Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )

Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 266

Chapter 266 

Evelina continued, “My dad’s been ticked off at me these past few days, gave me a few good slaps across the face. Everyone’s steering clear of him, not a soul’s willing to throw a dime at the Hawthome family’s way, to bankroll them with a loan. The Hawthorne family’s really up the creek without a paddle. Mr. Dashiell, I’m begging you, for the sake of the bun in my oven, cut the Hawthorne family some stack, will you? I promise !!! stay on the straight and narrow and bring this baby into the world, shower him with love, and raise him right. You care so much about kids, you surely wouldn’t want this little one to start life without even having a mom around 

Evelina’s one cheek was still swollen from the slap Lizetta landed on her, and on the other cheek, the faint outline of a handprint was visible. 

It looked like Kevin’s handiwork, and she did look genuinely remorseful and pitiful as all get–out. 

Remington’s gaze fell on Evelina’s belly, he nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice. 

“You’d better remember what you said today, and just so we’re clear, my decision is final – there won’t be any more cash infusions for the Hawthome family. But I’ll give you a fighting chance; whether you can pull in any investments is up to fate now.” 

With that, Remington tumed on his heel and left. 

Evelina clenched her fists tight, looking up at his retreating figure with a mix of relief and seething anger. 

The news about the Starlight Group bankrolling the Hawthorne Group and then pulling out had been making the rounds. 

That was supposed to be hush–hush, strictly inside baseball; the fact that it was buzzing all over the business circuit meaned Remington’d got his fingerprints all over it. 

He was broadcasting to everyone that the Hawthome family crossed him, and Kevin’d been hitting brick walls left and right. Bankers and big shots wouldn’t even deign to meet him, let alone talk about investing. 

If Remington didn’t ease up, the Hawthome family’s only out was a dead end. 

To add insult to injury, Evelina’s affair got busted by Lizetta. If Remington got wind of that, he would come down on her even harder. 

Luckily, by throwing herself into the lion’s den today and getting a thrashing from Fiona and Lizetta, she’d managed to stir up a bit of guilt in Remington. 

Now that he was willing to let go, even if investments were hard to come by, the Hawthorne family at least got a breather. 

Evelina wouldn’t just lie down and accept defeat; once she was back on her feet, she was going to make Lizetta thousandfold for her humiliation today! 


back a 

The next day. 

Lizetta had a night flight, so first thing in the morning, she whipped up some tasty treats, packed them up, and went to the hospital with Yolanda

She visited Joseph first, brought him homemade cookies and jerky, and said her goodbyes. 

Joseph clung to her, crying his eyes out for once, but eventually, sniffling, he said, “Liz, don’t worry, I’ll be good and follow the doc’s orders, get better, and then I’ll make my dad send me to Astoria to study. I’ll be there to protect you, Liz.” 

Lizetta stroked his soft hair, feeling tears well up again. 

After leaving Joseph’s room, Lizetta checked in on her brother, gave him a massage, and talked a lot. 

By the time she and Yolanda left the hospital, it was already noon. Yolanda had a stand–in gig in the afternoon and had to head to the set, so they said their goodbyes at the hospital entrance. 

“Was gonna see you off tonight, but Jenny said she’d introduce me to Director Harriet of that fantasy drama today. Not sure if I can make it back in time.” 

Lizetta hugged her, “Don’t miss the chance, you gotta grab it. I don’t need a send–off. I’ve already shipped my big luggage, just got some personal items left. Plus, I gotta come back next month for the divorce papers, so we’ll catch up soon. Just remember to check in on my brother at the hospital for me while I’m gone.” 

Only then did Yolanda nod reluctantly, get in the car, and leave. 

Meanwhile, at the Dashiell Group CEO’s office. 

Remington wrapped up a video conference and was flipping through branch reports, half–listening to Cedric rattling off the afternoon’s 


“Lunch with President Winters of NexGen Technologies, then an afternoon meeting with President Evert.” 

When Cedric fell silent, Remington finally looked up, “That’s it? The meeting shouldn’t take an hour, right?” 

Cedric had been sneakily watching Remington and cautiously broached the subject. 

“Well, there are a few other things on the docket, but they’re not urgent, can be pushed to tomorrow.” 



Chapter 266 

“So?” Remington’s tone was icecold 

Cedric bit the bullet, “Mr. Dashell, Mrs. Dashiell’s flights around eight tonight, looks like shell be heading to the airport soon. Youve va got time to chase after her if you leave now, but any later and you’ll miss your shot‘ 

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