Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 392

Chapter 0392 ~Sylvester~ Bh The conversation between the two bothered me. Vino was scared, and this woman still told him to hang in there.

Did she know the repercussions of her behaviour at all? "Are you crazy?" Vino said to her.

"Do you know what has happened?" He added, and she was silent.

"Sylvester is now the King. The actual King. The council has no power anymore. We are just advisers now. If Sylvester catches us, we have no saving grace. He can do as he pleases with us, Amy. No one would question him. No one will fight him. We are finished.

Thanks to you, every ally of ours is

behind bars or in hiding.

I need to know who this manisand understand why he is doing this," Vino said, and she shook her head.

"Trust me," Amanda said, and Vino exclaimed.

"Trust you? Only a blind idiot would trust you. You destroy everything you touch. You ruin the people you claim to love for personal reasons. Only a fool will trust you." He said, and she stepped back. I guess his words hurt her feelings.

"What would have been your gain in all this?" Vino finally asked her.

"I have played this repeatedly in my mind since my brother became King. I saw your pattern and goal, and I kept asking myself what would have been

I your gain in all this, and I could not think of anything. I could not see it, Amy. Tell me," Vino asked her the —— same question that plagued my mind.

"He promised me something I never imagined I would have, Vin. It improved my aspirations and gave me a purpose," She said, and I waited for her to tell him what she was promised.

"I thought I would be lord, and you will be a lady. Something David got on a platter. I wonder why my mother thought to recruit me and not David," he said, and she shook her head.

"He needed you, Vin. You are a Volkov and can be King. He was going to rule through you, making me queen. David was already married," she said, and I

wondered how anyone would want to rule through a king. It simply means there will be a body higher than the King.

"He wanted to make me King and you queen, yet we answer to him?" Vin said, hearing the real plan for what seemed like the first time.

""He does not have royal blood, so people won't accept him. You, on the other hand, are a Volkov, so it is normal that you would ascend the throne on his behalf. Then you were to give him some power that superseded yours so he could rule by proxy," She explained, and Vino staggered backwards and sat on his couch.

"And what made him think I would willingly do that?" Vino asked.

"You will, Vin. You are loyal like that.

ry a BO Sere ea Besides, only a fool will cross him." She said, and he bowed his head.

"'So it was just as I thought," he said and looked at Amanda.

"Twas a tool all along, and you knew it.

Yet you pretended to care for me, love me and even got pregnant by me. You are sick, just like my mother. I see why she liked you very much," he said, and I'heard Amanda sobbing.

"Do not belittle my love, Vin. I care about you a lot. I got pregnant, so I won't lose you," she said, and he shook his head.

"That is not true, Amy. You got pregnant so you will have something to blackmail and control me with like you blackmailed and controlled Leo." Vino said, figuring her reasons out on his own, and he sipped his drink.

"I, Vino Lawrence Volkov, reject you..." he said, and she screamed before he could finish it.

"No, please, Vin. Refrain from making hasty decisions. Think of our future," She pleaded with him.

"We have no future, Amy. Sylvester will soon catch us, and that will be it.

Since you have decided to protect your mentor with everything, it is best I let you walk this path alone," he said, giving up on her. He must have come there to convince her to surrender so their sentencing would be mild.

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