She’s the Alpha

Chapter 25

The next day, I tried walking around town but it was no use. Things were different. Everyone avoided me like the plague. Even my old friends didn't talk to me. The town blamed me for the attack. I knew it was my fault, but I didn't expect everyone to shun me so completely. I only stayed in the house and near the forest for most of my time home. Based on the reaction of the town, I didn't really have a choice.

I was looking out the window when I saw a shape of a person I could never forget. I knew it was probably a figment of my imagination again, but I found myself running after him anyway. It was getting dark but I pushed myself to run faster through the woods.

“Jessie!” I yelled before a branch caught my foot. I fell and hissed in a breath. I felt a hand in my shoulder.

“Shit! Kenny are you okay?” That familiar voice asked. I felt my eyes water as I looked up. In the dark, through my tear-blurred vision, there was Jessie. I touched his cheek with a shaking hand. He was real.

“You’re alive?” I breathed. He sighed before sitting next to me.

“You weren’t supposed to see me. Who told you to go running through the forest like a madwoman?” he said instead. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my tears were released. He part my back gently as he let me cry. I was still in shock that he wasn’t dead.

“I thought you were dead! What happened? How are you alive? I felt you die,” I cried. Jessie released himself from my hold before wiping my tears away.

“After you left, Kai’s wolves came and helped end the fight quickly. They explained to me the plan to get you to Kai. They wanted me to die, and I agreed. They stopped my heart only long enough for the mate bond to break, them they revived me. When your parents found out you were coming back, they made my grave and sent me into hiding for a bit. We thought it would be better if you just believed me to be dead. I know we were impulsive when we decided to become chosen mates. I was wrong. I normally always let you get your way, but you didn’t even really know Kai before you rejected him. He was hurt and desperate. I agreed to let them kill me,” He explained. Kai left Jessie alive. All the blaming I did towards Kai was all on me. I was really the monster in this situation. Kai just let me believe he was the monster. He’s always been protecting me. I felt horrible. Jessie sighed and stood before offering me a hand up. I took it and stood as I tried to calm down.

“I guess there’s no point in me hiding anymore,” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I took a deep breath and tried to dry my face.

“I have to go back,” I said out loud.

“Let’s go then,” Jessie said. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

“No. I have to go back to Kai,” I said. Now that I knew Jessie was alive, all the hate I thought I had towards Kai was gone. After talking with my parents, I took the first flight back to Hawaii. Ten hours later, I was pulling up to Kai’s house. He was standing outside confused. I didn’t tell him I was coming. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I was running. I wrapped my arms around him as I sighed. He hesitated before he hugged me back.

“What’s wrong? What happened? I thought you weren’t coming back for a few more days,” he said confused. I sighed before I pulled back just enough to kiss him.

“I’m sorry. I’ve treated you horribly. You’re not the monster, I am. I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me for what I’ve said to you. And I found out the whole story too late, but I’ll apologize anyway. Because I should’ve been given you a chance all along,” I said, humbling myself. Kai’s face softened before he pulled me back into a hug.

“Finally,” he breathed. I relaxed into his embrace and it felt like I could finally breath. We finally went inside and went to the living room. We sat next to each other and Kai moved a strand of hair out of my face.

“What happened when you went home?” He asked calmly. I sighed and rested my forearms rested again at my legs.

“I ran into Jessie. Why did you let me think you killed him?” I asked. He leaned back against the couch and looked away from me as he blushed.

“You were so dead set on painting me up to be this monster, so I just... let you. I knew if you didn’t, you would blame yourself instead. I didn’t want you to blame yourself,” he explained. I felt the threat of tears prick my eyes, but I didn’t want to cry anymore.

“You were looking out for me,” I said in realization. He stayed quiet.

“You should have said something,” I sighed.

“The way you blamed yourself when you got here... I couldn’t tell you,” he admitted. I found myself hugging him again.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized quietly. He hugged me back tightly.

“I just wanted you to get to know me,” He said. I pulled away and held his face as I kissed him again. My heart thumped as he flipped me into my back. Our kiss deepened as he hovered over me. Knowing everything he did for me behind the curtain, this kiss was long overdo. I was done fighting him, honestly this time. I didn’t belong with my old pack anymore. I wasn’t meant to be an Alpha. I’d finally realized what Kai knew all along: I was meant to be here, next to Kai. I wouldn’t doubt that ever again.

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