
Chapter • Protect •

“Sorry, I can’t deal with this right now. The girls would be more enraged if we were ever in a relationship together.” I confessed. No matter how much I wanted to be able to experience my first relationship with him. It just didn’t feel right in my mind since the backlash would only grow. There was no possible way of him protecting me from them. Especially not at school.

“Are you saying you would be with me?” He smiled with confidence.

“If the cards were played right, I’m sure it could happen. Since things aren’t going well, I just can’t be involved with you. Not even talk to you. I prefer to live the rest of my high school years without being hated more than I already am.”

“Makes total sense.” He moves out of the door frame and turns around to walk off the porch.

“And you’re just leaving?” I questioned him by his quick exit. Not even a goodbye was in order.

“I can tell I’m unwanted here, you clearly have been saying no. I just need to take a hint.” His eyes are intense and my full attention is his. “It isn’t going to be easy, Rebecca. I have class with you and after that I just think about you the whole day. You don’t think the same and that’s completely fine. I would rather say it instead of regret not saying it. I’ve done that too many times and you’re someone I don’t want slipping from my hands.”

“You fall too easily. I’m not someone to bat an eye for. The things they say about me, you’ll change your mind. I’m sure of it. Those other girls have more experience than I’ll ever have. They’re prettier too.” I try to persuade him.

He shakes his head and steps closer up the patio steps.

“You’ve got it wrong, darling. Those girls aren’t what I want. The beauty of someone is from within. I can tell you’re trying to push me away.” He takes all the steps up to the top of the patio. “Yet, I feel you’re only doing it to save yourself from those girls. You’re letting them defeat your happiness. I say screw that.”

He steps a couple more steps and is face to face with me again. The smell of his musk cologne complimented his appearance. Making him seem less of a boy and more of a man.

“I will protect you. If that’s all you need to be with me, I’ll make it happen. You have nothing to fear but to ask.”

“You can’t protect me. That’s not something you can persuade.”

“You have to just ask.” He said slowly.

“It isn’t possible.” I squint my eyes at him. “You can leave now.” With my arms crossed into each other.

“I guess I’ll see you Friday then. But my offer will stand. If the girls are the issue, you have but you ask. I can protect you. I will protect you.”

“Bye.” I rudely try to close our conversation. Standing for as long as I have began to wear on my ribs.

He looks down as I put my hand to my side to try ease the pain. Then he looks up saddened.

“Bye.” He turns around slowly and he proceeded to follow the steps off the patio and onto the cement pavement leading to the sidewalk. His body showed sadness.

I shut the door and turned around. I look to my right and see the school work.

I stare at it a little bit, contemplating on grabbing it or not.

My hand reached for and I went forward towards the stairs. If anything, I could see if the papers were the same as the ones I received prior.

As I reach the top of step I begin to long for him. My attitude wasn’t justified by my fear of being hurt. Maybe I’m also fearful of being hurt by him. How is it possible someone as gorgeous as him could be have any interest in me.

He may look like a bad boy with his leather jacket and combat boots, but his heart and his soul didn’t speak the same language. Or play the same song.

I get into my room and immediate attend to my desk. My homework assignments and papers sat there neatly. I went through all my assignments for chemistry and didn’t see anything that match. Is it possible my teacher forgot this assignment specifically.

Without a second thought, I add it to the pile of work that needed to be done.

Sitting down did realize the pain from my side but sitting wasn’t all that helpful.

I look at my computer and turn it on. Curious how many more hateful messages I have received today.

I refused to put Facebook on my phone so I didn’t have access to it where ever I went. I didn’t need that constant defeat.

The old computer was turning on slowly, as usual, so I decide to get up and shut my door. Since I felt like a nap was in order and didn’t want anyone to think they had an invitation to watch me sleep. It felt like a good idea to close it.

I crawl into my bed and swallow myself into my soft black blankets and rest my head on my dense black pillow. The pain in my side was at most tranquility since the bed molded to my body.

The bed gave me instant relief and began to feel sleepy. Even though my mind was rushing a bit because of the conversation that happened shortly before. My body was ready to take a much needed nap. It may even clear my head a little bit.

I wake up naturally and with a sigh of refreshment. I didn’t have a dream and normally didn’t, so it felt like time travel to me.

As I sat up on my bed I checked the clock; it’s ten minutes for two-o’clock. I still had plenty of time by myself in this lonely home.

Carefully getting up to not stress my side, I then go to my computer. The monitor was off from lack of attention, but the computer was still on. Notified with a bright green circle light.

The desk chair creaked as I sat in it slowly.

I move the mouse vigorously to awaken the monitor of the computer. Then it was ready for the password. Which is the word book. Nothing encrypted and something that would be too obvious. My brothers have tried to sneak into my computer before and haven’t been able to get in.

My computer proceeded after I entered the password, per usual. Since the computer lacked speed, I needed to wait awhile for it to load and be in working order to open any applications.

I sit and begin to work on one of my assignments. Math class was easiest so I could get as few things done while I waited.

For math, I only needed to complete 2 homework assignments and study in my book. Even though the studying wasn’t completely necessary for my ability. It still broadened my memory of it.

It only took me ten minutes to get an assignment done, which consisted a packet of 4 pages. Just easy formulas that was for refreshment from the year prior. Since we’ve been in school for a few weeks now. No new topics were being conducted just yet.

The computer looked like it needed a bit more time to load so I began the final assignment for math which took the same amount of time.

I made sure to place both of the assignments in my math folder to make sure they were ready for when I arrived back to school.

My computer looked to finally be usable, which only would be confirmed if opening up Facebook would take no more than a mintue. Which it only took a few seconds to load.

Even though my computer lacked speed when loading initially, it wasn’t as slow when on the internet.

When I opened the social media website, I had 10 new messages. A little more than usual. At this point, not surprisingly though.

I opened message and immediately closed my eyes. Not ready to see everything that was sent to me. Then I opened them to see the first few to be expected.

Brittany: Can’t believe you tried to get Misty in trouble. Good thing ugly people never win!

Frank: Who do you think you are? You could never take down Misty. She should have ruined your face, may have helped you look better. (With laughing emojis).

Misty: When you show your face back at school, expect a warm welcome. From my foot. (Laughing emojis). Maybe I’ll break a rib this time.

The fact that she did break my rib and didn’t know it. That didn’t sit well inside me. Sending massive amounts of painful butterflies through me.

Link: Consider yourself dead of Friday.

Malcolm: Friday you’re dead beat Becca!! Dead Beat Becca!!

Mindy: Can’t believe you could take down Misty! You’re dead when you come back to school!

Olivia: What makes you think Tony even likes you back! You’re literally a piece of shit!

If only she knew.

Tim: Dead Beat Becca!!! Friday!!

Cynthia: Friday- Dead Beat Becca!!


My eyes shocked and widened.

Tony: I meant everything I said, I will protect you. I receive an invite for an event at school. It shows Misty has plans to beat you up when you com back to school. You tell me to leave you alone but I can’t let her hurt you. I need you to tell me. I need you to let me protect you. I understand you’re scared and I would be as well if I were in your shoes.

He enlisted his phone number.

Tony: Please call me when you have returned to school. I need you to let me protect you.

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