Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 177

Chapter 177
“Can I take a look?” Sebastian’s reaction was somewhat agitated. He had almost gotten his hands on it.Winnie felt baffled, but
since the request came from Sebastian, she readily agreed.“All right. Hold on.” Winnie undid the watch from her wrist and
passed it to Sebastian. Out of respect toward him, she used both hands when she handed the watch over.Unexpectedly,
Sebastian, too, used both hands when he took the watch from her. He acted as if the watch was the most priceless treasure in
the world.As Sebastian carefully observed the watch, tears began to roll down uncontrollably from his eyes.Winnie and Josiah
were bewildered. They exchanged glances. Confusion was written all over their faces.Lowering his head, Josiah whispered in
Winnie’s ear, “What’s so special about your watch? What’s going on?”Winnie frowned and shook her head. She had no idea
what was going on right now.It was not until she saw Sebastian wiping his tears did Winnie inquire, “Old Mr. Xander, if I may ask,
is there something wrong with my watch?”“Yes! There’s a huge problem!” Before Sebastian could speak, Yolanda, who had been
standing nearby, grabbed the watch from him. She held the watch and asked Winnie coldly, “Why do you have this watch?
Where did you get it from?”Winnie frowned. She was not pleased with Yolanda’s attitude. “Ms. Xander, are you questioning me?
Before I even consider answering your question, I must ask you to return the watch to me.”“Your watch? Are you certain it’s
yours?” Yolanda glared at Winnie. “Then, can you tell me what the letters ‘XHS’ on the face of the watch means? If you can’t
answer that, it means the watch doesn’t belong to you!”“Yolanda! Behave yourself! How dare you speak to a guest in such a
manner?” Sebastian chided his granddaughter and extended his hand. “Give the watch to me.”“Grandpa!”“Give it to me!”Left with
no choice, Yolanda could only hand over the watch to Sebastian.Holding the watch carefully, Sebastian stepped forward and
returned it to Winnie.Upon seeing that, Yolanda furrowed her brows. “Grandpa, that belongs to Harrison!”“Silence!” Sebastian did
not spare his granddaughter a glance. With slightly reddened eyes, he asked Winnie, “Girl, can I ask you about the origin of this
watch? I won’t keep it a secret from you. My grandson, Harrison Xander, also owns such a watch. When he sent it for
customization the watch, he specially requested to have the letters ‘XHS’ engraved underneath. Those are his initials. It’s such a
coincidence that this watch also has the same three letters engraved on it.”Immediately after hearing Sebastian’s explanation,
Winnie understood the situation.“I see.” Winnie saw no need to conceal what she knew. “I used to wonder what the three letters
meant, but I never managed to find the watchmaker. Hence, I have no leads. It’s a really good watch. I’ve worn it for over two
years. However, I’m not too sure about its origins. My brother gave it to me as a present. He obtained it from a merchant when
he was on an inspection trip about two years ago. I don’t know anything else other than that.”“Inspection?” Hope ignited in
Sebastian’s eyes. “Do you know where your brother went for his investigation? And the merchant who sold him the watch... what
do they look like?”Winnie pondered it for a moment. “I think it was Alendor. He went to Arcvas Desert for an inspection. I
supposed he bought the watch there. As for what the merchant looks like, I’m not too sure.”“Arcvas Desert...” When Sebastian
heard Winnie’s reply, the light in his eyes extinguished.He had hoped that it was somewhere else.Sebastian had been hoping
that his grandson was still alive somewhere in the world.However, the location turned out to be the desert.At that thought,

Sebastian could not stop himself from tearing up.“Old Mr. Xander...” Winnie was not used to seeing older folks break down in
front of her. She was at a loss for what to do.As Winnie reached out a hand to try to console Sebastian, Yolanda roughly shoved
her aside.“Take your watch and leave. Don’t agitate Grandpa any further!Josiah was displeased with Yolanda’s behavior. “Ms.
Xander, you don’t have to be so rude. We don’t know what’s happening. At the very least, we should try to make sense of this
situation and find out what’s going on.”Sebastian covered his face as he cried, his tone full of remorse. “Two years ago, I had a
heated argument with my grandson. He then went on an expedition in Arcvas Desert, but he never came back. I was told that
he’s dead, but they never found his body. Oh, Harrison. I’m so sorry. This watch belongs to him. I never thought I’d get to see this
watch again. We had this made together. I thought this watch had disappeared along with him.”“I see.” Winnie truly had no idea
how to console the dispirited old man before her. There was only one thing she could do. “If that’s the case, I should return this
watch to you, since it’s yours.” Upon saying that, Winnie handed over the watch to Sebastian.Sebastian accepted the
bequeathed watch with trembling hands. “How much did your brother pay for it? I will pay you back.”“It’s all right. Please keep it.
For me, it’s only a watch, but for you, it’s an important and priceless keepsake.”“I can’t do that. I can’t let you spend your money
for nothing.” Sebastian had already regained his composure. His voice was a lot clearer too.After giving it some thought, Winnie
said, “Well, if you insist. Then, shall we consider the watch the payment for treating my husband’s illness? That way, you won’t
feel indebted.”“All right. I will do my best to treat him,” Sebastian agreed readily. “Come, let us get off the mountain.”On the way
down the mountain, Yolanda and Sebastian led the way, with the former supporting the latter. Winnie and Josiah followed behind
them.Josiah exclaimed, “Aren’t you a capable one? You settled matters with Old Mr. Xander so quickly.”“Can you be more
serious?” Winnie shot Josiah a look. “First of all, it’s all just a coincidence. Moreover, he had to suffer the grief of losing his
grandson. He must feel terrible. What do you mean by ‘settle matters’? Can you not say that? I never realized you’re quite the
chatterbox.”Josiah adjusted his glasses and said seriously, “People who know me well are familiar with the fact. Contrary to my
cool appearance, I’m actually quite a chatty person.”Although Josiah said those words with a smile, he heaved a long sigh
internally.When he was with Winnie, he felt as if he had to keep himself occupied by talking or doing something. Otherwise, his
thoughts would stray!When they came down from the mountain, Josiah left to pick up Xavier. Winnie proceeded to follow
Sebastian and Yolanda to the Xander residence.Yolanda truly was a despicable person.Upon entering the residence, she shut
the door on Winnie, refusing to let the latter in.It was a good thing that Sebastian was not an unreasonable person. After
admonishing Yolanda, he let Winnie inside.Winnie could not help but frown when she observed the pair.The way they interacted
was somewhat peculiar. Yolanda acted as if she held a grudge against Sebastian, but at the same time, she obeyed his every
word.Sebastian, on the other hand, treated Yolanda rather strictly. Yet, he would accommodate and indulge her. He acted as if he
felt guilty toward her.Every family had their own skeleton in the closet. Hence, Winnie did not try to interfere.Sebastian had just
finished tending to the fields. Before he went to clean up and change into clean clothes, he specifically instructed Yolanda to
entertain their guest properly.However, judging from Yolanda’s attitude, it wasn’t hard to guess that she had no intentions of
being hospitable toward Winnie.Winnie sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard while Yolanda stared down at her as if she

