Siblings with benefits

Chapter 32 chapter 2

When my brother wasn't show stealing for the state, his specialty was corporate law and he had brought in some huge clients over the years. I am sure that Jim was hoping that they would all stay and not bail on him after Mark left. After a few poorly veiled attempts to see if I knew if there was a chance that Mark would stay, Jim remarked that he had heard how well I had been doing. I found myself smiling as he mentioned a few of my showings. It made me feel good to know that my brother bragged about me. Jim told me he had to get going, but took me over to sit at Paula's desk to wait for Mark rather than the lobby.

I put the coffees on the desk, and sitting down, idly looked around Paula's desk. It was as neat as my brother's and extremely professional. There was one picture of a teenage girl I assumed was her daughter but aside from that no personal effects. I glanced down and saw she had Mark's calendar open. I shook my head as I saw the entire week full of names an hour or so apart from morning until well after six. I did note that tomorrow he had a couple of hours clear around noon that was marked 'paperwork'and his last meeting was at five. Mark had told me he would be free at six for me. Looking at the long list of names I recognized a few and shook my head. Not for the first time I wondered just how much money Mark really made.

I looked at tonight's schedule and saw a five o'clock for a name I did not know. I turned around in Paula's chair as I heard Mark's door open. A tall attractive brunette wearing a sleek black dress came out. She appeared to be in her forties, but the dress was hugging a set of curves that would make a much younger woman jealous. As she walked through the doorway she was followed by a distinguished looking older man with silver hair wearing a perfectly tailored black suit. I pegged him for late fifties and figured that the woman, although not that young, was certainly his trophy wife.

As they exited the office, Mark followed and I couldn't help but think how goddamn beautiful my brother really was. My brother normally dressed with flair, but tonight was exceptional even by his standards. Mark was wearing one of the custom tailored suits that he went up to New York once a year to have made. The suit was black, the jacket flattering his broad shoulders, and the slacks accentuating his tapered waist. The shirt underneath however, was the main attraction; a dazzling shade of fuchsia that was accompanied by a matching silk tie with black stripes. As always his hair was perfect and he had shaved. As much as Mark's 'bad boy' look could turn me on, this was the Mark that I had always liked best. Even when we were young and wild I had always preferred my brother pretty.

As I stared at Mark, who had not yet seen me, I could feel my body beginning to respond to him. It always amazed me that after close to two decades of sex how incredibly attracted to my brother I still was. I quickly shook my head and pushed those thoughts from my head. I was here to talk not screw around. I have to admit however, as I glanced down at the plain sandals I had tossed on, that I wished I had not dressed so plainly.

"So as I was saying Mark," The older man began. "I have a lot of business associates on the west coast so if that's where you land please call me. I'd be more than happy to refer them your way."

"Thank you Charlie." Mark said, flashing that extremely perfect, and what I knew to be, very fake smile. "If that's where I go I won't hesitate to give you a call."

"Perhaps we'll come out and introduce you in person." The woman said.

As she spoke she was standing behind Charlie and when finished, gave Mark an engaging smile and wink.

"The two of you are too good to me." Mark replied. "So anyway let me take you down to meet Bill Thomas. I think you'll be very happy with... oh hey Megan."

Mark had finally noticed me, and as I stood, he gestured towards me;

"Charlie, Celia. This is my sister Megan."

"Your sister?" Charlie asked looking at me, and flashing me a big smile. "Why yes I definitely see the resemblance!"

Charlie came over and I extended my hand.

"Nice to meet you Charlie," I said giving him a huge smile, and batting my eyes playfully. Behind him I saw Mark roll his eyes.

Charlie took my hand, and bringing it up to his lips kissed the back of it.

"Mark's much younger sister of course." He said with a wink.

"Well of course!"

My gaze shifted over Charlie's shoulder and I saw Celia lean towards my brother. Moving quickly she slipped a card into his pocket in front of a handkerchief that perfectly matched the shirt. She gave him a wink, and turning away from him, walked over to me. I wanted to laugh at the extra swing she was putting into her hips figuring my brother was watching. As I looked at him, he put his arms out hands up, as if saying 'what can I say'

"A pleasure." Celia said taking my hand. "Your brother will be missed around here."

