Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 33

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~

“All right. Let’s play, never have I ever then?” Casey held up her bottled beer. Grinning, she added. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!”

Both me and my sister had identical startled expressions. “But ain’t that a drinking game?” My brows rose in challenge. “And as you can see, Riley Jo isn’t drinking because she’s still feeding Gracie, and if I have over two beers, I won’t be getting up at half-four in the morning.”

Tonight. Riley Jo, Casey and I were having a girls’ night out. Casey had been begging for the past month to come out and I’d finally cracked and agreed when she’d told us she had never had girlfriends to hang out with. Riley Jo picked the place, and she’d drove us to the same bar where I’d had my first date with Jackson and Logan.

The bar was full to the brim, but we managed to find ourselves a table and even ordered some food this time.

Casey wasn’t ready to give up. “Okay. So drinking is out. What about we use food instead? They’ll be fetching out our fries any second now.”

Riley Jo laughed. “I plan on eating my fries either way. So how’s ’bout you just ask what you wanna know instead?”

“That could work.” Nodded Casey, tapping a finger to her lips. “Okay, let me think.” There was no missing the twinkle in those grey eyes of hers. “Maddy.” She fixed me with a gaze that I knew was gonna be trouble.

“Are you sleeping with both my brothers...” Wiggling her eyebrows. “At the same time?”

Riley Jo play-shoved Casey, clearly amused. “That’s what all this was about. You just want all the dirty deets, right?”

I looked down at my hands, my face heating from embarrassment, but I knew she was going to ask, eventually. I was just surprised it had taken her this long. Every morning after we finished our first set of chores, we would all meet back at the house for breakfast. When Logan and Jackson were done eating and ready to head back out or Jackson to go to his office, they would both plant a kiss on me. Although quite innocent, no tongues involved of course.

Aunt Jody never batted an eyelid, but Casey, I’d seen her curious side-long glances.

“Yeah, Maddy. Why don’t you tell us?” Now Riley Jo was grinning ear to ear, and I shook my head.

“We share the same bed and that’s all I’m gonna say ’bout that!” I picked up my beer.

“C’mon. You’re no fun,” said Casey with a teasing glint.

I wasn’t ashamed of my relationship or trying to hide it, but I also would not hand out details about our love life freely—that was private and personal.

Although I couldn’t hide my smile thinking back over the last month. Jackson’s recovery was still heading in the right direction, and he no longer got angry or irritated with me or Logan. And none of us spent our nights alone any longer. I slept safely and snuggly between two mighty fine men... not to mention the fun before going to sleep.

“Here you go ladies,” said a server, smiling and setting down our bowls of fries. We all thanked her and as soon as she left, Casey was ready with her next question.

“Okay. Well, how did it all start then? I mean, I can’t get my head around it. Two men wanting to share.”

I plucked a fry. “Aren’t we supposed to take turns in asking questions?”

They both ignored me as my sister turned to Casey, answering for me.

“Oh. They had a reputation of sharing women before Maddy.” I nudged Riley Jo’s leg under the table and tossed her an unfriendly glare. “What!? It’s true. If she asked anyone in Lockwood. They would tell her the same thing!”

My frown deepened. “That might be true. But would you wanna hear ’bout Adams past lovers, hmm?”

The penny dropped. “Oh, yeah.” She bit on her lip, sheepishly. “You’re right. Sorry. I blame my baby hormones. Makes me say crazy shit all the time.” Shuffling in her seat. “Let me rephrase it.”

I didn’t think I was gonna like this any better.

Riley Jo started again. “They may have shared, but from the second they clapped eyes on my sister, they wanted her and all the others were simply just to pass the time till she caught on.”

Casey nodded, dipping her hand into the bowl of fries. “I will say they look smitten—both of them.”

I just hummed, keeping quiet, but Riley Jo hadn’t finished.

“Oh, they’re smitten all right. When we were younger, their eyes used to follow her everywhere.” Riley popped a fry into her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re exaggerating some.”

