Siblings with benefits

Chapter 34 chapter 2

Could it get any better than this? I thought as I wrapped my arms around my brother's neck and kissed him. I was young, hot, drunk, and making out with my brother in full view of the two dozen or so people who were also in the bar with us. Mark found a way to make it better however, by not only slipping his tongue into my mouth, but by sliding his arms around my waist and grabbing my ass hard with both hands.

"Hmmm" I groaned into his mouth while working my hand down between us to give his cock a quick squeeze.

Mark responded by slipping one of his hands under the short denim skirt I was wearing and pinching my ass. I broke the kiss and gave a little yelp that turned into a gasp as my brother pushed his hand between my thighs from behind and the edge of his hand stroked my pussy through the thin material of my lace panties. Mark's hand lingered and I bucked my hips against him causing my pussy to slide across his hand several times.

"You're wet, you little pig." Mark said smirking.

"And you're hard you bad boy." I replied and god was he!

"Me bad? I'm not the one with my legs spread."

"No," I whispered in his ear. "But you're the one playing with your sister's pussy in front of people."

Mark slipped his hand from between my legs, letting my skirt drop. Not that it had far to fall seeing it barely covered the cheeks of my ass to begin with. I would say that I wouldn't be able to bend over without fear of exposing my ass, but that would be a lie. Fact was I had been finding excuses to bend over all night. Every time I did I made sure I turned my head to see the looks on the faces of the bikers that had been watching me from the time we had gotten here. When I wasn't flashing my little red panties, the guys were still getting an eyeful of my well shaped legs. Those legs, which were to me my best feature, appeared even longer due the shortness of the skirt as well as the three inch heels of the knee high white go go boots I was wearing.

Then again, due to the extremely tight denim vest, with the top three buttons open and no bra underneath, my small but perky tits were getting quite a bit of attention as well. The vest was sleeveless and I had gotten quite a few remarks about my medusa tattoo as I strutted my ass around the bar. I had teased my long raven back hair out to the max and all in all was sporting quite the bad girl look. Course in a place like this I fit right in. The name of the bar was the Dirty Dog and it more than lived up to its name. The place was dirty as hell and populated mostly by bikers who appeared to be only slightly less grubby than the bar. The rest of the crowd consisted of a couple of guys in jeans and work boots, and a few of the biker's girlfriends who weren't all that much more presentable than their boyfriends.

In addition to their skanky appearance most of the women there were in their later thirties or older and looked like they could kick half of the guy's asses. All the more reason that a young, pretty, wild thing like me, was getting more than her fair share of looks and comments from the men around me. I'm sure if I had been alone or perhaps with someone like Tommy this look could get me in trouble in a place like this. I however, was with my badass little brother and there would be no fucking with his big sister while he was around. Pulling away from him, I took a minute to look Mark up and down.

Mark had never looked better; no longer allowed to be a bouncer after the Max hearing, a friend of his from the club had gotten him a job working on a construction site. Between his already rigorous workouts and the all day lifting Mark had put on at least fifteen pounds over the summer and not an ounce of it fat. Wearing a pair of jeans so tight they all but showed the outline of his cock, and a plain white tank top, that magnificent build was on full display. Not only did the sleeveless shirt show off his powerful shoulders and well defined arms but the white looked sexy as hell against his deep tan.

Despite his build, Mark was still less than two hundred pounds, which compared to the size of many of the bikers didn't make him seem all that intimidating. On the other hand the enormous demonic tattoos covering both his arms from shoulder to elbow, as well as what was visible of the massive Baphomet back tattoo gave him an appearance of being trouble. Beyond that however was the pure confidence my brother exuded. Mark stalked around the bar like he owned the place and to this point no one had challenged that fact. My eyes wandered up to Mark's face and I smiled.

My brother was still by far the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. Even though Mark hadn't shaved and was sporting a heavy five o'clock shadow, it did little to hide his high cheekbones and smooth perfect features. Mark's thick black hair was tousled and hanging over his eyes. Then of course there were those eyes themselves; a gorgeous mix of gold and green. Despite his pretty appearance however, there was something about my brother that kept trouble at bay, even in places like this. It was more than just his swagger and that aura of confidence. There was something about my brother that wasn't quite right. Even with the medication he had started, Mark carried an almost palpable air of violence about him that even overgrown punks like the bikers around us could pick up on. No matter where we were I never felt in danger when my brother was around.

