Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

The Dark Side Of Fate 03 A Moment To Ponder (Book 3)


I was yet to wrap my head around what I had just heard. I sat on the couch, trying to make sense of

everything. Beta Mike had gone on a mission with Alpha Thompson. That was what Sophia insinuated,

so why the murder? I remembered how he looked when he came from the back of his house. He had

just showered, and he seemed a bit uneasy. What could have come over Mike to make him do this?

I now understood why Sophia’s mother said I couldn’t help them. I sat on the chair, clueless and

confused. I should be celebrating by now, and Sophia should be with me; instead, there was a shadow

of gloom over me.

“You’ll be alright, Li,” I heard Harper’s voice in my head. I turned towards her, and her eyes were misty

where she stood next to Lilly. Eleanor was in tears, too, and Gemma was consoling her.

How could my life take a turn in one night?

“It gets better, Liam,” My Grandmother said, and I looked at her and shook my head.

“I never got to say goodbye or tell her how I feel. I never got the chance,” I said, and she nodded and

came to sit beside me on the couch.

“As cruel as this may sound, you should be grateful. We cannot be associated with that family. A

serious crime has been committed, and Head Alpha Christian would hunt for them. Right now, their

lives are forfeit,” My Grandmother said and sniffled.

“Poor Sophia, such a gentle soul. How unfortunate is she to have such a father. Whatever the issue

might have been, Mike should have thought of the well-being of his family and not acted foolishly, and

now, he has destroyed their lives. His wife and child will remain in hiding for the rest of their lives. They

have to live in perpetual fear for the rest of their lives. They will always be fugitives,” My Grandmother


“How are you sure he did it. Did they ask the Gamma and Delta?” I asked, hoping that somehow they

were mistaken and Mike was innocent.

“No, son,” Grandpa Jake said. There was heavy sorrow in his voice.

“The Delta and Gamma are out searching for him right now. They will have to report to the head alpha

later this evening. We are lucky Mike said you did not come by his house. It means you won’t need to

answer questions, and the royal family’s name won’t be near this mess.” My grandfather said, and I

figured that was the reason Mike lied. But someone that lied to protect my name would not do

something as heinous as murder the alpha and his family. Something was wrong.

“I do not think he did it,” I said with a low whisper, and Grandpa Jake sat beside me and rubbed my

back gently.

“I wished things went differently between Sophia and you, Liam. She is great. I can understand your

desire to believe his innocence, but he isn’t. His fur was in the murder scene, His nails, fur and claw

marks in their wounds. They are still investigating. But all the evidence point to him. There was no one

else there with them. He killed them and fled the scene, then instructed his wife to run away with their

daughter while he tied up loose ends. He followed maybe shortly after he encountered you. You have

to let it go, Liam, and move on. Your father was your age when his father made his girlfriend leave and

seize communication. He was heartbroken for a while. No one knew he would ever settle down, but

now, it is as if that never happened. I know you will get over this,” He said, and I shook my head.

“Sophia is my friend…” I said, and Harper’s phone began to ring. I knew it was her phone because we

had the same ringtone as me, and my phone was out of business.

I looked at her, and the look on her face gave away who it was. It was either our father or mother. Most

likely our mother. It made me nervous, and my stomach churned. Soon Harper walked to me and

handed me the phone.

“It’s Mom,” She said, and I took it reluctantly, knowing that my Grandmother must have told her what

had happened.

“Hello,” I said, and I heard a sigh at the other end.

“Liam, where did you go last night? Everyone was worried about you,” she asked, and I was

speechless. How could I tell her my whereabouts without bringing up Sophia’s father?

“I am fine. I just got excited and decided to go hunting all night,” I lied and looked at my Grandmother,

who had a look of disappointment on her face.

“I heard you went to Beta Mike’s house. You did not know how scared I was when I learned what he

had done. I was afraid that he might have hurt you, Liam. You shouldn’t go off like that. Never go

anywhere without Marvin, Oliver and Miles. They aren’t just your cousins but your team and future

officers,” she said, and I was silent. It was clear there was no point lying anyway.

“How are you feeling,” she finally asked, and I did not know how to answer the question. Everyone was

there. It was as if my problem had become everyone’s business.

“Do you mind if I call you back, Mom?” I asked her, and she sighed.

“I know you need a moment. Call me soon. Love you,” she said, and we hung up.

My mother was cool like that. She knew when to give us space, and I appreciate her for it. I handed the

phone to Harper and got off the couch.

“Where are you going?” My Grandmother asked.

“Out; I needed some air,” I said, looking at everyone around.

“I am coming with you,” Mile said, and I nodded. It was okay to have him come along.

“Me too,” Marvin said, and I did not need to guess whether Oliver would be coming.

We left the house, and Miles suggested we go hunting to take my mind off what had happened. But

how could I forget it when yesterday would have been an excellent day for me. The thought of never

seeing Sophie again was harsh, and I could not accept it. I did not want my grandparents to know my

plans because they would freak out.

We got to the woods, and I did not feel like shifting. Alex had not said a word to me, so I knew he

needed his minute. We were attached to Sophia, and she was always there. I could not believe that

ripping her away from my life could be as easy as this. I had never felt so powerless in my life. Growing

up, I believed I could have anything and do anything I wanted. What had happened had shown me my

limitation, and they were painful.

I had heard the story about Susan and my father several times, but that wasn’t Sophia and me. I

couldn’t let that happen to us. My grandfather caused my father’s limitations, but I knew my father

would not hinder me.

The dirt on the Maguires was too much to wash off.

I wondered if it were possible to find a way to have them pardon Sophia and her mother while they

hunted for Mike to explain himself.

I also knew it was wishful thinking because my family would not get involved unless it became a

general problem involving all regions.

I leaned against a tree and ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration.

Sophia’s voice over the phone played in my mind. She was afraid. I couldn’t just sit back and let this

happen to her. I needed to do something, and I needed to do it quickly.

As much as I hated to admit it. There were just two people I knew that could get involved with the

matter regardless of the consequence, and they weren’t in Grizlo.

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