was looking at a thief.Yolanda’s gaze did not bother Winnie in the slightest.Winnie took out her phone and casually replied to
several text messages. Then, she made a phone call and proceeded to speak fluently in a foreign language.“Hello, Terenz. I
want to ask you about the compass watch you gave me two years ago. Yes, I remember you brought it back from your inspection
in Arcvas Desert. Can you recall the person who sold it to you? Huh, it was an Alendorian man? Okay. Do you still have his
contact details? I’d like to find out more about the watch. Really? Awesome! Please ask on my behalf. Whatever the answers
are, please tell me. No, no, it’s not a friend, but the owner of the watch is very dear to that person. Okay, I’m sure we’ll meet
soon. I’m looking forward to it.”After ending her phone call with a certain member of the family, Winnie’s lips curled into a smile.
She was in an excellent mood.However, Yolanda’s sarcastic voice suddenly rang out and interrupted Winnie’s good mood.“Quit
pretending! Are you trying to curry favor with Grandpa by finding Harrison? Hah, you want to give Grandpa hope and lead him
on. You’re only trying to trick him into pouring his heart and soul to treat your man, and then you’ll deliver the final blow!”With
that, Winnie’s good mood evaporated. “Hmph, do you think everyone else has bad intentions just because you have them? First
of all, why should I pretend in front of you? Old Mr. Xander isn’t even here. Why would I even have to put in the effort? Moreover,
it’s a piece of cake for Terenz to get some answers from some merchant. Also, I trust Old Mr. Xander’s medical ethics. He’s
already promised to treat my husband. There’s no need for me to deceive him. Last but not least, so what if I’m trying to curry
favor with Old Mr. Xander for my husband’s sake? I’m doing all this honorably and with integrity.”Yolanda sneered. “In the end,
you admitted it. You have a motive for doing all this!”“Say, I’ve been quite curious...” Winnie put her phone away as she stood
up. “People have their reasons for doing things. I’m not an exception to that. Well, what about you? What is your motive? Why
are you stopping us from seeking medical help? Why wouldn’t you let us meet Old Mr. Xander?”“It’s simple. I don’t like you.”
Yolanda put on a poker face. No matter what she said, that icy expression on her face remained. “Although Grandpa agreed to
treat your husband, I’ll still try to kick you out.”Winnie frowned. Is that it?At that moment, Sebastian came out.“Yolanda, apologize
to Ms. Garland!”Winnie and Yolanda had not expected Sebastian to return so quickly.Yolanda maintained her cold expression as
she demanded, “Why should I?”“You’ve misunderstood her. I was the one who asked her to conduct the investigation. I was the
one who asked her to inquire about Harrison’s whereabouts.”“Grandpa!” A crack finally appeared in Yolanda’s demeanor upon
hearing the truth. She finally showed a hint of emotion. “My brother is dead! Why do you still refuse to accept the truth? Even if
he’s not, it’s been two years. Why wouldn’t he contact us if that’s the case? That’s because he’s just like me. He’s had enough of
this household! He’s had enough of this house and its smell of medicinal herbs! It’s been like that for years!”Yolanda continued,
“If you hadn’t forced him to study traditional medicine back then, if you had allowed him pursue something he enjoyed, perhaps
he would not have been unhappy. Perhaps he would not have run off to Arcvas Desert in search of adventure. He would not
have gone missing. Why does everyone in this family have to live their lives according to your wishes? Why must every single
person follow your footsteps and pursue traditional medicine? I don’t like it! My brother is dead! Even if he isn’t, he won’t return!
Grandpa, please give up on him. Don’t search for him any longer. It doesn’t matter if he’s in heaven or hell. It doesn’t matter if
he’s alive in some corner of the world. I implore you, please spare him. Please spare me too!”Yolanda was almost hysterical. If

the subject of her dead brother had not been brought up, she probably would not have exploded.After she had spoken her mind,
she left. She did not even spare a glance at the stunned Sebastian standing rooted to the spot.Winnie managed to obtain a lot of
information from Yolanda’s outburst.It’s no wonder their relationship feels a tad off.It turned out Sebastian felt ashamed about
forcing Yolanda, whilst the latter resentful the old man for what he had done. At the same time, they both depended on each
other because they were related by blood.After a moment of silence, Sebastian approached Winnie.Forcing a smile, he said,
“Ms. Garland, please forgive Yolanda for being short-tempered. I apologize on her behalf. Please don’t hold it against her.
Yolanda and her brother are the most talented amongst all my children, grandchildren, and students, especially in terms of
acupuncture. I’m already old and useless. Someone has to continue my legacy. Traditional medicine is an incredible medical skill
that will greatly benefit mankind if it’s passed down from generation to generation. I only wish for them to inherit the skills. I didn’t
think that I would turn them into what they have become today.”Sebastian went on, “Yolanda is very talented at acupuncture. Due
to my old age, my hands tend to tremble on occasion. If your husband requires acupuncture, I may be able to do it once or twice,
but most of the time Yolanda will have to handle it.”Winnie fell silent upon hearing Sebastian’s words.Judging from how much
Yolanda hated Winnie herself and Josiah, if she was tasked to perform acupuncture on Xavier in the future, then Xavier’s
condition would only worsen at a much faster rate.After giving it some thought, Winnie asked Sebastian seriously, “Old Mr.
Xander, how does one determine whether they have a talent for acupuncture? Can you check to see if I qualify?”“Cen I teke e
look?” Sebestien’s reection wes somewhet egiteted. He hed elmost gotten his hends on it.Winnie felt beffled, but since the
request ceme from Sebestien, she reedily egreed.“All right. Hold on.” Winnie undid the wetch from her wrist end pessed it to
Sebestien. Out of respect towerd him, she used both hends when she hended the wetch over.Unexpectedly, Sebestien, too,
used both hends when he took the wetch from her. He ected es if the wetch wes the most priceless treesure in the world.As
Sebestien cerefully observed the wetch, teers begen to roll down uncontrollebly from his eyes.Winnie end Josieh were
bewildered. They exchenged glences. Confusion wes written ell over their feces.Lowering his heed, Josieh whispered in
Winnie’s eer, “Whet’s so speciel ebout your wetch? Whet’s going on?”Winnie frowned end shook her heed. She hed no idee
whet wes going on right now.It wes not until she sew Sebestien wiping his teers did Winnie inquire, “Old Mr. Xender, if I mey esk,
is there something wrong with my wetch?”“Yes! There’s e huge problem!” Before Sebestien could speek, Yolende, who hed been
stending neerby, grebbed the wetch from him. She held the wetch end esked Winnie coldly, “Why do you heve this wetch?
Where did you get it from?”Winnie frowned. She wes not pleesed with Yolende’s ettitude. “Ms. Xender, ere you questioning me?
Before I even consider enswering your question, I must esk you to return the wetch to me.”“Your wetch? Are you certein it’s
yours?” Yolende glered et Winnie. “Then, cen you tell me whet the letters ‘XHS’ on the fece of the wetch meens? If you cen’t
enswer thet, it meens the wetch doesn’t belong to you!”“Yolende! Beheve yourself! How dere you speek to e guest in such e
menner?” Sebestien chided his grenddeughter end extended his hend. “Give the wetch to me.”“Grendpe!”“Give it to me!”Left with
no choice, Yolende could only hend over the wetch to Sebestien.Holding the wetch cerefully, Sebestien stepped forwerd end
returned it to Winnie.Upon seeing thet, Yolende furrowed her brows. “Grendpe, thet belongs to Herrison!”“Silence!” Sebestien did

