
Chapter • Appearance •

“Which class do you have next?” Alexis asked me after the bell rang to get out of the first class and on to the next one. I took my chemistry book and began placing it in my backpack. Forcefully pushing folders, spiral notebooks, and another large book out of the way.

“I have math class next, how about you?”

“Oh, wow. Which classroom number?” She started to get excited.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I just know where the room is at this point.”

“Well, I guess we’re just going to have to see if we have math together too. How awesome would that be if we did? I can’t imagine liking anyone else at this school.”

“I was about to say the same. Thing.” I said with brilliant excitement.

She clapped her hands in a very girly way. She then picked up her hand bag and slid her arm through the large strapped handles. Settling the straps right on her shoulder. As she did that she reminded me of Paris Hilton, but in a very badass kind of way. She then grabbed her chemistry book and folder. She carried a red gel pen that had a clip on it, which she then clipped it to her already low shirt. Revealing even more cleavage from the gravity of the pen against her shirt.

The red pen brought more attention to her full hung breast and it was hard not to look myself. When we walked side by side of eachother. I felt unstoppable and incredibly confident. Even though all the guys, even girls, were majorly gawking at Alexis. I still could feel people giving me the second look after and then looking away. As if I was attractive by association.

My math class stood all the way down the other end of the hall. Making it feel like we were both walking the catwalk, instead of was the school’s hallway. I could literally feel the wind in my hair somehow. As if there was wind. Then Alexis stopped.

“My locker is right here, I have to grab my math class things. Wanna wait with me while I snatch them really quick?” She asked in a way that almost didn’t sound like a question.

“Of course.” I said.

“Awesome.” She smiled.

I couldn’t believe how quickly this happened. Not only that, how easy it was pretending. Even though at the same time, I felt liberated being in her presence. I could only wish to be as confidence as she was herself.

I looked around and everyone was clearly talking about her. The staring eyes probably felt good on her. Then a blonde girl comes up to us and gives me a wicked look and goes to Alexis’ side.

“Umm, who is this?” She said snarky.

“Anastasia, this is Becca! Becca, this is my older sister. She’s a junior.” We glanced at eachother and I wore a proud friendly smile.

Her face eased up, but not by much.

“Hey. Becca.”

Anastasia turned her head back to Alexis. She whispered.

“We aren’t here to make friends, you know that right?”

Bingo. She said soemthing I could use in the future. Since she didn’t say it quietly enough.

“Don’t worry. I know. She’s cool though.” Alexis closed her locker and turned back around towards me. “Plus, I’ve not seen anyone dressed so amazingly. I can tell you’ll be fun to hangout with.” She smiled.

At that moment. I could tell she wasn’t the leader of the sister. Anastasia is.

Anastasia had similar colored hair as Alexis. The same brightness of highlights but it didn’t carry any lowlights. It was long and looked naturally very wavy. She wore a glossy nude lipgloss with fake lashes. If they weren’t fake, they had to be god given lashes because they were incredibly full and long. She wore a mini dress and revealed her curvy legs. She wasn’t as slender as Alexis or Amelia, but the curves flattered her body. Similarly to my mom. The mini dress had short sleeves and was a bright red. Which covered all of her cleavage yet showed all of her collarbones. Revealing a beautiful ruby gem necklace with a thin chain. The heels she had one were similar to Alexis, yet in a color red that matched as her dress. She also had a very adorable button nose and her cheek bones rose higher than both of her sisters.

In my opinion, she still wasn’t the most attractive out of the bunch. Anastasia is close second, but her mean-mugging face made her look extremely unapproachable. Leaving an after tast of bitchy in your mouth. She also didn’t just look at me that way, she looked that way at every person she saw walking down the hall or staring our way. Making people quickly look a completely different direction.

“Okay, whatever. As long as we get together after school as see what’s going on in this town.” She then looked at me. “You.”

“What’s up?” I said cheerfully. Pretending as if her mean looking face didn’t bother me.