"Hey Romeo, you shooting or what?"

Mark turned away from me to look at the guy he was playing pool against. The guy was well over six feet, his huge arms covered from shoulder to wrist in tattoos.

"My turn already?" Mark asked, making a show of looking over the table. "Christ man can't you put in more than one at a time?"

One of the guys watching snickered, but the guy holding the stick snapped.

"You gonna talk or shoot asshole?"

"Hold on." Mark said calmly as he reached down to the small table next to him, pickingup the shot of jack that was there.

"Hey that one's mine!" I yelled, reaching for it.

Before I could grab his arm, Mark had tipped his head back, pouring the shot into his mouth.

"Come on Mark! I... hey!!"

Mark had reached out and grabbing my hair pulled my head back. I started to yell at him, but he lowered his head, and pressing his lips to mine tapped my neck. Getting his meaning I opened my mouth against his. Mark parted his lips to let some of the liquor flow into my mouth. Mark closed his mouth and let go of my hair. With identical motions the two of us tipped our heads back and swallowed the drink.

"You still owe me," I told him pouting. "That one was all mine!"

"Yeah hold on."

With that Mark turned, picked up the pool cue he always brought with him, and as I watched proceeded to run the table ending the game by banking the eight.

"That's another ten." Mark said as he turned to face the large biker.

"Oh what the fuck, that's five straight!"

"Hey you're the one that wants to keep playing." Mark replied calmly.

The guy shot Mark a dirty look as a couple of guys within earshot laughed, but reached into his pocket and handed him two fives. Mark had just closed his hand around the money when I reached out and snatched it from him.

"Mine!" I said laughing and stepping back from him.

Mark looked like he was going to say something, but instead flashed me his perfect smile and said;

"Bring back a beer sexy."

"Yes sir! I... oops!" I made a show of being upset as I dropped one of the fives.

With deliberate slowness I turned and bent over to pick the bill up off the floor. I glanced between my legs and saw Mark as well as the other guys all staring at my exposed ass and red panties. Unable to resist, I playfully wiggled my ass then yelped as Mark swung his hand and gave me a hard slap across it. I stood up and made a show of rubbing my ass as I pouted at him.

"Christ you're a slut," Mark said smirking.

"But I'm your slut baby." I told him before turning and all but skipping over to the bar.

I smiled as when I left I heard one of the guys say;

"Christ kid, that chick is hot!"

On my way over to get the drinks, the juke box kicked on playing an ACDC song. I stopped in the middle of the bar to toss my hair around and start swaying sensually to the music. I heard a couple of whistles which quickly turned to a cheer as I turned around and gave my skirt a quick flip showing off my ass. I was facing Mark as I did and saw him smile. My little brother loved watching his hot big sister flaunt what she had and knowing it was all his at the end of the night.

I turned back around to see one of the bikers standing in front of me grinning. He put his hands out, and laughing I took them, turning myself around so that his arms were crossed over my tits. Leaning back into him I ground my ass against his crotch for a moment before starting to turn away. The guy laughed, and as I turned, lifted my hand up high, twirling me around. When I was facing him again I stepped back and whipping my right leg up, put my ankle onto his shoulder as he stared in surprise. There was another cheer as my skirt slid up to my hip exposing my creamy white thigh and the red panties.

Dropping my leg I turned my face to him, batting my eyelashes. Grinning he leaned forward and kissed my cheek. With a wink I strutted away from him and went over to the bar, ordered beers and shots. Tucking the unopened beers under my arms I carried the shots back over to the pool table in time to see Mark send the cue ball around three rails and kick the eight ball in. The guy Mark was playing shook his head, and after throwing a ten on the pool table, tossed his stick against the wall and stormed off.

"Next?" Mark said flashing that smug smirk of his.

One of the guys who had been watching stood up, put a ten on the rail and began to rack the balls.

"I wanna play!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry girl," The guy began, "Only the guys play here."

"Awww please?"

I pouted then turning around, bent over the table to grab a piece of chalk and give the guy a good look down my vest. I saw his eyes widen and was fairly certain that he could see my nipples from that angle.