"I bet." I said looking her in the eye and giving her a wink of my own. "My brother has always been in high demand."

Celia looked at me, her eyes widening then quickly letting go of my hand, made it a point to take Charlie's.

"Could you excuse me for a minute Charlie?" Mark asked.

"Of course Mark no hurry."

Mark put his hand on my shoulder and guided me towards his office.

"I brought you a coffee little brother." I looked closely at him and saw his eyes were as red as mine and looked glossy. "Something tells me you might need it."

"Yeah, thanks Meg, listen I have to take them to Bill, you want to wait for me in my office?"

"Sure. Hey hold on."

Making sure Mark's clients weren't looking; I reached into his pocket and plucked the card from it. It was a Weston hotel card with a room and phone number on the back, with a note saying. "He is playing poker tomorrow night"

"Been there done that?" I asked softly, smirking at him.

"She's how I first got their business." Mark whispered smirking back at me. "I gave her some, so she gave him some and sold him on doing business here." He shrugged. "Taking it for the team."

"I'm sure." I put the card back in his shirt and patted his chest. "You gonna visit her during poker night?"

"Hardly." Mark said. "I have a dinner date with a gorgeous woman tomorrow night."

"Good answer." I said giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"How sisterly." Mark said grinning.

"Yeah well go do what you have to do Mark." I told him "Because you can stall, but you can't hide."

Mark shook his head and held his office door open for me. When I entered he told me he'd be back in fifteen minutes and closed the door behind me. I walked over to Mark's enormous desk and looked around. Mark was packing here as well. Several of his book shelves were empty and there were unmade boxes and a roll of bubble wrap in the corner. Putting the tray with the coffee's on his desk, I put the straw in mine, and sipping on it walked around his desk. I sat down in soft leather chair, and putting the coffee down glanced over to a picture to my left and smiled.

It was my favorite picture of the two of us. The one that mom had taken the morning we had gone to Uncle Ray's for a Christmas visit. Mark and I were cheek to cheek and smiling. Charlie had noted our resemblance, which was still there if someone was looking for it. Back then however, the resemblance had been unmistakable. My gaze wandered from that picture across Mark's desk. There were files stacked up on it and I idly picked one up. There was a name written on the tab and across the folder were the words; Carter vs. Dillon. I put it to the side and looked at the next one which said; "Cakewalk."

Mark did this with all of his cases; marked the reference he used to win it or made a general comment about it. I noticed they were in alphabetical order and on a whim went to "C". I saw the tab marked Carson and pulled it out. Glancing up at the door, I opened it and flipped through. Most of it meant nothing to me. Police reports, witness statements and page after page of Mark's notes all taken in Latin in case they were stolen. I flinched, as underneath the notes was a close up of Alicia Carson's face right after the attack. Her lips were split and her left eye swollen shut. Worse than that was underneath her eye was the clear indentation of a class ring. Closing the folder I looked to see what he had written there;

"Pyrrhic Victory."

Losing more than he won. I frowned at that, but it made sense. Not just his friendship with Alex had been lost over that case, but he had totally humiliated Samantha. Still that did seem a bit over the top; then again Mark did have a flair for the dramatic. I straightened the stack so my OCD afflicted brother wouldn't notice it and turning in the chair winced as my knee hit something. I looked down to see the lower draw of Mark's desk open. Unable to resist I slid it open further, and looked inside. Seeing what looked like a photo lying face down I removed it and turned it over.

It was a photo of Samantha. She was sitting on a carousel horse wearing a short red sundress which definitely showed off her figure and more than ample chest. The look on her face however, was that of a giddy teenager. Samantha was laughing and blowing a kiss at the camera. I recognized the carousel as the one in Slater's park and remembered going there all the time with Mom and Dad. Mark had always made fun of me when we were in our late teens and I would ask him to take me. Apparently Samantha had not had a problem getting him to go.

