Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 27: Hypersonic High Five

"Where's Trem?"

I had the bags strung on each shoulder, and Buddy was the same. He was now wearing black clothes similar to mine, and it made us look like green and tan twins, kinda.

"I am here and ready, but are you sure about this?"

"Oh, don't worry, we will be more than fine. It's everyone else you should be worried about," I said with a smile and turned to my wives that were and glaring at me except for Alex. She was the oldest, so it was to be understood she would get it.

"Come on, you guys are my defense here while I'm gone. Harmonie and ganth can help take care of long-range, but I don't want soldiers dying needlessly. That means Kadence, I need you helping Mesh with that, ok? The rest of you need to stay safe. I don't have time to argue. Every second waste could be another life lost."

Most agreed, but Kadence came up and kissed me before telling me she would kill me if I died. I didn't plan on dying. That was not going to happen now. I turned to Buddy, and he nodded.

Trem sighed and came over to us as we adjusted the bags on our backs. Trem grabbed our shirt, and we fell into the air, changing directions after dropping twenty feet into the air and then falling to the village ahead or below. It was all a matter of perspective.

We reached the village fast, but there were still lights on and no sign of an attack yet, but it was dark. Trem made it so we could float without falling or blowing away. Trem was getting good at this. Maybe he would be next to evolve, but then I got an idea suddenly.

"Trem, what are your storytelling skills like?"

"Hmmm? Storytelling? I mean, as good as the next person, I suppose, why?"

"Well, I was thinking, instead of going back to The House-Wagon, I want you to stay and watch the battle from above. I want you to remember it all so you can tell the warriors and everyone else."

Buddy gave me a nod for the idea as his form of approval. That was good enough for me, so I looked at Trem, who had a thought full expression on his face. I also explained that it would be quite bloody and might be hard on the stomach, so I told him to stay at this height.

"All right, I will take account of the things that happen here today, and I will tell the tale to all that listen and even the ones that don't!"

"That's the spirit. Now drop us in the middle of the village."

Trem still looked like he didn't want to do it, and I almost thought I was going to have to force him to do it, but he finally nodded, and then he disappeared. Buddy and I fell like dolls, and I yelled to kick just before the ground to Him, but he just nodded with a knowing look, and I groaned inwardly. I felt like I was always the last to know the ideas I thought up around Buddy.


We both kicked down at the same time and created enough force to make ourselves push up and land soft. Immediately I started to look around. Everything was quiet for the most part. I could hear some voices coming from the houses but, the town was silent for the most part. I looked to Buddy to see what he thought, but he just shrugged when I looked at him.


My yell carried through the village, but no one moved, but all the buildings were silent.


I was about to turn around when a deep voice came from ahead and outside the village. It was a voice like that white-haired guy who played James Bond in the 1960s. I didn't wait, and Buddy was beside me like a shadow.contemporary romance

Ahead a large group of at least thirty Tigerfolk stood outside the village in the dark, but I could make out the forms as we got closer. The leader was much bigger than the rest of them, almost twice the next biggest cat's size. We stopped within fifteen feet, and I started forward, but Buddy didn't follow. He wasn't scared. He just knew he wasn't needed after seeing what we were up against. Idiots.

I walked right up to the Tigerfolk leader, who stood at least three feet taller than me. His shoulders were two and a half of me wide, but this child brought all his toys to the playground, and I was going to take them.

"You and me, right now. Since this is all your stupid army, then let's show them how weak you are! HAHAHA!" I laughed like a crazy person, never taking my eyes off of the Tiger in front of me.

"Who do you think you are! You think you could take all of these mighty warriors? I, the Master of my Pride, Shahair, think that it is time to die, little man!"

The Shit Head swung at me, but I stopped his clawed paw by high fiving him back on his open palm, but with hypersonic speed!

The paw exploded into flesh and bone, causing him to roar and rip the remaining arm back, but the fight was already over, and I was standing behind him, already getting ready to address the shocked Tigerfolk that were frozen in place.

The reason the dumb cat could still see me was that I had twisted his head around one and a half time, and it had ripped of, so I just stuck it back on until gravity took over, at least. The Tigerfolk didn't freeze, though, but I had my fun and just crossed my arms. This was way too easy.

Tigerfolk tried to lunge at me, but it was impaled by a spear that Buddy was holding, so fast and silent, I didn't hear him move by me, just the pike hitting the body. The cat was dead because he had been stabbed 5 times in the blink of an eye. Another tried to attack, and Buddy split it into two pieces on an angle, causing blood to cover us, and for some reason, I knew that he was sorry for this.

It was like sharing feelings without looking or talking to a person. It was a strange connection. After two more, we cut to shreds. The rest stopped and got on the ground. I was extremely impressed why they all kneeled down in the Kowtow with the heads pressed to the dirt. They just need to know who the boss was, and now that they had learned this, they wished to follow me. This was more like it. I took my glove off and told the cats to line up, and they all did as asked.

By this time, the villagers had started to poke their heads out the doors and windows with scrutinizing eyes, but none spoke. They all waited to see what would happen. I touched the first Tigerfolk and shielded my eyes with my left gloved hand, and started down the line, touching each one, causing flash after flash.

Suddenly, when I finished touching the last one, I heard an annoying voice that I had never heard before, but I instantly didn't like, all at. I turned to Find a short fat man with a rage face yelling something at me. I squinted and looked at him hard as he got closer. His lips said he was the mayor, blah blah, get your hairy beasts out of here, but I stopped listening after beasts.

A spear was out of my pack and blasted a 3-foot deep hole in the ground behind the mayor. Before he finished his step, he was on the ground in a pool of blood and remaining organs. The mayor just fell, no stumble to catch his chest because it was gone. The mayor's entire chest was gone. I was angry, so I might have thrown it a lot harder than I needed to.


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