"Oh sure what the hell." The guy said, sitting down next to a couple of other bikers who had been watching.

With a grin, Mark let me break and after dropping one, I wiped the grin off his face by sinking the next five balls before missing. Of course each time I took a shot I noticed that the balls were the last thing anyone was looking at. On one shot my ass was facing the bikers and I made a show of lifting one leg to get my knee up onto the rail. I could feel air on my ass and knew my panties were completely exposed.

"Goddamn that's a fine ass." One of them said loudly.

When I missed I made sure to hover around the table while Mark shot, bending over to show him my tits and wagging my tongue provocatively at him. Showing off as always, Mark ran every ball until he was down to the eight. Mark chalked his stick then, using it to point at the corner he was shooting for leaned over the table to line up the shot. I went over to the corner he was shooting for where I crossed my arms and pouted. Mark smirked at me as he started to line up the shot. I was facing not only Mark, but the three guys watching. Feeling wilder, or let's face it drunker than usual; I lowered my hands as Mark was focused on making the shot and undid the last buttons of my vest. Mark had a routine and always used three practice strokes before shooting. I counted and on the fourth I called out;


As I yelled I yanked my vest open, completely exposing my tits.

I laughed as Mark's eyes shifted and he miscued hitting the cue too far to the right. The cue hit the eight which still fell into the pocket, but not before the cue ball scratched into the opposite corner.

"Holy shit!" One of the bikers exclaimed.

I was going for a quick flash not wanting to really let the bikers stare, but seeing the look of absolute desire in Mark's eyes as he took in his sister's tits, I held the vest open for few seconds longer. My nipples, which were so light pink they were hard to see against my ivory skin, were erect and I felt my pussy begin to heat up as I now focused on the bikers staring at me.

"Give'em a shake girl!" One yelled.

Laughing I gave them a shimmy then closing the vest started to button it.

"Hey bring those over here before you cover them!" Someone called out.

"No!" Mark snapped, turning to stare at the bikers.

I quickly walked over to Mark, and sliding my arm around his neck turned him towards me. I kissed him hard, sliding my tongue into his mouth. Mark turned into the kiss, putting his arms around my waist. As we kissed I brought my left leg up, rubbing it along his. Dropping his hand Mark caught my leg behind my thigh and held it up against him. Breaking the kiss, I whispered in his ear;

"Its okay baby they only got a peek." I flicked my tongue across his ear and added; "Your sister's tits are all yours any time you want them little brother."

Mark kissed me again and let me go, as he did I felt relieved to see that he seemed calm. Before the trouble with Max I admittedly had flirted to the point that I had gotten Mark into several fights because it turned me on that he would fight over me. Since then however, I was well aware that Mark was on parole and a fight could get him into a lot of trouble. Seeing he was okay I then laughed and said;

"You owe me ten baby, pay up!"

The guys laughed as Mark rolled his eyes and went to hand me a ten. Grinning I held my vest open. With no hesitation Mark reached in to shove the ten between my tit and the vest. I sighed as when Mark removed his hand he let his fingertips lightly brush across my nipple. As he did our eyes met and once again I felt my body responding to the way my brother looked at me. Although I really had no doubts that I was an attractive girl, no man had ever made me feel as sexy as my brother did. I also noticed that Mark's eyes were bright and a bit wide, and for the first time noticed the amount of beer bottles he had stacked up on the table in the corner. Damn he could drink I thought, then again I hadn't been doing to bad myself tonight.

"I'm going to go get some air okay baby?"

Mark nodded and turning back to the guys asked;

"So who's playing?"

"I am." Someone answered then added; "At least I know you can lose now."

"Yeah well do me a favor and keep your shirt on will ya?" I heard Mark say.

The guys all laughed, and feeling confident that Mark wasn't going to get himself in any trouble, I went outside the bar. Sitting on the small bench next to the door, I reached into the cuff of my boot and pulled out a small plastic bag containing the two joints I had rolled out of the dime bag I had brought up with me. Taking one out I put the bag back, and holding the lighter to it took a hit. I held the smoke in my lungs for as long as I could, then sighing happily, sat back against the wall and slowly exhaled. As I did I heard someone cough and looking over to the left frowned.

