She’s the Alpha

Chapter 15

Growling pulled me out of my peaceful slumber. Looking down at myself, I was in human form. I must've shifted back in my sleep. I wished I could've at least brought clothes with me; I was completely naked. The blonde wolf that woke me up was hunched slightly. Feeling more than a little fed up with everything that was happening at the moment, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes as I sat up.

"Shift," I commanded. The wolf growled louder before it reluctantly shifted. It was a girl. She was of average height with blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn't look like she was from here either. Like me, she looked like a lost tourist. I stood confidently and waited as she glared at me with a snarl.

"Who are you?" She spat out.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted. She didn't like that very much.

"You shouldn't be here, rogue," she yelled at me. Hearing the word 'rogue' reminded me of my conversation with my mother. I pushed my feelings down temporarily to stare at the girl I was facing at the moment.

"I'm not a rogue," I replied. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right. I can tell just by your smell that you don't belong here. Just wait until my Alpha gets his hands on you," she smirked.

"On the contrary," Kai's voice stopped us, emerging from the trees. He had his hands stuck in his basketball short pockets. His eyes glanced at my body appreciatively before he turned his attention to the girl. I felt a reflexive growl bubble up at the thought of Kai looking at her like he just looked at me, but I choked it back. It was just my imagination getting the best of me. Kai heard the beginnings of my disdain anyway and looked back to me with worry evident all over his face.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," he said to me. I shifted my gaze to the ground as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I've been right at this spot the whole time. I thought about running away, but, you know, it's an island. So I figured I would just stay out of your way since I'm such a disappointment," I muttered. Kai sighed.

"Alpha, with all due respect, I don't understand. Who is she?" the girl butt in. Kai raised an eyebrow at me as the girl watched us confused. I lowered my gaze and took a step back. My heart ached. If I didn't care, it wouldn't have aches. It was worse that I felt this way when I only did it to myself.

"Olivia, this is my mate... Stella," Kai said hesitantly. I felt my heart squeeze even more at the way he said it; like he was stuck with me. Olivia's eyes widened in shock before she bowed in a sign of respect.

"Luna, I apologize. I had no idea," she fumbled. I kept my eyes on the ground. I hated that word...


I kept my mouth shut as I stood there. The awkward tension was thick in the air.

"Liv, you can head back. I got it from here," Kai said to her. She disappeared into the trees and it was just Kai and me left. I huffed out a breath before I leaned against a nearby tree. I didn't want to be the one to talk first. What could I even say? I tried to appear strong, but I was tired of being strong.

"We should talk," Kai sighed. My wild eyes snapped to his.

"Okay, let's talk. You know all I've ever tried to do was be a strong leader for my pack. My whole life has been about being the Alpha, and literally overnight, it's been ripped away from me. That means my whole life just became meaningless. And on top of that I pushed you away in the beginning because I was under the impression that it was for the good of my pack, but now that I actually need..." I stopped as I choked back a sob. I shut my eyes tightly and shook my head as I tried to regain my composure.

"Everything has been ripped away from me. And I must be pretty messed up because even you want nothing to do with me," I admitted hoarsely. Kai sighed and pulled me into his chest. Only then, did I let myself fully breakdown.

"You were so insistent on pushing me away," Kai said quietly. I sniffled and just enjoyed the warmth of his embrace.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I don't know how to change overnight. I want to try to be a proper mate to you," I admitted honestly. Kai took my face in his hands and looked at me gently and lovingly.

"It's about damn time," he breathed before his lips met mine in a gentle kiss. My head began to spin as butterflies attacked my stomach. It was the moment where I expected fireworks. I relaxed into him and just let it happen. I craved more. Each second drew me in. I gripped his forearms as I began getting dizzy from lack of air, but I didn't care enough to stop. Kai pulled away breathlessly as his thumb smoothed over my cheek.

"Can we go home now?" I asked timidly. I seemed to only get shy and timid around Kai, but at this point, I didn't care how I looked or how I was perceived anymore as long as I could keep kissing Kai like that. He smiled gently with a breath as he nodded.

We shifted to our wolves before Kai led the way back to the house. We chased each other playfully the entire way back just enjoying each other's company. The bond I'd been fighting for so long, felt good to finally acknowledge.

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