Riley Jo shook her head. “Trust me, I had the perfect view. The way they looked at you, heck, I thought a couple of times you might go up in flames!”

Casey giggled, lapping up every one of my sister’s words. “I’d even say. They have loved you since the start.”

My heart skipped a beat —maybe two—

She turned to face Casey. “I would even be as bold to add it’s been the same for Maddy here.” Her attention moved back to me. “The three of them were inevitable.”

The more time passed. The more I agreed with that statement.

Casey thought on for a minute, chewing. “I’ve heard the women outnumber the men in Lockwood. So I’m thinking they all must think you’re greedy, snagging not one, but two!”

Riley Jo scoffed. “They can think that all they like. Won’t change nothin’.”

I’d never given it any thought.

“Maddy?” Casey prompted, her grey eyes locked on mine as if she couldn’t wait to find out the answer.

“The only thing I know to be true is I could never pick one over the other.”

I loved them both. That would never change.

“What ’bout getting married and kids? Aren’t you worried y’know down the line?”

Those kinds of thoughts I pushed out of my mind on purpose. I still had to sort out my divorce from Cooper. And although the attorney I’d seen said we could go down the annulment route. It was all still taking time.

“I think Maddy has answered enough questions.”

This time my smile was grateful.

“How about you tell us what’s goin’ on with you and what's his name? Bobby?”

Casey seemed satisfied as she sat back in her chair with her expression changing to a more thoughtful one. “We’re just gonna be friends.”

“Oh? Why?” I asked, hoping Jackson and Logan’s quiet talks with Bobby hadn’t put him off.

“He’s sweet.” Shrugging. “Maybe a little too sweet. There’s just something missing—you know?”

“Ah, so you want yourself a bad boy, right?” asked Riley Jo, nudging Casey playfully with her elbow.

Casey grinned. “What can I say? I like myself a challenge.”

“I’d be careful what you wish for.” Hopefully, my tone had enough warning in it.

Casey popped another fry into her mouth, then announced. “This beer has gone right through me. I’m off to find the little girl’s room!” And she pushed up from the table and toddled off.

“I like her,” said Riley Jo as soon as we were alone. “How’s Jackson treating her now?”

“Oh, he’s warmed up a treat.” He was becoming as protective as Logan, and together they made a menacing pair. “He threatened one of the new cowboys the other day to keep his eyes to himself.”

Riley Jo chuckled. “Protective big brother, huh?”

I nodded. “Between him and Logan, I don’t think she’ll be dating anyone who works at the Ranch unless they’ve vetted them first.”

We sat there, picking at the fries and chatting when we realised Casey hadn’t come back from the restroom.

“You think Casey, alright? She’s takin’ her own sweet time in there?”

Riley Jo looked around, and then her attention dropped to the bowl. “Those fries we left for her will be stone cold.”

I didn’t care about the fries. I was worried something might have happened. The last time I’d gone to the bathroom in this place, I’d been jumped on by Marley Munroe and her two friends. “I’m gonna see if she’s okay.”

I slipped from the table and started toward the restroom. Scanning over faces and cowboy hats. I spotted her.

What in the Sam Hill!?

She was talking to three guys. But only one of them had my stomach reaching for the exit and every anxious nerve kicking up a beat.

Cooper Stanton.

My palms were instantly clammy as I tried to calm my breathing. I hadn’t had an anxiety attack for months now. Last one being when they’d told me Jackson had suffered a bleed on the brain.

A part of me wanted to turn right around. But I couldn’t leave her talking to him. Not now. Not ever!

Swallowing down my unease, I squeezed past people and once I was within reach; I placed a shaky hand on her upper arm. “Casey.”

Her head whipped around and she wore the biggest damned smile, and her eyes were all sparkly.

This wasn’t good. I knew exactly how charming Cooper Stanton could be. He wore it like a coat, taking it off when he was alone with me.

“Maddy,” she said excitedly, bouncing up and down on her toes.

I cut in. “Casey. Your food is gettin’ cold.” Even as I said it, it sounded lame. But it was the best I could come up with when my brain was firing off all kinds of warning signals.

