She’s the Alpha

Chapter 23

The next week went by with awkward silences as Kai and I tried to avoid each other. I wasn't able to go back home just yet, and I knew it would be some time before I could. Besides Leo, everyone else steered clear of the house. I knew it was probably at Kai's order. I stayed in my room as much as possible to avoid him. On the off chance I ran into him, I would try to keep walking like I never saw him. After trying to think of what to do, I could only come up with one answer.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the door to Kai's room. It took a moment but he finally opened the door. His hair was still damp from his recent shower. He looked surprised to see me, but also a little hopeful. I didn't want to feed into that hope. I couldn't.

"Can we talk?" I asked softly. He nodded and made room for me to enter. He closed the door behind me, but I didn't make a move to get comfortable.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked hesitantly. In truth, we had a lot to talk about and sort out, but I couldn't sort my thoughts at all in this house.

"No matter how much I think about it, I think it would be best if I went home for a while. I'm not going to try to be an Alpha again, and I'm not running away, but part of the reason I hate you is because I associate you with the destruction of my pack. Maybe if I go home, see everything is okay for myself, and spend some time with my family, I'll be able to clear my head and properly organize my thoughts. I need time away from you, and being here is suffocating," I said straightforwardly. He sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed facing me.

"You're parents said that if you go back, it would be as a rogue," he reminded me.

"That's why I need you to talk to them, and explain the situation. You'd probably feel better sending me to a pack than having me roam free. If I roam, I'll go wherever I want. There's no need to shed more innocent blood," I said, taking a swipe at him without even realizing it. I couldn't help being defensive. It came naturally when I was in his presence. He watched me for a moment before he sighed.

"If it's space you need, I can arrange for me to stay elsewhere for a while," he tried to compromise.

"No, what I need is my family. Ever since I got here, I felt as if the earth fell from under my feet. I need something to stabilize on. I need my family and my pack," I argued.

"And you'll come back willingly?" He asked suspiciously. I understood his suspicions and they were justified, but I couldn't run from him forever. I nodded.

"I promise to come back eventually," I agreed.

"I'll give you two weeks. If you're not back by then, I'll come get you myself," he warned. I nodded, fully understanding what he was implying.

“I’ll use this as an opportunity to get Micah back to our parents as well. There’s no reason that he should have to suffer too because of me,” I added. Kai sighed as he nodded.

“Is there anything else?” He asked. I wanted him to give me a reason to forgive him. I wanted him to say anything that would make me not hate him anymore. Because the truth of the matter was that we were mates. There was no getting rid of each other. We were stuck with each other until one of us died, but at the moment, I couldn’t even meet his eyes. My eyes stayed on the ground.

“Can we leave tomorrow?” I asked as an afterthought. He stood before I felt his touch on my arm. I jumped away from him without even thinking about it as my startled eyes went to his face. He hesitated before putting his hand back at his side. His jaw tightened briefly before he calmed down again.

“I’m only giving you two weeks. If there’s nothing else, I’m going to bed,” he said shortly. I got the hint. I left, closing the door behind me. I released a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding as soon as the door clicked back into place. I ran my fingers through my hair as I made my way to Micah’s room. He was jumping on his bed while watching cartoons and giggling.

I was jealous.

I was jealous of his carefree attitude that came with not knowing anything. It made me wish I’d never found out. I was bottling so much regret that I felt like I was going to burst. Micah hopped off of his bed when he saw me. He wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug as I sat on the floor.

“Kenny! Are you going to play with me tomorrow?” He asked. I felt those first tears start again as I hugged him back firmly.

“No Mickey. Tomorrow, we’re going to see mom and dad,” I answered, trying not to sound as hysterical as I felt. Micah pulled out of the hug with a pout.

“But why? It’s fun here. Leo and Kai are nice to me,” he whined.

“You don’t miss mom and dad at all?” I asked, still trying to hold back my own tears. He thought a moment before smiling.

“I miss them. So have them come here instead!” He offered up his solution.

“We have to go home,” I said sternly, my voice cracking at the very end. Micah’s smile fell as he wiped my tears from my cheeks.

“Are you not having fun, Kenny?” He asked seriously. I wished I was as innocent as he was. To anyone, this place was paradise, but to me, it felt like an island prison.

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