Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 1

"By the power invested in me," the minister began as he looked at the couple standing before him and all the people whom had come to witness and celebrate this day with them, "I announce you man and wife," he smiled at them, "you may now kiss the bride."

Everyone got on their feet to cheer them.

"Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her..." everybody cheered bringing Chris back to reality. This was it. He was finished as long as he lived. During the whole wedding, all he did was to zone in and out and most of the time he zoned out.2

The only thing he could remember that took place was him being asked if he did take her to be his lovely wife and even that question was asked like five times before he could answer.1

And now, they were already announced husband and wife and he heard nothing. The cheering was the only thing that shook him back again.

Kiss her? Isn't that what caused him to be there at that moment? Isn't that kiss the reason that he was forced to the altar? He would be doomed if he did that again. He would be the biggest fool in the whole world.2

He wasn't going to listen to anyone anymore. Not now nor ever. If he hadn't kissed her that day. If he hadn't even taken her to his stage, his love, then he won't be having a Mrs right then.

But she was going to pay. She would pay with everything she owned. And his revenge was going to begin as from today. He didn't care anymore. And why should he?

Wasn't that what she wanted? Wasn't it what her precious father wanted from the first day? All she had to do was to be careful. Careful since he was just about to play his game. They played theirs and now it was his turn.

He knew very well the game of chess. And to them, they had made all their moves. Her father had left the queen unprotected without him noticing his bad moves. Now it was Chris's turn.3

His turn to make his moves in this game. He will win it and they will regret ever crossing his path that faithful day. Let the game begin...

"...kiss her, kiss her..."

Chris leaned in and he saw her hold her breath.

So you are pretending to be all innocent now. I shall show you what innocent means.

He quickly perked her cheek and moved away as if it had burned him. The feeling of her skin on his lips felt like acid burning through them. But not long.

Chris turned to the crowed and faked a smile at them. Before anyone could start shouting their one more, he took her hand roughly but still faked a smile and pulled her towards the door.4 The sooner they were over and done with this, the better. The guest continued to stand on their feet as the couple walked out. They cheered their lungs out taking all the pictures they could access.


Maya sat at the chair that was made for her and her newly husband. They were at the reception and everyone looked happy, of course, apart from her and her dear husband.

Husband. That word was foreign to her but in time, she would get used to it. She looked at the empty seat next to hers and wondered where he had gone. After two hours of them being here and him not saying a word to her, he left her.

She wondered how her life had become the way it was. She hadn't wished for the turns of events at all. Why did she go to his show in the first place? Why did she go on his stage that day?3

All of this would have been stopped. All of this won't have happened at all if that day they hadn't kissed. She shouldn't have kissed him at all. But it was too late for any type of regret. What was done was done and nothing could be done. Nothing apart from living with her mistake. Her mistake. It sounded worse because she never imagined that her wedding would be a mistake.

All she ever wanted was to fall in love with her knight in shining armour. He would come and swipe her of her feet and she would say yes to his marriage proposal. And it would be her happiest day in her life. Just like in the soaps, but in soaps main characters get hurt before their happy ever after. So it would be like in faire tails. That was her wedding day for her. Her happy ever after but this only happens in storybooks and animations.3

What if her father hadn't...

"Where is the groom?" her mother in law's voice cut through her thoughts.

She looked at the older woman who was in her early fifties. She was beautiful, more beautiful for her own age. And looking at her then, she had understood where her son got the looks.

Bernice had hazel eyes just like her son's that when she was near they were blue but at a distance they were brown in colour. Her black hair fell perfectly on her shoulders which were covered by her long green gown.5

Her smile was the most warming thing at that moment. It reminded Maya of the days she used to see Chris smile honestly. But when he is around her and there are people, his smile is fake and she doesn't blame him. Not by any chance.

She smiled back at the woman, "I think he went to the restroom."

Bernice looked at the young girl who hadn't said a word since the reception began. She had watched her and her son and she didn't like what she saw. No marriage without communication but that would change very soon.

"You think?" she had to ask.

Maya was about to speak when he appeared from behind, "momma, please don't make my wife nervous," Chris said pecking her cheek and hugging her from behind.

His mother held his arms parting them, "people are waiting for the first dance."

"Of course, momma," he moved from behind her, "may I've this dance, pretty," he asked bowing slightly.

Maya's stomach churned at the sight. His smile wasn't a pretence at all. It was the purest smile he had allowed her to see in person from that day...

Bernice's laughter made her look up, "it's not me silly boy, it's your wife you're supposed to ask."

Chris turned to Maya and her lower lip went between her teeth. She saw him curse under the breath before he pulled her forcefully of the seat. Her wrist still hurt from previous encounter but she didn't dare say a word.

To the world they were a couple in love. But to them, they were strangers and hatred consumed him and revenge was all he wanted from her and she couldn't escape his wrath. Not after what her dad did.3 *******000

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