
Chapter • Land •

“Well. I guess since were talking about it I can just tell you. I don’t think you’ll get too traumatized.” He grinned. “Or at least I hope you don’t.”

He turned his body toward me. One foot hung off the bed as the other one was angeled on the bed.

“When I read Artois’ journals, he was talking about the baby. The one that had been stillborn. Art talked to the neighboring ladies, specifically the ones that helped Arielle give birth. He had this deep desire to figure out what happened. Though he didn’t straight up ask them though.

“Art needed help talking care of the new child. Since Arielle was no longer there, feeding the baby became very difficult. Luckily, one of the ladies had just given birth around the same time as her and offered to feed his baby too. Since she knew what had happened to his wife and the first baby. He would hangout with the ladies more often, since they grouped together normally. Asking them about their lives and what made them discover this place and make it become their new home. The lady who offered her milk, Igna, she and her husband travelled from the north. They despised the cold and was told that moving south would be warmer all year. That was enough for them to leave.

“Another lady, Grace Lou, moved from England with her immediate family. Simply; she found love in New York and wanted to be away from all the people. Similarly, her and her significant other wanted warmer weather. All of the ladies wanted more desirable weather in the end. The only problem they faced was not wanting others to travel in their land. They collectively wanted people to stay away unless they were friends or family. None else. They welcomed them because Arielle was expecting and didn’t want to turn away a heavily pregnant woman. If that hadn’t been the case, they would have been forced to leave.”

“They would have loved this place then. Considering, you know.” I added.

Tony looked at me. A blank expression, I wasnt understanding why.

“I dont think you’re getting the bigger picture, sweetie. Covington is this town. You know that, right?” He looked concerned of my lack of puzzle solving.

“Oh. Wait?” I adjusted myself to sit all the way on the bed. “Your home, it was that land? And this mansion was his home?”

“Now you’re catching along. The mansion was only a simple house when built. The front room is the original, minus the second floor ceilings. They were simply shorter back then. Also, the office and bathrooms were originally just bedrooms.

“Back to the journal though. Art agreed that he would fancy a land such as that. He described their expression to be, wicked and knowledgeful. Deep down, he knew that his first born son had something to do with this plan of theirs. Art had mentally paniced even before being told the specifics, his instincts knew exactly what happened.

“The ladies told Art, that they were all witches. To his disbelief, he never would have guessed. They lived normal lives such as he. When growing up, he was told that red hair was the devil’s workers. And the color of their hair was the only visible sign of their link to hell. Obviously, not true. Back then, how would anyone know who was talented in those crafts. Crafts that was through bloodline and inherited. Not genetic hair color. Besides that. He tried his best not to want to kill all the ladies. Before even getting told why his first didn’t survive, he absolutely knew. Art wanted to cry, had they just travelled further north. He would still have had his baby, his wife. Yet these women felt it was their duty to steal a life for their cause. For their spell.

“They confided in him and told him what happened, since his facial expressions were calm and simple. Though inside he was raged, already planning their deaths. The witches said that as Arielle was giving birth, they were helping her give birth. But, A few of the others were at home calling a spell. Linking the baby to the land and using his life as a shield. They didn't understand most of the spell but continued either way. After everything was finished, it ended showing that it was only for their family’s protection. The witches and their husbands were not protected unless they were friends with them or being sensed as a non-threat. They made sure that their husband’s created friendship with Art by helping him finished his home. Bonding while helping build and finish what they had started. Just so their husbands could still leave and catch food or gather things. Which worked. The ladies had to reason to leave. Plus after Arielle lost her baby, they lost their friendship which in turn lost their link. Since she was so depressed and didn’t have a true connection to her emotions anymore. Her connection to the land was much stronger. It even began making new crops unable to grow. The seeds would sit, inactive. Forcing the men to gather all the food from outside the land that they called home. Since animals couldn’t walk into their land either.

