Siblings with benefits

Chapter 32 chapter 5

What's that?"

"I am going to wait until you go somewhere and..." As he spoke he reached out picking up the picture of Samantha I had left face down on the desk. "I'm going to rummage through all your drawers."

I slapped my forehead and grinned sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Mark." I said lamely. "The drawer was open and..."

"Tell you what sis, I never knew you were such a nosebag."

Mark sat back holding the picture.

"Poor Sammy." He said quietly. "Bad enough I broke her heart once but then they set her up and I..." he stopped and looked as if he were going to get emotional again.

"She deserved better, then again that's why I set her free in the first place."

I understood that last comment far too well. Before I could start dwelling on the past I said;

"I'm sure she will see it that way someday."

"I think she saw it in the Winthrop trial." Mark said finally putting the picture back on the desk. "And not just me tearing her apart in court, but in some of the shit that came out." he grunted "And they didn't even get the worst of it."

"Samantha thought she knew me. She had no idea about me Megan. No idea about Max, or my condition or things like sleeping with my sister for fifteen years." He laughed without humor. "You know silly little things like incest, insanity and attempted murder."

"You know Mark it's funny because Mom and I were talking about Laura this morning, and she brought up Samantha."

"Interesting." Mark said as if it were anything but.

"Don't be a jerk." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Her point was that Laura and Samantha were both perfect. I mean beautiful, loving, on the way to being successful, everything anyone could want yet Laura felt that I wasn't in love with her and you sent Samantha away."

"It's not about what Samantha was sis, it's what she wasn't."

"Which was?"

"She wasn't you Megan." Mark answered quietly. "As good as Samantha felt, we always felt better."

I sat there trying to find a reply to that, when I jumped startled by Mark's phone ringing.

"Hit speaker." Mark said pointing at the phone.

I pressed the button and Mark called out;


"Hey umm Mark?" Jim's voice came through.

"What Jim?" Mark asked rolling his eyes.

"You might want to come out here you have a visitor."

"I'm busy." Mark said simply.

"I don't know Mark." Jim replied. "I think you could find time. I..."

I cocked my head as I heard Jim say something in the back ground that sounded like 'of course' a moment later a woman's voice came over the phone.

"Oh, and is the bad boy attorney too busy to come out and play?"

The voice was soft, sultry and seductive, the voice of a phone sex operator. Mark smiled broadly calling out;

"I'll be right out Vicky."

I hit the button on the phone and looked at Mark;


"Victoria Redding." Mark said standing up.

"What the hell is Victoria Redding doing here?"

I stood up as well coming around the desk to follow Mark, who had put his back to me and was heading for the door.

"Oh don't get catty Meg," Mark said as I caught up to him. "She was probably in the area and just stopped by."

"I thought she lived in New York." I told him. "Why would she be...?"

Mark turned to face me.

"Meg, Vicky and I are just friends we..."

"Yeah okay Mark." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm sure the two of you just hang out together and talk fashion right?"

Mark smirked.

"Well I'm not saying I've never had the pleasure, but we..." Mark stopped at the look on my face. "Oh for Christ's sake sis, if you must know Vicky is the head of my group. My moving means I'm leaving the group. She probably wants to try to talk me into staying or just say good bye."

"Hmmm a model, and the Mistress of a sex group," I grunted. "I'm sure she can be very persuasive."

Mark rolled his eyes and without another word, or look in my direction, walked out of his office. I followed closely behind him wondering why the hell I was upset. Mark had just told me he loved me. Aside from that we had rules, when we were visiting each other there was no one else. I told myself I was being a fool and had nothing to worry about. Then I saw Victoria Redding.

Redding was sitting on the edge of Paula's desk with her legs crossed and was practically surrounded by Jim Howard, the security guard, and two other men in suits who I assumed were partners with the firm. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as Mark and I approached her. To say Victoria Redding was gorgeous was to say the sun was a little warm.

Redding's long curly blonde hair flowed halfway down her back and her skin was deeply tanned. There was quite a bit of that tanned skin showing as the dress Redding was wearing left little to the imagination. The dress was white accentuating her tan, and had no sleeves but crisscrossed tightly across her chest to tie behind her neck. The dress was open in a diamond pattern exposing an extremely hard flat stomach, the highlight of which was a sparkling diamond pendent hanging from her navel. The dress hugged her hips, and barely reached her mid thigh showing off a set of legs that were long and perfectly shaped. Those legs ended in a pair of silver stilettos with straps that wound up and around her shapely calves to tie just below her knees.