I went to put the picture back and saw something red. Glancing at the door again I put the picture on the desk, and reaching down pulled out a Valentine's Day card. I stared at the card and told myself to put it back. In the end I let curiosity get the better of me and opened it. I skimmed through the sappy text of the card but my eyes lingered on the note at the bottom;

"I am so in love with you Mark. Not the image you try to put out there but the real Mark, the one that only I get to see! You make me feel like no other man ever has before and I love you for it! I know you don't say it back but I feel it in the way you touch me, it's in the way that you hold me and the way you make love to me. You may not say it with words yet but your heart speaks to me every night and I hear it! Happy Valentine's Day! Love Sammy

Feeling dirty, I quickly put the card back and closed the drawer. I sat back in the chair and felt a pang of sadness for Samantha. She had given my brother her heart and he had broken it. In turn however he had broken his own. Mark may be telling the truth, that he eventually saw me as his true love, but it was after Samantha. When he was with her he was in love with her. She wasn't the only one that felt it. I could hear it in his voice when he talked about her. I had left his house after visiting him when he was with her and thought for sure that it was the end of our time together. A few weeks later he had called me all but in tears.

Sitting back further in the comfortable chair I recalled my trip back home to make sure my brother was okay. In the beginning I had been there as a big sister comforting her heartbroken brother. After a few days however I had decided that Mark needed a different type of comfort. My tired mind was beginning to drift off of Samantha, and to focus on the upcoming conversation, when I stopped and narrowed my eyes in thought. I felt as if there was something there, that I was missing, something important. I forced myself to concentrate and think back to when I had reintroduced my brother to the forbidden pleasure of his sister's body


I looked at the clock on Mark's nightstand and shook my head; no doubt about it, my little brother was avoiding coming to bed. The first two nights I had been here, Mark and I had gone to bed together and I had not done anything more than put my arms around him and hold him while he slept. I had not pushed for anything more as the first night had been spent mostly on the couch with me holding Mark while he cried like a heart broken teenager. I admit that I had been surprised at seeing that level of emotion from Mark. Granted I knew that my brother was more sensitive than he let on, but I had never seen him cry like that. This had been more than mere tears; my brother had collapsed into me sobbing so hard that at one point he had begun gasping for breath. I just sat there and held him, stroking his thick black hair and whispering that his big sister was here for him.

Mark had fallen asleep in my arms on the couch, and after a while I had gotten him up so we could go into his bedroom. I had him lie on his stomach and gently ran my fingers across his back the way I always had since we were teenagers. Once I knew he was asleep I rested my head on his shoulder, put my arm around his waist, and went to sleep. The next day I had tried to find out from Mark what had happened with him and Samantha, but all he would say is that he had to end it. Samantha didn't know him the way she thought she did and she deserved a good life with someone who could treat her right.

This smacked of bullshit to me. That was until Mark had mentioned how Samantha had a chance to accomplish a lot and was a good person who would only be held back , and brought down by his dark influence. That had hit home as I remembered that I'd had similar feelings at several points in my life about Mark himself. I decided to let it go and just spend some time with him. That night we had gone to bed early as Mark hadn't slept much at all the week leading up to his break up and needed the rest. I had briefly considered seeing if my brother wanted to play, but he had worn shorts to bed and seemed to go out of his way to mention several times during the night he was tired.

By last night however I'd definitely gone to bed wanting some. I had not slept with my brother in over six months during his last trip to Chicago back when Samantha was still a pet. When I came up to Rhode Island a few months later he had told me that he and 'Sammy' were serious. I had lied in the guest room stewing, while a 24 year old sickeningly sweet law student shared my brother's bed. I suppose I deserved it, after all I had put Mark through several similar stretches.

I had no doubt Mark knew I was looking for some. Then again, I had not been overly subtle, as I had pawed all over him as we watched a movie on the couch. Mark had seemed nervous and pulled away after just quick kisses. I'd had the strange feeling of being with a very shy date. I went to bed first and slipped on a cute light blue baby doll nightie with matching panties. I sprawled out on Mark's bed, and when he came in the look on his face was one of panic. He slowly came to the bed and to my chagrin lied down on his side facing away from me. I slid over, and putting my arms around him, started toying with his nipple and kissing the back of his neck.