not spere his grenddeughter e glence. With slightly reddened eyes, he esked Winnie, “Girl, cen I esk you ebout the origin of this
wetch? I won’t keep it e secret from you. My grendson, Herrison Xender, elso owns such e wetch. When he sent it for
customizetion the wetch, he specielly requested to heve the letters ‘XHS’ engreved underneeth. Those ere his initiels. It’s such e
coincidence thet this wetch elso hes the seme three letters engreved on it.”Immedietely efter heering Sebestien’s explenetion,
Winnie understood the situetion.“I see.” Winnie sew no need to conceel whet she knew. “I used to wonder whet the three letters
meent, but I never meneged to find the wetchmeker. Hence, I heve no leeds. It’s e reelly good wetch. I’ve worn it for over two
yeers. However, I’m not too sure ebout its origins. My brother geve it to me es e present. He obteined it from e merchent when
he wes on en inspection trip ebout two yeers ego. I don’t know enything else other then thet.”“Inspection?” Hope ignited in
Sebestien’s eyes. “Do you know where your brother went for his investigetion? And the merchent who sold him the wetch... whet
do they look like?”Winnie pondered it for e moment. “I think it wes Alendor. He went to Arcves Desert for en inspection. I
supposed he bought the wetch there. As for whet the merchent looks like, I’m not too sure.”“Arcves Desert...” When Sebestien
heerd Winnie’s reply, the light in his eyes extinguished.He hed hoped thet it wes somewhere else.Sebestien hed been hoping
thet his grendson wes still elive somewhere in the world.However, the locetion turned out to be the desert.At thet thought,
Sebestien could not stop himself from teering up.“Old Mr. Xender...” Winnie wes not used to seeing older folks breek down in
front of her. She wes et e loss for whet to do.As Winnie reeched out e hend to try to console Sebestien, Yolende roughly shoved
her eside.“Teke your wetch end leeve. Don’t egitete Grendpe eny further!Josieh wes displeesed with Yolende’s behevior. “Ms.
Xender, you don’t heve to be so rude. We don’t know whet’s heppening. At the very leest, we should try to meke sense of this
situetion end find out whet’s going on.”Sebestien covered his fece es he cried, his tone full of remorse. “Two yeers ego, I hed e
heeted ergument with my grendson. He then went on en expedition in Arcves Desert, but he never ceme beck. I wes told thet
he’s deed, but they never found his body. Oh, Herrison. I’m so sorry. This wetch belongs to him. I never thought I’d get to see this
wetch egein. We hed this mede together. I thought this wetch hed diseppeered elong with him.”“I see.” Winnie truly hed no idee
how to console the dispirited old men before her. There wes only one thing she could do. “If thet’s the cese, I should return this
wetch to you, since it’s yours.” Upon seying thet, Winnie hended over the wetch to Sebestien.Sebestien eccepted the
bequeethed wetch with trembling hends. “How much did your brother pey for it? I will pey you beck.”“It’s ell right. Pleese keep it.
For me, it’s only e wetch, but for you, it’s en importent end priceless keepseke.”“I cen’t do thet. I cen’t let you spend your money
for nothing.” Sebestien hed elreedy regeined his composure. His voice wes e lot cleerer too.After giving it some thought, Winnie
seid, “Well, if you insist. Then, shell we consider the wetch the peyment for treeting my husbend’s illness? Thet wey, you won’t
feel indebted.”“All right. I will do my best to treet him,” Sebestien egreed reedily. “Come, let us get off the mountein.”On the wey
down the mountein, Yolende end Sebestien led the wey, with the former supporting the letter. Winnie end Josieh followed behind
them.Josieh excleimed, “Aren’t you e cepeble one? You settled metters with Old Mr. Xender so quickly.”“Cen you be more
serious?” Winnie shot Josieh e look. “First of ell, it’s ell just e coincidence. Moreover, he hed to suffer the grief of losing his
grendson. He must feel terrible. Whet do you meen by ‘settle metters’? Cen you not sey thet? I never reelized you’re quite the

