Shifter On Ice (Shifter World - Book Two) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Prologue: Put to Rest


Lyvia Yule looked up from the book she was reading about shifters and their mates. It was something she’d borrowed from the Kraftman house. They have so many books about their race. Her mind had been blown when she’d joined them at their family dinner last night.

When Dustin announced that he and Sharissa were getting married, his brothers bellowed and laughed and told him he was pussy whipped.

Their mother had just said one word… “Why?”

Sharissa had silenced them by telling them her mate was doing it for her. And they’d be wise to take pointers from him, for their mates may also be human, who will have them pussy whipped so fast their heads will spin.

That had gotten a guffaw from the men, but none of them had argued with her. Their eyes had lit up at the prospect of having their own Fated Mate. Even Mrs. Kraftman had seemed excited. She may not like humans, but if they’re bonded to the family, she made an exception. And Lyvia could tell the woman adored Sharissa.

The noise she’d heard a minute ago came again. She set the book on the coffee table and walked to the door. She pressed her ear to the door and listened.


Lyvia slowly opened the door and looked down to find a small orange and black striped kitten trying its hardest to climb the stairs of her porch.

“You poor thing,” Lyvia whispered. She walked outside and leaned over to pet the kitten. “Where’s your mama?”


Lyvia looked up when she heard the mama cat and smiled. “Here’s your kitty, pretty mama.” The mama looked just like her kitten. “It’s chilly out here. Want to bring your babies inside where it’s warm?”

The mama cat seemed to be limping, and Lyvia frowned. She scooped up the kitten and then walked over to the mama, who looked up at her kitten in Lyvia’s arms.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt him or her.” She held the kitten up so she could see and smiled. “Him.”

“Meow.” The mama cat limped as she rubbed up against Lyvia’s leg.

“Show me where your babies are,” Lyvia whispered as she watched the mama cat.

Ever since she was a little girl, she has been able to somehow—in a way—communicate with household cats. Her mom said it was the feline in her. And maybe she was right. But either way—the mama cat turned and limped toward a ditch.

Lyvia’s heart beat fast in her chest as she followed the mama cat. When they got to the ditch, she looked down and saw a soaked box on its side.

“Only cover you could find, huh, mama?” Lyvia whispered, following the cat down to the box.

Lyvia looked inside, and her heart broke. “Oh, mama. You were moving this one, weren’t you? And couldn’t hold him anymore. That’s why he came to my door. He’d smelled my tiger.”

“Meow.” The mama cat said as if to say. ‘Yeah, you got that right.’

“Okay, well, let’s get you and this little guy inside, then tomorrow I’ll have my friends help me bury your little ones and give them a proper burial.”

“Meow,” the mama cat said as she disappeared into the box.

“Oh, mama, I know you want to bring all your babies, but we can’t….”


Lyvia sighed and got to her knees to look inside the box. “Oh!” she said excitedly when she saw a kitten move. “There’s another.”

Lyvia reached in and grabbed the kitten. It was freezing cold, and Lyvia felt her heart skip a beat. She pulled the kitten out of the box and held it against her chest.

“We’ll get you nice and toasty very soon,” she promised.

The mama cat came out of the box and looked up at her.

“Come on, mama. Let’s get you and your babies out of the cold.” Lyvia scooped the cat into her arms and carefully made it out of the ditch and to her house without dropping them.

Once inside, she set the mama cat down and looked for an empty box. Lyvia grabbed the box her mother had sent her birthday present, folded in the flaps, then set the kittens inside.

Lyvia found her heating pad and turned it to the lowest setting, then lifted the kittens up and placed the heating pad inside. She grabbed a small towel, put it over the heating pad, and then placed the kittens back inside the box. She then picked up the box, carried it to the couch, and set it between the sofa and coffee table.

“Here you go, mama,” she said, lightly tapping the box.

The mama cat walked over to the box, looked inside, then jumped in and started cleaning her kittens.

“Tomorrow, after we bury your kittens, I’m taking you to the vet and having you three looked over. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you there,” she said with a smile.

Lyvia walked over to the door and opened it. She needed to check the box for survivors. With a frown, she went back to the box in the ditch. Lyvia felt each kitten and found them all frozen and not breathing. With a heavy sigh, she walked back to her house.

Out of eight kittens, only two survived the cold. How the mama cat kept them safe for this long was a wonder. Lyvia decided to keep the mama and her babies. But she needs to find a proper name for her; she can’t keep calling her mama.


“They’re so adorable,” Sharissa gushed as she picked up the kitten who’d almost died and cuddled her.

“Her name is Angel. Because she has a guardian angel.” Lyvia smiled.

“So perfect,” Sharissa said as she nuzzled the kitten.

“And this little guy I named Tiger, of course.” Lyvia grinned.

“What did you name the mama?” Sharissa asked as she petted the mama cat.


“Pretty.” Sharissa smiled.

“Well, the hole is dug,” Dustin said as he entered the house.

Lyvia looked up at her friend’s mate and smiled. He was so tall and sexy; her friend was very lucky.

“Thanks,” Lyvia said. “I appreciate it.”

Dustin shrugged. “It’s sad to see the innocent die, and I was happy to help.”

Lyvia and Shar smiled at each other.

Shar gathered the kittens in her arms while Lyvia picked up their mama. The three of them walked to the ditch. Lyvia noticed Dustin had even wrapped the kittens in a cloth and placed them in the hole.

“What should we say?” Shar asked, watching her friend.

Lyvia shrugged. “Rest well, little ones?”

“Good enough for me,” Dustin said with a smile as he started covering the hole with dirt.


Sharissa and Dustin helped Lyvia take Symone and her kittens to the vet.

Symone had something in her hip, and the vet was able to remove it but otherwise gave her a clean bill of health. Tiger and Angel were healthy. And since Lyvia saved the babies, they were warm and happy. A few medications for Symone and some clean bandages, and Lyvia was able to take them home.

“I’m glad they’re okay,” Shar said as she cuddled Angel.

Lyvia smiled at her friend. “I have a feeling you’re going to bond with that kitten.”

Shar smiled at her. “Can I have her when she’s weaned?”

Lyvia tapped her chin as if she had to think about it, then laughed when Shar pouted.

“Of course, you can. Three cats will be a lot for me to take care of. Two will be enough trouble, but at least I’ll have company.”

“You’ll find your mate Lyvia. Just wait,” Shar said with a smile.

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