Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 263

Chapter 263
When the two of them went into the room, Winnie led the way ahead while Big Black Bear followed behind her.Therefore, it was
Winnie who first entered the room with Big Black Bear on her heels.When they had gone into the room, Big Black Bear furtively
locked the door.He thought Winnie didn’t notice it, but she had actually glimpsed his action through the vanity mirror right across
the room door.Nonetheless, she pretended as though nothing had happened. She merely walked over to the side of the cabinet.
Opening the cabinet door, she took out two bottles of wine.One of them was the color of champagne while the other was
colorless.She placed both bottles of wine on the table and inquired with a faint smile, “Shall we have a drink? Which one do you
prefer?”Big Black Bear said nothing, merely staring at her as though he wasn’t interested in drinking.Ignoring him, Winnie
retrieved two wine glasses.“I suppose you’d better drink foreign wine? You might not be used to drinking local wine,” she
muttered as though speaking to herself.As she said that, she started uncorking the wine.But she was left with the use of a single
hand then, and it was her left hand to boot. As such, things were rather difficult for her.For that reason, she glanced back over
her shoulder and asked Big Black Bear for help. “Hey, why are you still standing over there? Come and help me uncork the
wine.”Big Black Bear remained silent, but this time, he finally budged. He strolled over to her.However, he didn’t approach her to
uncork the wine.When he reached her back, he suddenly shot his hands out and wrapped them around her neck from
behind.The muscles on his arms bulged, and he had unbelievable strength. In no time, Winnie started experiencing trouble
breathing.Nevertheless, he evidently held himself back to a certain extent, not intending to strangle her to death.Realizing that,
Winnie promptly demanded, “What are you doing? What exactly do you want to ask me?”Big Black Bear lowered his head and
glowered at her.“You were sent over by those in South West Aploth, huh? In this area, no one else could possibly have such a
formulation besides me. You must be a spy they sent out. What do they want? Lure me out and capture me back or kill
me?”Winnie’s brows creased. It looks like he knows everything, even surmising my plan accurately.“What does the answer
matter? What is the meaning of this now? Do you want to kill me? If so, why are you not making your move?”Big Black Bear
ruthlessly strangled her again. “I don’t like to kill! But I’ve got to admit that the formulation in your hands is even better than mine.
I believe you don’t want to die either, right?”Winnie struggled to breathe. “Of course, I don’t want to die. Who doesn’t want to
live?”“If you want to live, I can spare you, but you must hand the formulation to me!”“What would become of me if I were to hand
it to you? Would Leandro still keep me alive?”“I don’t care. But if you don’t hand it to me, I’m going to strangle you to death right
here and now. You undoubtedly can’t last five minutes in my hands. Weigh it carefully!”Winnie was already running of out
oxygen, so she relented. “Okay! I’ll hand it to you! I’ll give it to you!” There’s a pen and paper in the drawer under the table. Take
them out. I’ll write the formulation down for you.”Hearing that, Big Black Bear instantly dipped his head and pulled the drawer
open.Sure enough, there was a pen and paper in there. He quickly took them out and placed them on the table. “Write it down
immediately, right this instant!”“Okay!” Winnie clawed at his arm, urging, “Loosen your hold for a bit. I can’t quite breathe
anymore, and my brain will run out of oxygen. Under such a circumstance, I can’t write it down at all.”That made sense. Thinking