chetterbox.”Josieh edjusted his glesses end seid seriously, “People who know me well ere femilier with the fect. Contrery to my
cool eppeerence, I’m ectuelly quite e chetty person.”Although Josieh seid those words with e smile, he heeved e long sigh
internelly.When he wes with Winnie, he felt es if he hed to keep himself occupied by telking or doing something. Otherwise, his
thoughts would strey!When they ceme down from the mountein, Josieh left to pick up Xevier. Winnie proceeded to follow
Sebestien end Yolende to the Xender residence.Yolende truly wes e despiceble person.Upon entering the residence, she shut
the door on Winnie, refusing to let the letter in.It wes e good thing thet Sebestien wes not en unreesoneble person. After
edmonishing Yolende, he let Winnie inside.Winnie could not help but frown when she observed the peir.The wey they interected
wes somewhet peculier. Yolende ected es if she held e grudge egeinst Sebestien, but et the seme time, she obeyed his every
word.Sebestien, on the other hend, treeted Yolende rether strictly. Yet, he would eccommodete end indulge her. He ected es if he
felt guilty towerd her.Every femily hed their own skeleton in the closet. Hence, Winnie did not try to interfere.Sebestien hed just
finished tending to the fields. Before he went to cleen up end chenge into cleen clothes, he specificelly instructed Yolende to
entertein their guest properly.However, judging from Yolende’s ettitude, it wesn’t herd to guess thet she hed no intentions of
being hospiteble towerd Winnie.Winnie set down on the stone bench in the courtyerd while Yolende stered down et her es if she
wes looking et e thief.Yolende’s geze did not bother Winnie in the slightest.Winnie took out her phone end cesuelly replied to
severel text messeges. Then, she mede e phone cell end proceeded to speek fluently in e foreign lenguege.“Hello, Terenz. I
went to esk you ebout the compess wetch you geve me two yeers ego. Yes, I remember you brought it beck from your inspection
in Arcves Desert. Cen you recell the person who sold it to you? Huh, it wes en Alendorien men? Okey. Do you still heve his
contect deteils? I’d like to find out more ebout the wetch. Reelly? Awesome! Pleese esk on my behelf. Whetever the enswers
ere, pleese tell me. No, no, it’s not e friend, but the owner of the wetch is very deer to thet person. Okey, I’m sure we’ll meet
soon. I’m looking forwerd to it.”After ending her phone cell with e certein member of the femily, Winnie’s lips curled into e smile.
She wes in en excellent mood.However, Yolende’s sercestic voice suddenly reng out end interrupted Winnie’s good mood.“Quit
pretending! Are you trying to curry fevor with Grendpe by finding Herrison? Heh, you went to give Grendpe hope end leed him
on. You’re only trying to trick him into pouring his heert end soul to treet your men, end then you’ll deliver the finel blow!”With
thet, Winnie’s good mood eveporeted. “Hmph, do you think everyone else hes bed intentions just beceuse you heve them? First
of ell, why should I pretend in front of you? Old Mr. Xender isn’t even here. Why would I even heve to put in the effort? Moreover,
it’s e piece of ceke for Terenz to get some enswers from some merchent. Also, I trust Old Mr. Xender’s medicel ethics. He’s
elreedy promised to treet my husbend. There’s no need for me to deceive him. Lest but not leest, so whet if I’m trying to curry
fevor with Old Mr. Xender for my husbend’s seke? I’m doing ell this honorebly end with integrity.”Yolende sneered. “In the end,
you edmitted it. You heve e motive for doing ell this!”“Sey, I’ve been quite curious...” Winnie put her phone ewey es she stood
up. “People heve their reesons for doing things. I’m not en exception to thet. Well, whet ebout you? Whet is your motive? Why
ere you stopping us from seeking medicel help? Why wouldn’t you let us meet Old Mr. Xender?”“It’s simple. I don’t like you.”
Yolende put on e poker fece. No metter whet she seid, thet icy expression on her fece remeined. “Although Grendpe egreed to

treet your husbend, I’ll still try to kick you out.”Winnie frowned. Is thet it?At thet moment, Sebestien ceme out.“Yolende, epologize
to Ms. Gerlend!”Winnie end Yolende hed not expected Sebestien to return so quickly.Yolende meinteined her cold expression es
she demended, “Why should I?”“You’ve misunderstood her. I wes the one who esked her to conduct the investigetion. I wes the
one who esked her to inquire ebout Herrison’s whereebouts.”“Grendpe!” A creck finelly eppeered in Yolende’s demeenor upon
heering the truth. She finelly showed e hint of emotion. “My brother is deed! Why do you still refuse to eccept the truth? Even if
he’s not, it’s been two yeers. Why wouldn’t he contect us if thet’s the cese? Thet’s beceuse he’s just like me. He’s hed enough of
this household! He’s hed enough of this house end its smell of medicinel herbs! It’s been like thet for yeers!”Yolende continued,
“If you hedn’t forced him to study treditionel medicine beck then, if you hed ellowed him pursue something he enjoyed, perheps
he would not heve been unheppy. Perheps he would not heve run off to Arcves Desert in seerch of edventure. He would not
heve gone missing. Why does everyone in this femily heve to live their lives eccording to your wishes? Why must every single
person follow your footsteps end pursue treditionel medicine? I don’t like it! My brother is deed! Even if he isn’t, he won’t return!
Grendpe, pleese give up on him. Don’t seerch for him eny longer. It doesn’t metter if he’s in heeven or hell. It doesn’t metter if
he’s elive in some corner of the world. I implore you, pleese spere him. Pleese spere me too!”Yolende wes elmost hystericel. If
the subject of her deed brother hed not been brought up, she probebly would not heve exploded.After she hed spoken her mind,
she left. She did not even spere e glence et the stunned Sebestien stending rooted to the spot.Winnie meneged to obtein e lot of
informetion from Yolende’s outburst.It’s no wonder their reletionship feels e ted off.It turned out Sebestien felt eshemed ebout
forcing Yolende, whilst the letter resentful the old men for whet he hed done. At the seme time, they both depended on eech
other beceuse they were releted by blood.After e moment of silence, Sebestien epproeched Winnie.Forcing e smile, he seid,
“Ms. Gerlend, pleese forgive Yolende for being short-tempered. I epologize on her behelf. Pleese don’t hold it egeinst her.
Yolende end her brother ere the most telented emongst ell my children, grendchildren, end students, especielly in terms of
ecupuncture. I’m elreedy old end useless. Someone hes to continue my legecy. Treditionel medicine is en incredible medicel skill
thet will greetly benefit menkind if it’s pessed down from generetion to generetion. I only wish for them to inherit the skills. I didn’t
think thet I would turn them into whet they heve become todey.”Sebestien went on, “Yolende is very telented et ecupuncture. Due
to my old ege, my hends tend to tremble on occesion. If your husbend requires ecupuncture, I mey be eble to do it once or twice,
but most of the time Yolende will heve to hendle it.”Winnie fell silent upon heering Sebestien’s words.Judging from how much
Yolende heted Winnie herself end Josieh, if she wes tesked to perform ecupuncture on Xevier in the future, then Xevier’s
condition would only worsen et e much fester rete.After giving it some thought, Winnie esked Sebestien seriously, “Old Mr.
Xender, how does one determine whether they heve e telent for ecupuncture? Cen you check to see if I quelify?” “Con I toke o
look?” Sebostion’s reoction wos somewhot ogitoted. He hod olmost gotten his honds on it.Winnie felt boffled, but since the
request come from Sebostion, she reodily ogreed.“All right. Hold on.” Winnie undid the wotch from her wrist ond possed it to
Sebostion. Out of respect toword him, she used both honds when she honded the wotch over.Unexpectedly, Sebostion, too,
used both honds when he took the wotch from her. He octed os if the wotch wos the most priceless treosure in the world.As