She shook her head, sending shimmering waves through her dark, untied hair. “Oh, I’m not hungry. Meet my new friends.”

Friends. The two men with Cooper were the ones that had tried to pick a fight with Logan and Jackson on our first date and they looked none too pleased to see me either.

I purposely kept my face blank. “I know who they are, Casey.”

In my peripheral vision, I saw Cooper’s gaze gliding over my body with an oil-like slickness.

“Well, look who we have here, boys?”

Turning my head, his gaze slowly climbed back up, and I shuddered. I’d not seen him since that day he turned up at the Ranch and the spite in his eyes told me enough to know he hadn’t forgotten either.

“Oh, so y’all know each other?” Casey’s eyes flicked between the two of us.

I didn’t want to start anything. “Casey. C’mon. Riley Jo wants me to dance and I’ve got two left feet—which means you’re gonna have to dance too!”

Her shoulders sagged a little, and I hated spoiling her fun.

“Cooper here—” She pouted. “—Just asked me to dance.”

And my heart rate spiked. “Casey. Trust me. You don’t want to do that.”

Her head cocked to the side. “Why not?”

“Yeah.” Cooper injected himself. “Tell us why not, Princess?”

He was well aware I hated him calling me that. Gritting my teeth, I forced a smile. “Casey. This was supposed to be a girls’ night out, and what?” I tried my best to sound affronted. “You’re gonna dump us at the first—” I let my eyes slide over Cooper in a none too appreciative way. “—Guy that asks you to dance?”

Casey’s cheeks flushed, and I hated to pull this kind of stunt. But there was no way I was letting him get his hands on her. Not to mention the hissy fit that Jackson and Logan would throw when I told them.

My guilt trip worked as she turned back to Cooper. “Yeah. She’s right. But thanks. Perhaps next time?” she asked hopefully.

Cooper smirked and kept his eyes on me and said. “Oh, there will be a next time, beautiful.” He took her chin between his finger and thumb and I swore Casey let out a soft moan. “I’ll be seeing you real soon.” Eyes back on me. “Count on it.”

I tugged on her arm and he let go, but not before tossing me one of his arrogant smirks.

“C’mon Casey.” We made our way back to the table, and I sat down as Casey plonked her ass down next to my sister, folding her arms in a sulky way.

Riley Jo’s curious eyes flitted between the two of us. “What am I missing here?”

Casey’s eyes lifted to mine. “It was just one dance. That’s all.”

“One dance—with who?” questioned Riley Jo.

“This guy I just met. Cooper.”

Riley Jo’s eyes came back to mine, widening. “Cooper, Cooper!?”

I nodded and her head spun around faster than the character from that exorcist film—which I’d only ever watched once and trust me, once was enough.

“I’m gonna tell you right now, Casey,” she said bluntly. “You stay away from that man. Because I can tell you, Cooper Stanton isn’t just a bad boy, he’s rotten to the core!”

The air chilled, and Casey’s expression morphed into confusion. “Why? What’s he done?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you what he’s—”

I kicked Riley Jo under the table, harder this time, forcing her to pause and twist her head in my direction. “Will you quit that!” she said, allowing me to cut in.

“What my sister here is trying to say is Cooper isn’t a nice man. He hasn’t got a faithful bone in his body, Casey.” I softened my tone. “We’re just looking out for you is all.”

Her eyes dropped. “I wasn’t planning on marrying him.” She looked up. “Are you talking from personal experience—you and him dated?”

I gulped.

“Dated!? If only!” tossed out Riley Jo with a flick of her hair from her shoulder. “Try marrying the lying sack of monkey dung!”

Casey’s eyes went wide. “Come again!?” Before batting between us, like they were playing ping-pong.

This wasn’t a conversation I wanted here, hurling another withering glare at my sister. “Marrying Cooper was a mistake so you can trust me when I say this—he ain’t nothing but trouble.”

Riley Jo chirped in with something else. “There is also that little rule between girlfriends, right?” She nodded in my direction. “You can’t date the ex of your besties.”

