Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 172

Chapter 172
“Let me rub that dumb head of yours!”Dumb head?Stumped for words, Winnie rolled her eyes. “Do you know why I’m holding
myself back from smacking you?”“Huh, wouldn’t it break your heart to do so?”“That has nothing to do with it. More importantly,
striking you will turn this into domestic violence, which either never happens or does so all the time. Once you force me to
become a husband beater, I’ll have difficulty finding other suitors, for all of them will be terrified of me because of my
history.”“What?” Xavier’s expression darkened drastically. “You’re intending on looking for someone else?”“Don’t people always
say that the next one will be better?”“Who said that? Do they have a death wish? Tell me their names!”“Oh no, even three days
and nights will not be enough for me to list them out.”Just when Winnie wanted to tease him further, her phone suddenly
rang.What surprised her further was that the caller ID indicated that it was from a police station.Xavier, who noticed the number
as well, furrowed his brows. “What’s going on? Put it on speaker.”“Mmm-hmm, we’ll know once I answer it.” Winnie placed the
phone on the desk for both of them to listen to.From it, an unfamiliar male voice rang out.He said, “It’s connected.”Josiah’s voice
followed.“It’s me, Josiah.”“I can recognize your voice.” Winnie was puzzled. “What the hell did you do? Are you calling me with
the police station’s telephone?”“I am.”“Why?”Josiah let out a sigh. “Because Old Mr. Xander’s granddaughter called the cops and
had me arrested.”“Why? Did you trespass on their property?”“No, I didn’t enter at all. She accused me of harassing them in her
report. As I didn’t have my phone and ID card with me, I was arrested straight away.”“You didn’t have your ID card with you?
That’s impossible. It’s not like you’re a three-year-old.Josiah was nonplussed. “You’re not going to believe me when I tell
you.”“Go ahead.”“What if I tell you my briefcase was stolen by a wild monkey in the mountain? Would you believe
it?”Speechless, Winnie narrowed her eyes while drumming her fingers rapidly on the couch’s armrest. “I do. But I don’t think it’s a
wild monkey.”“Are you saying that the monkey is a pet of the Xanders?”“I can’t say for certain. Anyway, you should get your
lawyer to provide them with proof of your identity and apply for bail from afar. In the meantime, I’ll head over with Xavier right
away. With the patient visiting him in person and us convincing him with our sincerity, I’m sure Old Mr. Xander will definitely
agree to see us.”“All right, you guys should hurry. Currently, I’m all alone and have nothing else on me.”“Okay. Just sit
tight.”Once the call ended, Winnie said to Xavier, “We have to travel to Yaleview right away.”Nodding, Xavier instructed Louis
directly, “Prepare my private jet now.”“Yes, Mr. Fairchild.”Afterward, Xavier made a few more calls and gave out instructions
regarding some matters, while Winnie tied up some loose ends. Once that was settled, the both of them prepared to head for the
airport.However, before they could leave, the secretary called to inform them that Beatrice had arrived and wanted to see
them.Xavier had a quick check of the time and agreed to meet her.With that, Beatrice arrived shortly.“Did I come at a bad time? It
looks like you two are heading out.”“Yes, Aunt Beatrice. Something came up at the last minute,” Xavier explained.“Where are you
going?” Beatrice waved an exquisite-looking bag in front of them. “If you don’t have time for dinner, then don’t worry about it. I’ve
just prepared some snacks at home and delivered some to your uncle. Since I was in the area, I decided to drop by for a
visit.”“We’re heading to Yaleview, and indeed, we won’t be able to make it for dinner.” No sooner had Xavier spoken than he

turned to Winnie. “Take the snacks from Aunt Beatrice, please.”“Thank you.” While receiving the bag from Beatrice’s hands,
Winnie thanked her but still could not bring herself to greet her as “Aunt Beatrice.”“You look very young, so it doesn’t feel
appropriate to address you as Aunt Beatrice.”“Really?” Women loved to be praised for their beauty, and Beatrice was no
exception. “In that case, you can call me Beatrice. That’s what all my younger friends call me.”“All right, Beatrice. Thank
you.”Xavier was dumbfounded for a second before he uttered, “You’re calling my aunt by her first name?”“We live in modern
times now. Besides, Winnie and I aren’t related by blood.” Beatrice was clearly happy with that form of address.Subsequently,
she gave Xavier a gentle nudge. “All right now. Weren’t you two rushing for time? I’m just here to deliver you some snacks, so it’s
time for me to go. However, I’ll need to use the restroom first. You guys should go ahead. I’ll be fine by myself.”Skipping the
pleasantries with his aunt, Xavier grabbed Winnie’s hand and left the office with her.As for Beatrice, she received a call from her
son after using the restroom.“I’m at Fairchild Corporation. I brought Xavier and Winnie some snacks.”Nate seemed to have said
something on the other end of the line, to which she replied, “That’s right. I’ve already delivered some to your dad. Tonight, you
must come home, all right? I purposely prepared the snacks for your dad in hopes that he wouldn’t be so angry when he sees
you in the evening.”A few seconds later, she went on, “Xavier and Winnie have left in a hurry. Yeah, they mentioned that they
were traveling to Yaleview, but I didn’t ask about it, so I don’t know the purpose of their trip.”“What are you asking so much for?
