She’s the Alpha

Chapter 17

The next day, I accompanied Kai to the morning training. Since they only had it once a week, it wasn't too strenuous. After going the first time and winning against Kai's Beta, he was more inclined to actually letting me participate. Of course, now that everyone knew I was Kai's mate, no one else wanted to spar with me, but Tao already knew so he was happy to be my partner when Kai was busy.

By the time practice was over and we got back to the house, it was still early morning. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast while Kai took his shower. Micah finally came barreling down the stairs with Leo on his heels as I was setting the food on the table.

"Morning boys," I greeted them with a smile as I set the silverware out. Micah reach for me with a boyish grin. I chuckled before sitting him at the table. Leo took a seat as well.

"Whoa, Luna, I didn't know you could cook. You don't seem like the type," Leo said, making small talk as he made himself a plate. I noticeably crinkled at that word.


I still couldn't get used to it. The thing was, I could cook, and I knew how to cook in large portions for a family of wolves, too. My mom taught me when I was younger and I loved watching how happy she would get cooking for everyone so I watched her often. But I never made it known to others if I helped or cooked myself because I hated the stereotype it presented on shewolves. Also my mother was always happy to take the blame if I did decide to cook dinner for everyone. She knew how I felt about it.

"Leo, I'm still just Stella. Please don't call me that. I honestly hate it," I admitted as I set napkins on the table.

"Oh, sorry about that Miss Stella," he apologized. Well at least it was a start. I took a seat as well and started making a plate for Micah.

"What smells so good?" Kai asked as he came to the table. He kissed the top of my head before taking the open seat beside me as I set Micah's plate in front of him.

"Lu-Miss Stella cooked breakfast," Leo answered. Kai raised an eyebrow at me as he grabbed a plate.

"I'm surprised you would subject yourself to do something so typical of a Luna," Kai joked. I glared at him fiercely and shoved his shoulder. I really hated that word.

"And this is why I don't do things like this. Everyone savor this food because I'm never cooking again," I said dramatically. Kai laughed and kissed my hand.

"I'm just kidding, Stella. This is great, truly. Thank you," he said with a content smile. I couldn't help but to smile along with him. He let go of my hand before he began eating.

"And it's delicious too," Kai added.

"Leo said he's taking me fishing today!" Micah exclaimed with a mouth full of eggs. I chuckled and reached over to wipe the corner of my younger brother's mouth.

"Is that so?" I said mostly to entertain Micah's excitement. Micah went on to talk about how he would try to catch a shark as the rest of us ate while listening. Micah was a free spirited and energetic little boy. I was glad to see that all the fighting he saw before we left didn't affect his personality too much. Granted, I tried my best to keep him from seeing most of it. I was just glad that it somewhat worked. No kid should be scarred forever as young as he was.

"What does the Alpha have planned for today?" Leo asked when Micah quieted down to finish eating.

"I'm taking Stella out to learn how to surf," he answered. My eyes widened as I looked at him. This was the first I was hearing of it.

"Who's doing what now?" I asked. Kai burst into laughter at my response. I didn't remember saying anything funny.

"You'll be fine, I promise. You may even come to love it," he said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I set down my fork.

"Do you see my hair? Do you see my translucent skin? Did you see how close to a sunburn I got on that day we only went to the beach for a little while? I will burn to a crisp if I sit out on the water all day," I said. I liked being outdoors back home because it normally involved a lot of shading from trees, and mostly the days were cool. Here, it was like being an ant under the sun's ray of a magnifying glass. I would probably catch on fire. Yes, werewolves healed faster, but that didn't mean we couldn't feel the pain while it lasted. Being as pale as I was, I was the most susceptible to sunburns, and they always lasted longer than any other injury would for me. It sucked. How did I end up in a place that was mostly always sunny year round?

"You'll be fine," he waved it off. I shook my head and leaned back in my chair as my arms crossed over my chest. I know I said I was going to give in more to Kai, but being sunburned was literally the worst for me. Now felt like a good time to be stubborn.

"I'm not going," I pouted childishly. Kai only chuckled as he leaned back in his chair to match my movements.

"All activities here will most likely require you to go outside. You'll have to go out eventually. That's why you can find sunblock at every store. You know that right?" he smirked at me.

"But you didn't even give me time to prepare to be outside all day today. Had I known ahead of time, I may have gone," I explained.

"I just thought it up this morning in the shower," he admitted.

"Well, then it looks like we're staying inside today, then. We can plan a surf lesson another time after I've had a chance to stock up on SPF 1000," I said stubbornly.

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