Signed, Sealed, Baby

: Chapter 27

We lay on the sofa under one of the thick, fluffy throws that Preston keeps in a log basket on the floor. We had just finished Age of Adaline.

“Let me go get fresh drinks, it’s my turn on film choice now,” he leant over and kissed me on the forehead. “Get ready for Thor baby,” he groaned as he pushed himself up and grabbed the glasses.

I rolled my eyes, truth was, I loved all the marvel films, so I was just as happy with his film choice as he was.

He disappeared into the kitchen, I sighed, reaching for my phone and texting Harriet. They were in the Bahamas on their honeymoon. She made sure I felt like part of it with the many photos of cocktails, white sandy beaches and poolside views.

Sitting up, I heard the penthouse door open and close.

“Babe?” I called out, turning to face the hallway. Nothing.

Moaning as I stood, my pelvis and back hurt like a bitch and don’t even get me started on the pain in my vagina. I felt like I had been kicked in the fairy by a horse.

I waddled over towards the kitchen, pinching my brows at an empty room.

Where had he gone?

I padded towards the hallway and looked down it, nothing.

Maybe it was room service? Joys of living in a hotel I thought to myself. Shrugging my shoulders up and down softly, I headed back towards the living room.

“Well, well, well,” I heard a voice which caused me to spin round quickly. There standing in the shadows was Preston’s father.

“If it isn’t the dirty little whore herself,” he snarled as he stepped closer to me. My eyes widened and I felt the prick of tears threaten at his nasty words.

“What do you want?” I sniff, but I don’t let him see how his words are making me feel inside, how the words that just dripped of his tongue like poison are bricking the wall back up, one by one. The words that bring everything back that I have tried so desperately hard to move on from, the life that was once mine. I stood tall, my head held high and my shoulders back like the queen I was. I would not let my crown slip for anybody.

“I see my simp of a son has even put a ring on your finger,” he growled as he edged closer. Preston’s father was a tall, skinny man. Not like his son. His slicked, black hair was styled to perfection. His gaunt face made him look older as his pronounced cheek bones stuck out ever so slightly. He looked like a weasel, a sly, old, weasel. His face was close to mine now, I could see how he looked down his nose at me in disgust. “Did Preston not tell you?” he smirked, his hand reaching up and grabbing my face as he squeezed my cheeks. “Seeing as he wants to keep you and that bastard child, he loses everything. The hotel. The name. The money.” His lips twist into a sly smirk, “let’s see how long you last when there is no money in the bank.” He spits at me through gritted teeth, his jaw clenches tight. “I will not have my name associated with a slut, you will not get to have my name. You’re a fucking whore, you belong on the streets, not walking around in designer clothes and a name so prestigious.”

I swallowed the bile that was rising up my throat.

“He will come to his senses once I’ve cut him off, once he realises just how shit the real world is without my money to get him through. What a stupid little boy, throwing all of this away for someone like you,” he growled before dropping his hand from my cheek, but I didn’t get a moment to think when his hand connected with my face, a hard slap stinging as soon as the contact was made. “Your pussy must be like fucking crack, maybe once my son is done with you, I can pay you to show me just how good it is,” his words made my skin crawl. “For him to be okay with giving up everything… fuck, it must be good.”

My head slowly turned back round to face him, my eyes looking through him as I saw a pissed off Preston. His shoulders were slightly hunched forward, his jaw locked and clenched, his fists balled at his side.

I rubbed my cheek, trying to ease the ache that was growing by the second when Preston grabbed his father by the shoulders and pulled him back towards him.

“How fucking dare you?” he bellowed in his father’s face.

“You’re a fucking fool,” his dad spat at him, “do you think she will stay with you once you’re married? Of course, she fucking won’t, she will move on to her next victim once she has milked you for everything you have got, I won’t have it. You’re cut off. From this moment on, you are nothing to me. I will not have anything to do with you while you’re with her, I am so disappointed in you.” He growled at Preston, but Preston done nothing. He just stood there, raging like a bull with hot and heavy breaths coming from his nose.

My eyes widened, as Preston’s dark, hooded eyes met mine.

“Firstly,” his voice was steady and calm, “you apologise to my fiancé and the mother of my child.”

His dad scoffs, crossing his skinny little arms across his chest.

“Apologise.” Preston snaps.