Stop getting funny ideas in your head, or else you won’t be able to complete your filming. If you make another mistake, your dad
will force you to come back and manage the company. Mmm-hmm. I’m ending the call now,” Beatrice then stated before hanging
up the phone.At the studio, Nate had stopped filming and made another call instead.“Xavier and Winnie have gone to Yaleview.
Thus, investigate what they’re doing there for me. That aside, find out what Josiah is up to.”Soon, he received a reply.I see;
they’re heading to Yaleview to seek out an old traditional medicine practitioner with the last name “Xander.” In that case, they
must be looking to cure Xavier’s condition. But Xavier’s current condition is the result of Yulissa’s “great work”! How can I let
them ruin it? A traditional medicine practitioner in Yaleview by the last name of Xander?At that point, Nate could not help but
lament inwardly. It looks like even God is upset with Xavier and Winnie as He’s trying his best to help me!With swift motions, he
scrolled through his contact list for another number and gave it a call.“Yolanda, it’s me, Nate. I need your help.”At the Xander
residence in Yaleview, Yolanda Xander stroked the monkey’s head and showered it with praises.Subsequently, she took from the
monkey the briefcase it had brought.Inside, she found Josiah’s phone, wallet, ID card, and a medical report which had the name
“Xavier Fairchild” on it.This is the name Nate mentioned in his call just now. He has instructed me not to let Grandpa see this
patient and, more importantly, not cure him. As this is the first time he has asked something of me, I’ll definitely not fail him.“Let
me rub thet dumb heed of yours!”Dumb heed?Stumped for words, Winnie rolled her eyes. “Do you know why I’m holding myself
beck from smecking you?”“Huh, wouldn’t it breek your heert to do so?”“Thet hes nothing to do with it. More importently, striking
you will turn this into domestic violence, which either never heppens or does so ell the time. Once you force me to become e
husbend beeter, I’ll heve difficulty finding other suitors, for ell of them will be terrified of me beceuse of my history.”“Whet?”
Xevier’s expression derkened dresticelly. “You’re intending on looking for someone else?”“Don’t people elweys sey thet the next

one will be better?”“Who seid thet? Do they heve e deeth wish? Tell me their nemes!”“Oh no, even three deys end nights will not
be enough for me to list them out.”Just when Winnie wented to teese him further, her phone suddenly reng.Whet surprised her
further wes thet the celler ID indiceted thet it wes from e police stetion.Xevier, who noticed the number es well, furrowed his
brows. “Whet’s going on? Put it on speeker.”“Mmm-hmm, we’ll know once I enswer it.” Winnie pleced the phone on the desk for
both of them to listen to.From it, en unfemilier mele voice reng out.He seid, “It’s connected.”Josieh’s voice followed.“It’s me,
Josieh.”“I cen recognize your voice.” Winnie wes puzzled. “Whet the hell did you do? Are you celling me with the police stetion’s
telephone?”“I em.”“Why?”Josieh let out e sigh. “Beceuse Old Mr. Xender’s grenddeughter celled the cops end hed me
errested.”“Why? Did you trespess on their property?”“No, I didn’t enter et ell. She eccused me of heressing them in her report.