At the moment Redding was turned slightly away from us talking to Jim who all but needed a bib as his eyes fought a losing battle to focus on her face. The two men lingering to the sides of her were not even attempting to hide their stares. My thought was that Redding was just fine with that as evidenced by the way she was slowly swinging her right leg back and forth as it was crossed over her knee.

"What is this, a party?" Mark asked as he walked slowly over to the desk with me trailing slightly behind him.

"Oh umm hey Mark..." One of the men started, but Mark silenced him by putting his hand up and making a shooing gesture with his fingers.

"Uh yeah guess we should get going." He turned to Redding grinning like an idiot. "So nice meeting you Miss Redding."

"And you as well..." Redding said softly as she made a face as if she could not recall his name.

"Umm... Bob."

"Oh of course! A pleasure." Redding said flashing him an obviously fake smile that still caused him to all but stutter as he said good bye to her.

That smile however became genuine as she turned to look at Mark.

"Why hello my prince!" Victoria positively cooed, as she stood up from the desk to greet my brother as he reached her.

"You look amazing as always Vicky." Mark said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

"As do you Mark." Redding said as she slid her hand from my brother's and caressed his cheek with slender fingers that ended in a set of long deep red nails.

Without warning she leaned up and kissed Mark on the lips. It was not a deep kiss, more of a casual peck but I felt a surge of anger go through me as she did it. The kiss was way too familiar; friends my ass I thought. Stepping back Redding made a show of looking Mark up and down then laughed delightedly.

"You're wearing one of the shirts I bought you! It couldn't look better!" She then winked and added. "Unless of course it was on a bedroom floor!"

At this point the two men, as well as the security guard had reluctantly left although I noticed Jim was still lingering. As Redding continued to eye my brother, who seemed to have forgotten I was even standing there, I stepped up next to him causing Redding to turn towards me.

"Oh, I didn't know you had company Mark." She said giving me a cool smile.

"Victoria this is..."

As Mark began, I stepped closer to him extending my hand to her.

"I'm Megan." I said softly cutting Mark off before he could introduce me as his sister.

"Why hello Megan." Redding replied, lightly taking my hand and giving me another fake smile. "I'm..."

"Victoria Redding I know." I answered giving her an equally cold smile.

"Vicky, Megan's my sister she's up from..."

"Your sister?" Victoria asked looking at Mark then back at me with what seemed like sincere smile. "Well I'll be damned," she laughed. "Most people think your brother was raised by wolves!"

"He was." I said my smile growing colder. "We're from the same pack."

Redding's smile changed to a smirk as she answered;

"I can see that, same fangs."

As she spoke, I saw Mark over my shoulder stare at Jim, and catching his eye wave him away. Jim rolled his eyes, and coming over to us told Victoria that it was a pleasure to meet her but he had to go. While Redding turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek that I'm sure he would talk about the next day as if she had made out with him I took a closer look at her. Even this close her skin was smooth and flawless and her makeup perfect. As she spoke in that sultry tone and I watched not only Jim but my normally aloof brother hang on every word I realized that Redding practically dripped sex. I could feel it coming off of her in waves. It was more than just confidence; it was raw animal magnetism, the same type of magnetism that my brother exuded.

Victoria gave another one of those laughs and put her hands on both my brother and Jim's shoulders. While she spoke, I found my eyes wandering down her amazing body. Redding definitely worked out; her petite body appeared to be not just well shaped, but amazingly tight. I could see the tone in her calf and thigh as she lifted her right leg to put her toes to the floor, another show for the boys. As she gave her long blonde hair a deliberate toss, I became painfully aware of my own appearance.

In no way shape or form am I insecure about my appearance. In fact if anything I am guilty of being more than a little vain. Standing next to Victoria Redding however, I felt more than a little over matched. The fact that I had picked tonight of all nights to dress in jeans and a t-shirt did little to make me feel better. As Jim walked away Redding turned once more to face me and I found my eyes straying down to her tits. The material of the white dress was stretched tightly across her chest making it quite evident that she was not wearing a bra. The dress was thick enough to not be transparent, but tight enough to show Redding's nipples pushing against it.