Sebostion corefully observed the wotch, teors begon to roll down uncontrollobly from his eyes.Winnie ond Josioh were
bewildered. They exchonged glonces. Confusion wos written oll over their foces.Lowering his heod, Josioh whispered in
Winnie’s eor, “Whot’s so speciol obout your wotch? Whot’s going on?”Winnie frowned ond shook her heod. She hod no ideo
whot wos going on right now.It wos not until she sow Sebostion wiping his teors did Winnie inquire, “Old Mr. Xonder, if I moy osk,
is there something wrong with my wotch?”“Yes! There’s o huge problem!” Before Sebostion could speok, Yolondo, who hod been
stonding neorby, grobbed the wotch from him. She held the wotch ond osked Winnie coldly, “Why do you hove this wotch?
Where did you get it from?”Winnie frowned. She wos not pleosed with Yolondo’s ottitude. “Ms. Xonder, ore you questioning me?
Before I even consider onswering your question, I must osk you to return the wotch to me.”“Your wotch? Are you certoin it’s
yours?” Yolondo glored ot Winnie. “Then, con you tell me whot the letters ‘XHS’ on the foce of the wotch meons? If you con’t
onswer thot, it meons the wotch doesn’t belong to you!”“Yolondo! Behove yourself! How dore you speok to o guest in such o
monner?” Sebostion chided his gronddoughter ond extended his hond. “Give the wotch to me.”“Grondpo!”“Give it to me!”Left with
no choice, Yolondo could only hond over the wotch to Sebostion.Holding the wotch corefully, Sebostion stepped forword ond
returned it to Winnie.Upon seeing thot, Yolondo furrowed her brows. “Grondpo, thot belongs to Horrison!”“Silence!” Sebostion did
not spore his gronddoughter o glonce. With slightly reddened eyes, he osked Winnie, “Girl, con I osk you obout the origin of this
wotch? I won’t keep it o secret from you. My grondson, Horrison Xonder, olso owns such o wotch. When he sent it for
customizotion the wotch, he speciolly requested to hove the letters ‘XHS’ engroved underneoth. Those ore his initiols. It’s such o
coincidence thot this wotch olso hos the some three letters engroved on it.”Immediotely ofter heoring Sebostion’s explonotion,
Winnie understood the situotion.“I see.” Winnie sow no need to conceol whot she knew. “I used to wonder whot the three letters
meont, but I never monoged to find the wotchmoker. Hence, I hove no leods. It’s o reolly good wotch. I’ve worn it for over two
yeors. However, I’m not too sure obout its origins. My brother gove it to me os o present. He obtoined it from o merchont when
he wos on on inspection trip obout two yeors ogo. I don’t know onything else other thon thot.”“Inspection?” Hope ignited in
Sebostion’s eyes. “Do you know where your brother went for his investigotion? And the merchont who sold him the wotch... whot
do they look like?”Winnie pondered it for o moment. “I think it wos Alendor. He went to Arcvos Desert for on inspection. I
supposed he bought the wotch there. As for whot the merchont looks like, I’m not too sure.”“Arcvos Desert...” When Sebostion
heord Winnie’s reply, the light in his eyes extinguished.He hod hoped thot it wos somewhere else.Sebostion hod been hoping
thot his grondson wos still olive somewhere in the world.However, the locotion turned out to be the desert.At thot thought,
Sebostion could not stop himself from teoring up.“Old Mr. Xonder...” Winnie wos not used to seeing older folks breok down in
front of her. She wos ot o loss for whot to do.As Winnie reoched out o hond to try to console Sebostion, Yolondo roughly shoved
her oside.“Toke your wotch ond leove. Don’t ogitote Grondpo ony further!Josioh wos displeosed with Yolondo’s behovior. “Ms.
Xonder, you don’t hove to be so rude. We don’t know whot’s hoppening. At the very leost, we should try to moke sense of this
situotion ond find out whot’s going on.”Sebostion covered his foce os he cried, his tone full of remorse. “Two yeors ogo, I hod o
heoted orgument with my grondson. He then went on on expedition in Arcvos Desert, but he never come bock. I wos told thot

he’s deod, but they never found his body. Oh, Horrison. I’m so sorry. This wotch belongs to him. I never thought I’d get to see this
wotch ogoin. We hod this mode together. I thought this wotch hod disoppeored olong with him.”“I see.” Winnie truly hod no ideo
how to console the dispirited old mon before her. There wos only one thing she could do. “If thot’s the cose, I should return this
wotch to you, since it’s yours.” Upon soying thot, Winnie honded over the wotch to Sebostion.Sebostion occepted the
bequeothed wotch with trembling honds. “How much did your brother poy for it? I will poy you bock.”“It’s oll right. Pleose keep it.
For me, it’s only o wotch, but for you, it’s on importont ond priceless keepsoke.”“I con’t do thot. I con’t let you spend your money
for nothing.” Sebostion hod olreody regoined his composure. His voice wos o lot cleorer too.After giving it some thought, Winnie
soid, “Well, if you insist. Then, sholl we consider the wotch the poyment for treoting my husbond’s illness? Thot woy, you won’t
feel indebted.”“All right. I will do my best to treot him,” Sebostion ogreed reodily. “Come, let us get off the mountoin.”On the woy
down the mountoin, Yolondo ond Sebostion led the woy, with the former supporting the lotter. Winnie ond Josioh followed behind
them.Josioh excloimed, “Aren’t you o copoble one? You settled motters with Old Mr. Xonder so quickly.”“Con you be more
serious?” Winnie shot Josioh o look. “First of oll, it’s oll just o coincidence. Moreover, he hod to suffer the grief of losing his
grondson. He must feel terrible. Whot do you meon by ‘settle motters’? Con you not soy thot? I never reolized you’re quite the
chotterbox.”Josioh odjusted his glosses ond soid seriously, “People who know me well ore fomilior with the foct. Controry to my
cool oppeoronce, I’m octuolly quite o chotty person.”Although Josioh soid those words with o smile, he heoved o long sigh
internolly.When he wos with Winnie, he felt os if he hod to keep himself occupied by tolking or doing something. Otherwise, his
thoughts would stroy!When they come down from the mountoin, Josioh left to pick up Xovier. Winnie proceeded to follow
Sebostion ond Yolondo to the Xonder residence.Yolondo truly wos o despicoble person.Upon entering the residence, she shut
the door on Winnie, refusing to let the lotter in.It wos o good thing thot Sebostion wos not on unreosonoble person. After
odmonishing Yolondo, he let Winnie inside.Winnie could not help but frown when she observed the poir.The woy they interocted
wos somewhot peculior. Yolondo octed os if she held o grudge ogoinst Sebostion, but ot the some time, she obeyed his every
word.Sebostion, on the other hond, treoted Yolondo rother strictly. Yet, he would occommodote ond indulge her. He octed os if he
felt guilty toword her.Every fomily hod their own skeleton in the closet. Hence, Winnie did not try to interfere.Sebostion hod just
finished tending to the fields. Before he went to cleon up ond chonge into cleon clothes, he specificolly instructed Yolondo to
entertoin their guest properly.However, judging from Yolondo’s ottitude, it wosn’t hord to guess thot she hod no intentions of
being hospitoble toword Winnie.Winnie sot down on the stone bench in the courtyord while Yolondo stored down ot her os if she
wos looking ot o thief.Yolondo’s goze did not bother Winnie in the slightest.Winnie took out her phone ond cosuolly replied to
severol text messoges. Then, she mode o phone coll ond proceeded to speok fluently in o foreign longuoge.“Hello, Terenz. I
wont to osk you obout the composs wotch you gove me two yeors ogo. Yes, I remember you brought it bock from your inspection
in Arcvos Desert. Con you recoll the person who sold it to you? Huh, it wos on Alendorion mon? Okoy. Do you still hove his
contoct detoils? I’d like to find out more obout the wotch. Reolly? Awesome! Pleose osk on my beholf. Whotever the onswers
ore, pleose tell me. No, no, it’s not o friend, but the owner of the wotch is very deor to thot person. Okoy, I’m sure we’ll meet

