Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 369

Chapter 0369 "I think she did," I said, and Linda shook her head.

"No, Tamia, she is incapable of love," She argued, and I shook my head.

"On the contrary. She is capable of it, and it is the dangerous kind. Being pregnant while planning an uprising isn't easy, but she wanted to tie herself to the man. That was why she transferred her bond and got pregnant by him too. She did it all to keep him.

Call it what you must, but it is an act of desperation. A way of holding on to something you believe might slip away.

If anything, I believe he is using her," I said, and Avery asked me to elaborate; I told them the same things I said to Sylvester, and they understood that

I aspect.

"Well, she is out of our reach now," Linda said, and I shook my head.

"Not really. I have a Kappa on her trail.

I did not want her out of sight, so I' had someone watch her from the moment she left." I said, and Linda beamed at me.

"Brilliant," She said happily, and I nodded.

"How did you know to do that?" Avery I asked, and I smiled.

"Her weird conversation with Annika, the fact that she gave me the drive instead of Leo and that every one was uneasy about releasing her. It was enough for me to double-check. I needed to make sure," I said, and Avery smiled.

"Very well. Send reinforcements and have them drag her ass back here," Avery said, and I shook my head at the same time Linda said no.

"Why not?" Avery asked, and Linda spoke before me.

"The snake is home free; she is bound to slip up," She said, and I chuckled because Linda was right.

"Think of it this way: She believes she has fooled everyone and is free. She will try to meet her lover or mate, whatever the douchebag is to her. Once she does, we will know who he is and catch him.

If what Tamia suspects about their relationship is true, then to him, she is dispensable. If we catch her, he would just go into hiding, and she might be too stupid to want to give him up.

We need her to reach out to him and then go for both of them together," she said, and I smiled at Linda because she understood why I had not moved to arrest Amanda.

"Then send that Kappa reinforcements. It wasn't difficult for Liam to know he was being followed," Avery pointed out, and I nodded.

"We had amateurs following him because of the impromptu situation; in his case, he knew he had been made, and his associates were also hunting him. It is a different scenario, but I will send Levi for good measure. They are good at their job," I said.

Just then, my phone rang, and Wilson was on the line. I answered immediately.

"Your Majesty," he said, addressing

I me by my future title, and I could not believe it had happened. Everything seemed unreal, but it had happened, and that is where we are now.

"Yes, Wilson," I said.

"Amanda Richford checked into a hotel in Cain, and Jacob Mikhailov just joined her," He said, and I was on alert.

"Send reinforcement to the Kappa. I want a minute-by-minute detailing of their meeting, discussions and behaviour towards each other, now," I said.

"Okay, I will have the Kappa contact you after their meeting. I will also deploy two men there." He said.

"No, send Levi," I said and hung up.

"So?" Avery asked, eager to hear what was happening.

"Amanda is in Cain, and Jacob Mikhailov just joined her at the hotel." "Do you think he is the one?" Avery asked eagerly, and I shook my head.

"Tam not sure. I doubt he it, but we could never tell. The Kappa on her has been asked to stay on her and watch them. If they end up fucking, then we will move in on the bastard. If not, we will wait for them to finish the meeting, and when they are far apart, arrest the bastard. We do not want him roaming about the place freely." I said, and they agreed.

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