Siblings with benefits

Chapter 33 chapter 2

As I looked down at my smooth white thighs and long legs, I had the immature thought that I would like to see the look on Redding's face if she saw me like this. Something told me that her baby blue eyes would have taken a much longer journey up and down my body then they had last night. I glanced at the dashboard clock and saw that it was a few minutes until noon and decided to have a cigarette. Mark's schedule that I had seen on Paula's desk last night had him with twelve to two open for paperwork. My brother was meticulous with his schedule so I knew I would be able to see him, but wanted to wait until a few minutes after noon. As I smoked and looked back up at his window I thought back to how upset I had been last night.

By the time it wasn't until just before I had gone to sleep that I had convinced myself that Mark had really just been messing with me. Redding had not been on his schedule and he had seemed surprised that she had shown up. Mark had mentioned before that he and Redding had only been together a couple of times and that they were friends and attended functions together for show. However Mark had seen my reaction, and thinking on his feet had turned it to his advantage, driving his point down my throat. In the end though my brother had offered me his heart and had insisted that he wanted my answer. No matter how drunk he would have gotten last night, he would not throw his chance away with me for a piece of ass, even one as fine as Redding's.

Still this morning as I had sat there at breakfast with mom and dad, I had kept looking at my phone. Part of me wanted to come up with a reason to call my brother and see if he would apologize. The other half of me kept waiting for him to call or text me with an apology or even a 'Christ Meg, I was just messing with you'. I received neither and forced myself to hold my ground and not call him. Besides I needed my showing up today to be a total surprise. After I had dropped my parents back off at home and listened to my mother, who seemed uncharacteristically annoyed with me, telling me again that she didn't know why I couldn't spend my last few hours just with her, I had gone to the boutique.

From there I had gone to my brother's to shower and change. While there I succumbed to my feelings. I had intended on changing in his spare bedroom where I had put my things but unable to help myself I had gone into his bedroom. When I entered all I could smell was the nightshade incense he burned every morning when he prayed. As always, his bed was made and walking over to it, I hesitated before pulling the sheet down. Feeling like a suspicious wife who had been away, I sniffed his pillows and even the sheets themselves. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had smelled Redding's channel perfume, but to my relief all I could smell was Mark's Prada cologne. Before lifting my head I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, I loved that scent on him.

I turned from his bed feeling a little better about things, although the paranoid part of my mind reminded me that they could have stayed at a hotel. No, I argued with myself, Redding had mentioned the mirrors. My brother's bedroom was a legend in and of itself; no woman who had been in it would ever settle for a hotel suite. Then again he could have been afraid I would snoop like in my nightmare and...I had forced myself to stop there. I would know the second I looked into my brothers eyes when I saw him at his office. As I turned to walk out and go take a shower I looked at the banner that Mark had hung over the mirror that sat on his bureau. The banner had been made to resemble parchment and written across it in old English lettering was a quote from Marque De Sade;

"It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure."

De Sade had meant this in a sexual way, but as I looked at it I felt that it described the paths of both my brother and I. The two of us had traveled a long hard road to get where we were. As I left the room I wondered if the pleasure at the end of that path could be each other. That thought caused me to remember Mark's comment about us wasting time after I had slept with him the first time after Samantha.

I forced myself to the here and now, and with a long sigh tapped the cigarette out into the ashtray. I had stalled long enough. Getting out of the car I left the garage and started to cross the street. I smiled and held back a laugh as a black Honda driven by a young guy in his twenties came to a squealing stop, almost getting rear ended so he could let me cross in front of him. As a reward I sauntered very slowly past the front of his car giving him a little wave as I did. Washington Street was three lanes and I walked straight across. Apparently long legs in a short skirt brought out the manners of male drivers. As I gave the driver of the last car a big brainless smile, I couldn't help but wonder what the reaction would be had I just been in the corset.

I walked through the first floor of the office building loving the double takes of every man I walked past. I knew part of it wasn't just that I looked pretty hot, but the outrageous look I was carrying. I'm sure several of the women who looked cattily at me were wondering if I was an escort who wasn't very discreet or a stripper showing up for some one's birthday. I rode up to the third floor with a car full of guys who all seemed to be losing the battle to not stare at me. For their benefit I stared straight ahead giving them the chance to look if they wanted too. As I walked out of the elevator, I couldn't resist a quick look over my shoulder. I laughed as I saw them all make a show of looking around when I caught them staring. I turned away giving my long black hair a toss, and putting some extra swing into my hips as I walked away.