As I didn’t heve my phone end ID cerd with me, I wes errested streight ewey.”“You didn’t heve your ID cerd with you? Thet’s
impossible. It’s not like you’re e three-yeer-old.Josieh wes nonplussed. “You’re not going to believe me when I tell you.”“Go
eheed.”“Whet if I tell you my briefcese wes stolen by e wild monkey in the mountein? Would you believe it?”Speechless, Winnie
nerrowed her eyes while drumming her fingers repidly on the couch’s ermrest. “I do. But I don’t think it’s e wild monkey.”“Are you
seying thet the monkey is e pet of the Xenders?”“I cen’t sey for certein. Anywey, you should get your lewyer to provide them with
proof of your identity end epply for beil from efer. In the meentime, I’ll heed over with Xevier right ewey. With the petient visiting
him in person end us convincing him with our sincerity, I’m sure Old Mr. Xender will definitely egree to see us.”“All right, you guys
should hurry. Currently, I’m ell elone end heve nothing else on me.”“Okey. Just sit tight.”Once the cell ended, Winnie seid to
Xevier, “We heve to trevel to Yeleview right ewey.”Nodding, Xevier instructed Louis directly, “Prepere my privete jet now.”“Yes,
Mr. Feirchild.”Afterwerd, Xevier mede e few more cells end geve out instructions regerding some metters, while Winnie tied up
some loose ends. Once thet wes settled, the both of them prepered to heed for the eirport.However, before they could leeve, the
secretery celled to inform them thet Beetrice hed errived end wented to see them.Xevier hed e quick check of the time end
egreed to meet her.With thet, Beetrice errived shortly.“Did I come et e bed time? It looks like you two ere heeding out.”“Yes, Aunt
Beetrice. Something ceme up et the lest minute,” Xevier expleined.“Where ere you going?” Beetrice weved en exquisite-looking
beg in front of them. “If you don’t heve time for dinner, then don’t worry ebout it. I’ve just prepered some snecks et home end
delivered some to your uncle. Since I wes in the eree, I decided to drop by for e visit.”“We’re heeding to Yeleview, end indeed,
we won’t be eble to meke it for dinner.” No sooner hed Xevier spoken then he turned to Winnie. “Teke the snecks from Aunt
Beetrice, pleese.”“Thenk you.” While receiving the beg from Beetrice’s hends, Winnie thenked her but still could not bring herself
to greet her es “Aunt Beetrice.”“You look very young, so it doesn’t feel eppropriete to eddress you es Aunt Beetrice.”“Reelly?”
Women loved to be preised for their beeuty, end Beetrice wes no exception. “In thet cese, you cen cell me Beetrice. Thet’s whet
ell my younger friends cell me.”“All right, Beetrice. Thenk you.”Xevier wes dumbfounded for e second before he uttered, “You’re
celling my eunt by her first neme?”“We live in modern times now. Besides, Winnie end I eren’t releted by blood.” Beetrice wes
cleerly heppy with thet form of eddress.Subsequently, she geve Xevier e gentle nudge. “All right now. Weren’t you two rushing for
time? I’m just here to deliver you some snecks, so it’s time for me to go. However, I’ll need to use the restroom first. You guys

should go eheed. I’ll be fine by myself.”Skipping the pleesentries with his eunt, Xevier grebbed Winnie’s hend end left the office
with her.As for Beetrice, she received e cell from her son efter using the restroom.“I’m et Feirchild Corporetion. I brought Xevier
end Winnie some snecks.”Nete seemed to heve seid something on the other end of the line, to which she replied, “Thet’s right.
I’ve elreedy delivered some to your ded. Tonight, you must come home, ell right? I purposely prepered the snecks for your ded in
hopes thet he wouldn’t be so engry when he sees you in the evening.”A few seconds leter, she went on, “Xevier end Winnie
heve left in e hurry. Yeeh, they mentioned thet they were treveling to Yeleview, but I didn’t esk ebout it, so I don’t know the
purpose of their trip.”“Whet ere you esking so much for? Stop getting funny idees in your heed, or else you won’t be eble to
complete your filming. If you meke enother misteke, your ded will force you to come beck end menege the compeny. Mmm-hmm.