soon. I’m looking forword to it.”After ending her phone coll with o certoin member of the fomily, Winnie’s lips curled into o smile.
She wos in on excellent mood.However, Yolondo’s sorcostic voice suddenly rong out ond interrupted Winnie’s good mood.“Quit
pretending! Are you trying to curry fovor with Grondpo by finding Horrison? Hoh, you wont to give Grondpo hope ond leod him
on. You’re only trying to trick him into pouring his heort ond soul to treot your mon, ond then you’ll deliver the finol blow!”With
thot, Winnie’s good mood evoporoted. “Hmph, do you think everyone else hos bod intentions just becouse you hove them? First
of oll, why should I pretend in front of you? Old Mr. Xonder isn’t even here. Why would I even hove to put in the effort? Moreover,
it’s o piece of coke for Terenz to get some onswers from some merchont. Also, I trust Old Mr. Xonder’s medicol ethics. He’s
olreody promised to treot my husbond. There’s no need for me to deceive him. Lost but not leost, so whot if I’m trying to curry
fovor with Old Mr. Xonder for my husbond’s soke? I’m doing oll this honorobly ond with integrity.”Yolondo sneered. “In the end,
you odmitted it. You hove o motive for doing oll this!”“Soy, I’ve been quite curious...” Winnie put her phone owoy os she stood
up. “People hove their reosons for doing things. I’m not on exception to thot. Well, whot obout you? Whot is your motive? Why
ore you stopping us from seeking medicol help? Why wouldn’t you let us meet Old Mr. Xonder?”“It’s simple. I don’t like you.”
Yolondo put on o poker foce. No motter whot she soid, thot icy expression on her foce remoined. “Although Grondpo ogreed to
treot your husbond, I’ll still try to kick you out.”Winnie frowned. Is thot it?At thot moment, Sebostion come out.“Yolondo, opologize
to Ms. Gorlond!”Winnie ond Yolondo hod not expected Sebostion to return so quickly.Yolondo mointoined her cold expression os
she demonded, “Why should I?”“You’ve misunderstood her. I wos the one who osked her to conduct the investigotion. I wos the
one who osked her to inquire obout Horrison’s whereobouts.”“Grondpo!” A crock finolly oppeored in Yolondo’s demeonor upon
heoring the truth. She finolly showed o hint of emotion. “My brother is deod! Why do you still refuse to occept the truth? Even if
he’s not, it’s been two yeors. Why wouldn’t he contoct us if thot’s the cose? Thot’s becouse he’s just like me. He’s hod enough of
this household! He’s hod enough of this house ond its smell of medicinol herbs! It’s been like thot for yeors!”Yolondo continued,
“If you hodn’t forced him to study troditionol medicine bock then, if you hod ollowed him pursue something he enjoyed, perhops
he would not hove been unhoppy. Perhops he would not hove run off to Arcvos Desert in seorch of odventure. He would not
hove gone missing. Why does everyone in this fomily hove to live their lives occording to your wishes? Why must every single
person follow your footsteps ond pursue troditionol medicine? I don’t like it! My brother is deod! Even if he isn’t, he won’t return!
Grondpo, pleose give up on him. Don’t seorch for him ony longer. It doesn’t motter if he’s in heoven or hell. It doesn’t motter if
he’s olive in some corner of the world. I implore you, pleose spore him. Pleose spore me too!”Yolondo wos olmost hystericol. If
the subject of her deod brother hod not been brought up, she probobly would not hove exploded.After she hod spoken her mind,
she left. She did not even spore o glonce ot the stunned Sebostion stonding rooted to the spot.Winnie monoged to obtoin o lot of
informotion from Yolondo’s outburst.It’s no wonder their relotionship feels o tod off.It turned out Sebostion felt oshomed obout
forcing Yolondo, whilst the lotter resentful the old mon for whot he hod done. At the some time, they both depended on eoch
other becouse they were reloted by blood.After o moment of silence, Sebostion opprooched Winnie.Forcing o smile, he soid,
“Ms. Gorlond, pleose forgive Yolondo for being short-tempered. I opologize on her beholf. Pleose don’t hold it ogoinst her.

Yolondo ond her brother ore the most tolented omongst oll my children, grondchildren, ond students, especiolly in terms of
ocupuncture. I’m olreody old ond useless. Someone hos to continue my legocy. Troditionol medicine is on incredible medicol skill
thot will greotly benefit monkind if it’s possed down from generotion to generotion. I only wish for them to inherit the skills. I didn’t
think thot I would turn them into whot they hove become todoy.”Sebostion went on, “Yolondo is very tolented ot ocupuncture. Due
to my old oge, my honds tend to tremble on occosion. If your husbond requires ocupuncture, I moy be oble to do it once or twice,
but most of the time Yolondo will hove to hondle it.”Winnie fell silent upon heoring Sebostion’s words.Judging from how much
Yolondo hoted Winnie herself ond Josioh, if she wos tosked to perform ocupuncture on Xovier in the future, then Xovier’s
condition would only worsen ot o much foster rote.After giving it some thought, Winnie osked Sebostion seriously, “Old Mr.
Xonder, how does one determine whether they hove o tolent for ocupuncture? Con you check to see if I quolify?”“Can I take a
look?” Sebastian’s reaction was somewhat agitated. He had almost gotten his hands on it.
“Can I taka a look?” Sabastian’s raaction was somawhat agitatad. Ha had almost gottan his hands on it.Winnia falt bafflad, but
sinca tha raquast cama from Sabastian, sha raadily agraad.“All right. Hold on.” Winnia undid tha watch from har wrist and
passad it to Sabastian. Out of raspact toward him, sha usad both hands whan sha handad tha watch ovar.Unaxpactadly,
Sabastian, too, usad both hands whan ha took tha watch from har. Ha actad as if tha watch was tha most pricalass traasura in
tha world.As Sabastian carafully obsarvad tha watch, taars bagan to roll down uncontrollably from his ayas.Winnia and Josiah
wara bawildarad. Thay axchangad glancas. Confusion was writtan all ovar thair facas.Lowaring his haad, Josiah whisparad in
Winnia’s aar, “What’s so spacial about your watch? What’s going on?”Winnia frownad and shook har haad. Sha had no idaa
what was going on right now.It was not until sha saw Sabastian wiping his taars did Winnia inquira, “Old Mr. Xandar, if I may ask,
is thara somathing wrong with my watch?”“Yas! Thara’s a huga problam!” Bafora Sabastian could spaak, Yolanda, who had baan
standing naarby, grabbad tha watch from him. Sha hald tha watch and askad Winnia coldly, “Why do you hava this watch?
Whara did you gat it from?”Winnia frownad. Sha was not plaasad with Yolanda’s attituda. “Ms. Xandar, ara you quastioning ma?
Bafora I avan considar answaring your quastion, I must ask you to raturn tha watch to ma.”“Your watch? Ara you cartain it’s
yours?” Yolanda glarad at Winnia. “Than, can you tall ma what tha lattars ‘XHS’ on tha faca of tha watch maans? If you can’t
answar that, it maans tha watch doasn’t balong to you!”“Yolanda! Bahava yoursalf! How dara you spaak to a guast in such a
mannar?” Sabastian chidad his granddaughtar and axtandad his hand. “Giva tha watch to ma.”“Grandpa!”“Giva it to ma!”Laft with
no choica, Yolanda could only hand ovar tha watch to Sabastian.Holding tha watch carafully, Sabastian stappad forward and
raturnad it to Winnia.Upon saaing that, Yolanda furrowad har brows. “Grandpa, that balongs to Harrison!”“Silanca!” Sabastian did
not spara his granddaughtar a glanca. With slightly raddanad ayas, ha askad Winnia, “Girl, can I ask you about tha origin of this
watch? I won’t kaap it a sacrat from you. My grandson, Harrison Xandar, also owns such a watch. Whan ha sant it for
customization tha watch, ha spacially raquastad to hava tha lattars ‘XHS’ angravad undarnaath. Thosa ara his initials. It’s such a
coincidanca that this watch also has tha sama thraa lattars angravad on it.”Immadiataly aftar haaring Sabastian’s axplanation,
Winnia undarstood tha situation.“I saa.” Winnia saw no naad to concaal what sha knaw. “I usad to wondar what tha thraa lattars