Preston steps towards him and grabs him by his shirt, turning his father to face me.

“I said, apologise.” His voice still eerily calm.

“Sorry,” his dad squeaked out, his poor excuse of an apology didn’t go unnoticed. He couldn’t even look at me.

“Nah, that’s not good enough. Say sorry father, like you mean it and fucking look at her.”

This time his father did look at me, but there was no remorse in his eyes. He was never, ever going to be okay with this, okay with me, okay with us.

“Sorry,” he said again, as soon as the words were out of his mouth his eyes fell to the floor again.

Preston spun his father back round to face him.

“Secondly, cut me off father, honestly, you would be doing me a favour. I am tired of you, I haven’t wanted this for a while and meeting Skylar has only made me realise that. So do your worst,” Preston lets out a soft chuckle, his head turning to the side as he looks out over London, his tongue sweeping across his bottom lip before the smile suddenly fades and his eyes are glued to his father’s again. “Because, father, I am going to burn your fucking hotels to the ground, with you in them.”

His father spluttered a few times but couldn’t fathom any words.

“Now get out of my life, get out of my home, I am done with you.”

His dad threw his head back and laughed, the sound of it echoing around the room.

Your home?” he sniggered, “this is no longer your home, so pack your fucking shit up and get out of the penthouse.”

Preston rubbed his chin, the sound of his stubble scratching on his fingers filled the room.

“Well, you see…” Preston begun, dropping his hand from his face and fisting them deep into his pockets. “Yes, you’re right, technically this is your hotel, and technically you have every right to kick me out, but you see, the thing is father…” Preston smirked, his eyes so dark that I barely recognised them, “I know about the crash, I know you were behind it…” Preston stops, holding his hand out for me to take. I rush to his side, his large hand curling around my hip as he pulls me closer to him now, “you thought you could take us out and no one would know about it? You thought you could just quietly get rid of us…” Preston’s grip grew tighter, and I was grateful, because honestly, I felt like I was going to fall. Hearing the news that the crash was premeditated, the crash that nearly took Preston’s life was enough to floor me.

His father’s skin whitened, his eyes widening.

“You think we didn’t know…” Preston laughs, shaking his head from side to side, “if you want to kill me father, you have to try harder than that.”

“I didn’t want to kill you,” his father seethed, “I wanted to kill her and that spawn of a slut inside of her,” he spat, pointing and jabbing his finger towards me.

“Well you failed, miserably.” Preston sighed, “how miserable must you be as a human being, it’s a shame you can’t knock me around like you used to when we were kids, aye father. A little slap here, a little punch there… I am a bigger and better person than you, I will always be a bigger and better person and this woman, who stands next to me is to thank for that.”

“Get out of my penthouse, now,” his father was shaking with rage, spit was flying from his lips, foaming at the corners like a rabid dog.

“Actually…” I heard an older voice and the sound of clicking heels. Preston and I, both turned to see where the voice was coming from.

“It’s Preston’s apartment, it will always be Preston’s apartment,” an old man came into view, dressed in a three-piece suit and a cane in hand. Tabitha was next to him, wearing jeans and a shirt as her arm was hooked through his.

“Dad?” Preston’s father looked like he had seen a ghost.

“What’s the matter son? Forgot who I was?” he laughed as he stopped in front of his son and slapped his cheek gently three times, but the last one seemed to hit a little harder.

He turned to face me, smiling and giving me a polite nod. Tabitha rushed over to me and hugged me tightly before moving to her brother and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“What are you doing here?” his father’s tone was quipped.

“Sorting this nonsense out once and for all,” the grandfather answered, sighing as he rested his weight on his cane. He was built more like Preston. Tall and broad.

“Tabitha, darling,” he called out.

“Yes pops?”

“Be a doll and pour me a scotch on the rocks,” he winked at her before turning his attention back to his son.

“Remember them papers I asked you to sign a while back?”

Preston’s father nodded.

“Well, they were your shares. I am sick and tired of the way you treat your children, sick and tired of the way you treat my hotels like your own personal bank.” His voice was getting louder with each word that was spoken. Tabitha rushes back and pushes the glass into her pop’s hand. He takes a mouthful, then swirls the amber liquid over the ice.

Preston’s father goes to speak but his grandfather holds his hand up.