Not entirely sure that rule existed outside of fiction, but I nodded, agreeing to anything at this point.

Casey blew out a defeated breath. “Yeah. I heard that and if what you say is true about him, then I’m best keeping away.”

I smiled, feeling like we’d dodged a bullet.

The rest of our night went okay. I couldn’t fully relax but we danced and had a good time until it was time to leave.

“I just need the restroom, then we can shoot off.”

Riley Jo smiled and carried on talking to Casey. Leaving them, I threaded my way through lots of people, purposely keeping my eyes open for Cooper and his asshole friends. I couldn’t see them anywhere and relaxed some.

Coming back out of the restroom, I wasn’t looking where I was going and walked into a wall of chest. “Oops,” I said, looking up. “Sor—” the words died in my mouth when I saw who it was.

“Hey, there, Princess. I thought I might have to come in there after you.”

“You were waiting for me to come out of the restroom?”

My heart exploded into a racing gait.

And if that wasn’t creepy enough. He stepped closer, forcing me to look up. “Excuse me.” I tried to step around him, but he side-stepped and I had to twist on my side to get past him. He closed all space between us and pinned me to the wall, his enormous frame holding me in place.

“What’s the rush?” he asked, running a finger down my bare arm. “What? Am I not allowed to touch my wife? I mean, you are still my wife, right?”

I gulped a great mouthful of air, brushing his hand away, and gritting out. “You lost all rights to touch me. Now please step aside.” I would have tried to push him away, but I didn’t want any part of me touching him, and I wouldn’t have been able to make him move anyhow.

And then I felt a way of nausea when he bent his head closer. One hand moved to my waist, his fingers biting into the denim material of my jeans.

I blinked, my eyes rounding as his lips whispered over my temple. “I think ’bout you all the time.”

Dread sank its teeth into me, and a chilling ripple of fear crept over my body.

I gulped down what I hoped was a mouthful of courage. “I asked you to move.”

His head moved back, and he stared down at me intently. And his thoughts weren’t hidden. They fired up like neon lights with desire and heat.

As well as fear, ice now ran through my blood.

He lifted his hand from my waist and, with a perfectly manicured fingernail, ran it down my cheek and I turned away from his touch. “Are you still untouched, Princess?”

He was asking if I was still a virgin.

“I’m none of your business any longer.”

“Now, that’s where you’re wrong.” He hummed a non-committal sound. “But, now that I just met Casey. She might be the distraction I need to take my mind off you.”

“Leave her alone, Cooper.”

“Why? They took something of mine. Only fair, I take something of theirs.”

I hissed through gritted teeth. “She knows exactly the type of man you are, so I wouldn’t waste your time.”

“Oh, I love myself a challenge.” His eyebrows peaked. “Unless you’re gonna come back home?”

Over my dead body.

My anxiety ratcheted up tenfold as my heart pounded inside my chest and I gasped for air. “Y-y-you stay a-a-way fr—” I tried to say the words, but they kept getting caught in my throat.

His mouth pressed to my ear. “How’s ’bout you get on your knees? I miss that mouth of yours. Sucking my cock was about all you were good at.” His dark chuckle sent prickles of fear all over my body as my breaths got sharper and shorter, gasping now as the music and noise from the bar just became a haze. I couldn’t think straight.

“You better step away from my sister right now!”

Riley Jo’s voice cut through the white noise.

He chuckled again and then his body shifted from mine and I sagged against the wall, sucking in air and pressing my hand hard into my stomach, sure I was gonna eject the beer and fries onto the floor.

“Be seeing you, Princess.”

Small hands gripped my arms. “Maddy. Look at me.”

I lifted my head to greet her worried gaze. “Breathe with me.”

I tried, but the panic had taken hold and fear was squeezing my chest tighter by the second.

Another voice joined us. Casey. “What’s the matter?” I heard her ask. “What happened?”

Gasping, my eyes lifted to the ceiling, wondering...Was I ever gonna be rid of that man?

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