm had in mind, but she sent the message anyway just so she
could shut her brother up for good.After putting her phone down, Winnie uttered sternly, “This will be the last test! I still believe
that he won’t betray me.”Xavier had just left the building when he received the text message from Winnie.He immediately called
her, but she did not answer.Winnie simply sent Xavier another message, telling him she was waiting for him at her
condominium.The man immediately got suspicious since Winnie could respond with a message but not answer his call.He
quickened his pace, intending to reach Winnie’s condominium as soon as possible.Just when Xavier was about to hail a ride, a
black convertible sports car suddenly stopped in front of him.Xavier looked through the car window and realized Nate was in the
vehicle.When he sensed Xavier’s gaze, Nate immediately removed his sunglasses before smiling at his cousin. “Need a ride,
Xavier? It’s free of charge.”“Where did you get this piece of junk?” complained Xavier while opening the car door.“Junk?” Nate’s
jaw dropped when he heard that. “Did you seriously just call my Porsche a piece of junk? You’re not taking your anger out on me
because somebody upset you, are you?”Xavier placed his suitcase in the back seat with a deadpan expression before rolling his
eyes at Nate. “It doesn’t even have a proper place for my suitcase. What do you call it if not a piece of junk?”“Fine.” Nate put his
sunglasses back on. “I knew I should’ve rented that Bentley instead. It was definitely cheaper. So where are we heading?”“Give
me a moment.” Instead of telling Nate where to go, Xavier set their destination on the GPS of the vehicle.“That’s pretty far away.
What is that place anyway?” inquired Nate after glancing at the screen.“That’s where Winnie lives now,” replied Xavier absently
as he took his phone out to go through Winnie’s messages again.“I see,” responded Nate before moving on to another question.
“Where did you go just now, and what did Winnie’s family say to you? They didn’t give you a hard time, did they?”“Focus on
driving and stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” said Xavier without looking at Nate.The two kept quiet for a while
before Nate suddenly started talking again. “Xavier, that’s where I rented the car. Should we get a new one since you don’t like
this one?”“And why would we want to do that?” asked Xavier rhetorically after shooting Nate a look.“I’m just trying to be
accommodating. Are we really not getting another one?” inquired Nate, unsure how best to respond to Xavier.To that, Xavier
insisted, “That won’t be necessary.”“Okay, then. I guess we’ll stick with this convertible.”It started to rain not long after that.The
place had unpredictable weather and would often be foggy in the morning, sunny at noon, and rainy in the afternoon.Xavier’s

face turned as grim as death when raindrops began to fall on him. “Is there a reason why you haven’t raised the roof?”The rain
was so heavy that Nate could barely keep his eyes open. “This model doesn’t have one. I did ask if you wanted to get another
car, and you said no.”Xavier had thought he was lucky that he got a ride as soon as he left the building. But at that moment, he
changed his mind.Nate drove as fast as he could and finally reached their destination after half an hour in the rain.When the two
got out of the car, they were already soaking wet.Xavier pressed the doorbell, but no one responded.“Could she have gone out?”
asked Nate as he wrung the corner of his shirt.Xavier took out his phone and discovered that Nate was right. Ten minutes ago,
Winnie had sent him another message telling him that she had gone out and that he’d have to let himself in.Also in the message
was Winnie’s passcode to open the door.Even though Xavier thought something was off, he opened the door and entered the
condominium anyway.Nate wanted to go with him, but the latter stopped him.“You’re not welcome here. Go find yourself a hotel.”
Xavier coldly shut the door on Nate before entering the house.Since every piece of clothing on him was drenched, Xavier took
them off one by one as he moved.He was already half naked when he reached the bathroom. Suddenly, he heard a clicking
sound.Someone seemed to have come in and locked the door behind them.Just when Xavier was about to turn around, a
slender pair of hands crawled up his body.

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