“I will not throw you out on the street and cut you off like you were going to do with your own flesh and blood,” his calm voice was back now, “but you will start at the fucking bottom like the rodent you have become, and you will work your way back to the top, well, if the new owner is okay with that?” He turned to face Preston and gave him a wink.

“Oh, I am more than okay with that,” Preston smirked before looking down at me and kissing me on the lips softly.

“That’s that sorted then, come on Tabby, let’s get going… Tristan, you too,” he whistled to his son who done has he was told like an obedient dog.

Tabitha walked out with her father storming ahead of him. Preston’s grandfather walked over to me, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it. “It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady. I am just sorry it was under these circumstances.” He bowed his head before standing and moving to Preston. Wrapping his hand around the back of his grandson’s head, he pulled him towards him and kissed him on the cheek. “I am so proud of you,” he said softly, letting Preston go and patting him on the top of his arm.

“I’ll see you in the office, bright and early next week. Enjoy your break kids.” He smiled before turning on his heel and walking out of the penthouse.

We heard the door shut, the noise echoing down the long and hollow hallway.

“Baby,” he breathed, cupping my face and covering my lips with his. I felt a rush of love swarm me, his hands holding me in place as I savoured his kiss, the way his tongue swept across mine, claiming me filled me with some sort of calmness. He was reminding me that I was always his, he was never going to leave me. I knew that. We were made for each other.

Pulling away, he rubbed his thumb across my cheek causing me to wince.

“Shit, Sunshine,” he sighed, he wrapped his fingers round my wrist and tugged me towards the kitchen area. Wrapping ice in a tea towel, he holds it against my face which causes me to pull away as the pain spreads.

“I’m sorry baby,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair away from my face and behind my ear.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I smile.

“I know, but still, I am sorry I wasn’t there to stop him.”

“How did you know to call your grandfather?” I asked, trying to change the subject slightly so I wasn’t reminded of the cruel words that were said.

“Tabitha gave me the heads up, like always,” he sighed, “Look, I am sorry I didn’t tell you about the accident and what I knew, I was so focused on you and the baby that I didn’t want to burden you with that as well. My father is an arsehole, he should have never spoken the way he does about you, it’s not okay, nor will it ever be okay. I have been secretive because I didn’t know how this was going to go down, but he played right into our hands.” His eyes steadied on mine. “I will never keep anything from you again, baby.” He presses his lips to my forehead and I inhale deeply so I can fill my lungs with his addictive scent.

“Okay,” I whisper, pulling the ice from my face. “Let’s go tonight to our weekend away, why are we waiting for tomorrow?” I asked, bringing my hand to his face as I held him.

“But what about Thor?” he looked wounded as he said the words.

“I’m sure Thor will be okay,” I laughed, shaking my head, “come on, we’re all packed, let’s go have our trip and plan our wedding,” I beam, “before you realise that I am only with you for your money.” I put on a deep voice, mocking his father.

“What’s mine is yours baby.”

“I’ll sign a prenup, you know, just so you’re protected.” I wince at the words; I don’t ever want him to think it’s for the money.

“I don’t want you to.”

“I know but—”

He cuts me off, pressing his finger to my lips to silence me.

“No prenup,” he whispers softly.

“No prenup,” I nod, lacing my fingers through his and head towards the bedroom to get our bags. He stops me, shaking his head and leads me to his office. He lets go of my hand and steps towards his desk and reaches in for something. My breath catches in the back of my throat when I realise what it is.

The contract.

“It’s me and you till the end baby. No contract, no deal, no faking it,” he winks as he pushes the pile of paper into the shredder.

“I love you so much Preston,” I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“I know Sunshine,” he cranes his neck down and hovers over my lips, “but not as much as I love you,” he smirked.

“I love you more,” I giggle.

“Not possible Sunshine, not possible,” he whispered before covering my mouth with his.

I loved this man with every fibre of my body, and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him, watching our beautiful son grow and watching how Preston is going to smash every one of his goals.

And I was going to be right by his side, his biggest cheerleader because he deserves to finally have someone on his side who loves him the way I do. I want to watch him succeed in everything he does, because he deserves the world and more.

He saved me, and now it was my turn to save him back.

Because that’s what you do for the people you love, without even a thought.

And I loved Preston Sauvage with everything I had.




I will love him to the stars, the moon and the galaxies.

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