She Cried Wolf (OLD)

Chapter Part 6

Dedicated to @Leahwhitefang for being my first ever voter!


Cold. I’m freezing. Shivering.

A blanket is placed over my body.

A voice. Jackson’s voice whispering words in my ear.

Hot. Burning hot. Like fire.

A phone rings and the presence disappears.

I kick the blanket off.

A bed. I don’t remember going home.

I gasp. Shoot to a sitting position. The movements are too fast for my body to handle and I get dizzy. The dizziness caused my stomach to churn with nausea. I look around the room frantically when I realize I have no idea where I am. I stand up slowly when I see that I am alone. I place a hand in my stomach and close my eyes until I’m sure I won’t be sick. I take slow steps to the door and twist the handle. It is now that I realize I’m no longer in my school uniform, but a large gray shirt that falls to mid-thigh. I hear the faint sound of voices, so I follow the sound down a hallway and a set of stairs.

I shudder, suddenly cold again, but I keep walking closer to the voices. Once in the doorway to the kitchen, I pause and listen to the conversation. “Officer Daniel said Ashley. But she’s human. I don’t see how it is possible for her to be the lost Principessa Hazel” a voice I don’t know says. “But what if that’s what this is? The shifting process” another voice says. “Daniel will be here in about three days. We will figure it out then. I’m the meantime, Kitten you can come out now” Jackson’s voice says causing me to blush at the fact that he knew I was there. I walk into the kitchen with my head pointed to the ground.

I look up when I hear a growl and see that Jackson’s eyes have darkened to a deep shade of emerald. He stalks towards me and uses his body to shield mine. “Mine” he says in a voice more animal than human. The other two men in the room quickly turn around. “Kitten, you should be in bed” he says softly, now that his eyes have returned to their normal shade of green. “I-I d-didn’t know w-where you went. And I w-was wondering I-if I c-could have s-some w-water?” I stutter quietly. His face softens. “Of course kitten, I’m sorry for leaving. I needed to take a phone call.” He fills a glass with water, hands it to me and leads me to a couch.

He notices my shivering and covers me with a blanket. Before he can say anything else the men from earlier walk out of the kitten. “Alpha, we were just going to get Hannah and Chelsey from school. Do you want us to grab some clothes for Lu-Ashley?” The first man stumbles over his words. Jackson nods before turning to me. “Ash, these are Hunter and Kyle. Two of my closest friends. Chelsey and Hannah are their Girlfriends” I give a small wave, uncomfortable being with people I Don’t know. They greet me back before leaving the house. “I made you some soup, do you think you could eat some for me?”

I ponder it for a minute before nodding “Maybe a little” his smile tells me I made the right choice. He gets up from the couch and heads back into the kitchen. I sip on my water until he returns. At first the smell of the soup makes me queasy, but I manage to steady my stomach enough to take a few bites. I nearly moan at how good it tastes, sad that I won’t be able to eat more of it. Once I can’t eat any more, my eyes get droopy and I lean back into Jackson’s chest. He shifts me so my head is in his lap and I fall asleep as he draws circles on my shoulder.

When I wake again, my stomach is churning. My breathing increases at the sick feeling and my hands grow clammy. I open my eyes and sit up slowly. I’ve alerted Jackson and he looks at me with questioning eyes. I clamp my lips together and he gets the signal. He grabs the trash can that was sitting by the coffee table and I lean over it grabbing the sides, as my stomach empties itself. He holds my hair back and rubs my back as I sit over it heaving and gagging. He gets up and I immediately feel cold with out him. I’m still leaning over the trash can when he returns with a fresh glass of water and a wet washcloth. When I’m finished he hands me the water and I rinse my mouth out. He then takes the can and hands he the washcloth to wipe my face. After he disposed of the bag he comes back and lets me lean on him. “How l-long was I asleep?” I ask him. “Only about 30 minutes” he responds. “I’m sorry” I whisper. “For what kitten?” He asks back but I am already asleep.

Word Count: 866

Nov 19, 2020

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