Leaning against the wall several feet away from me was a tall thin guy dressed all in black. He had been sitting at the bar when Mark and I had shown up and had spent the entire night staring at me. Not that the bikers hadn't been checking me out as well, but they would stare for a minute then go back to whoever they were talking to. This guy on the other hand had been sitting by himself all night and every time I saw him he was looking directly at me. When he would see me looking he would always smile and wink. This time was no different. As soon as he saw me look over he nodded at me and smiled. As I had all night I smiled back but immediately turned away.

"Damn that smells good."

I looked up to see that he had walked up to the bench. Gesturing to it he asked;

"You mind?"

Having no excuse to say no, I shrugged and slid over to one side. Sitting down next to me he sighed and gave me a little grin.

"You know I haven't smoked in ages, but drinking always makes me want to. Tell you what you give me a hit I'll buy you a round."

I glanced down between my fingers and saw that there were really only a couple of good hits left and figured what the hell? I had more at the motel. I passed him the joint and couldn't help but grin as he quickly took a hit and immediately started coughing.

"Sorry, like I said been awhile."

"No worries." I told him.

"Gary." He said extending his hand.

"Megan." I replied putting my hand in his.

Gary's hand was soft and sweaty. I quickly removed mine as he seemed in no hurry to let go.

"You're a beautiful girl Megan." He said as he pulled a pack of Marlboro's from his pocket and lit one. "You have amazing eyes."

"Umm thank you."

Gary nodded and leaning back took a drag from the cigarette before looking over at a couple of bikers who had come out and were talking over near the row of bikes in front of the bar. Taking advantage of the fact he wasn't looking at me, I took the opportunity to check him out. He appeared to be in his late thirties with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and aside from being on the thin side there didn't appear to be anything odd about him. Still he gave me a weird vibe. He certainly didn't look like he belonged in a place like this. If he hadn't just sat there and smoked a joint with me I would have pegged him for a cop.

"So is that your boyfriend you're with?" He asked as he turned back to face me.

"Yes." I said immediately getting a kick out of someone thinking that.

"Good looking kid." Gary said.

Alrighty then, I thought, but out loud said;

"Umm yeah well I'll pass that along to him."

Gary laughed.

"I didn't mean it like that." He shrugged. "I just think you guys look hot together."

"Okay thanks," I told him. "Well I have to get back in there."

"Damn hot," he continued as if I hadn't spoken. "And you guys love to flaunt it don't you?"

"Sure why not?" Feeling a little uneasy I stood up.

"Saw you flaunting what you had a couple of minutes ago, but I was facing the other way." Gary said shaking his head in disappointment. "Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll show them again later."

"Yeah well I'm gonna head back in." I told him. "If I stay out here too long he'll come looking for me." Looking pointedly at him I added. "He's the jealous type."

"I would be too if I had a pretty little thing like you with me."

"Right, well see you later." Or not I thought.

"Okay, Megan." Gary nodded. "Don't go too far though I owe you a drink."

"Sure, sounds good."

As I turned and walked towards the bar I could feel his eyes on me. Entering the bar however, I quickly forgot about Gary as I wandered over to the bar. As I did I noticed that the place had been emptying out and there were now maybe only a dozen people left including Mark and I. Glancing over to the pool tables I saw that Mark was still playing, but had paused and was doing a shot with the guy he was shooting against.

"What do you need kid?"

I looked up to catch the bartender blatantly staring down my vest.

"A bud and a shot of Cuervo." I told him.

The bartender came back with the drinks and a salt shaker. After handing him a five, I grabbed the salt shaker and after licking my hand poured some onto it. Seeing the bartender watching me, I made a show of slowly tonguing the side of my hand before giving it a good lick, and downing the shot. I purred in satisfaction as the liquor left a warm happy trail down my throat and into my stomach. I banged the glass down hard, and taking the beer, tipped it back, taking several long swallows. When I put it down my head was spinning. I closed my eyes, and upon opening them lit a cigarette. With a contented sigh, I rested my elbow on the table and blew a series of smoke rings into the stale air of the bar. I turned to watch Mark, who was now playing the last of the bikers who had been sitting waiting his turn.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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