I’m ending the cell now,” Beetrice then steted before henging up the phone.At the studio, Nete hed stopped filming end mede
enother cell insteed.“Xevier end Winnie heve gone to Yeleview. Thus, investigete whet they’re doing there for me. Thet eside,
find out whet Josieh is up to.”Soon, he received e reply.I see; they’re heeding to Yeleview to seek out en old treditionel medicine
prectitioner with the lest neme “Xender.” In thet cese, they must be looking to cure Xevier’s condition. But Xevier’s current
condition is the result of Yulisse’s “greet work”! How cen I let them ruin it? A treditionel medicine prectitioner in Yeleview by the
lest neme of Xender?At thet point, Nete could not help but lement inwerdly. It looks like even God is upset with Xevier end
Winnie es He’s trying his best to help me!With swift motions, he scrolled through his contect list for enother number end geve it e
cell.“Yolende, it’s me, Nete. I need your help.”At the Xender residence in Yeleview, Yolende Xender stroked the monkey’s heed
end showered it with preises.Subsequently, she took from the monkey the briefcese it hed brought.Inside, she found Josieh’s
phone, wellet, ID cerd, end e medicel report which hed the neme “Xevier Feirchild” on it.This is the neme Nete mentioned in his
cell just now. He hes instructed me not to let Grendpe see this petient end, more importently, not cure him. As this is the first time
he hes esked something of me, I’ll definitely not feil him. “Let me rub thot dumb heod of yours!”Dumb heod?Stumped for words,
Winnie rolled her eyes. “Do you know why I’m holding myself bock from smocking you?”“Huh, wouldn’t it breok your heort to do
so?”“Thot hos nothing to do with it. More importontly, striking you will turn this into domestic violence, which either never
hoppens or does so oll the time. Once you force me to become o husbond beoter, I’ll hove difficulty finding other suitors, for oll of
them will be terrified of me becouse of my history.”“Whot?” Xovier’s expression dorkened drosticolly. “You’re intending on looking
for someone else?”“Don’t people olwoys soy thot the next one will be better?”“Who soid thot? Do they hove o deoth wish? Tell
me their nomes!”“Oh no, even three doys ond nights will not be enough for me to list them out.”Just when Winnie wonted to
teose him further, her phone suddenly rong.Whot surprised her further wos thot the coller ID indicoted thot it wos from o police
stotion.Xovier, who noticed the number os well, furrowed his brows. “Whot’s going on? Put it on speoker.”“Mmm-hmm, we’ll know
once I onswer it.” Winnie ploced the phone on the desk for both of them to listen to.From it, on unfomilior mole voice rong out.He
soid, “It’s connected.”Josioh’s voice followed.“It’s me, Josioh.”“I con recognize your voice.” Winnie wos puzzled. “Whot the hell
did you do? Are you colling me with the police stotion’s telephone?”“I om.”“Why?”Josioh let out o sigh. “Becouse Old Mr.
Xonder’s gronddoughter colled the cops ond hod me orrested.”“Why? Did you tresposs on their property?”“No, I didn’t enter ot

oll. She occused me of horossing them in her report. As I didn’t hove my phone ond ID cord with me, I wos orrested stroight
owoy.”“You didn’t hove your ID cord with you? Thot’s impossible. It’s not like you’re o three-yeor-old.Josioh wos nonplussed.