Redding's chest wasn't' large but was not exactly small either, perfect just like the rest of her. As my eyes continued to linger I noticed, that judging by the outline, Redding's left nipple had a hoop through it. Staring at it I caught myself wondering what color her nipples were, if they were light pink like my own or the rose colored shade that always drove me crazy. Letting my eyes drop down to her hard flat stomach I began to envision not only how firm and tight her ass would be, but what the insides of her thighs would feel like. The flesh there would be soft to the touch yet firm underneath. There was no doubt in my mind that her pussy would be smooth and pictured how good the bright pink of her spread lips would look against her deep tan. I... with a start I realized that I was getting wet.

I looked up and immediately wanted to crawl into a hole as Jim had walked away and both Mark and Victoria were looking at me. Redding's baby blue eyes locked into mine and in an instant I knew she had seen me looking; really looking. Redding smiled and then made a show of quickly looking me up and down. Once again I cursed myself for dressing like this. I was painfully aware of the fact that the red sox t-shirt I was wearing was so loose that my small tits were barely visible. I felt like an underdeveloped tom boy standing in front of a goddess. Redding finished her trip up my body and looking me in the eye tilted her head and gave me a smirk as if to say 'oh really'

"So anyway Vicky." Mark said breaking the spell. "Megan's up from Chicago for a few days."


"Yeah, matter of fact Megan's an artist and she sells her paintings out of Abigail's club."

"You know Abigail?" Redding exclaimed flashing me a huge smile. "Well when you get back do tell her that I plan on coming down next month to visit."

"Sure I'll pass that along." I said feeling uncomfortably warm as Redding's eyes were still fixed on my own.

"Perhaps when I come down I'll see you there, and we can share a drink."

"I don't drink." I said reflexively.

"Oh," Redding said.

Leaning closer to me, close enough that I could smell her Channel perfume, she smiled seductively and whispered; "Then perhaps we could share a dance?"

Before I could answer Redding winked at me, then still looking me in the eye said;

"You have amazing eyes Megan."

"Umm thank you." I said feeling like she was toying with me.

"Almost as amazing as your brother's."

"Mark has beautiful eyes." I told her.

Redding laughed.

"Your brother has a beautiful everything."

Redding turned to look at Mark, who was obviously enjoying this.

"Don't you my prince?"

"I do what I can." Mark said smirking.

"Hmmm that you do. Have you added any new mirrors lately?"

Before Mark could answer I cleared my throat, and turning from my brother Redding laughed.

"I'm sorry, just not used to having to behave myself around your younger brother."

She had stressed the word younger and I saw Mark smirk again. I felt myself beginning to get upset. Seeing my face Mark started to speak.

"So anyway Vicky,"

"Oh yes." She interrupted. "Well I was in Boston for a shoot and figured I would come see you." She shrugged. "I figured a couple of drinks maybe the Capital Grill and ..." She trailed off then turned to face me.

"I didn't know you had company, but if your sister would like to join us...?"

I was ready to accept when Redding added;

"I mean obviously you'd have to go change first. I could wait here with your brother."

As pissed as the changing crack had made me I was still going to accept. I would be damned if I would leave my brother alone with an overheated super model. I was getting ready to say okay when Mark spoke;

"Actually Vicky, Megan was just leaving."

I shot Mark a venomous look over Redding's shoulder as she turned to look at him.

"Oh? Well that's too bad I would have loved to hear some stories about you my prince."

"Yeah well Megan's only here for a few day and the folks get mad if she spends all her time with her," Mark cleared his throat. "Younger brother."

"It was a pleasure meeting you Megan." Redding said, "And I do look forward to seeing you in Chicago." She smirked; "Something tells me you'll look quite different at the Black Flame."

"Oh, umm yeah." I replied feeling myself beginning to flush I'd had enough of the cracks. "Nice seeing you, but I can always..."

As soon as I started Mark, put his hand on my shoulder and started guiding me towards the desk several feet away where the security guard was sitting pretending to be reading a magazine.

"Come on sis, Denise is waiting." He said.