Walking past the main desk and towards the corridor where Mark's office was it occurred to me that to a degree it might look a little bit odd, me showing up to see my brother looking like this. On the other hand however, this was the advantage of hiding in plain sight. I was Mark's sister and the only thought that would pass through their minds would be that I was as out there as he was. As I turned into the corridor I walked past Bill the senior partner that had been drooling over Redding last night. Bill looked up casually as I started past him then all but gave himself whiplash turning to get a look at me. I said hi to him but kept walking. I could feel his eyes on me and thought 'take that Victoria'.

I reached the foyer to Mark and Jim's offices and walking up to Paula's desk waited for her to get off the phone. Paula appeared to be in her mid forties and resembled a stern school teacher. Her graying hair was pulled into a bun and she was wearing a white button up blouse and no makeup at all. As she was speaking on the phone she looked over at me, and after looking me up and down rolled her eyes. Paula had only been working for Mark for the last few months and although I had spoken to her once or twice on the phone we had never met. The only thing Mark ever said about her was that she was good but could be a real bitch. I stood there patiently for a couple of minutes until she got off the phone.

"Let me guess, you're looking for Mark?"

"I am." I said. "I'm..."

"A few hours early dear. Mr. Phillips works until five, so move along." She grunted. "Hopefully he isn't paying by the hour and your meters not running."

"Excuse me?" I asked putting my hands up. "I'm his sister."

"Sure you are." She looked at me again. "Guess he's off the schoolgirl kick and back into the Elvira phase."

"I'm not one of his girlfriends I..."

Paula laughed humorlessly, and began to speak as if I weren't speaking at all.

"Listen here Miss; take a good look at me. Do I look like the kind of Secretary Mr. Bad boy attorney would hire? The answer is no." She pointed at me.

"No all of Mr. Phillips secretaries, interns, and assistants looked like you," she smirked. "Well not quite, they were much younger."

"Anyway," she continued. "After the firm realized they were paying all of them to be under Mark's desk instead of behind this one, they hired me." She tapped the desk. "Specifically so no one like you goes in there."

"Paula," I began. "I'm Megan we've spoken on the phone." Paula looked at me suspiciously. "Remember I called Monday and asked if he had court? You said he was clear all week?"

"Oh." Paula said looking more closely at me. "Jeez Megan I'm sorry!" She grinned sheepishly. "They really did hire me because of some of your brother's umm... habits?"

"Trust me I am well aware of Mark's habits. I've been watching him chase girls for a long time now."

"Right and you know I do see the resemblance." Paula shook her head. "You're into all that dark shit too?"

"Yeah that dark shit." I nodded. "So..."

"Let me tell him you're here." Paula said. "He's just trying to clear up some paperwork."

As she spoke Paula reached for the phone.

"You know what Paula? I really want to surprise him. Can I just go in?"

"Oh okay sure." Paula said waving me towards the door.

I walked past Paula noting her shaking her head as she watched me walk past. I wanted to laugh at the irony of her thinking I was here to fuck Mark because, well of course that was exactly what I was here for. I walked over to Mark's door, and turning the handle as gently as possible opened it, letting myself in. Mark was sitting hunched over his desk reading a file, and I saw that he had headphones on, listening to his ipod. I closed the door behind me and made sure to thumb the lock on it. Wouldn't do to have Paula, or anyone else for that matter, come walking in.

I walked about half way over to the desk, not wanting to come all the way up and startle him and softly called out;

"Hey little brother."

Mark must have had the music on soft, as he immediately pulled the headphones off and looked up.

"Hey Meg I'm..." He stopped and looking me up and down burst out laughing.

"Gee thanks." I said putting my hands up. "Not really the reaction I was looking for."

Mark stopped, and closing the folder in front of him said;

"I'm sorry sis, you look damn hot, and you know it." he laughed again. "It's just, I mean you don't have to come in here and prove you're as hot as Vicky."

"I don't think anyone is as hot as Vicky." I said simply walking over to stand in front of the desk, and feeling as if I had already lost momentum.

"I don't know sis," Mark said looking at my legs again. "You're looking pretty good."