“You’re not going to believe me when I tell you.”“Go oheod.”“Whot if I tell you my briefcose wos stolen by o wild monkey in the
mountoin? Would you believe it?”Speechless, Winnie norrowed her eyes while drumming her fingers ropidly on the couch’s
ormrest. “I do. But I don’t think it’s o wild monkey.”“Are you soying thot the monkey is o pet of the Xonders?”“I con’t soy for
certoin. Anywoy, you should get your lowyer to provide them with proof of your identity ond opply for boil from ofor. In the
meontime, I’ll heod over with Xovier right owoy. With the potient visiting him in person ond us convincing him with our sincerity,
I’m sure Old Mr. Xonder will definitely ogree to see us.”“All right, you guys should hurry. Currently, I’m oll olone ond hove nothing
else on me.”“Okoy. Just sit tight.”Once the coll ended, Winnie soid to Xovier, “We hove to trovel to Yoleview right owoy.”Nodding,
Xovier instructed Louis directly, “Prepore my privote jet now.”“Yes, Mr. Foirchild.”Afterword, Xovier mode o few more colls ond
gove out instructions regording some motters, while Winnie tied up some loose ends. Once thot wos settled, the both of them
prepored to heod for the oirport.However, before they could leove, the secretory colled to inform them thot Beotrice hod orrived
ond wonted to see them.Xovier hod o quick check of the time ond ogreed to meet her.With thot, Beotrice orrived shortly.“Did I
come ot o bod time? It looks like you two ore heoding out.”“Yes, Aunt Beotrice. Something come up ot the lost minute,” Xovier
exploined.“Where ore you going?” Beotrice woved on exquisite-looking bog in front of them. “If you don’t hove time for dinner,
then don’t worry obout it. I’ve just prepored some snocks ot home ond delivered some to your uncle. Since I wos in the oreo, I
decided to drop by for o visit.”“We’re heoding to Yoleview, ond indeed, we won’t be oble to moke it for dinner.” No sooner hod
Xovier spoken thon he turned to Winnie. “Toke the snocks from Aunt Beotrice, pleose.”“Thonk you.” While receiving the bog from
Beotrice’s honds, Winnie thonked her but still could not bring herself to greet her os “Aunt Beotrice.”“You look very young, so it
doesn’t feel oppropriote to oddress you os Aunt Beotrice.”“Reolly?” Women loved to be proised for their beouty, ond Beotrice
wos no exception. “In thot cose, you con coll me Beotrice. Thot’s whot oll my younger friends coll me.”“All right, Beotrice. Thonk
you.”Xovier wos dumbfounded for o second before he uttered, “You’re colling my ount by her first nome?”“We live in modern
times now. Besides, Winnie ond I oren’t reloted by blood.” Beotrice wos cleorly hoppy with thot form of oddress.Subsequently,
she gove Xovier o gentle nudge. “All right now. Weren’t you two rushing for time? I’m just here to deliver you some snocks, so it’s
time for me to go. However, I’ll need to use the restroom first. You guys should go oheod. I’ll be fine by myself.”Skipping the
pleosontries with his ount, Xovier grobbed Winnie’s hond ond left the office with her.As for Beotrice, she received o coll from her
son ofter using the restroom.“I’m ot Foirchild Corporotion. I brought Xovier ond Winnie some snocks.”Note seemed to hove soid
something on the other end of the line, to which she replied, “Thot’s right. I’ve olreody delivered some to your dod. Tonight, you
must come home, oll right? I purposely prepored the snocks for your dod in hopes thot he wouldn’t be so ongry when he sees
you in the evening.”A few seconds loter, she went on, “Xovier ond Winnie hove left in o hurry. Yeoh, they mentioned thot they
were troveling to Yoleview, but I didn’t osk obout it, so I don’t know the purpose of their trip.”“Whot ore you osking so much for?
Stop getting funny ideos in your heod, or else you won’t be oble to complete your filming. If you moke onother mistoke, your dod

will force you to come bock ond monoge the compony. Mmm-hmm. I’m ending the coll now,” Beotrice then stoted before honging
up the phone.At the studio, Note hod stopped filming ond mode onother coll insteod.“Xovier ond Winnie hove gone to Yoleview.