that she couldn’t escape from him anyway, Big Black Bear loosened his grip a fraction.Relief suffused Winnie, and she took in
great gulps of breath. She only started writing several seconds later.After writing two lines, she deliberately paused for a
moment.As soon as she did so, Big Black Bear rushed her at once. “Don’t drag your feet! Hurry up and write.”In response,
Winnie frowned. “Don’t rush me. I’m too nervous when you do so, and I might make a mistake.”While saying that, she crossed
off the line she wrote earlier. “Look, I got the quantity wrong.”Staring at the paper, Big Black Bear questioned, “Are you sure it’s
wrong? The content of methamphetamine is high in the first place. Why did you cross it out?”Winnie breathed a sigh of relief
upon seeing that the man had his full attention on the formulation.“You’ll understand when I’ve written down the entire
formulation. Now, you only need to keep your eyes peeled.” As she said that, she shook her hand. “D*mn it! I hate using my left
hand. It’s really too inconvenient.”Big Black Bear didn’t think much of her shaking her hand, for his thoughts were centered on
the formulation. Unbeknownst to him, she was actually looking for a suitable angle by doing so.She prepared everything in that
room meticulously, including the pen in her hand.Its tip was exceedingly sharp and fine, so it could be used as a weapon if she
had a good grasp of the force and angle.She shook her hand earlier because she was looking for a suitable angle. By then, she
already had a rough grasp of the position where she and Big Black Bear stood.After purposefully miswriting a parameter to
attract his attention, she shot her hand back and stabbed him with the pen.While her blow wasn’t fatal, the tip of the pen
punctured his throat unerringly.Never had Big Black Bear expected the woman before him to actually turn the tables and injure
him with a mere pen.As the wound was at his throat, he couldn’t even shout. He could only make some low and unintelligible
sounds.Following her success, Winnie continued striking while the iron was hot. She took out a towel from the drawer. Holding
her breath, she poured the bottle of “white wine” on the table onto the towel.In truth, it was no white wine. Instead, it was a bottle
of colorless and transparent ether.After knocking Big Black Bear out, she whipped out a lighter and went to a corner of the
wall.The two crates of wine Leandro sent over previously were all there. Taking two bottles out, she poured the rest of the wine
over the curtains and furniture before lighting the curtains on fire.When she had done all that, she climbed out the window with
the remaining two bottles and left.By the time the men keeping watch outside and Leandro noticed something amiss, her room
was already ablaze.The instant Leandro saw the fire, he stood frozen on the spot.He suddenly found himself foolish beyond
belief.She was the one who set Harold’s lab on fire. She even managed to play a fool of someone like him; yet, I thought I could
subdue her! He was so livid that steam was coming out of his ears. “D*mn it! Go and get that woman! No matter what, you’re to
catch her! I want to cut her into a million pieces and feed her to the wolves! Why are you still spacing out? Hurry up and give
chase!”But not long after he had given that order, he received another piece of bad news all out of the blue—his warehouse was
on fire.All my stock and raw materials are in that warehouse, but that woman actually set fire to it all!The warehouse meant
everything to him. At the end of the day, he could give up killing Winnie, but he couldn’t possibly give his warehouse
up.Therefore, he hastily called back everyone he sent out to pursue her. Right then, they all worked to extinguish the fire to the
best of their abilities to minimize the losses.Winnie had made preparations ages ago. After she had set two fires consecutively,
especially the one at the warehouse, almost everyone in the entire Zeller residence was dispatched to put the fire out. Only the

