Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 210

Chapter 210
Xavier, too, felt something was amiss.“It’s unlike him to not answer his phone. Even if he gets a call while he’s fast asleep at two
or three in the morning, he answers it within five rings. I think we should head back and have a look.”Xavier was about to get up
from the bed when Winnie pushed him back down.“There are only a few minutes left; it won’t make a difference. If you go now,
these dozens of needles I’ve inserted will have been for nothing.” The worried look on Winnie’s face was replaced by a stern
expression.Xavier felt a warm sensation in his heart when he heard that. Winnie could see her reflection in his eyes as he held
her hand and looked straight at her.“Dumbo, am I as important as your granny to you now?” Xavier asked.Winnie stifled a sob as
she looked at Xavier, who had suffered many times for her sake.The look in her eyes slowly grew gentle as she swallowed hard
to fight back her tears. “What do you think? Do you not know how much you mean to me?”Xavier tightened his grip on her hand.
“I just had to make sure I wasn’t being delusional.”Winnie let out a chuckle. “Haha! Who’s the dumbo now? Xavier, I want you to
trust me unconditionally, okay?”“Okay, I will. Do you trust me as well?” Xavier asked with a firm look in his eyes.Winnie nodded.
“Of course.”Those words had barely left her mouth when Josiah’s call came in.She quickly pulled her hand out of Xavier’s grip
and answered the phone.“Josiah? Are you at Aqua Moana? Why weren’t you picking up my calls?”Noticing the anxiety in her
voice, Josiah quickly explained, “It wasn’t convenient for me to answer the phone earlier, but it’s okay now. I called you back as
soon as I could. Did something happen?”“You could say that. I tried calling my granny, but I couldn’t get through. I was
wondering if you could head over to my place and help check on her,” Winnie replied.Josiah’s response, however, shocked her
deeply.“It makes perfect sense that you weren’t able to get through to her. I was going to give you a call even if you didn’t call
me.”Winnie frowned in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”Instead of answering her question, Josiah asked, “Is Xavier with
you right now?”“Yes, he is. What’s wrong?”“Oh, there’s just something I need to talk to him about. Mind putting your phone on
speaker for me? It’ll save me the trouble of having to call him,” Josiah replied after giving it some thought.“Okay.” Winnie then put
her phone on speaker as she continued, “What did you mean by that question earlier?”“I got held up with something, so it was
pretty late when I went home. I happened to bump into Mdm. Sumner on the way back. She was on the phone and so distracted
that she nearly bumped into pedestrians a couple of times. I grew worried about her safety when I saw how anxious she looked,
so I followed her using my car. That was when I saw her make her way into a bank to use the ATM. There’s nothing strange
about a person withdrawing money, but she was on the phone the whole time. I was worried that she might’ve been conned into
transferring her money to some stranger, so I decided to go talk to her. However, she was already leaving the bank when I
parked my car by the roadside. Judging by the bulge on her handbag, I’d say she must’ve withdrawn a huge amount of cash
using multiple cards. As you know, there’s a limit to how much one can withdraw from an ATM. Don’t you find that
strange?”Winnie frowned slightly. “It’s strange indeed. What happened after that? Did you follow her? Was there anyone else
around her? Was she being forced or threatened?”“It didn’t seem like she was forced. I wanted to follow her, but I got stopped by
a police officer for a parking violation. I assume your granny is home by now, but I’m still stuck here at the moment. Maybe you