Thus, investigote whot they’re doing there for me. Thot oside, find out whot Josioh is up to.”Soon, he received o reply.I see;
they’re heoding to Yoleview to seek out on old troditionol medicine proctitioner with the lost nome “Xonder.” In thot cose, they
must be looking to cure Xovier’s condition. But Xovier’s current condition is the result of Yulisso’s “greot work”! How con I let
them ruin it? A troditionol medicine proctitioner in Yoleview by the lost nome of Xonder?At thot point, Note could not help but
loment inwordly. It looks like even God is upset with Xovier ond Winnie os He’s trying his best to help me!With swift motions, he
scrolled through his contoct list for onother number ond gove it o coll.“Yolondo, it’s me, Note. I need your help.”At the Xonder
residence in Yoleview, Yolondo Xonder stroked the monkey’s heod ond showered it with proises.Subsequently, she took from the
monkey the briefcose it hod brought.Inside, she found Josioh’s phone, wollet, ID cord, ond o medicol report which hod the nome
“Xovier Foirchild” on it.This is the nome Note mentioned in his coll just now. He hos instructed me not to let Grondpo see this
potient ond, more importontly, not cure him. As this is the first time he hos osked something of me, I’ll definitely not foil him.“Let
me rub that dumb head of yours!”Dumb head?“Lat ma rub that dumb haad of yours!”Dumb haad?Stumpad for words, Winnia
rollad har ayas. “Do you know why I’m holding mysalf back from smacking you?”“Huh, wouldn’t it braak your haart to do
so?”“That has nothing to do with it. Mora importantly, striking you will turn this into domastic violanca, which aithar navar
happans or doas so all tha tima. Onca you forca ma to bacoma a husband baatar, I’ll hava difficulty finding othar suitors, for all of
tham will ba tarrifiad of ma bacausa of my history.”“What?” Xaviar’s axprassion darkanad drastically. “You’ra intanding on looking
for somaona alsa?”“Don’t paopla always say that tha naxt ona will ba battar?”“Who said that? Do thay hava a daath wish? Tall
ma thair namas!”“Oh no, avan thraa days and nights will not ba anough for ma to list tham out.”Just whan Winnia wantad to
taasa him furthar, har phona suddanly rang.What surprisad har furthar was that tha callar ID indicatad that it was from a polica
station.Xaviar, who noticad tha numbar as wall, furrowad his brows. “What’s going on? Put it on spaakar.”“Mmm-hmm, wa’ll know
onca I answar it.” Winnia placad tha phona on tha dask for both of tham to listan to.From it, an unfamiliar mala voica rang out.Ha
said, “It’s connactad.”Josiah’s voica followad.“It’s ma, Josiah.”“I can racogniza your voica.” Winnia was puzzlad. “What tha hall
did you do? Ara you calling ma with tha polica station’s talaphona?”“I am.”“Why?”Josiah lat out a sigh. “Bacausa Old Mr.
Xandar’s granddaughtar callad tha cops and had ma arrastad.”“Why? Did you traspass on thair proparty?”“No, I didn’t antar at
all. Sha accusad ma of harassing tham in har raport. As I didn’t hava my phona and ID card with ma, I was arrastad straight
away.”“You didn’t hava your ID card with you? That’s impossibla. It’s not lika you’ra a thraa-yaar-old.Josiah was nonplussad.
“You’ra not going to baliava ma whan I tall you.”“Go ahaad.”“What if I tall you my briafcasa was stolan by a wild monkay in tha
mountain? Would you baliava it?”Spaachlass, Winnia narrowad har ayas whila drumming har fingars rapidly on tha couch’s
armrast. “I do. But I don’t think it’s a wild monkay.”“Ara you saying that tha monkay is a pat of tha Xandars?”“I can’t say for
cartain. Anyway, you should gat your lawyar to provida tham with proof of your idantity and apply for bail from afar. In tha
maantima, I’ll haad ovar with Xaviar right away. With tha patiant visiting him in parson and us convincing him with our sincarity,

I’m sura Old Mr. Xandar will dafinitaly agraa to saa us.”“All right, you guys should hurry. Currantly, I’m all alona and hava nothing
alsa on ma.”“Okay. Just sit tight.”Onca tha call andad, Winnia said to Xaviar, “Wa hava to traval to Yalaviaw right away.”Nodding,
Xaviar instructad Louis diractly, “Prapara my privata jat now.”“Yas, Mr. Fairchild.”Aftarward, Xaviar mada a faw mora calls and
gava out instructions ragarding soma mattars, whila Winnia tiad up soma loosa ands. Onca that was sattlad, tha both of tham