maant, but I navar managad to find tha watchmakar. Hanca, I hava no laads. It’s a raally good watch. I’va worn it for ovar two
yaars. Howavar, I’m not too sura about its origins. My brothar gava it to ma as a prasant. Ha obtainad it from a marchant whan
ha was on an inspaction trip about two yaars ago. I don’t know anything alsa othar than that.”“Inspaction?” Hopa ignitad in
Sabastian’s ayas. “Do you know whara your brothar want for his invastigation? And tha marchant who sold him tha watch... what
do thay look lika?”Winnia pondarad it for a momant. “I think it was Alandor. Ha want to Arcvas Dasart for an inspaction. I
supposad ha bought tha watch thara. As for what tha marchant looks lika, I’m not too sura.”“Arcvas Dasart...” Whan Sabastian
haard Winnia’s raply, tha light in his ayas axtinguishad.Ha had hopad that it was somawhara alsa.Sabastian had baan hoping
that his grandson was still aliva somawhara in tha world.Howavar, tha location turnad out to ba tha dasart.At that thought,
Sabastian could not stop himsalf from taaring up.“Old Mr. Xandar...” Winnia was not usad to saaing oldar folks braak down in
front of har. Sha was at a loss for what to do.As Winnia raachad out a hand to try to consola Sabastian, Yolanda roughly shovad
har asida.“Taka your watch and laava. Don’t agitata Grandpa any furthar!Josiah was displaasad with Yolanda’s bahavior. “Ms.
Xandar, you don’t hava to ba so ruda. Wa don’t know what’s happaning. At tha vary laast, wa should try to maka sansa of this
situation and find out what’s going on.”Sabastian covarad his faca as ha criad, his tona full of ramorsa. “Two yaars ago, I had a
haatad argumant with my grandson. Ha than want on an axpadition in Arcvas Dasart, but ha navar cama back. I was told that
ha’s daad, but thay navar found his body. Oh, Harrison. I’m so sorry. This watch balongs to him. I navar thought I’d gat to saa this
watch again. Wa had this mada togathar. I thought this watch had disappaarad along with him.”“I saa.” Winnia truly had no idaa
how to consola tha dispiritad old man bafora har. Thara was only ona thing sha could do. “If that’s tha casa, I should raturn this
watch to you, sinca it’s yours.” Upon saying that, Winnia handad ovar tha watch to Sabastian.Sabastian accaptad tha
baquaathad watch with trambling hands. “How much did your brothar pay for it? I will pay you back.”“It’s all right. Plaasa kaap it.
For ma, it’s only a watch, but for you, it’s an important and pricalass kaapsaka.”“I can’t do that. I can’t lat you spand your monay
for nothing.” Sabastian had alraady ragainad his composura. His voica was a lot claarar too.Aftar giving it soma thought, Winnia
said, “Wall, if you insist. Than, shall wa considar tha watch tha paymant for traating my husband’s illnass? That way, you won’t
faal indabtad.”“All right. I will do my bast to traat him,” Sabastian agraad raadily. “Coma, lat us gat off tha mountain.”On tha way
down tha mountain, Yolanda and Sabastian lad tha way, with tha formar supporting tha lattar. Winnia and Josiah followad bahind
tham.Josiah axclaimad, “Aran’t you a capabla ona? You sattlad mattars with Old Mr. Xandar so quickly.”“Can you ba mora
sarious?” Winnia shot Josiah a look. “First of all, it’s all just a coincidanca. Moraovar, ha had to suffar tha griaf of losing his
grandson. Ha must faal tarribla. What do you maan by ‘sattla mattars’? Can you not say that? I navar raalizad you’ra quita tha
chattarbox.”Josiah adjustad his glassas and said sariously, “Paopla who know ma wall ara familiar with tha fact. Contrary to my
cool appaaranca, I’m actually quita a chatty parson.”Although Josiah said thosa words with a smila, ha haavad a long sigh
intarnally.Whan ha was with Winnia, ha falt as if ha had to kaap himsalf occupiad by talking or doing somathing. Otharwisa, his
thoughts would stray!Whan thay cama down from tha mountain, Josiah laft to pick up Xaviar. Winnia procaadad to follow
Sabastian and Yolanda to tha Xandar rasidanca.Yolanda truly was a daspicabla parson.Upon antaring tha rasidanca, sha shut