I felt him tense up against me. Reaching up, he took my hand from his nipple and holding it in his placed it against his stomach. I simply lied there unsure of what to say. The only times Mark had ever turned me away in the fifteen plus years we'd been sleeping together were when I was wasted. Part of me wanted to keep trying; I was horny as hell, plus felt that my brother could use it as well. I kissed his ear and playfully nibbled on his ear lobe. Mark then said softly;

"I just...I'm not in the mood sis. I..."

As he stopped speaking he squeezed my hand and I knew he was upset. I slid back from him and told him to roll over. Mark hesitated then slowly turned over to face me. I noticed he kept his eyes on my face and not on my tits that were all but falling out of the tiny night gown. Sliding up higher on the bed, I reached out, and putting my arms around his shoulders drew him into my chest. Mark curled up into me like a child and within a few minutes was sleeping soundly in my arms. I lied awake for awhile feeling a mixture of pity and frustration. I couldn't imagine how much cutting ties with Samantha must have hurt Mark to not even want sex. On the other hand I was still horny and having Mark's face nestled between my tits and my arms around his powerful shoulders wasn't helping any. I sighed, closed my eyes, and figured I would take him in the morning.

The alarm went off at six and before my eyes were even open, Mark had rolled out of bed and began getting dressed for the gym. After he left I lied there staring at my reflection and, untying the nightgown opened it to expose my tits. I smiled up at myself as my left hand found my right nipple, and my right slid down my stomach into my panties. I moaned as my fingers slid through my wet lips then found my clit on the way back up. My eyes never left my reflection as I envisioned my fingers as my brother's soft wet tongue. I came so fast and hard that moments later, I masturbated a second time; going slower and enjoying a longer more satisfying orgasm. Well as satisfying as it could be. When I finished I sighed at the thought of playing with myself at all while Mark was upstairs pumping weights instead of pumping his sister.

Mark had gone to work and I decided that seeing as I only had until the end of the week before I had to get back to Chicago, that I was not taking no for an answer tonight. After all what kind of big sister would I be if I didn't get my little brother back in the saddle? When Mark came home I was dressed in a simple pair of shorts and a tank top and although affectionate with him, limited it to a couple of kisses on the cheek and my arm around him. I didn't mention sex and kept some distance from him on the couch. Around ten I had gone and taken a long hot shower and come out wearing a short black silk robe that I always brought with me, because Mark loved it on me.

When I had come out, Mark had gone into his office. I came in, and leaning over him, put my arms around his neck. Mark was wearing a tank top and I made sure my long wet hair draped across his shoulders as I hugged him from behind. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and told him I was going to bed and was looking forward to him joining me. Mark started saying something about being awhile and I kissed him again and told him to take his time. I usually painted all night so was in no danger of falling asleep on him. Mark had given me a nervous smile and said okay.

That had been two hours ago. I had dozed off a little knowing he would hide for awhile, but had now been awake for over an hour. I looked up at my reflection again and could feel myself getting worked up. Mark's sheets were blood red and my black robe as well as my long ivory legs looked sexy as hell against them. My long raven black hair was fanned out around my head and I had turned all the lights off and lit the candelabras. The wall to wall mirrors were catching and reflecting the light, giving the room the appearance it was glowing. I looked at the clock again, and tired of posing, sat up and was going to get up and go take Mark in whatever room he was hiding in when the bedroom door opened and Mark came in.

Mark must have just showered as he was only wearing a pair of the loose karate pants he hung around the house in and he was shirtless. Mark looked around the room and when his eyes found me sitting on the foot of his bed I swear the look in them was one of "Oh shit".

"Hey little brother." I said softly.

"Umm hey sis still awake?"

"I told you I was going to wait up." I smiled and patted the bed next to me. "Come here baby."

Mark hesitated then, with what seemed like an air of resignation, came over and sat down next to me. He had definitely showered as I could see his hair was wet, and leaning closer caught the pleasant scent of his body wash. As he sat down Mark looked straight ahead, and I noticed his leg shaking back and forth. I felt myself start to smile as he really did seem more like a nervous teenager than the notorious womanizing Bad Boy attorney.

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