She’s the Alpha

Chapter 4

I growled, but my growl quickly turned into a gasp as I saw who I ran into. Did I know him?

Not really, but I had a feeling that that wouldn't last long.

"I'm sorry. Didn't see you there," the guy smiled easily, his lips curling around his words in an interesting accent. I was frozen in place. When he really looked at me, he froze too.

"Mate," he muttered. I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," I chanted over and over again. Unlike most girls my age, I didn't want to find my mate. And I definitely didn't want to find it in another soon-to-be-Alpha. They would want me to be Luna, and I wasn't having that. He frowned as he watched me begin to slowly freak out. My hand flew to my chest as I turned away from him.

We have a problem. I need help... I'm on the third floor, I mind linked my father. I would've rather asked my mom for help, but I couldn't mind link her because she was a human. My mate touched my arm. I yanked it back and glared at him.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled. I heard ferocious growling from behind me. My father was there, walking forward. I had to give it to my mate; if he was scared, he was hiding it well.

"Don't touch my daughter," my dad growled, stepping in front of me. My mate gulped before he held out his hand.

"Alpha Elias, I'm Alpha Kulono's son, Kai. I ran into your daughter by accident," he introduced himself. My dad eyed him warily before he shook his hand roughly. Kai handled it well, though.

"The Alpha from Oahu, Hawaii? He brought his son?" my dad asked.

"My father is getting old. I'm taking over for him very soon," Kai explained. My dad puffed his chest slightly as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Kai. I stood behind my father like the baby I was being at the moment.

"What do you want with my daughter?" my dad asked finally. I held my breath, praying to God he wouldn't say it. Of course, I would never be so lucky.

"I just found out that she's my mate," Kai said honestly. I released my breath and glared at him from behind my father. My dad spun to look at me so fast, I thought he would get whiplash. His eyes were wide with shock.

"Kennedy?" he questioned, using my first name. I groaned and threw my head back before I looked at my father again.

"I'm not going with him. I refused to be Luna. I'm no one's foot slut," I rambled. My dad rolled his eyes.

"You're not going to be a foot slut; that's not what being a mate means. Plus... if Kai is your mate, there's nothing you can do to change that," my dad said. I felt my face grow red with anger.

"It's not fair! I worked my ass off. I did everything I was supposed to do. I'm supposed to be Alpha of the Rigor Moon pack. I'm not giving that up; especially not for a stranger!" I yelled. Kai looked hurt and confused. I felt bad for only a split second.

I meant every word I said. There had never been a female Alpha in the history. Well, I was going to be the first. That's why I didn't want a random mate. The gender roles were so stereotypical in the werewolf world; I couldn't stand it.

"Kennedy-Estella Noel Madsen, language," my dad chastised. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms. "Plus, your brother can be Alpha," he added. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Micah is four," I reminded him flatly. My dad only shrugged.

"He'll learn and there's time. I'm not that old yet," my dad said.

"Eli..." my mom said as she walked into the hallway. "If Kennedy doesn't want to be with her mate, you can't force her. Remember what happened last time you tried to make someone stay with their mate?" my mom asked, raising an eyebrow at him. My dad gulped and got really nervous.

"I told you grooming her to be Alpha was a bad idea," my dad muttered before he stopped off, pouting. My mom smiled politely at Kai.

"Hi, Kai. My name is Novalyn," my mom introduced herself. Kai bowed his head in respect.

"Luna," he said.

"You kids have fun," she said. My mom shot me a knowing look before she left.


I sighed before I turned back to look at Kai.

"This isn't going to work," I blurted. Kai took a slow step forward. I took a step back and ended up against the wall. I held my breath to keep from drowning in his intoxicating smell of hibiscus and sea salt. His skin was tanner than most. His jet-black hair was tussled perfectly and ended past his shoulders in waves. His chocolate brown eyes bore into my grey ones. He had high cheekbones and a strong, sharp jawline.

"Kennedy... what a pretty name," he said quietly. My knees buckled at the way his voice curled around my name. I looked at my feet as a blush covered my cheeks. I could tell it was obvious by the way he smirked.

Curse my red hair and pale skin.

If he wanted to play this game, two could play. I smirked back at him and took a step forward. He looked caught off guard. I placed a hand on his chest and took a step towards him. My body was so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I had to restrain myself as his hand went to the small of my back. It was a good thing I was a great actress. I pushed up on my toes and brought my face close to his, purposefully releasing a breath, knowing that my scent would drive him wild.

"Let's get one thing straight: I am soon-to-be Alpha of Rigor Moon pack. That's not going to change," I said with a sweet smile on my face. I could tell I was affecting him as his breathing grew shallow as his hand pulled me closer to him. I pushed up more on my toes and brought my lips to his ear.

"I'm no one's Luna," I whispered before I left. He was so shocked; he was left standing there confused. I took a deep breath of fresh air and receded to my room. Thankfully, Jessie was waiting for me there. I took a breath and threw my arms around him.

"What's wrong?" he asked knowingly. Jessie had been my best friend since we were little. His parents were killed in a rogue attack when he was four years old. My mom took him into our house. We practically grew up together. Jessie was my glue. He was tall with sandy brunette hair and green eyes. He was handsome and he knew it.

"The worst thing that could happen, has," I pouted as I plopped down on the bed. He promptly fell on top of me, but I was in no laughing mood. I hit his back repeatedly. "Roll over Jess," I muttered. He rolled to lay beside me and pulled me into him.

"Well, whatever happened, you'll always be my Kenny," he said, kissing my head. I sighed.

"You're the only one who calls me that," I smiled. This is how it always was with us. No matter what mood I was in, Jessie could make me feel better, even if it was only a little bit. I sighed and cuddled further into him. "I can't wait for this stupid Alpha Conference to be over. They all think they're so God-damn entitled," I breathed. Jessie chuckled.

"You're one of them," Jessie reminded me. I shrugged with a smirk. Jessie propped himself up on his elbow and looked at me. "Hey, cheer up buttercup," Jessie said catching my attention. I sat up and crossed my legs as I took his hand in mine.

"Hey, promise me something," I asked. He sat up fully and held both of my hands. "We don't leave each other, ever, okay? Promise?" I asked in a quiet voice. Jessie smiled sympathetically before he held out his pinkies. I smiled and wrapped my pinkies with his. He kissed the back of his hand.

"Promise," he said.

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