She Is a Ceo by Jorgie Chapman

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 First Sight
“Someone called me.” Theodore murmured Then he took out his phone, deftly clicked the ‘accept’, and pressed the “speaker
“Boy, where are you?” Arthur and Sophie heard a crisp and soft volce from the phone.
“Mom, I am staying with Uncle. I didn’t tell you because you were too busy Don’t worry. He will send me back after a while.”
Theodore lied with an innocent face.
“Welt. Lucia’s knitted brow became slightly smooth again. She was so anxious when hearing that her boy was not in the lounge
Fortunately, he was safe. However, who was the uncle?
*Mom knows you have your own take. But you need to be careful about everything and everyone you confront. Right? Arthur felt
strange about the dulcet female voice. It seemed that something tugged at his heartstrings. “I know, mom. Goodbye.” Theodore
hung up after responding with a lew words sweetly. He then raised up his face and saw that Sophie was looking at him smilingly
“Hey. I don’t know about your name. And who’s your mom? Sophie asked him in a light voice. “My name is Theodore.” Theodore
replied. “Nice name... Sophie didn’t hide her liking for him and asked, “How about your mom?” “The woman with you that day,
humph?” Arthur said coldly. He wasn’t like his mother who was easily influenced.
“Huh?” Theodore tilted his head and explained, “She is my mom’s assistant
It wasn’t she?
Arthur paused and understood why the voice made him feel strange. “My mom is Lucia, Arthur, would you like to meet with her
later?” As soon as Theodore introduced his mother, he seized the opportunity to set him up with his mom. He never forgot his
aim here. “Later? I never say I will send you back Arthur knew Theodore had his own way of “lobbying”, and he wouldn’t get
trapped easily
Perceiving his impatience, Sophie turned and said to Arthur with her eyes squinting, “Arthur, it’s dangerous for such a boy to be
outside alone. You won’t leave him alone, will you?” Arthur was familiar with the “threat” in Sophie’s words, thus he kept silent
and agreed. Sophie smiled with satisfaction because she knew her son had compromised. And she asked Arthur to get some
snacks and chatted with Theodore on the crouch. Whal she asked most was Lucia From the chat, Sophie knew that Theodore
had no idea about his father, and his mother was always single. Arthur must have a relationship with them!

Time passed by quickly. Sophie liked Theodore due to his smartness and tactfulness, but Arthur didn’t play nice to him and
wanted to send him back as soon as possible. Arthur came to his garage with Theodore. Without Sophie’s supervision, Arthur
lowered his head and asked the child next to him before they got in the car, What are you planning? “Arthur, I’ve told you that I
hope you can pretend to be my mom’s boyfriend.” Theodore looked up and replied sincerely, Arthur said nothing. He opened the
back door and put the child into it. Then he sat on the driver’s seat, driving downtown. During this time, Theodore didn’t bother
Arthur but contacted Lucia to take him later. While listening to Theodore’s phone call, Arthur unconsciously raised his eyebrow.
When Lucia got the call, she was still busy. But it was her baby boy coming back, she definitely needed to take him herself
Especially, she also wanted to know who was the uncle because people were sophisticated now. What if he was a scoundrel
who merely looked kind?
There were still ten minutes left before Theodore arrived, but Lucia had waited for him in front of Jibillion Inc. After a while, she
saw a black Rolls-Royce Phantom stop on the side of the road. Lucia threw a glance at it hesitantly But in the next second, she
saw the back door of the car was opened where Theodore got off slowly! “Theedore Ludia raised her voice unintentionally and
came to him smilingly “Warnmy” Theodore rushed towards her and put himself into her arms. After all, he had not stayed with his
mother for a long
Luzlafondly gave Theodore a kiss on his forehead and said softly, I’m so worried about you. Please tell me next time”

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