“Art listened to them talk and talk. The witches even told Art that after Arielle killed herself, that parts of the land died. The trees unable to grow, dry, and falling apart. Since the land is connected through bloodline, when one family member dies part of the land does as well. That’s why most of the land looks dead now and some doesnt. After Art was finished with them, he had to plan on what to do. He found all of them a threat. So he figure, when that the men would be unable to arrive back onto the land. Art continued the next day as normal. Acting as if nothing was wrong. Since the baby was almost a year old, he had no problem seeing the ladies disappear as well. That next day after being told the truth, the ladies were on his door steps. Begging for forgiveness and asking for him to allow the men to come back home. He told the ladies that they either leave or consider themselves dead. Art was a large man and could easily kill them. He didn't understand what the ladies were capable of but they would easily starve since they wouldn’t be able to feed themselves once supplies emptied. Which he told them so they knew what to expect. After continually begging, Art hadnt changed his mind. He explained that he couldn’t forgive their selfish act, his only mercy was them being able to leave. If not, it was nicer to let them starve. Giving them a choice until they died on their own.

“After 4 hungry days, they were not found. He visited them every day to see when they would leave. Each of those days he kept getting asked for forgiveness. While doing so, he stayed quiet and hadn’t change his mind. The fourth day, they grabbed as much belongings as they could carry and were off back to their husbands and of course hadn’t returned. The whole journal was is much deeper detail. In conclusion, he found out what had happened and was happy to have the land to themselves. Him and his son. They were able to leave and enter the land freely, since that was only their land. Since Art was much older, his feelings dominated the land. Since young children usually find everyone a friend until their instinct says otherwise or unless proven guilty. Which was a good thing since Art found everyone a threat because he was so angry with first born and wife being gone. He didn’t trust anyone at that point.”

Tony took both of his legs forward off the bed and went to the bookcase some feet away. He grabbed the very journal that he was describing. In sight, it isnt very big. The story though, was one that was probably so indescribable. He was holding the book and flipping the pages quickly. Feeling the pages in his fingers.

“Woah. This very land.” Incredibly speechless. I wasnt sure what to say.

“When I read the journal I thought the same thing. My parents told us if we ever want to know our history, we have to read it. They only told simple stories. None that held deep value about our family. My mom’s history is way different. When you start that book I gave you, you need to let me know. The journal holds more knowledge, probably more knowledge you should know.” He shoved the book back in the space it had been previously.

“That means Anxillion, he has more control of the access of this land?”

“Yes. Then my father. After him my sister. Then I am last. My mother would follow us. Bloodline is first. If I ever had children, or my sister. They would be placed ahead our mother.”

Tony sat back down but much closer to me.

“What happens if one family member hates another?” I asked him.

“Well, the older person in the bloodline would have the say unfortunately.” He shrugged. “So if my sister and I hated eachother, I wouldn’t be allowed here and neither would you. Unless she liked you. Even if Anxillion or my dad didnt have a problem with me. I wouldnt be allowed on the land. The land would prevent it.”

“Is there anyone in the family that doesnt like one another?” He laughed at my question.

“Rebecca, that’s a pretty personal question. But yes, sadly. Anxillion isn’t a huge fan of my mother. Part of the reason we left to Tennessee was because she couldn’t access the land anymore. My father didn’t have a great time with that.”

“Well, I can imagine. It has to be useful sometimes, right?”

“Definitely, but more so in the past. Present day, it’s an added bonus but it’s something we need. No one is enough to cause threat. If they did, we have other..” His eyes intensified. “I’m curious. Has anything scared you thus far? About my family? The property?”

“Honestly, it’s suprising. Am I scared, not anymore. The one thing I want to know now is what you were going to finish saying and what did you do to Misty. Which I’m sure will be a hit or miss.”

He gulped hard on his own saliva. As if what he was going to tell me might make me want to never see him again. Deep down, I almost wanted it to. Because I dont think I’ll ever want to get away from him. His family’s history has only drawn me in more. Just like all the books I had on my bookshelf. Practically preparing me for this moment.

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