She’s the Alpha

Chapter 11

I was exhausted after spending the day at the beach. My skin was hot all over and I was drained. Between the sun, walking in the sand, and getting hit repeatedly with waves, even my incredible stamina didn't outlast a simple day at the beach. I was sore for the first time in years. When we finally got back to the house, Micah and Leo ran off together while I dragged myself inside. Before I could reach the stairs, I was scooped up into a cradle. I couldn't ignore the sensation of my fated mate as he carried me up the stairs.

"Why are you so good to me? I don't deserve it," I muttered as I rested my head against his chest. He sighed and continued down the hallway.

"You're my mate, Stella, and I only get one. I'm not going to let you go just because you're being a little stubborn and immature at the moment. If our lifetimes are determined by our worst moments, it would be a pretty miserable life, wouldn't it?" He explained. I nodded quietly in agreement as he carried me into my room.

"Well, here we are," he said, placing me on my bed. I could only stare at him. I wanted to thank him for looking after me, or yell at him out of stubbornness, but I couldn't do either. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, feeling shy for only the second time in my life. Kai hesitated before he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. My watery eyes met his.

"What's wrong? I don't think you've ever been this quiet," he noted. I buried my head in the space between my chest and knees.

"I just feel so guilty... for treating you the way I did. And even so, you're still taking care of me. It's too much. You should at least yell at me, or hate me, or something. You keep acting like this and I don't know what to do," I answered honestly. He chuckled lightly and pat my head.

"Just do what you want, without your guard up all the time. You're safe here," he promised. I launched myself towards him as my arms wrapped around his waist and I buried my head into his abdomen. It was a moment before his hand rested on my head.

"I'm sorry, Kai," I muttered into his shirt.

"Stop apologizing," he said. I couldn't help it though. I felt guilty. I was having fun with Kai while my pack was in turmoil. I still hadn't heard anything from my dad, and that worried me most of all.


I woke when I heard the door creak. I could tell it was early morning, but I wasn't ready to wake up yet. Someone moved quietly through my room and crouched by my bed. When I felt a hand touch my head, I reached up and grabbed the person by their throat before throwing them on the ground, straddling their lap. I let go with a gasp when I felt the sparks running up my arm.

"Kai," I breathed as he coughed. "Why are you sneaking around?" I asked as I got off of him and helped him up.

"I was heading out for morning training soon. I stopped by to check on you," he explained. I sighed before turning the lights on. Looking at the clock, it was only four in the morning. I brushed through my hair and pulled it into a ponytail.

"Don't sneak up on me, ever; not even in my sleep. I'm a light sleeper and defensive by nature. You're lucky I realized it was you in time or you would've been seriously hurt," I said before stepping into the closet and changing into some workout clothes. Kai watched me curiously as I sat on the bed to pull my tennis shoes on.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked. I stood and placed my hands on my hips.

"I'm joining you for morning training, obviously," I answered in a 'duh' tone.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Kai said. I sighed and rolled my eyes before grabbing a light workout jacket.

"I always train with the pack. The name of the pack doesn't really matter. If I get hurt, it's my own damn fault. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a big girl; I can handle myself. I always have, and it's a habit I don't plan on changing anytime soon," I said before I walked down the stairs to the kitchen with Kai following me.

"You're serious," Kai said in realization.

"Lead the way, Alpha," I smirked at him. He grumbled lowly under his breath and walked towards the garage. We got in the Jeep before we drove in silence to the training arena. When we arrived, the place was packed. The Hale Ona Sentinel looked strong and sturdy. I knew training with them would only help my own skills. I also noticed that there weren't any women.

"They're all men," I noted before I hopped out of the Jeep. "Where are the women?" I asked.

"Taking care of the shops, houses, and children," Kai answered easily. I glared at him as we began walking towards the center of the outdoor arena.

"That's sexist," I muttered.

"That's just the way it is," Kai said. The warriors stopped warming up and turned their attention to Kai as they noticed him.

"Morning everyone. I'd like you to meet Stella. She'll be training with us today," Kai introduced me. The crowd snickered, infuriating me. Kai growled slightly. I had to say, I was surprised to hear it since I knew he was against me training as well.

"Quiet!" He growled. My eyes scanned the crowd as they obeyed their Alpha. One particularly big, meaty guy still held a smirk.

"Hey you," I nodded my head towards him. He raised an eyebrow at me as he pointed at himself. "Yeah, you, meathead. Who are you?" I asked. He glared slightly at me.

"Tao... the beta," he answered proudly. I smiled sarcastically as I unzipped my jacket and took it off.

"Good for you. I think I'll fight you first," I said, dropping my smile. He chuckled.

"I'm not fighting a girl," he said defiantly as he crossed his arms. It was my turn to laugh.

"Then you'll lose every time. You don't know how women fight. You're so hesitant that it'll be an obvious weakness. The second you're faced with fighting a 'girl', you'll lose. Now are you going to stay over there like a little bitch, or are you going to spar?" I asked. He growled, insulted, before finally entering the ring.

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