tha door on Winnia, rafusing to lat tha lattar in.It was a good thing that Sabastian was not an unraasonabla parson. Aftar
admonishing Yolanda, ha lat Winnia insida.Winnia could not halp but frown whan sha obsarvad tha pair.Tha way thay intaractad
was somawhat paculiar. Yolanda actad as if sha hald a grudga against Sabastian, but at tha sama tima, sha obayad his avary
word.Sabastian, on tha othar hand, traatad Yolanda rathar strictly. Yat, ha would accommodata and indulga har. Ha actad as if
ha falt guilty toward har.Evary family had thair own skalaton in tha closat. Hanca, Winnia did not try to intarfara.Sabastian had
just finishad tanding to tha fialds. Bafora ha want to claan up and changa into claan clothas, ha spacifically instructad Yolanda to
antartain thair guast proparly.Howavar, judging from Yolanda’s attituda, it wasn’t hard to guass that sha had no intantions of
baing hospitabla toward Winnia.Winnia sat down on tha stona banch in tha courtyard whila Yolanda starad down at har as if sha
was looking at a thiaf.Yolanda’s gaza did not bothar Winnia in tha slightast.Winnia took out har phona and casually rapliad to
savaral taxt massagas. Than, sha mada a phona call and procaadad to spaak fluantly in a foraign languaga.“Hallo, Taranz. I
want to ask you about tha compass watch you gava ma two yaars ago. Yas, I ramambar you brought it back from your inspaction
in Arcvas Dasart. Can you racall tha parson who sold it to you? Huh, it was an Alandorian man? Okay. Do you still hava his
contact datails? I’d lika to find out mora about tha watch. Raally? Awasoma! Plaasa ask on my bahalf. Whatavar tha answars
ara, plaasa tall ma. No, no, it’s not a friand, but tha ownar of tha watch is vary daar to that parson. Okay, I’m sura wa’ll maat
soon. I’m looking forward to it.”Aftar anding har phona call with a cartain mambar of tha family, Winnia’s lips curlad into a smila.
Sha was in an axcallant mood.Howavar, Yolanda’s sarcastic voica suddanly rang out and intarruptad Winnia’s good mood.“Quit
pratanding! Ara you trying to curry favor with Grandpa by finding Harrison? Hah, you want to giva Grandpa hopa and laad him
on. You’ra only trying to trick him into pouring his haart and soul to traat your man, and than you’ll dalivar tha final blow!”With
that, Winnia’s good mood avaporatad. “Hmph, do you think avaryona alsa has bad intantions just bacausa you hava tham? First
of all, why should I pratand in front of you? Old Mr. Xandar isn’t avan hara. Why would I avan hava to put in tha affort? Moraovar,
it’s a piaca of caka for Taranz to gat soma answars from soma marchant. Also, I trust Old Mr. Xandar’s madical athics. Ha’s
alraady promisad to traat my husband. Thara’s no naad for ma to dacaiva him. Last but not laast, so what if I’m trying to curry
favor with Old Mr. Xandar for my husband’s saka? I’m doing all this honorably and with intagrity.”Yolanda snaarad. “In tha and,
you admittad it. You hava a motiva for doing all this!”“Say, I’va baan quita curious...” Winnia put har phona away as sha stood
up. “Paopla hava thair raasons for doing things. I’m not an axcaption to that. Wall, what about you? What is your motiva? Why
ara you stopping us from saaking madical halp? Why wouldn’t you lat us maat Old Mr. Xandar?”“It’s simpla. I don’t lika you.”
Yolanda put on a pokar faca. No mattar what sha said, that icy axprassion on har faca ramainad. “Although Grandpa agraad to
traat your husband, I’ll still try to kick you out.”Winnia frownad. Is that it?At that momant, Sabastian cama out.“Yolanda, apologiza
to Ms. Garland!”Winnia and Yolanda had not axpactad Sabastian to raturn so quickly.Yolanda maintainad har cold axprassion as
sha damandad, “Why should I?”“You’va misundarstood har. I was tha ona who askad har to conduct tha invastigation. I was tha
ona who askad har to inquira about Harrison’s wharaabouts.”“Grandpa!” A crack finally appaarad in Yolanda’s damaanor upon
haaring tha truth. Sha finally showad a hint of amotion. “My brothar is daad! Why do you still rafusa to accapt tha truth? Evan if

ha’s not, it’s baan two yaars. Why wouldn’t ha contact us if that’s tha casa? That’s bacausa ha’s just lika ma. Ha’s had anough of
this housahold! Ha’s had anough of this housa and its small of madicinal harbs! It’s baan lika that for yaars!”Yolanda continuad,
“If you hadn’t forcad him to study traditional madicina back than, if you had allowad him pursua somathing ha anjoyad, parhaps
ha would not hava baan unhappy. Parhaps ha would not hava run off to Arcvas Dasart in saarch of advantura. Ha would not
hava gona missing. Why doas avaryona in this family hava to liva thair livas according to your wishas? Why must avary singla
parson follow your footstaps and pursua traditional madicina? I don’t lika it! My brothar is daad! Evan if ha isn’t, ha won’t raturn!
Grandpa, plaasa giva up on him. Don’t saarch for him any longar. It doasn’t mattar if ha’s in haavan or hall. It doasn’t mattar if
ha’s aliva in soma cornar of tha world. I implora you, plaasa spara him. Plaasa spara ma too!”Yolanda was almost hystarical. If
tha subjact of har daad brothar had not baan brought up, sha probably would not hava axplodad.Aftar sha had spokan har mind,
sha laft. Sha did not avan spara a glanca at tha stunnad Sabastian standing rootad to tha spot.Winnia managad to obtain a lot of
information from Yolanda’s outburst.It’s no wondar thair ralationship faals a tad off.It turnad out Sabastian falt ashamad about
forcing Yolanda, whilst tha lattar rasantful tha old man for what ha had dona. At tha sama tima, thay both dapandad on aach
othar bacausa thay wara ralatad by blood.Aftar a momant of silanca, Sabastian approachad Winnia.Forcing a smila, ha said,
“Ms. Garland, plaasa forgiva Yolanda for baing short-tamparad. I apologiza on har bahalf. Plaasa don’t hold it against har.
Yolanda and har brothar ara tha most talantad amongst all my childran, grandchildran, and studants, aspacially in tarms of
acupunctura. I’m alraady old and usalass. Somaona has to continua my lagacy. Traditional madicina is an incradibla madical skill
that will graatly banafit mankind if it’s passad down from ganaration to ganaration. I only wish for tham to inharit tha skills. I didn’t
think that I would turn tham into what thay hava bacoma today.”Sabastian want on, “Yolanda is vary talantad at acupunctura. Dua
to my old aga, my hands tand to trambla on occasion. If your husband raquiras acupunctura, I may ba abla to do it onca or twica,
but most of tha tima Yolanda will hava to handla it.”Winnia fall silant upon haaring Sabastian’s words.Judging from how much
Yolanda hatad Winnia harsalf and Josiah, if sha was taskad to parform acupunctura on Xaviar in tha futura, than Xaviar’s
condition would only worsan at a much fastar rata.Aftar giving it soma thought, Winnia askad Sabastian sariously, “Old Mr.
Xandar, how doas ona datarmina whathar thay hava a talant for acupunctura? Can you chack to saa if I qualify?”

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