"You son of a bitch." I hissed at him in latin.

"Grow up Megan," Mark replied. "Twice you told me you'd see me tomorrow and you keep showing up. I have things to take care of."

"I'll bet you do." I told him.

"Not everything is about sex Megan, Vicky is a friend I do have them."

Before I could reply Mark spoke out loud.

"Hey Roger could you do me a favor and walk my sister out for me?"

"Of course Mr. Phillips." The guard stood up and gestured to me.

"Right this way Miss."

As I looked at Mark he leaned over, kissing me on the cheek.

"Trust me sis."

"Tell me the truth once in a while and I would." I told him.

Mark grunted and without another word, walked away from me and back to Redding. The guard looked at me and I began to follow him. As we reached the elevator, I turned to see Mark and Redding walking into his office. The back of Redding's dress was open almost down to the curve of her ass and my brother's hand was resting right there as her arm was around his waist. I watched as they walked through the door and he closed it behind them.

The elevator stopped on the first floor and as the door opened I told the guard I could walk out from there. As he went back upstairs I stood there in the hallway furious. My brother had let Redding not only mock me but had sent me on my way like a child while he... I stopped and took a deep breath. Would he? Would Mark do that to me? I didn't want to think so, but as I walked down the corridor our argument came back to me. Why should Mark stay true to me? It's not like I had given him an answer or a reason to. I shuddered as I imagined Victoria Redding's spectacular body, naked and sweating riding my brother in his gorgeous bed.

I past the security desk, and as he buzzed me out the front door my cell phone began ringing. Stopping in front of the building I pulled the phone out and groaned when I saw it was Royce. Knowing he would just keep calling I answered;

"Hey Royce."

"Hey there Megan, how are you?"

"I've been better." I told him.

"Oh. Well ummm..." he paused then said; "Look Megan, Walsh needs an answer. His plane is picking up some of his cronies in New York and he wants to have it swing into Green tomorrow for seven." He took a deep breath. "Well what's the deal sweetie, you going to be on it?"

I hesitated as my mind spun; a series of thoughts fighting through my head. On one side there was my brother's question, My father and Mark, my family. On the other side was my future, not only my future but a way to guarantee a good life for my parents.


"One minute." I told him.

Mark should be my priority; my brother had always been there for me and would never let anything come between us. On that note I once again was assaulted by an image of Mark with Redding this time with her on her knees her perfect ass in the air while he fucked her. I opened my eyes as I thought of what Mark would do if this were reversed. He would... my brother would play the game to the best of his advantage.

"Okay Royce." I said into the phone. "I...I'll be on the plane."

"You sure Megan, you sound nervous."

"I am a little nervous Royce." That at least wasn't a lie. "But I'll be there okay?"

"Sounds good to me kid!" Royce exclaimed. "You'll get into Chicago by nine thirty and by ten thirty you and I will be having a late dinner with one Albert Walsh." He laughed. "Not bad for a couple of ex junkies huh?"

"No Royce not bad at all." I agreed. "But I have to go I'll call you tomorrow."

I hung up without giving Royce a chance to keep talking. I walked quickly across the street to the almost deserted parking garage and getting into Mark's Lexus sat and sighed. My brother wanted games then that's what I would give him. By this time tomorrow night I would either be sitting at dinner talking to Mark about a possible future together or on my way to Chicago to make one hell of a name for myself. I started the car but found myself still sitting there. I looked across the street at the entrance to Mark's building hoping to see him coming out with Redding. The longer they stayed in his office the more Mark would drink and...Then again, if I saw them leave what would I do follow them?

I shook my head trying to keep my mind off of Victoria Redding's perfect everything but still found myself just sitting there with the car running. I jumped as my phone vibrated telling me I had a text message. Clicking on the message I froze;

"Look up."

Slowly I put the driver's side window down and peeking out looked up at the front of Mark's building. Three floors up I could see Mark standing in the window of his office looking down at me. I could see that his tie was off. He had the phone in one hand, and a drink in the other. As I continued to stare I saw Redding come up next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. Mark turned and said something to her. I saw her take the drink from his hand and turning walk away from the window. Mark turned as well and left my line of sight. I jumped as the phone went off in my hand. I looked down at the screen

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