Signs of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 1)

Signs of Cupidity: Chapter 5

The ballroom is even more exquisite than the rest of the palace. Chandeliers drip with honey flames, a fae ensemble performs lilting music, the ceilings are covered with arched vines, and everywhere I look, there are all types of fae drinking, dancing, laughing, and reveling. The women’s gowns are magnificent, in barely-there fabric that looks like they could be spun from spider’s webs.

   And right there, on the raised dais, overlooking it all, is King Beluar Silverlash. He’s ancient looking. His lilac-colored skin has more lines than a map. I’m guessing his hair was once a color to complement his skin, but its long since turned white. He’s wearing something akin to a nightdress, and it’s ugly as all get out, but I’m sure it costs more than most houses. The guy is the richest fae in the realm, and he’s wearing pajamas to his own party. Gotta love it. 

When he shifts on his throne, his clothes rides up and I catch a glimpse of his gnarled, bony knees. Not what I was expecting. I mean, who imagines the most powerful monarch in the realm with knobby knees? Every time I see him move in his seat, I try to steal another look. I don’t know why, but I can’t help but fixate on them.

“Gods, they stick out like doorknobs,” I tell him as I sit on the dais at his feet. I’m in prime knee-looking territory. He reaches forward to take a drink of wine, and his kingly robe moves again, giving me another glimpse. “You could turn one of those suckers and open a door to another world.”

I stay there, staring at his knees for an embarrassing amount of time before I force myself to move along. The prince and his betrothed still haven’t shown up to their own party yet. I’d go look for them, except I don’t know where they are. Also, I don’t feel like it. That’s mostly the reason. I’m actually enjoying myself watching the party—and the king’s knees.

   I decide to meander over to the refreshment table because drunk people are funny to watch, and damn, do these fae like to drink their wine. I think reveling must be a part of their DNA. They’re excellent at parties. Attending them, throwing them, crashing them. There’s always a party going on somewhere on this island, no matter the time.

   It’s not until the clock strikes midnight that a hush falls over the crowd. The music stops, the dancers flit back to the walls, and the crowd parts to reveal the most handsome high fae I’ve seen yet.

   The golden circlet that sits on his smooth, navy blue hair gives it away, but even if he weren’t wearing that crown, I’d know he was royalty. It’s in his straight posture and his clothes that look like they were spun from gold, but mostly, it’s in his cool, pompous expression. On his arm is an equally beautiful high fae with lavender skin and hair. Together, they look like a majestic, perfect couple.

   An announcer’s voice rings out from somewhere saying, “Presenting, the Crown Prince Elphar Silverlash, and his betrothed, Lady Soora Wyndice.”

   Applause fills the ballroom, and the prince leads his lady toward the dais to sit next to his father. Once they’re seated, the party resumes, music and all.

   “Okay,” I say to myself. “Show time.”

   I float past the dozens of dancers, right up the dais, and plop myself on the armrest of Lady Soora’s seat. “You two are a cute couple,” I tell her. Soora’s expression is serene, but I can tell she’s nervous by the hurried pulse that shows on her neck and the way her hands fidget slightly in her lap.

   Beside her, the prince leans over, brushing his lips beside her ear. “Have I told you how lovely you look, my dear?”

   I didn’t know someone with purple skin could blush, but she does, her cheeks blooming like a violet. “Yes, my prince.”

   He brushes a piece of her hair back over her shoulder, his handsome face smiling. “Well, it bears repeating. You are the loveliest creature in the room.”

   I whistle through my teeth. “Man, you’re good,” I tell him. “Very suave. You two don’t even seem to need my help at all,” I admit, taking in the scene.

             Using my powers, I’m glad when I sense their attraction for one another. If I focus, I can see it dancing around them like ribbons on a maypole, wrapping around the other. Yeah, it’s a cupid thing. I can sense romantic connections between people. I don’t usually use it, because it’s difficult to discern in a crowd. 

   I decide I might as well focus on her, since she seems nervous. I lean in close to her and brush my incorporeal finger along her arm. She blinks as the magic of my Flirt-Touch sinks into her skin. I watch her shy, worried demeanor slip away, replaced with a coy grin. “My prince, I’m sure you say that to all the girls,” she says. “As it is, your reputation precedes you.”

   His friendly smile turns mischievous. “Oh? What reputation might that be?” he asks.

   “You’re called the Heartbreak Prince.”

   “Is that so?” he asks. “Well, then I suppose I’ll have to take extra care when handling your heart.”

   “What makes you think I’d give it to you in the first place?” she asks demurely, a brow arched in challenge. Huh. Who knew she’d be so good at playing hard to get?

   His eyes light up and his voice drops down to a panty-melting whisper. “Oh, my lady. Believe me, once I get my hands on you, you’ll be begging for me to take it.”

   Great flying fae, this guy is good. (I’m trying out new fae realm expressions. When in Rome and all that.)

   Lady Soora tilts her head and laughs as another blush rushes to her face, and he settles back in his seat, seemingly satisfied that he’s won the round.

   I shrug at them. “Well, I was hoping for a bit more of a challenge, to be honest,” I tell them. They continue to watch the party, but I can feel the sexual tension building between them like humidity. This is almost too easy. I’m going to nail this. Suck it cupid superior! No troll realm or termination poof for me. I got this. 

   It’s after dawn when the king, prince, and Lady Soora finally leave the ballroom, bringing an end to the party. From what I’ve heard, the wedding is set for just two weeks from today. I follow Prince Elphar as he accompanies his betrothed to her rooms. I’m not surprised in the least when she invites him inside.

   He shuts the door before I can get in there, and I catch the knowing look passed between the guards as they stand watch in the hall. I float through the door and into the room where Prince Elphar and Lady Soora are already busy dancing…with their tongues. Down each other’s pastel-colored throats.

   It’s pretty hot and heavy, and I relax on the bed to watch. Yeah, yeah. Voyeurism, right? What can I say? I like watching because it’s hot. I hate watching because I’m jealous. I’m a glutton for punishment.

   After a few minutes, Lady Soora turns her head and pushes the prince lightly on the chest. They’re both panting for breath. “My prince,” she says in her soft, melodic voice. “We should wait until the wedding.”

   “Why?” he asks, holding her elbows. “The marriage contracts are signed, we’re all but legally married. All that’s left is the pomp of the public ceremony. We’re as good as married, my dear.”

  “Yes, but my father…”

   “Your father wants his daughter to be cared for. As my princess, and one day my queen, I will see to your every want and need,” he says, moving his arms to the small of her back, and then even lower. “Just as I know you will see to my every want and need,” he adds huskily.

   She smiles, and his mouth claims hers again as he walks her back toward the bed.

   I have to admit, as I sit on the bouncing mattress, sex looks good on the prince. He seems like a regular sex-pro. Some of the moves he pulls makes his heartbreak title believable. And while it’s clear he’s no virgin, Lady Soora certainly is. I can tell the moment he plunges in and splits her open, because her moan turns into a cry of pain.

   Too soon, it’s all over, and the prince is redressing to return to his rooms. I stay with Lady Soora as she bids him goodnight and crawls back to her bed, collapsing into sleep almost as soon as her purple head touches the pillow. I wonder what the maids will say in the morning, when they see the bloodstained sheets. As free as the fae are about sex, it seems there are still some reservations, at least as far as what is expected for nobility and royalty. They’re all about appearances, after all.

The prince has wooed his betrothed, the lady is sated, and the future of the monarchy seems bright. As I lay on the bed beside Lady Soora, I sigh in melancholic relief. For the first time in a long time, I’m feeling optimistic about watching a love story play out.

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