guard at the gate remained at his post.That granted her a smooth journey all the way to the doghole. In fact, it was far easier
than when she escaped from Harold’s place.Aware that Leandro had no extra manpower to pursue her, she didn’t slip into the
woods but sprinted along the main road.When she had run for about a kilometer, a car suddenly approached from ahead.She
instinctively slipped into the woods at the side of the road, but the car abruptly honked.Not daring to expose herself, she hid in
the woods motionlessly. Only when she spotted Greta jumping out of the car while calling out “Ms. Garland” did she realize that it
was Xavier coming to pick her up.She swiftly stepped out of the woods and waved at Greta. “I’m here!”At the sound of Winnie’s
voice, Greta promptly snapped her head around. Just when she was about to head over, a figure swept past her like a gust of
wind.Xavier ran like the wind, reaching Winnie in a handful of steps.At the sight of her, he didn’t utter a single word but gathered
her into his arms right away.Winnie enjoyed the sense of security in his arms, but still, she couldn’t help crying out, “Ouch!
Darling, my hand is broken, and you’re hurting me.”“Sorry!” Xavier immediately dropped his hold on her. Cradling her face, he
started kissing her face, from her forehead to her chin.Winnie initially wanted to dissuade him from being so frantic, but she
suddenly realized that she wanted to kiss him as well. In fact, she yearned to share an intense kiss with him.Alas, it wasn’t an
appropriate time then. Greta, who was far more rational than the couple, climbed into the driver’s seat and honked at them.At
that, both of them became embarrassed. Winnie lifted her head and caressed Xavier’s face. “Come, let’s leave this place
quickly.”Xavier stared at her unblinkingly. At the same time, he held her hand tightly. “Are you tired? Can you still walk?”But after
asking that, he didn’t give her the chance to speak at all and scooped her up without delay.Winnie wrapped an arm around his
neck. At that very moment, she felt incredibly relaxed.Subsequently, the two of them got into the car. Before turning the car
around, Greta couldn’t resist glancing back over her shoulder.In the distance, she saw flames shooting into the sky.She couldn’t
help glancing at Winnie through the rear-view mirror, querying with a chortle, “Ms. Garland, did you also set fire to Leandro’s
place?”Exhausted, Winnie sounded weak as she spoke. “Yeah. I couldn’t have gotten out easily if I hadn’t created some work for
them. They’re all busy putting out the fire right now.”“Haha, how impressive, Ms. Garland! You’re really incredible! You’ve only
been here for a few days, but you’ve set fire to two drug caches consecutively. Hahaha, how gratifying!”Winnie could hear the
thrill in Greta’s voice. She chuckled softly. “You seem to detest drugs.”Again, Greta cast a look at her through the rear-view
mirror. “Yeah. Although I’ve been making a living from a related profession in such a place, it doesn’t hinder me from detesting
it.”Pausing for a moment, she added, “I’ve always known what I’ve been doing.”Winnie couldn’t shake off the feeling that Greta
was different from other mercenaries, but she didn’t question her further.After a brief silence, Winnie asked Xavier, “Have you
relocated Christopher and Professor White?”Xavier smoothed her slightly messy hair as he reassured gently, “Don’t worry. I’ve
made all the arrangements. We can convene with them soon.”Frowning, Winnie sighed. “It’s a pity that Yulissa escaped.”Xavier
continued to console her as he murmured, “It’s okay. As long as Professor White is with us, I believe she’ll definitely make an
appearance. You haven’t gotten your black badge back, yes?”“Yeah. She was adamant about only returning it to me after she
had seen Professor White. Unexpectedly, I got the wrong person that night and took Professor White’s assistant instead.”“I was
also shocked when I saw Professor White at that time. Fortunately, we all survived in the end,” Xavier lamented.Nodding, Winnie

inquired, “Oh yes, I couldn’t contact you through the ring sometime later. Was there a problem with the receiving equipment on
your end?”“Yes. I came up with a plan later and got another one, but the previous recordings were all gone. What happened
between you both subsequently? I only heard from Christopher that the two of you bumped into Yulissa. Was it her who broke
your hand?”Winnie stole a peek at Xavier.It looks like Christopher didn’t tell him the events that transpired in the basement. Well,
it’s a good thing. Those events are indeed pretty awkward to speak of. Besides, he’s a jealous person in nature. Knowing some
things won’t do him any good.Thus, she only revealed a small part of them.“When we took off back then, we bumped into
Yulissa. Initially, she thought she would be able to see Professor White this time, but it unexpectedly turned out to be someone
else when the helmet was removed. She thought I was deliberately playing her for a fool, so she sabotaged us. A row broke out
between us. Later, we so happened to bump into Harold. He heard that I blew up his place and fled, so he was hunting me
everywhere. Hence, he took both Christopher and me away. I’m sure you know what happened after that.”And so, she brushed
over the originally terrifying incident with merely those few words. Xavier’s eyes brimmed with self-recrimination. “I’m sorry. I
failed to protect you well.”Winnie nestled deeper into his embrace. “Don’t say that. It’s all in the past. The most important thing is
to ensure that we’re careful henceforth.”Murmuring in agreement. Xavier hugged her tightly. “Let’s go to Salinsburgh right
now.”Salinsburgh was Shaun’s territory. At present, Jacinta and Rachel were still receiving treatment at a hospital there.Xavier
had also sent Riley over. Right then, they were heading there to convene with the others.However, they had no idea of the
trouble that awaited them there.

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