“You can show us around town, right?”

Both of the sisters stared at me intensively until answered.

“I’ll have to ask my mom, but I can’t imagine that being a problem.” I smiled. Deep down, I really didn’t know how my mom would make of it. She either was going to be okay with it or completely shut down the answer and say no.

“Okay. We need to see the town. We just moved here and we want to get to know the area.” Anastasia forced a smile. It didn’t appear to be genuine whatsoever. Her face showed her every emotion. Even if she tried not to.

“Sweet.” She turned slightly to her sister. “Alright, we gotta go to class. Also, quit bugging me. I want to enjoy my first day here. Your vibes are ruining it.”

“Pshh, whatever.” She walked off the other way towards the side we had just walked from. As she walked down the hallway, every student looked away intuitively. As if their eyes weren’t welcomed and they knew it without knowing it.

“Alright. Let’s go to room 213.” Off we went down the hallway. It was only a few classrooms down from her locker. Though, it wasn’t the same classroom as mine. It was the one right beside it. Which in my eyes was still as good.

“This one is my classroom.” I point to the door that sat only a few feet to the left away from the classroom that she needed to go into.

“Oh, rats. I guess it couldn’t have been all perfect.” She handed me her school belongs and then proceeded to reach in her purse while she still had it wrapped around her shoulder. She quickly shuffled through the belonging and took out her phone. “Let me have your phone number. We could text through out the day.”

Her hands were ready with the phone in her hand. The case was black. Almost the same as mine, yet hers was customized with black bedazzled jewels. It looked incredibly sparkly and expensive. Mine was just a rubber case and didn’t shine or glitter the way hers did.

“Sure.” I said my phone number and she typed it into her phone. After a few added typing after I had finished the number. I then heard a buzz in my backpack. She looked at me as I could tell she heard it as well.

“Alright. I expect a text back from you.”

“Okay.” I smiled and then we both separated into our classes.

My seat was in the back of the classroom which was going to make this class easier to text in. The thing that bothered me was that I also needed to listen in this class. Even though I was good at math, I hadn’t gone to in awhile and I’m sure if I didn’t try to keep up I was going to be behind.

“Becca. Surprised to see you here.” My math teacher singled me out as I entered the room. He was a young guy but wasn’t at all attractive. His balloon like body made him one of the most laughed at teachers. His nickname was Mr.Balloon. Which always made me forget his actual teacher name, Mr.Ballinger.

“I have the assignments from when I was suspended.” I headed to his desk and did my best to take out the assignments without making a mess. When I reached for the folder, the large Math book fell out instantly making a huge thump noise. Awakening the whole classes attention to the front of the room. One of the students spoke out.

“Did I just hear Mr. Balloon pop?”

The whole class bursed into incredible laughter. I looked around then back at the book. I didn’t say anything but quickly bent over to pick my book back up. When I stood back up, the students were still laughing and the teacher looked disappointed and defeated. I understood his emotions, almost too well. Yet, I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to be constantly laughed at the way he did. I only understood the part about being judged about appearance.

I wanted to give him sympathy, but I couldn’t speak. All I could do was take the assignments out of my folder and just hand them to him as quickly as possible. He took them as his eyes gazed to mine. They appeared to be so depressed. His double chin made him look jolly, but he was no jolly soul.

I turned away from him and quickly settled to my seat in the back. Everyone was still joking among one another about how funny the joke was. I didn’t laugh, not even a little.

“Settle down everyone.” Mr. Ballinger raised his voice, trying to speak louder than the noise level of the classroom’s laughter. It wasn’t loud enough or with much pressure to make the students settle.

“I said, settle down!” At that moment he yelled so loud that all the students stopped talking and looked right at him. I’m sure that Alexis was probably wondering what was going on in this room. I was curious how she would have reacted if we did have the same classroom. I was glad that we didn’t have the same class. Since I felt deep down, that she would have laughed as well.

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