should go home and check on her,” Josiah replied.“All right, thanks!” Winnie said and hung up the phone.Since the time for the
acupuncture treatment was up, she removed the needles on Xavier’s head as well.While packing the needles, she recalled
something and exclaimed, “Oh, shoot! Josiah said he wanted to talk to you about something, but I hung up the phone before he
could talk to you!”“It’s fine. I bet he’s so busy dealing with the traffic police that it slipped his mind. That means it probably wasn’t
something important, so he can tell me about it later,” Xavier reassured her.He actually knew that Josiah wanted to tell him about
Jacinta.In this modern age, most people would just transfer money via internet banking, so there’s no reason for anyone to carry
so much cash on them. Unless, of course, they don’t want that transaction to be traceable online. I’m guessing Mdm. Sumner
either plans to make an escape or is trying to help someone else escape. Considering how she was speaking to someone on the
phone for so long, I’d say the latter is a lot more likely. Of course, this is all just my hypothesis. I’ll have to confirm it myself before
I tell Dumbo there’s something suspicious about her granny. “Come on, let’s head back to Aqua Moana,” Xavier said as he got
off the bed and fetched Winnie her handbag from the couch.“Right!” Winnie began calling Jacinta as they walked out of
there.This time, Jacinta answered the phone fairly quickly.“What is it, Winnie? Why are you calling me all of a sudden? Shouldn’t
you be resting instead?”Winnie breathed a sigh of relief when she heard how normal Jacinta sounded, but she was still a bit
concerned after hearing what Josiah said earlier.“Oh, I’m not tired. By the way, Granny, who were you talking to on the phone? I
tried calling you earlier, but I couldn’t get through. That was ten to twenty minutes ago.”“Ah, you were calling me? I didn’t know
because I was on the phone with Rach. She says she’ll be going home soon and asks if I could take her out for one last nice
meal. I guess I got a little carried away while chatting with her.”“Oh, I see. When will she be leaving? Maybe I could go say
goodbye.”“Are you sure you have the time to do that? I’m not too sure when she’ll be leaving, though. Maybe in the next two
days or so. Her dad says he hasn’t bought their tickets yet. I’ll let you know when I find out.”“All right. By the way, do we have
cash at home?”“Cash?” Jacinta paused for quite a while before continuing, “Yes, we do. I just went out to withdraw some earlier.
Are you in need of cash?”Winnie decided to go along with her statement. “Yeah, kind of. But it’s fine if you don’t have enough to
spare.”“Oh, I withdrew quite a lot of money, so there’s plenty to spare. Don’t you young ones use your phones to pay for
everything these days? What would you need the cash for?”Instead of answering her question, Winnie responded with another
question. “Why did you withdraw so much cash, Granny?”“It’s for Rach to bring back. Her father tells me there are plenty of
starving children and old people in their village, so I figured I’d try to help them out. Things aren’t as modern in the village, so
they use cash for everything there,” Jacinta replied.“Ah, that makes sense. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to help the
poor? I could do it for you, so you can just keep your money for yourself.”“You give me way too much money as is. Besides, the
money I have comes from you anyway, so it makes no difference. Will you be coming home for dinner tonight? I’ll make you
anything you like.”“I haven’t decided on that. I’ll drop by the house in a bit, so we can talk about this later.”“Okay. I’ll wait for you
to come home, then.”Winnie then hung up the phone and took her handbag over from Xavier as she said, “It looks like she’s fine.
I was probably just overthinking it. I can go home on my own, so you don’t need to come with me.”Xavier nodded. “All right. I
happen to have some business to take care of anyway.”“Make sure to get enough rest.” Winnie then gave him a kiss before

leaving.Xavier waited until she was gone before pulling out his phone and sending a text: Look up the call history for this phone
number today. Get it done as soon as possible.It had barely been two minutes before Xavier received Jacinta’s call history.The
number that she was on a call with for twenty minutes indeed belonged to Rachel’s father.Xavier frowned in confusion when he
saw that.Am I being paranoid, or is Mdm. Sumner a lot smarter than I thought?Winnie gave Rachel’s father a call on her way
back.“Hi, Mr. Zimmerman. Granny tells me you’re going to bring Rach back soon. Have you decided on the date yet? Do let me
know when you are able to confirm it. I’ll pop over to see you guys off if I’m available. No, it’s no trouble at all!”Meanwhile, at
Aqua Moana, Jacinta pulled out another phone from under her blanket and punched in a number.“I think they’re onto me. I can’t
use the cash that I’ve prepared for you, but I’ll figure something out. Make sure to stay hidden, okay? I’ll make a trip to the docks
in a few days. It’s a very shady place, so it’d be perfect for you to hide there. You must remember to keep your cool, do you
understand? Someday, you’ll be able to take back what belongs to you.”The front door made a loud click as Winnie opened it
and entered the house.As Jacinta’s bedroom door was wide open, Winnie saw her sitting on the side of her bed.Although Winnie
couldn’t tell what she was doing as Jacinta had her back facing the door, she did hear Jacinta mumbling something.“Hi, Granny!
Who are you talking to?” Winnie asked with a frown as she made her way over.

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