"Yeah well you haven't seen the best part yet." I told him.

"Listen Meg," Mark began. "I... look nothing happened last night. It was like I said Vicky came down to see if I was really leaving. We had a couple of drinks went to eat and she went to her hotel."

"It's okay Mark," I said trying to keep the relief out of my voice as I could see it in his eyes he wasn't lying. "I should have trusted you and..."

"Well let me say this Meg, I would be lying if I tried to say I didn't get a kick out of seeing you jealous." He sighed. "And I owe you an apology because I really played it up and I shouldn't have."

"Like I said Mark I shouldn't have gotten all catty." I smiled at him, thrilled to get the apology I had been hoping for.

"Maybe not, but I had no right acting like that." He shrugged. "I just... I don't know Meg I think I was trying to prove a point, but was being an asshole about it."

"Hey Mark listen neither of us are too good at things like..."

"Let me finish." Mark said. "Part of why I got like that is I just wanted you to see what I've gone through, but you were right about the drinking I'd had way too much and I just..." he stopped and looking up at me simply said. "I'm sorry Megan."

"Thanks Mark," I leaned over the desk and took his hand. "That means a lot. It really does, and I am sorry I was thinking that you would do that to me." I laughed, removing my hand from his.

"I don't know how mad I could have been though, because I mean damn that woman was hot." I winked at him. "Had me getting hot and bothered."

"I know, she asked me if you were into women."

"And you said...?"

"I said depends on the woman."

"Good answer."

I came around to the side of the desk, sitting on the edge of it and crossing my legs. Mark's eyes left my face and wandered down the length of my legs to focus on the stilettos and my blood red toe nail polish. I took the time to look my brother over; unlike last night Mark was dressed fairly plain in a charcoal grey shirt and black Dockers. He wasn't wearing a tie and had rolled the sleeves of the shirt up exposing his muscular forearms.

"You know Mark," I began. "You always told me I was the most beautiful woman you'd ever known, but after seeing Victoria last night I think you're just being nice."

Mark pulled his gaze from my legs and looking into my eyes put his hand on my knee.

"You'll always be the most beautiful woman to me Megan."

I smiled and could feel myself blushing under my makeup, it was amazing how after all this time a remark like that from my brother could make me almost giddy. I looked down at his dark hand on my white leg and felt my body starting to respond to him. I began to slowly kick my leg back and forth. As I did I rubbed it up my other leg causing the strap to slip over my heel. The next time I kicked my leg out, I let the shoe dangle from my toes. That was something that always drove my brother crazy and once again his eyes gravitated down to my foot.

"Well I'll be honest with you Mark there was a part of me that when I was getting dressed, wished Victoria could see me like this." I laughed. "You know honestly I might have the legs on her." I shrugged. "Maybe the eyes, but past that she's got it all over me."

"She's not the one that has my heart." Mark said.

He was still looking down at my foot as he said it and as soon as he spoke I saw him turn his head away as if he hadn't meant to say it. I laughed softly;

"My my councilor," I said. "You are either very smooth, or very sweet."

Before Mark could answer I looked at his face which he had turned back to me and said;

"You look tired little brother."

"I am." Mark said.

His hand slid from my knee and down my leg towards my foot. I held my breath waiting to see if he would make this easy on me and start. Mark's fingers lightly ran across the top of my foot sending a warm feeling through my pussy. After resting his hand on my foot for a moment he pulled it away and sat back in his chair.

"I'm glad you stopped by so I could tell you I was sorry, but what brings you by here all done up?" he smiled. "Love that make up."

"Well, I will admit to wanting to hear you tell me nothing happened last night, but mainly can't a girl just look good for her little brother?"

Before Mark could answer, I leaned down to him parting my lips and tilting my head.

"No kiss hello Mark?" I whispered, my mouth inches from his.

Mark's eyes met mine and I winced at how red they were. I also noticed they couldn't stay still, a sign of his being not only tired but nervous.

"Well I..."

"Come on baby this is your favorite lipstick." I slowly licked my lips. "Come give your big sister a kiss."

As Mark hesitated I placed my hand along his cheek and guided his lips to mine. He didn't resist and I kissed him softly, my lips barely grazing his. Still holding his face, I slid my lips lightly across his, teasing him. Mark took the bait leaning in and catching my lips for a longer deeper kiss. As we kissed I noticed Mark's face was warm under my hand and I became aware of a tremble in his lips. Breaking the kiss I sat back up and noticed Mark was shaking his leg back and forth under the desk.