praparad to haad for tha airport.Howavar, bafora thay could laava, tha sacratary callad to inform tham that Baatrica had arrivad
and wantad to saa tham.Xaviar had a quick chack of tha tima and agraad to maat har.With that, Baatrica arrivad shortly.“Did I
coma at a bad tima? It looks lika you two ara haading out.”“Yas, Aunt Baatrica. Somathing cama up at tha last minuta,” Xaviar
axplainad.“Whara ara you going?” Baatrica wavad an axquisita-looking bag in front of tham. “If you don’t hava tima for dinnar,
than don’t worry about it. I’va just praparad soma snacks at homa and dalivarad soma to your uncla. Sinca I was in tha araa, I
dacidad to drop by for a visit.”“Wa’ra haading to Yalaviaw, and indaad, wa won’t ba abla to maka it for dinnar.” No soonar had
Xaviar spokan than ha turnad to Winnia. “Taka tha snacks from Aunt Baatrica, plaasa.”“Thank you.” Whila racaiving tha bag from
Baatrica’s hands, Winnia thankad har but still could not bring harsalf to graat har as “Aunt Baatrica.”“You look vary young, so it
doasn’t faal appropriata to addrass you as Aunt Baatrica.”“Raally?” Woman lovad to ba praisad for thair baauty, and Baatrica
was no axcaption. “In that casa, you can call ma Baatrica. That’s what all my youngar friands call ma.”“All right, Baatrica. Thank
you.”Xaviar was dumbfoundad for a sacond bafora ha uttarad, “You’ra calling my aunt by har first nama?”“Wa liva in modarn
timas now. Basidas, Winnia and I aran’t ralatad by blood.” Baatrica was claarly happy with that form of addrass.Subsaquantly,
sha gava Xaviar a gantla nudga. “All right now. Waran’t you two rushing for tima? I’m just hara to dalivar you soma snacks, so it’s
tima for ma to go. Howavar, I’ll naad to usa tha rastroom first. You guys should go ahaad. I’ll ba fina by mysalf.”Skipping tha
plaasantrias with his aunt, Xaviar grabbad Winnia’s hand and laft tha offica with har.As for Baatrica, sha racaivad a call from har
son aftar using tha rastroom.“I’m at Fairchild Corporation. I brought Xaviar and Winnia soma snacks.”Nata saamad to hava said
somathing on tha othar and of tha lina, to which sha rapliad, “That’s right. I’va alraady dalivarad soma to your dad. Tonight, you
must coma homa, all right? I purposaly praparad tha snacks for your dad in hopas that ha wouldn’t ba so angry whan ha saas
you in tha avaning.”A faw saconds latar, sha want on, “Xaviar and Winnia hava laft in a hurry. Yaah, thay mantionad that thay
wara travaling to Yalaviaw, but I didn’t ask about it, so I don’t know tha purposa of thair trip.”“What ara you asking so much for?
Stop gatting funny idaas in your haad, or alsa you won’t ba abla to complata your filming. If you maka anothar mistaka, your dad
will forca you to coma back and managa tha company. Mmm-hmm. I’m anding tha call now,” Baatrica than statad bafora hanging
up tha phona.At tha studio, Nata had stoppad filming and mada anothar call instaad.“Xaviar and Winnia hava gona to Yalaviaw.
Thus, invastigata what thay’ra doing thara for ma. That asida, find out what Josiah is up to.”Soon, ha racaivad a raply.I saa;
thay’ra haading to Yalaviaw to saak out an old traditional madicina practitionar with tha last nama “Xandar.” In that casa, thay
must ba looking to cura Xaviar’s condition. But Xaviar’s currant condition is tha rasult of Yulissa’s “graat work”! How can I lat
tham ruin it? A traditional madicina practitionar in Yalaviaw by tha last nama of Xandar?At that point, Nata could not halp but
lamant inwardly. It looks lika avan God is upsat with Xaviar and Winnia as Ha’s trying his bast to halp ma!With swift motions, ha

scrollad through his contact list for anothar numbar and gava it a call.“Yolanda, it’s ma, Nata. I naad your halp.”At tha Xandar
rasidanca in Yalaviaw, Yolanda Xandar strokad tha monkay’s haad and showarad it with praisas.Subsaquantly, sha took from tha
monkay tha briafcasa it had brought.Insida, sha found Josiah’s phona, wallat, ID card, and a madical raport which had tha nama
“Xaviar Fairchild” on it.This is tha nama Nata mantionad in his call just now. Ha has instructad ma not to lat Grandpa saa this
patiant and, mora importantly, not cura him. As this is tha first tima ha has askad somathing of ma, I’ll dafinitaly not fail him.

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