"You okay Mark?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a little tired." He answered.

After he spoke he wiped at his lips with his hand and looked at it.

"Why Mr. Phillips you naughty boy," I said playfully. "You have your big sisters lipstick on your face." I winked. "Wonder where else you'd like it?"

Mark gave me a nervous smile then looked down at his desk carefully keeping his eyes off my legs. Reaching out I grabbed his chin and turning it towards me stared into his eyes.

"Damn Mark, why don't you take something to sleep?"

Mark shrugged.

"You seem nervous Mark." I said as I lightly ran my fingernails across his cheek.

"Yeah well I guess I have something on my mind." He gave me a poor attempt at a smile. "Wonder what it could be?"

"Oh, that," I said with what I hoped was a mischievous smile. "Yeah I guess that would make for a long day."

Mark frowned at me;

"Good to see you're taking this seriously."

"Awww don't be mad Mark," I gave him the pout, before continuing in the little girl voice. "Maybe I just know something you don't know."

"And what would that be?" Mark asked.

He had spoken very slowly and I knew he was trying to keep his voice and face neutral while he tried to figure out what I was up to. Watching his face closely however, I did catch just a hint of a smile around the corners of his lips. I paused, feeling a hint of guilt knowing he was getting his hopes up that I was being playful to tell him what he wanted to hear.

"Well before we get to that Mark," I began, now using my regular voice. "Is it okay if I ask you something?"

Mark nodded;

"You can ask me anything Meg."

Sliding off the desk and standing in front of him I put my hand on his shoulder and took a deep breath; here we go.

"Mark, will you please tell me what happened between you and my father?"

"Jesus fucking Christ Megan!" Mark yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

As he yelled he started to stand, but I quickly put my hands on his shoulders and said;

"Easy Mark, easy."

"Bullshit! I..."

"Shhh." I put my finger to his lips. "Listen Mark, I know this sounds stupid, but I promised Mom I would ask for her."

Mark rolled his eyes, but remained in his chair.

"I didn't want to lie to her so I just figured I would ask." I paused removing my finger from his lips and rubbing it across his cheek again.

"I'd like you to tell me Mark, but if you don't want to answer then just say no and we let it go okay?"

Mark stared at me, then shaking his head said;


"Okay." I nodded. "I tried right?"

"Whatever Meg," Mark said. "Well I need to get back to work. I'll call you..."

"Hey," I said smiling at him. "Relax little brother, I came to have a little fun and," I winked. "Maybe talk a little."

As Mark looked at me suspiciously, I walked behind his chair and putting my hands on his shoulders began massaging them.

"But fun first." I whispered as I leaned over and kissed his neck.

"Meg, I..."

"My my Mr. Phillips, you are tense aren't you?" I asked as I continued to knead his shoulders. "Hmmm tell you what though, you make tense feel pretty good."

I slid my hands down and squeezed his biceps. Goddamn how good he felt.

"Megan, I need..."

"To relax baby," I said softly in his ear. "And who better to help you relax then your naughty big sister.

As I spoke, I slid my arms around his neck and started undoing the buttons of his shirt. After undoing the first three I reached up with my left hand, and placing it along the side of his head turned his face towards mine. He started to say something but I kissed him softly. As I held my lips to his I slid my right hand into his shirt rubbing his chest. Mark pulled his head back.

"Megan I'm not doing this right now I.... oh!" Mark gasped as I pinched his nipple.

"C'mon baby," I whispered in his ear, "We've never played in your new office and you'll be leaving soon."

I placed my lips to his neck sucking gently. Mark let out a sigh and tilted his head to the side giving me better access to his neck. I slowly trailed my lips along his neck up to his ear, where I gave him a playful nip. Mark leaned back in his seat, and I could feel his heart begin to beat harder as I gently rolled his nipple between my fingernails. I slipped my other hand down his shirt as well sliding it down his chest and caressing his hard flat stomach. I rested my head on his shoulder as my hands roamed under his shirt. I felt my own heart beating faster and my pussy heating up at the feel of his amazing body beneath my touch. Mark turned his face into my hair and I smiled as he breathed deeply.

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